RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Saojun (Full Version)

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skydrite -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Saojun (7/16/2008 0:22:03)

Wow, a MtAK thread!
Wow, and where is yours?! ;D ~Brill
Wow... I'll post in yours too... When you make it. [:)]

Anyway, I don't really have a question and I'll just say congratulations!
Congratz to you on your AKship too! [:)]

Good luck!
Good luck to you too! [:)]

mark bair -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Saojun (7/16/2008 6:23:15)

??? Nothing's up atm/

Hi mark bair!

Now time to get serious.

So, have you watched the video for "WarCry Of The Paladin" yet on Youtube? If so, what you think of it? If not, then you have 5
seconds until Sepulchure breaks down your door.
Watching it now. It's quite good.

What class do you think is better, Paladin, Necromancer, or DeathKnight?
Paladin. I'm biased. :P

How do you feel about Evolved DragonLord Armor?
Looks aside, it's not much different from the original DLA.

Have you ever seen me on the forums?

If not then you obviously aren't in DF GGD or DF Suggestions enough.
If not, how did I get this position?

If you were being chased by a T-rex on a Tuesday right after you woke up from a 2 week long coma and had no shoes on
while running on a street covered in glass, would you stop at McDonalds for food?
Yes. And let the T-Rex destroy the McDonalds outlet. <insert maniacal laughter here>

How do you like the power of ArchKnights so far?
o.O Look at the shiny new buttons... It's nice, but the responsibility is heavy.

Will you go mad with ArchKnight power and be pwned by an admin?
No chance of that happening. Not in a million or so years.

If no means yes, and no means no, but yes means maybe, and maybe means nothing, while yes means something, but no isn't realy
no but it is as the sametime, except between the hours of 5:59:58 and 5:59:59, then why that little girl kick your shin?
Because I was indecisive. :P

Thats all the questions I have. Any and all answers given will be donated to the foundation of bored marks.
Please, spare your time to help them. The marks are very bored.
Sure... :P

SoulSeeker -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Saojun (7/16/2008 6:28:17)

Nothing. I'm all good.

How you doin?
Pretty good at the moment.

For the flood of questions? Yep.

What music do you like?
Rock, metal, JPop and other genres.

Iron Maiden...

Do you like Skillet?
I'm okay with their music.

That's all mate[;)] and I'll never forget to Congratulate you[:D]
Thanks! [:)]

nosey123 -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Saojun (7/16/2008 6:35:38)


Well, about time you replaced your helpful title =p
Really? i thought I wouldn't even get the 'Helpful' Title then.

Seen me around? =p

Anyway, thanks for answering. [:)]
Thanks for stopping by! [:)]

Frayzer -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Saojun (7/16/2008 9:57:10)

Saojun! Congratulations on your AKship from a Helpful title! :D
Frayzer! o.O A mod! *runs off screaming* Kidding. Thanks!

1) How's the shiny buttons going on? Oops! I copied and paste if off stardot's MtAK >.< Sorry!
Huh? That wasn't me... Serious.

2) Being an AK is tough and fun right?
You're a mod, you have it worse than me. :P

3) If you can mod other boards, where will it be?
DF Pedia?

4) How's like being shackle up with Alac's huge army in a tiny cell?
Overcrowding is the least of my problems. :P

5) Is Alac treating you well?

7) How did you derive/get your name 'Saojun' from?
My own name.

8) Am I of any significance to you?

9) Can I be an AK? Please! :3
You're already a mod. :P

Thats about it. I'll poke you on IRC if I have anymore questions. Have fun being an AK! <3
See you!
See you on IRC!

Ņight Яain -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Saojun (7/16/2008 11:45:59)



CONGRATZ *party balloons pop in the background*
Thanks for the congratz and he balloons!

whatz up?
I'm just catching up on my MtAK thread. That's all.

chips or pizza?
Pizza. And chips. [:)]

fish sticks?[:-]
They're nice with tartar sauce. Yum!

how dose it feel to a ak? do you feel the POwer
With power comes responsibility.
It's hard to face that responsibility sometimes.

that alll the tortur for now, muhu8hahahaha
Thanks for going easy on me! :P

bringer of death -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Saojun (7/16/2008 18:05:14)


do you play battle field?
No... [:(]

do you hate cats?
I like cats.

why are you in jail?
All AKs are in jail. It's a joke actually.

why do you hate me?
??? Who said that?

dont you just love chokolat(sry suck at spelling(man i did it agein dident i?)) chip cokies?
Chocolate chip cookies? I like them.

do you own a xbox?

do you play halo3?
I don't have an Xbox.

have you ever herd of arby`n`the cheif?
No. I'll check Youtube.

if not go on youtube and serch for it their funny[:D]
any way congrants and se you to night in your cell right? RIGHT!?!!
Thanks again...

dragon ice -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Saojun (7/16/2008 19:31:43)

ha ha my turn for torcher
More torture. *flees in absolute terror* :P

favorite song
Too many favorites. Sorry.


Do dragons count?

met artix galanoth or anyone of them
In real life? Not yet.

not much torcher
You have a point there.

you have another ljob
What other job? Student?

thats it congratz
Thanks! [:)]

click the link on my sig and comment please

Darius -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Saojun (7/17/2008 13:03:50)

I have a really neat question for you:

Which would you rather have? A million dollars (or the equivalent in your country's currency if you're not from the US), or the ability to punch people through the internet?
In a world where money talks, I'll prefer take the money.
But the ability to punch people through the Internet would be priceless.

