RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Saojun (Full Version)

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Suuichi -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Saojun (7/9/2008 11:46:58)

Heya Saojun!
Hi Suuichi.

Congrats on AKship and stuff.

Now for the questions! >:D

1. Omelette, Scrambled, or Sunny Side Up?
Sunny Side Up.. Though I like them all :)

2. Which came first, the chicken or the egg?
Chicken... I think.

3. How do you pronounce your name? I say it Sow-jun.
o.O Even my parents call me that...

4. Why haven't I ever seen you?
Timezones? Although I have seen your posts.

5. Who abducted you, Reens or Alac?

6. Whose cells are next to yours?
THAT I'll have to ask Alac.

7. What shape are your shackles?
Do shackles have different shapes? I guess mine are heavy metal balls chained to my hands and feet.

8. What color are your shackles?
Does invisible count?

10. Anything else I should know about your shackles?
Well... Mine are kinda non-existent (and lightweight)... :P

11. What kind of art do you like?
Not abstract art. I'll never understand that one. Other than that, I'm okay with most kinds of art.

12. Do you like random questions or straight forward questions?
Straight forward questions... With random answers.

13. Did you notice there was no number 9?
Cos it's below the 13? I noticed.

9. How many elephants does it take to hit a golf ball on a Tuesday when seven gorillas are in a pink tutu flying above the atmoshpere and the salmon are flopping around in the bathtub with blellow crayons?
That I don't know...

14. Anything else I should ask you?
That's up to you.

15. I'm bored. You?
Bored? Not really.

16. Did you expect a "Woot!" from me for being first post on page 3? Because I don't do "Woots!"

17. Ummm....I'm out of questions. Are you out of answers yet?
Not really.

18. Thought of one. As far as spelling goes, favorite or favourite? I use favorite, personally. And on that note, color or colour? I use color.
American English or British English? I'm fine with both... Although I use favorite and color.

Well, I tihnk that is enough torture for one question session. ^_^ Congrats once again and I look forward to seeing you on IRC,
Thanks again and see you on IRC too. :)


Coldfang -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Saojun (7/9/2008 11:50:26)

well congratz agaiin but i have been wondering some questions....
Thanks again.

did cysero give you back your left sock?!?!?!
No. Cos I didn't ask. [:(]

is it pretty cool being an AK?
Cool? Being an AK = Cool? I didn't know that...

cinnamon toast crunch or fuit loops?:P
Cinnamon... I guess.

jamesg -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Saojun (7/9/2008 12:23:40)

*gives sleepy eye*,"sup",*falls to the floor, Z's float from head*

=Eragon= -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Saojun (7/9/2008 12:41:37)

How exactly did you become/apply for an Arcknight?
When the mods get you. :P

When you do become one can you contact the main AE staff?
Through the mods and IRC.

yopomo -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Saojun (7/9/2008 12:54:35)

gratz sojun

wanna play war craft?
Not much time due to real-life commitments.

if you do i will send a pm to you

whats 1337 mean?

do you eat chicke face your cat mouth from a dog?lol im crazy some time

sorry for mah pointless question and agin gratz
Thanks again.

good day to you sir or mam

Necromander -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Saojun (7/9/2008 15:18:12)


Who does all your base belong to?
Myself? Alac? You?

Ever Falcon Punched someone? (I have. They fell down but it didn't hurt.)

If AE had unlimited resources and made another game, what would you make it about?
That's for the game staff to decide.


What is the most massive mistake you've ever made?
Not reading a thread before deleting it. That and/or failing my exams.

Ever had any pets?
My parents used to own a dog.

Favorite type of Dance? (Mine is teh Kirbeh! (>")> <("<) (^")> <("^) (^"^)! )
I'm not that into dance. But dance is nice.

Ever edited Wikipedia?

Favorite Comic? (Mine's Calvin and Hobbes.)
I don't have any particular favorites. Wait... Does manga count?

Favorite Game EVER?
No particular favorite at the moment.

If you had super powers what would they be. (Mine would be Time Manipulation and Forced Combustion a.k.a making stuff go boom.)
Super power? Haven't thought about that yet.

