RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Saojun (Full Version)

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jiv1995 -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Saojun (7/10/2008 21:12:52)


i like rangers in you?it's my fav. class
Sure do.

how're you feeling today?

do you like being an ak....
It's tough, but fun.

am i annoying you?

tell the truth(follows above question)

we should chat sometime.when you're not...aking...stuff...yeah..........

your soon to be hatred of me means little to me.i shall enjoy seeing you spontaniously combust under the harsh reality and pressure of having Alac own and slowly destroy and creep into your soul while burning alive.
Oh? I'll see when that happens. :P

that is all.ty for your time.....i guess.i guess i'll see you around in the forums....i think.
See you around!

brandon.75067 -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Saojun (7/11/2008 1:55:48)

? Oh kthxbai than. :P

3 says he killed 1 and the : in front of him

45:do you think you should have made a limit

4:do you believe cysero is a lie and the person AE is calling cysero is cake (cake is the truth!!!!)
Cysero a lie? I thought the cake was... But this isn't Portal. :)

5:whats your favorite flavor of SPICY ramen noodles

6:have you ever played df, its an awesome game you know.
Hmm... Wait... Me not playing DF? You're joking right?

7: what color is your prisin uniform
I don't have one. :P

8: what do you know about automatic guitars
Nothing... Seriously.

9:do you feel pie is affecting our childrens minds
? I thought American comfort food wasn't affecting their weight.

10:do you have a desk

11: how do you like twilly
Punting him is addictive.

12: are my questions becoming less insane!?!?!?!
Not really, just less random.

13: do you like salsa
I'm okay with it.

14: how do you feel about the loss of quoting directly from the poster's post
Loss of quote? There's still the quote button in reply.

15: oh em gee

16: so how do you feel about galonoth coming to df
No qualms in punting him if he gets nasty at me...

17: do you have a house

18: did you know they have roofs
I've seen roofless houses before.

19: sneevils are stronger then they seem they lifted up the box i lived in and carried it away....while i was in it......
Blame yourself for living in the box.

20: then one in a weird hat slapped his hand and said "where my money"
Gold fever? Don't remind me about it...

21: 24 questions left
Oh really?

22: how do you feel about s.o.o.n.
No comment.





27: have you seen charmed
A few episodes.

28:did you like it
Only the supernatural parts.

29: pop quiz!

30:the cake is a _________
lie (only in Portal).

31:sneevils are _________

32:wrong they are not that, you fail school, you should be ashamed to almost call yourself an archknight.
o.O I'm already failing my studies anyway.

33:you should feel so ashamed, to make it lighter on you i'll take your archknight position
That's for Alac to decide.

Tell that to my GBLoD.

35:how many ads does AE have on it's three sites?!?!?!?!?!?
How'd I know?I didn't count them all.

36: i decided to make it 100 questions!!! *"mini cysero get away from the keyboard!" <the little cysero i made from cysero hair runs away>*
Maybe I should have put a question limit then.

37:i cloned this as well
37: i cloned this as well

38:whats your feeling on clones
Clones are human/animals too... Blame their human creators instead.

39: have you played AQW
No... I missed Alpha testing.

40: do you have a baby dragon

41: mysterious

42: are you tired of my constent and inconsistant untolerable questioning
Quite a bit...

43: how many questions do you guess you've read today

44:last question coming up

45:warning do not read the next question.

46:congrats, i'm sure you'll be a.....ah no three don't hurt me.....NOOOOOOOOO!!!!
... That's just your imagination.

47:is my sig crazy enough?
It burns my eyes...

calebbishop -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Saojun (7/11/2008 5:28:07)


Who's your faviourte NPC in DF?

Have you seen me? i have seen you.
Not really... Must be due to my timezone difference.

Faviourte Game?

Least Fav' game?
Can't recall any.

Looking forward to AQworlds?
Very much... Especially when it'll be fully released.

Again, congrats.
Thanks again! [:)]

lilshiny -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Saojun (7/11/2008 14:52:45)

Heyy! Congrats.

How's it going?
The AK job? Pretty well atm.

