RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Saojun (Full Version)

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MapleStoryFTW -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Saojun (7/19/2008 13:14:03)

Hi. I guess from your username that you play MapleStory?

Congratz on the AK![:)]

Are you used to it yet?

What part of the forums do you go on?
AQ/DF/MQ Boards, and occasionally the OOC Room and the Gallery...

Do you like any movies?
LotR, Star Wars...

Do you like green eggs and ham?
Green eggs and ham? I'll have to look for those then.

Do you play AQ or MQ?
I play both AQ and MQ.

Do you play other games like Roblox, Runescape, Club Penguin, Maplestory or Pokemon Indigo?

I guess that is all.

Again congrats on the archknight status!

Thanks and see you around [:)]!

The Game -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Saojun (7/19/2008 13:14:04)

Hello Saojun!
Hi TG!

Having fun with your new buttons?
Yep. [:)]

Be sure to have as much fun as possible at the expense of others. :)
Lol... I don't think I'm that bad... [:)]

See you on IRC as well!

nickster_tm -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Saojun (7/19/2008 13:31:30)

hello there :P
Hi nickster!

how's life?
Life's quite hectic right now... But its manageable.

done something cool today?
No. I'm not that cool.

done something uncool today :P
Not really.

how is your dragon doing?
It's eating and sleeping almost all the time.

And what did you call it? :D
Resolve (Yeah... It's so un-draconic... :P)


I'll see you around I think!

Hope to see you soon!

Bye now

cya later


bye bye

hastala vista (or something like that :P)
See you around too!

Captain Graarg -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Saojun (7/19/2008 15:18:15)

Hi Captain Graarg!

Twilly? Twig? or Zorbak?
Twilly's fun to punt. [:)]

Fav DF, MQ, and AQ NPC?
Lady Celestia.

wut is your fav monster? In all games

What is your Favorite color?



(above) which do you like more between them?
Pie, of course. I'm not that good at math.

DF ID# (i want to see your house)
It's under my avvy.

9818362- Do you like my house?
It's better than mine.

Favorite food?

cAN u R3aD FnkEE t3XT?
(translation: can you read funky text?)

Wut is your fav smiley? [sm=flowers.gif]
Don't exactly have one. Maybe [:)]?

Evil or Ebil?
I'm good...

R U Funny?
No, but I appreciate good jokes.

Am i annoying?

R you sure.......

Thought so.

What animal are you an the Chinese Zodiak?

No I am not Chinese......
I thought so...

Finish the next sentence:___

Hello, my name is Saojun. My favorite moglin is Twilly and my fav NPC is Lady Celestia. I am a Snake on the Chinese Zodiak. I believe i am funny? and Captain Graarg is not annoying. ???, I canread funky text. My DF ID# is under my avatar. Craarg's House is better than mine. I prefer pie than pi. My favorite smiley is [:)]. My favorite color is blue. My favorite monster is dragons. I choose Pie from Pi and Pie. My favorite food is Pizza.

Thanks and see you around too!

Saint Kilda -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Saojun (7/20/2008 2:45:22)

*Shouts* SAOJUN!!
Hi Saint Kilda!


Doom... Cos Destiny's kinda cliched.

How many items of the Scavenger things do you have??
Just Sierlex

What grade are you in?

Do you like that number?
I'm in tertiary education...

What's a pseudonym??
Pseudonym = a fictitious name used by an author to conceal his or her identity; pen name.

Do you like things to go BOOM or BOOOM??
As long as they blow up... It doesn't really matter to me. Although bigger explosions are better. :)

Coldfang -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Saojun (7/20/2008 2:55:23)

IM BACK!!! hehehehee
Hi again!

and i have come with more questions before![:)]
More questions? That's good... I hope.

so if there was ONE waffle left in the world and it was the most delicious one and they couldn't make anymore...would you choose the waffle or the left sock O.o
Waffle... Cos the left sock ain't rare yet. :P

do undeads break dance?
If their necromancer master orders them to. :P

did ash get mad when you became an ArchKnight?

did you laugh at him for trying to fight you
*blink* No.

did you punt him of the game o.O?
I'd rather punt Twilly.