Whats your favorite thing you've read on the forums.
No particular favorite thing.

If you could stay one age (Physically speaking) for an average human lifespan, what would that age be?
18? But everyone has to age...

Read Books? Have a favorite one?
Lord of the Rings?

Does the Name Saojun mean anything? It sounds kinda like something from an Asian Language.
Not exactly... It's my name though.

Want some Pie? Its Rhubarb! It used to be cherry, but, you know... ;~;
Rhubarb Pie? No thanks then...

Bye, hope to see you around GD. *snugglehuggleFalconPunchle*
See you around [:)]

Corrupted Paladin -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Saojun (7/9/2008 15:36:16)

Heeeyy! *Snugglepounceshugglessmooches*
Hi. [:)]

Congratulations on an AK for DF GD!

Have a pet? What is her/his name?
I don't own a pet now. My parents did... Til it passed on.

Cool! So, what do you think inspired Alac to AK you?
I dunno. Friendliness? DF Knowledge? Care to ask Alac?

Press my red button, please? What happened?
I don't think i shall press it...

Awwww... Planet Smshozokayadootomo in the Galaxy Shmiztortyungmopol was suppose to explode! (Credit to DragonMaster V)

So, favorite color?
Blue. But it got taken, so I'm stuck with purple. :P

Favorite AE game:
H. All of The Above
H. All of The Above.

Bob or Frank?

Joe or Billy?

Jim or Bobby?

Favorite armor OTHER than Rogue?

Do you like the Nerfed than Buffed again Necro armor?
It's still a good armor.

Weren't you an AK in AQGD 'r sometin'?

You like my sig?
Your sig got munched... *sweatdrop*

If you do thank "A Twisted Thought".

Do you like my gallery? I do'nt I'm not too good at Digital art... :(
Well... I don't even have a gallery... So I'm worse at it than you.

That's all of you torcher questions for today!

See you around. [:)]

Dooooom!!! -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Saojun (7/9/2008 16:40:05)

hi and congrats...

erm...... i dunno what to put ATM



me shnugglehacclebugglewugs Dooooom!!!

I like cats. [:)]
ooh i know do you like how i spell weapon? \ /

WEpawns!!!!!! (weapons)
Argh... My eyes... They burn...

good luck, congrats and bibi
Thanks again!

Sinf -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Saojun (7/9/2008 18:10:12)

Hey^.^(typing this on a ipod, so I may have a few typos[8D])
Hi Sinf! I see no typos...

Gratz on AKship :D
Thanks. [:D]

Favorite tv show?
Favorite tv show? I don't watch tv much. Does anime count?

How does it feel to be an AK?
Tiring, but fun.

Do you also get tired of reading 1337?
Yes... Especially if it's been overused.

Cookies?! o.O
Virtual or real? Free cookies! Yum!

Well, cya around^.^
See you around too!

forcemaster101 -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Saojun (7/9/2008 18:39:55)

Hey congrats on the Ak title

Ready to play 20 questions...jk i'll make your job easy and post only 5
Thanks for going easy on me.

1) Are you familar with Star Wars?

2) If you answered yes to Q1 than which is your favorite Jedi?
Yoda. Because he was a great mentor.

3) Cake or Fruit?
FruitCake. :)

4) Do you play any sports, if yes what sport?
Used to play... Now I don't. Why? School and work.

5) Whats your favorite AE game or minigame?
DF. Although I also play AQ and MQ.

Thats it and congrats again on becoming a AK.
Thanks again. [:)]

bob.builder -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Saojun (7/9/2008 18:50:13)

HAH! I knew this would happen. I can see the future. Anyway, Congratz on your AK-ship, Saojun!

1) Where does your name come from? (forum)
My real name. :P

2) AQ, DF, MQ, or AQW (Favorite)
DF. Though I play all of them.

3) AQ Clan?

4) MQ House? (Favorite if you have one in all three)

5) Chickencows?
I still haven't found a CCA yet.

6) Cowchickens?
Aren't they chickencows or they're another species altogether?

7) If someone snugglepounces you, what would you do?
Snugglepounce them back.