Care to check out my first DF video?

qwe -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Saojun (7/11/2008 17:36:06)

Hi qwe.

Hey, i've seen you around! Congrats on being an AK!

Well that's about it. Bye.
See you around the forums! [:)]

Darkick -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Saojun (7/11/2008 18:20:09)

EEP! Saojun!!!
Eep! It's Darkick!

I used to see you around the DF EC and Q&A a good bit. You certainly knew your stuff. :P
So do you. Heck, you knew it better than me. :P


I never really feel very motivated to act on the norm and ask you a bunch of random questions that I won't look back at, so it's goodbye for now. I hope I'll see you around!
See you around as well. [:)]

Bye. [:)]

Moglin Crazed09 -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Saojun (7/11/2008 18:36:41)

Whats your favorite weaponry in DF?-

A. Doomies


C- Doomies and Destinys

D- C defenders

E- Itchy

F- All of the above and below....

G- 4th of July

All of the above and below?

Are you excited about Housing in DF?
Sure am. It has countless possibilities.

If you lived in a movie what kind of movie would your life be?
A boring movie. Serious.

Are you going to steal bad posts souls every now and then or only when you have too?(Asked question for no reason......)
Only if the post warrants a soul steal.

Hi chimchar07. I've seen you around.

Whats your favorite Ebil game?
Punt Twilly.

Whats your favorite Moglin?
Twilly, cos he's so fun to punt. :P

Why do ?'s come at the end of questions?
Cos it makes a question a question?

Whats the meaning of life?
That's up to you to decide.

Can i stop asking questions soon?
That's up to you.

Do you make alot of typos?
Somewhat, when I'm typing quickly.

Good Luck

And if i don't see you by Frost vale happy mogloween and Thanks givving!(Giving of Chicken Cow dinners...)
??? What'll you do?

If you could make a monster to be DFs version of the grinch for FrostVale Grinch what monster would you make it?Also what would you name it?
That I'll leave to you do decide... It's your suggestion after all.

cleneman -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Saojun (7/11/2008 19:01:47)

I got a couple of random questions.

1. What is better, AQ , AQW , DF , MQ ( you CAN'T say you like them the same )
Out of them all, DF.

2. Have you even seen me before?
Not really.

3. Not even a bit? [:(]
Maybe once or twice.

4. What number is orange in the hypocandro of Milkshake. True or False
??? I'm not too good with Maths.

5. Mystaven ( FTW ) , WolfBlade ( not bad ) , Runehawk ( not bad ) , Evil Corp. ( BAD BAD ) or TA ( DOOOM! )
I'm in Runehawk. Too bad.

6. This is my first MtAK! WHOO
Really? Thanks for the honor then.

7. Will you delet my threads?
Only if you break the rules.

8. Will you steal my dinner?
No chance.

9. Will you kill Alteon and rule the world of DF has the supre ruler of Doom and make all the other AK's your slaves? Do it or i will!
No... I'm not that evil.

10. Who did you bribed for you AK?
Nobody. I don't sit well with corruption.

11. You know i was jk don't shoot me!! ARGG!... * awkard silence *
I never shot you.. You shot yourself.

13. Isn't this out ordered?
Sure is.

12. I think i fixed it? ( i made it just to confuse the 13th ( Doom ! ) )
If you put it that way.

14. Let me see if i remenber something...
Take your time. I'm a patient person.

15. PIES
I like pie.

16. What you think abaut Alac?
Alac's a good boss.

17. Type of music ( join the order of Rock! )
Rock, Metal, JPop and other genres.

18. You know where Portugal is? ( i'll be very sad if you don't know and will kill you at PvP )
West Europe.

19. Running out of Questions are we?
You're the questioner.

20. I never make a 20 question even if i'm typing it now... MAKE MY ARMS STOP!
I can't. Only you can.

Oh well i hope you do well on AK and hope you enjoy

21. Try to find wich number i missed during the counting ( if you do i give you a undead brain cookie )
22? I've no need for that kind of cookie...

caser5 -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Saojun (7/11/2008 19:39:00)

South park or simpsons?
South Park. I kinda outgrew the Simpsons years ago (but I still watch them)

Wii or ps3


Dragoncat -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Saojun (7/11/2008 23:02:17)

1.Hey person
Hi Dragoncat.