hehehe and there are more questions coming soon[:)][:D]
See you around. [:)]

puffmonk -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Saojun (7/20/2008 7:08:00)

ok i got onnnnne last question, here it is, its coming to you, well its not much of a question more than a reward thing

ok so congratz on ak again, as a reward for being awesome AE would like to award you with a grand prize of 1 billion dollars and infinite girlfriends
Money (but I'll donate it back)... Cos I'm not good with girls.

ok i lied maybe a few more

ever seen montey python and the holy grail?
Yes... A bit.

if yes, where did you get them coconuts from?
I didn't notice that... Must watch it again.

if no, then youmust watch it nao before i get seppy to come pwns u
Watched it... Watching it again.

starshooter124 -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Saojun (7/20/2008 11:37:15)

Hello Saojun! its me Starshooter124.
Hi Star the Vampire. :)

Are you a haha AK or a ***** AK?
What does the censored stuff mean?

Are you nice?

Are you a hobo?
o.O Hobo and me don't really fit...

Do you know me at all?
Not really. But I've seen you around.

Do you like vampires?

Will you be mah friend?
Sure. [:)]

That's all. Good luck!
Thanks for stopping by! [:)]

~Star the vampire~

Sir Lunis -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Saojun (7/21/2008 10:40:23)

howdy saujon.
Hi sniper46800!

what does saujon mean and where did you ge it from?
It's just my name... It doesn't have much of a special meaning.

what is your favorite food?

which of the AE games do you like the most?
DF, but I still play AQ and MQ.

Who do you favor more cysero or artix?
Cysero and Artix...

Do you like pie or cake the most?
Pie and cake? I like both equally!

are you a republican, a democrat, an independant, or a loyal bushy?
Independent. But I support Obama over McCain.

what is your favorite color?

are you a strict mod or a mod with a sense of humor or in between?
I'd say I'm more of the in between sort.


See you around! [:)]

Dragonlord C -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Saojun (7/21/2008 10:49:11)

hello saojun,
Hi Dragonlord C!

Do or die

fly or pie

fart or heart

smiles or tiles

doom or destiny

twilly or zorbak

dragon or dragonslayer

chicken or beef

pork or beef

pork or chicken
Pork. :P

do u like coldplay!
Yes... Maybe I should buy another album or two of their albums...

Lex Libris -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Saojun (7/21/2008 14:59:36)

Hey Saojun
Hi Lex!

Congratulations on being an AK

I only have a couple of questions

Have you seen the Japanese movie Battle Royale and/or Battle Royale 2?
Battle Royale? *goes off to check* Yes.

Bacon or Ham?

Is it peanut butter jelly time?
I don't eat peanut butter much...

Is the cake a lie?
I thought that's only in Portal?

That's all. [:D]
Congrats again on being an AK!!!
Thanks again! [:)]

Ryuichi Apakoh -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Saojun (7/21/2008 17:48:36)

Hi, nice job becoming a AK.

I also see you play cabal, Cabal fans unite!
Cabal fans unite!

Do you have arch nemesis?

If so, who?
Nobody in particular.

Do you drink/smoke?
No. Cos they're bad for my health if consumed excessively.

Coffee, but tea is nice too.

Breakfast, cos I seldom eat lunch due to my school schedule.


Do you think any AE members are a bit creepy? o.o
Not really. :)

Anyways, have a good time being an ArchKnight!

*Plays Hero Music*

May your power plumish your enemys! n.n
Thanks again! [:)]

Crimino -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Saojun (7/21/2008 18:32:18)

Hi Saojun and congrats
Hi Crimino! Thanks!

I have a couple of questions.
Ask away!

How do you like your new AKship?
It's tough, but fun. :)

When alac asked you to become an AK were you like [:-]?
Kind of.

Do you like moglin cake?
Cake and Moglin don't go well together IMO.

If so which moglin?
Twilly... I guess.

DF or DF?
D(ragon)F(able) FTW!

Ok thats it for me. Have fun with the new DOOM buttons!
Thanks again and see you around! [:)]

ShyTails -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Saojun (7/21/2008 22:16:03)

great...another AK![:@]Just kidding! good job!Really![;)][:D]

are there any benefits in doing this job?
Not much...

how long have you been on DF and it's forums?
Around a year... I guess.