9) Star Wars?
I like it, but LoTR is better IMO.

10) Where did number 8 go?
Below the 10?

8) Here it is!

11) That is all. See you on the forums!
See you around [:)]

Solin -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Saojun (7/9/2008 21:43:31)

Gratz on the AKship!

1. With great power comes shiny buttons!
You forgot about great responsibility.

2. WarCraft, StarCraft, DotA or Cabal?

3. Favorite DF Quest?
Hmm... Sepulchure (I like losing once in a while) and the Wind Orb Drakath ones.

4. MQ quest?
The Labyrinth

5. AQ quest?
Vince's Maze

6. DF Armor? (Aside from rougue)

7. Weapon?
Dragon Head Knives

8. What type of music do you listen to?

9. Cats or Dogs?

10. Chickencows or Cowchickens?
Aren't they the same?

I guess that's all the torturequestions I have in me today...

Once again, gratz!
Thanks again!

Gundisalvus -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Saojun (7/9/2008 22:00:29)

FEAR ME! Or not, whatever works best for you. But, after seeing my questions you will probaly be afraid.
Yoda: Fear is the path to the Dark Side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering...

1.What is the largest known object in the Universe?

2.Whats your favorite food/color/book?
Pizza/Blue/Lord of the Rings

3.Do you know who Drizzt Do'Urden is?

4.How about Sho Minamoto?

5.What is the numerical value for Zetta?

6.Please list what poisons you are immune against. That will help me in the future.
Virtual poisons? Immunity to almost all. Real-life? I'm not too sure.

7.Which do you prefer, Mario or Sonic?

8.How is like being an AK? Does it drive you MAD WITH THE POWERZ?
No. Cos I have a decent enough sense of responsibility.

9.Sorry I couldn't resist saying that. Now on to the next question, are you good, bad, or Ebil?

10.Did questions 1, 5, or 6 freak you out?

11.Do you think ~L is cool?
I'm not sure if your definition of cool and mine differ. But he's cool.

12.If you were given one superpower... what would you NOT want it to be?
I haven't exactly thought about it yet.

13.Are you distracted by shiny things? This will also be useful to me in the future.
Not really.

14.Which do you like best, AQ, DF, or MQ?

15.Who do you think would win, Twilly or Ash?

16.Did you get the reference in Question 11?
Death Note?

Congratulations on becoming a AK! I can wait to Replace you with a robot, which I will use to control the forums.
see you on the forums.
Same to you [:)]!


P.S:I was kidding with the whole robot replacement thing. Or was I?
Robots can't replace humas entirely. At least not yet.

P.S.S:Since I now know that Alac owns your soul, do you know how much she would be willing to sell it for?
How should I know the market price for a soul? Ask Alac. :P

P.S.S.S:Thanks for answering my questions, your awnsers were amusing.(and I mean that in a good way)
Thanks again!

Grixus Faldor -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Saojun (7/10/2008 0:03:25)


I think we've met before...
On the forums? I guess so.

So how's the cell, got your own deluxe cell or are you in the one crammed with other AKs.... about 1, 000 or more... heh Cysero's magic really works :D.
More like everyone's crammed together... But there's enough space for everyone.
You said it, not me. :P

Do you like your new interface?
It's not much of a change from the old, but I like it.

Well thanks and congratulations.

¬¬¬James Lu¬¬¬

demonic_miss -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Saojun (7/10/2008 1:01:25)


I've never seen u u ever post in DFGD?

Do u read Harry Potter?

If so up to what book/have u finished them?
The Half-Blood Prince.

I dunno. Austin?

Whats 1337?

Batman,superman,or Spiderman

Why are there mostly men superheros?
Gender inequality and stereotyping... I suppose.

How long have u played AE games/been on the forums?
Quite a few years... For the forums, you can check my profile.

How old are u?

Do u ever use ur sig?cuz iv never seen an AK post they're sig..
Not really...

Anyway gratz on AKnessship

See you around. [:)]

The Ultima DeathKnight -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Saojun (7/10/2008 1:15:31)

Hi... [:)]

Congrats to becoming a AK

What do you do when you arent being all AKish
Schoolwork, play games... Normal stuff.