2.How are you doing
Pretty okay. like the blinding new buttons?
They're not so blinding once you get used to them.

4.Im a necromancer and I brought this thread back to life muhaha how you feel?
A dragoncat necromancer? First time seeing one. This thread wasn't dead yet FYI.

5.What is your favorite thing to do?
Play computer games and surf the Internet and forums.

6.what do you humans eat?
Meat and vegetables. Dragoncats not included.

7.If you lived on the planet pluto how you feel.
I'll be frozen. do you feel if I take your cookie if you about to eat it.
I'll buy new cookies. :)

10.I ate the 9th question what you and your Archknight powers going to do about it?
You ate it... I won't force you to spit it out either.

Well that is it. Come to my Gallery in the Handcraft/Art thingy. so eh w/e so goodbye sir.
I'll check it out. Thanks!

runer -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Saojun (7/12/2008 6:47:55)

gratz for being an AK

ok main and most importent Q:cookies or cake???
Cake and cookies. :D

how much are u ready to pay 4 cy left sock in real life???
Why should I? It's just a sock... albeit a powerful one.

how long have u been playing AE games???
A few years... I guess.

ok u look like a nice person wish to see ur posts thread every were!!!
Thanks again.

supermarioitalia -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Saojun (7/12/2008 7:39:27)

Saojun! Hi!
supermarioitalia! Still in DF EC? Hi!

I'm so happy that you became an AK!

What AE game do you like the most? are you currently playing the most?
DF and DF.

Favourite NPC in DF?
Lady Celestia.

Favourite monster in DF?
Wind Orb Drakath. Cos it's fun to pawn him.

Favourite moglin in DF?

Good job becoming an AK and congratulations!
Thanks again!

I'll see ya around the forums... Good Luck!
See you around too!

Ultimate Warrior Guy -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Saojun (7/12/2008 15:24:01)

Hi Ultimate Warrior!

Do you like waffles!?
I adore them. :D

Do you like pancakes!?
Very much.

Do you like french toast!?
French Toast is nice.

1,2,3 or 4?

Can you fly?

Will you ban me?
That I'll leave to the mods to decide.

That is all I needed to know.

Thank You!
See you around! [:)]

Randomguy -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Saojun (7/14/2008 0:16:56)

Hello! Prepare to be tormented calmly and unthreateningly occupied with questions!
Hi Randomguy!

You wake up one morning to find a large sleeping lion at the foot of your bed. What do you do?
Let it sleep? Then call the zoo and have it sent there.

Toaster that makes perfect toast, or waffle iron that makes perfect waffles?
Waffle iron. Actually, can I have both? [:)]

How would you fend off a horde of ninjas with only a manilla envelope (empty), a bag of licorice (red) and a small glass squirrel figurine?
Ninjas don't fight ninjas.

What is the answer to Life, the Universe and Everything?
Someone said 42 in an earlier post, so 42 it is. :P

If you could only save one object in your home from complete and total annihilation in an unspecified manner, what object would it be?
My laptop computer.

Ever burned yourself really badly?
No... Scalded, yes.

Is that an orange elephant with a katana behind you?
Huh? *flees*

That's all I got, congrats on AK and whatnot.

puffmonk -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Saojun (7/14/2008 5:15:16)


who is the bestest person ever?
I dunno. You perhaps?

do you support bestest as a dictionary add-on?
No. Best is enough.

what is the air speed velocity of a swallow?
24 miles per hour?

what is your fav color?

how many ducks does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
That I dunno. Care to enlighten me?

why is the sky blue?
Light refraction and wavelengths?

when does fiction become the reality of ficticious realities?
When imagination and reality converge.


whats the best movie evar?
For me, it's Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King.

typos are fun no?
Only fun to a small extent.

tell me is cheese really yellow or is this just an illusion it gives off?
I've seen blue cheese.

what is the question to the answer of the ultimate question?
The ultimate question.

what is the capital city of nigeria?