What time of day are you normally here?
Night to early morning EST...

what is your credit card number?(don't answer that.)
That's not for me to say. Besides, I don't have a credit card (yet).

mestregc -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Saojun (7/22/2008 3:28:28)

Well,I'm sorry for don't posting before.
It's okay.

1-Whats your favorite game other than AE games?
Cabal Online (But I play the local version for my region)

2-Do you play grand chase?
Not really.

3-Do you play(or just plaid) runescape?
Used to play.

4-If you play GC(grand chase),do you know why the USA's grand chase is blocked for brazilians?
Because the US version's not licensed to include Brazilians.

5-If you plaid(or play) runescape,what set did(or do) you used(or use)?
Rune... I guess.

6-Well,congrats on your AKing,I'm waiting my time(to be one AK to)! Wait me!
We'll see in time...

7-Why do you got to be AK of just DF GD(I haven't seem if you got to be AK in others)?If you got to be AK on others,which ones?
Just DF GD. Cos I won't be able to cope much with other boards, I guess...

8-Just congrats and good luck(it seems to be not easy task being an AK)!
Thanks again! [:)]

Robin. S. Firedrake -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Saojun (7/22/2008 9:06:19)

Hi Robin!

*Tosses chocolate chip cookie to you*

Seen me around the forums?
Sometimes. But not much due to timezone differences.

What did you do to earn an AKship?
Help out in small ways.

Think i might be able to earn an AKship? (I think i may need to stop doing bad stuff)
If you follow the rules, help out and such, I think you could.

Chilli, garlic and wasabi!

Is there any possibly conceivable way that you could somehow like dragons as much as me?
That's a possibility, though you're better.

Wizard type: Lunaramancer, Noctomancer, Nightomancer?!? (For some good darkness wizards in my book. I really need help there)
Just go with the good old Necromancer...

More tea? *Picks up teapot ready to pour you some*

AKship incredibly awesome?

Do you know or have you ever used an end post signature?
Not yet.

Well i guess that's all i got... Catch! *Tosses My ultimate seal of uber AK approval*
Thanks for the seal!

~Robin S. Questiondrake.

santalover123 -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Saojun (7/23/2008 8:19:14)

happyy birthday
Thanks, though my birthday's far off.

does u like pie '

aq or df or mq or aqw?
DF, then AQ and MQ, though I haven't played AQW yet.

Draconian Rogue -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Saojun (7/23/2008 8:34:07)

Did You Start as a Member or Got To Archknight At Once?
No. I had a Helpful.

Do You Like Punting Twilly?
Yes, but it's not good to keep punting him too much.

Faolin -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Saojun (7/23/2008 23:26:29)

What it do Saojun.
Hi Faolin!

Congrats on being AKed.

Pie or cake?
Both pie and cake.

Cat or dog?

Music or painting?

Dragon or Wyvern?

dun7 u h8 it w3n ppl t4lk leik dis? Cause I sure do.
It gets annoying when used in excess.

Favorite band/genre of music?

Do you play an instrument?

What is the square root of this line of text?

Why is AE the best?
Because they value their members.

What color is YOUR pie?
Pies had color?

Jeans or shorts?

What is the antithesis of green?

What is a kitten squared?
Many kittens... I guess.

And now, to escape the dungeon, you must solve this algebra equation:

I'm not thatgood at math. :P

Alright, I'm done. Have fun locking threads AKing!
Thanks for stopping by! [:)]


PhantomBlitz -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Saojun (7/24/2008 2:43:27)

Hi again, Saojun!
Hi again, PhantomBlitz!

Don't you think l'm a little late on this post?
Yes... A little.

You didn't expect me to come back again, did you? :P

What is your third and current favorite weapon in DF now?
Hmm... Besides my Dragon Head Knives and Independence, I'll have to say my DTBoD.

What kind of music do you like the most?
Rock music.

Ok, I won't pester you with anymore questions. o.O See you around!
See you around too! [:)]

Saojun -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Saojun (7/24/2008 9:10:37)

Phew... Finally caught up with all the questions at last.
My thanks to everyone who posted.
See you guys around the forums and have fun playing DF! [:)]

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