How do you feel now that you are an AK
Not much difference before and after AKship...

and idk if i can ask but how did you become an AK
Ask Alac? She AKed me... My soul is hers... :P

Rynkar -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Saojun (7/10/2008 2:20:12)

Hi Rynkar!

since you and Brilliancy are cell mates aks have you developed relations?
If you're referring to that kind of relations... No... Sorry to disappoint. :P

why don't have your own avvy?
I've since changed it.

what does being an AK feel like?
Tough, hard and fun.

do you like my Sig?
It's a nice siggy. [:)]

simply the best -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Saojun (7/10/2008 3:42:28)

Just one question

how do you become an Archknight?
If the admins/mods think you're worthy enoughto be an AK through your postings and behavior, they'll AK you.
But don't expect it or ask for it. Power-hunger puts people off. [:)]

Ok thanks[:D]

RazerClaw -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Saojun (7/10/2008 12:51:58)

Hiya SaoJun.
Hi RazerClaw.

Just quick questions.

Good Or Evil Or EBIL?
GOOD!!! Lol... I'm not that good.


If so what kind?
Chocolate? Coffee? Vanilla? I like them all. :P

Who would you like to be your mentor in this game if you had a choice?
I dunno...

I Like cake do you?
Sure do.

How was your reaction when you got the invite to be a AK. You.........
A) Screamed like a girl
B) You Smacked your self in the face.
C) You got lost in a vortex of Nothing.
D) None of the above (If you chose this you either had no reaction or you went o.0)
/me facepalms self. So B. :P

Lol are these questions pointless?

If so well sorry couldnt think of anything.
It's okay, no need to feel sorry about it. [:)]

Anyways congratz on being an AK. Oh yeah dont kill me on this one but CHICKEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol i just wanted to say that.
Thanks. Chicken? o.O

James Piglet -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Saojun (7/10/2008 12:55:02)

Hi saojun
Hi James.

1.If you were to win a award what would it be for?
Slacking off during school... I guess. :P

2.Who is your favourite AK? (other than yourself)
They're all my favorites.

3.Who is your favourite normal member? (like your freinds who you used to or still do talk to)
All my friends of course.

4.Do you feel alot more presure now if you make a mistake?
Hmm? Yes. were did you get it from?
My own name?

6.How long have you played the 3/4 games (if you play AQW)
AQ: Quite a few years.
DF: 1 year or so.
MQ: Since it was released.

7.what does it mean to you to be an AK?
Trust and responsibility.

8.Am i your freind?
Yes... If you consider it that way.

9.good luck and hope to see you around!

drakehello -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Saojun (7/10/2008 12:58:00)

Hi MR. Archknight

1. Have you ever played the age of empires series?
Used to.

2. Do you like DRAGONS!

3. Is the cake really a lie?
That's only in Portal.

4. how about the cookies?
Virtual cookies?

5. Can i haz a cheezeburger?
Real or virtual? Sure... If you can find me.

6. Where does Alac Keep your SOUL?
How'd I know? Ask her...

Cguy -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Saojun (7/10/2008 14:17:42)

Hi Saojun, congrats on the AK
Hi Cguy and thanks for the congratz.

1-Favourite mythical creature/monster?(in an AE game)

2-Favourite DF weapon?
Dragon Head Knives

3-AQ, DF, MQ or the new AQW?

4-Are you liking my questions?[:D](although they're not very original)
I'm okay with them.

5-Favourite food?
Pizza, pie, cake, ice cream... And all the bad stuff. :P

6-Could y' put in a good word for me with the other Archknights, *nudge nudge*?[:D]
I'll try, but no guarantees...

7-Do you like cake? I like cake-and of course pie... mmmmm.... pie
Very much.

8-Have the other Archknights chained you up, and force you to answer silly questions asked by people on the internet you don't know???
I thought the mods did those? Nah...

9-Would you consider joining Cysero's Defenders?(see my sig, although link doesnt work[>:])
I would (but I'll be very inactive)... But I don't have enough DCs for the weapon...