how many combinations of nickles dimes and pennies are possible for the amount of money to be equal to $1?
I failed my maths...

why does it happen?
There are many different ways of counting money?

how many fingers am i holding up?
??? I can't see you, so how should I know?

can you tell me what lies in the future of the world of giant swiss meatballs?'
Meatball lovers' heaven?

dont ask

dont even think about thinking about asking

(4/\/ I_I 1234I) 7I-I15?
| |)0/\/7 |_|/\/|)3R574/\/|) |_| :P

are you cereal?????!?!?!
No chance.

that is all

bai bai :p
See you around. :)

Meldonbar -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Saojun (7/14/2008 9:53:48)

do you ever get bored of all these insane, strange, funny and even pointless questions?
I do, but it's a way to relieve the boredom. :P

Gandalfwiht -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Saojun (7/14/2008 10:28:30)

Now iīm going to bombard you with incredibly pointless questions, it would even be pointless to answer them serious, so please donīt (you can still answer them unserious!)

Arenīt you afraid that the blue vase behind you is going to steal your nipples?
Really? Since when did vases steal nipples? At least I haven't heard of it.

Have you ever eaten a keyboard with ketchup?

Watch out! A lunatic dressed u as a clovn is eating your pancakes!
Crazy clown? I'll dial 911.

Lick your glasses!
(You HAVE to wear glasses!)
I have glasses, but I don't wear them. Sorry to disappoint. :P

Do you think that smileys look like tough- nails
A bit.

Iīm out of pointless question... for now.......

Are you the spy that so many have been talking about???
Not a chance. Alac's my boss, not Xan.

pjc -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Saojun (7/14/2008 11:47:56)

Late? Nah.
Yay! A fellow AK!

I'm feeling a bit uncreative (that conveniently always happens when people put up MtAKs...), so congratulations again, and good luck, you'll certainly need it. Hope to see you on IRC a bit more, if you can. ;)
Thanks. [;)]

See you around!
Same to you! [:)]

santalover123 -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Saojun (7/15/2008 12:00:31)

Hi santalover123.


See you around. [:)]

join us pwettypwteypwease
I think I'll stay good for now.

Mr. Pandora -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Saojun (7/15/2008 14:35:58)


If you were stranded on an island no one knows about and you had only 10 things, what would they be?
1. A bottle. 2. A pen. 3. A piece of paper. 4. A cork. 5-10: Food, water, clothes, shelter.

If a rhombus has 4 sides, whats the opposite of blue?
Red? I failed my maths.

You really did fail your maths. That's only 8 items on the list[:D].
Told you so.

Well anyways, congrats. Well now, I guess it be time to torture you.
Torture? *flees*

No avatar yet?
I've since changed it.

Own any consoles?
Not yet, if my Nintendo DS doesn't count.

Views on proper grammar?
I support good grammar.

Arr, be I a ninja ye landlubber?

Who 'enslaved' 'archknighted' you

what arr your shackles like?
Loose and invisible.

Umm, arr I a pirate. (I am not, I am undercover Saojun-sama.)
I thought you aren't allowed to reveal your undercover status so easily?

... At this point I really don't have anything else. Ahh kay. /snugglepouncewavegoo-bye
See you around. [:D] /snugglepouncewavegoo-bye

swenson -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Saojun (7/15/2008 16:22:52)

Hullo, I suppose... *yawn* I'm tired. Are you tired?
Hi swenson. Tired? A bit.

If the answer to the above question was yes, why? If it was no, why not?
Answering questions and making up for lost time.

If the answer to the above question was "I dunno" or something to that effect, does that mean you are too tired to come up with something clever to say? Conversely, if it was something else, does it mean you are so ridiculously clever you never have to say I dunno?
That I dunno.

If the answer to the above question was yes, providing you answered the first part of the second question and you answered no to the first question, why are you lying? If the answer to the above question was no, providing you answered the first part of the second question and answered yes to the first question, does that mean you're just clever all the time, or are you just lying about being tired? If the answer to the above question was no, providing you answered the second part of the second question, do you really have such a low opinion of yourself? If the answer to the second part of the second question, being the above question, was yes, are you just saying that out of an inflated ego?
My ego isn't inflated. :P

If the third part of the above question was yes and the second part of the second question was no and the answer to the first question was purple...