10-The answer to life, the universe and everything?(your gonna say 42, right?)
Since you said so, 42 it is. :P

I'm done, and again congrats on the [made up word]Archknightyness[/made up word]. See ya!
Thanks again. See you around. [:)]

nolraitru -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Saojun (7/10/2008 15:58:34)

o.O A fellow cellmate AK!

Once more I would like to heave a hearty congrats towards you. Watch out, it's heavy. D:
Thanks... Owch... It's seriously heavy. Especially with the shackles. :)

So yes, I'm only the third AK to get here, usually it's faster than that.
Cos the others got to it on IRC?

SO on to the questions:

What is your name? (This isn't retorical, I promise)
My name? Sao Jun. Seriously... *sweatdrops*

What is your quest?

What is the average air speed velocity of an unlaiden swallow?
That I dunno.

Why do I always get the Monty Python questions first?
Because you're a Monty Python fan?

Do you know who Monty Python is?
Not really...

Favourite Saturday morning cartoon show? (From any time period)
I don't usually watch Saturday morning cartoons...

How are the shackkles holding up? Mine got loose fast because of all the art I do ;]
Hmm? I tend to ignore mine. Yours get loose fast cos of art? Cool.

Anyway, I'll leave you to more important questions, because I have the ability to ask these whenever I feel like it :D
Sure thing.

Congrats again!
Thanks again! :D

N Zero -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Saojun (7/10/2008 16:36:13)

Hello, I am N Zero and this conversation may be recorded.
Hi N Zero!

1. Do you know who I am? If not, tis ok.
Not really. Who are you? Pleased to meet you though. :)

2. Do you consider yourself an Edgemaster of DF?

3. If you don't know what I'm talking about in #2, want me to explain it, via PM?
If you want to.

4. Do you belong to any guilds in the AE Forums?
No... Should I?

5. What element is your Dragon? If you have one...

6. Are you a fan of the SoulCalibur Series?
SoulCalibur? I've heard of it... Though I haven't played it. Should I?

7. If #6 is yes, which one(s) do you have?
I haven't played it. Should I? If yes, what would you recommend?

8. If you have the 3'rd one, you make any custom characters on it?

9. If #8 is yes, Can we see some screenies? [sm=icon_razz.gif]
I'm thinking of playing it...

10. Last one. What is your element?

Well, that's it for me. Nice to chat with you, and Congrats on the Archknight upgrade. And as my sig says...
Thanks. [:)]

Mehad -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Saojun (7/10/2008 19:35:41)

1. Hello Saojun. I haven't seen you on the forums. Can you explain how you got to be an ArchKnight?
Eh? By helping out in small ways...

2. Do you enjoy the role of AK? Or do you utterly despise it?
It's hard, but fun.

3. Are you a grammar Nazi like I? Or do you use "u" and "r"?
Not really. That's only when I'm SMSing.

4. Favorite Undead related class? (Paladin, Necromancer, DeathKnight)

5.What is currently your favorite AE game? Why?
DF. AQ doesn't really suit my play style, MQ's a bit too futuristic for me.

6. As an "ArchKnight" do you think you fit into DragonFable's storyline well? (WAY off topic and random).
Not really...

7.Favorite Doom Weapon?
Twin Blades of Doom Series :P

8. Favorite Destiny weapon?
Guided Blinding Light of Destiny.

9. Odd question, but Mozilla Firefox or Internet Explorer? Why?
Firefox, Cos Firefox > IE7. Though I do use IE7.

11. Favorite Weapon?
Dragon Head Knives

12. Favorite Pet? (Disclosing your baby Dragon).
Emperor Linus?

13. Favorite Event?
Necropolis War 08

14. Ethnicity?

15. Bet you didn't see there is no # 10 [;)].
Oh... I didn't.

16. Bet you looked back up to check [;)].

17. Bet your laughing at yourself now [;)].
Lol... True.

And that's all for now. I might add more questions later [;)]

P.S. As a courtesy and a sign of respect, I added your font tags already, so you can just type your replies in there [;)].
Thanks a lot! [:)]

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