OK, OK, I'll stop now. [;)] Toldja I was tired.

So! How's your summer thus far? Got any sunburn? Or do you live in a place where it's winter right now? If so, got any frostbite?
It's fine. No sunburns yet.

*yawn* I should go to sleep... oh wait, it's only 4.22 PM. Maybe I should go to bed at an earlier time than 4.00 AM, then...
Then why aren't you asleep yet?

Anyway, time for some logic questions. Or something.
If a genie suddenly appeared and offered you three wishes, what would you wish for?
Wisdom. That's all.

If, while the genie was preparing to grant you said wishes, a ragged urchin boy ran in and stole the lamp the genie appeared out of, taking the genie with him, would you chase after the boy to get the genie back, accept that the kid probably needed three wishes more than you did, cry, convince yourself that the boy was undoubtedly Aladdin and to deprive him of the lamp would mess up his story, inform the authorities of a lamp-snatching urchin boy, or rub your eyes and decide you need to start drinking stronger coffee? (I suppose you can make up your own if you'd like... [:D])
I'll just let the boy go. He needs the wishes more than I do anyway. :D

If you were sitting in a crowded theatre watching an opera and across the room you saw your very worst enemy coming to kill you, would you quickly tell your companions that you need to go to the bathroom and hope to sneak away, wait until the soprano hits a high note and dash off while everyone is distracted, scream "FIRE!!" and escape in the resulting confusion, call the usher over and have him remove the enemy from the premises, use your grappling hook to disappear by climbing up into the rich people boxes, drop to the floor and squirm your way to the exit under people's seats, or stand up and challenge your enemy to a duel right then and there?
What would a ninja do? Besides, I don't watch opera much.

fish4me -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Saojun (7/15/2008 16:29:45)

Hi fish4me. [:)]

what is your quest?
Quest? What quest? I have no quest. Only to make the forums a better place for everyone.

what is the wingspan of a swollow?

ok with that said time for my real questions

what is your favorite movie?
The Lord of the Rings trilogy

Dooooom!!! -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Saojun (7/15/2008 16:54:43)

why has he stopped at like page two.....

Ultimate DeathKnight -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Saojun (7/15/2008 19:50:12)

Hello, Saojun!
Hi Ultimate DK!

Have you seen me on the Forums?

If DF was Real Life, What Class would you be?
A Rogue... I guess.

Do you think the introduction of Orcs into DF would be a Good Idea?
It'll be good.

How do you like my house? ID: 22946691
It's a nice house.



Well done on achieving AK-Ship again
Thanks again!

Thank you for you time [:D]
No problem! [:)]

Lince -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Saojun (7/15/2008 22:56:17)

Can't think of any interesting greeting, so...Hi!
Hi Lince!

How does it feel to be AKed? Sounds painful IMO.
No... It's not.

Does the name Saojun have any significant meaning of some sort?
No. It's just my name.

Whats your least favorite thing on the forums?

Can I have a cookie? [:(]
Sure thing. Unless it's the undead brain cookie by cleneman. :)

What kind of job are you going for in real life, and/or
Network administrator.

Imagine you were in a car speeding down a hill about to go off a 10,000m high cliff with cirtain doom at the bottom. Doors welded shut, unbreakable windows, and no steering wheel breaks or acceleration of any kind. Nor do you have any useful items in the car (only a paperclip and a piece of string). How would you escape death?
Teleport out somehow... :P

Do you have any pet peeves/what are they? Don't worry I might not use them against you!
No pet peeves...

What is your opinion on Dancemancery? (the devastating mix between magic and dancing)
*blink* Nice dance moves.

10x10: True or False?

Do you have any advice for aspiring young (or old) wannabe AKs?
Fear can be a powerful tool. Use it. :P

Do AKs use AK-47s in combat, or is that just a myth?
No... It's a myth.

Thanks for your time, Congratz, live long and prosper. \\//

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