That's all from me. Gratz on AKship!
Thanks and see you around! [:)]

Jomaco -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Saojun (7/18/2008 2:26:20)

Hello folks we are back to our show entitled "Your Host is a moron" (Applause)
o.O Now it's a reality show.

What's your real name?

What country are you from?

Dont worry your congratulations is at the and of the show ("Hey kid stop touching that cake")[:D]
Is that cake a lie too?

how many languages can you speak?
2 or 3...

How old are you?
18 going on 19


Sorry that kid just likes the cake[:D]
Then let him have it.

WEll goodbye folks its the end of the show just remember our motto "Im such an idiot"

I almost forgot "CONGRATULATIONS SAOJUN" (Applause)
Thanks and see you around the forums and IRC! [:)]

The ErosionSeeker -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Saojun (7/18/2008 4:18:56)

Hi once again, Saojun!
Hi again!

I have just one question this time: what does the admin chess piece mean?
Hmm? It doesn't mean much... Just for looks... I think.

LANDIS -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Saojun (7/18/2008 8:11:47)

Good Evening/Morning Saojun, I dig your avvy!
Dig my avvy? o.O

Congratulations on your recent knighthood!

Tired of saying thank you? I must be around the thousandth person to congratulate you... Or is it a thousandth and one?
1000? I don't think it's that many...

As a AK I imagine you're expected to set an example for appropriate behavior to others on the forums. What's it like to be a role model?
Role model eh... Erm... It's tough... *sweatdrop*

AK armor ever get heavy or chilly in cold weather?
It is lightweight and has temperature adjusting properties... Kidding.

Are AK's assigned to specific threads and subjects to monitor or do you choose what sections of the forum you concentrate on?
We're assigned... Usually.

You've mentioned being an AK is a lot of work. Are you given AK homework and is there a monthly quota you have to make?
No... But it's hard if you lack proper time management...

What is the first video game you ever remember playing?
Pokemon Red... I think.

You stated you're a student. What are you studying and do you enjoy it?
Information Communication Technology. Although I wonder why they teach us Flash and Java there...
Enjoy it? Somewhat...

What is/was your most difficult class?
Java... Cos I'm not that good at it.

Have you ever visited the USA?

If so what parts? If not where would you like to visit and why?
Niagara, Grand Canyon, L.A., Philadelphia, Atlantic City, Boston, New York...
More or less almost every place... I think.

What is it that draws you to J. R. R. Tolkien and the LOTR series?
It's quite a good piece of fantasy literature.

Have you read the "Sword of Truth" series by Terry Goodkind?
No... Is it a good series?

Other favorite books not by Tolken?
Dan Brown's Angels and Demons/Da Vinci Code, C.S. Lewis's Chronicles of Narnia... That's all I can recall offhand atm.

How did you first hear about and start playing AE Games and how many hours of your life aprox. would you say you've spent on them?
I still remember AQ when it had old-school graphics... That's quite long ago.
How many hours of my life spent playing them? 3 years or so... I guess.

Favorite DF forum contest?
I don't participate in them, so I can't say much with regards to this.

My primary character is also a rogue and a Crit machine. I chose rogue because it seemed like it would be more of a challenge to play. (and scoundrels are more fun) Why did you pick the rogue class?
Warrior was too monotonous (created one but deleted it)... And I'm not exactly the Mage-type user.

What is your rogue's Crit with max accessories and weapon equipped?
That one I'll have to check.

How many hours a day do you sleep on average?
8 hours or so... But that's a guess.

Singapore equivalent to your social security number and major credit card information? J/K
Now... I'm not allowed to tell you that, am I? :P

Ever order anything off a television infomercial? If so what was it and are you ashamed? If not ever come close to doing so?
Not yet. Came close once or twice though.

Do you drink coffee? If so how do you take it?
With milk and some sugar.

Batman or Superman? (If you plan to say Superman, you bite your tongue!)

Paper or plastic?
Option 3: Data (Joking). Can I pick neither? Cos I'm kinda environmentally-conscious.

1,000,000 DCs or a an author autographed first edition set of the LOTR trilogy?
Author autographed first edition set. Cos DCs can be bought.

Life dreams/aspirations? Any realized so far?
To lead a quiet, simple life with my parents. Not realized yet.

Biggest regret/mistake you ever made?
Failing my exams and repeating a year of school.

Getting too deep?
Not really. At least not that deep yet.

Let's shallow it up a bit, favorite pizza toppings? (Though I suppose your answer could hold profound philosophical meaning)
Pineapple chunks, tomatoes, capsicums and chicken chunks on a lime-mayo base.
And that doesn't have any trace of philosophy whatsoever.

What do you want on your tombstone? (the cemetery head marker, not the pizza)
Haven't thought of that yet. Maybe: "Here lies a slacker who failed miserably in life. Do NOT learn from him." :P

Enough ramblings, Thanks for bearing your soul... I may use some of this for blackmail if you ever become rich and famous, hope that works for you... [;)]
Blackmail!!! *hides*

Also many thanks for all the work you and other AK's do!
No problem... It's our job. [:)]

wiseman111 -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Saojun (7/18/2008 8:14:44)

hi mine name si wiseman
Hi wiseman!

do you have typos
Typos? I get them only when I'm typing quickly.

hows it going
It's tough, but I'm getting used to it.

umm so how being a admin doing
I'm an AK, not an admin.

having fun
Sure am.

Snickerdoodle? What's that? Oh... I see... Back at you. :P

Gianna Glow -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Saojun (7/18/2008 9:09:06)

wow, that was a lot to read through!
Sure was. Must have been tough on you.

anyways, congrats on getting AK-ship!
Thanks, although I feel there are others who are more deserving of the position than me. [:)]

Now, a few quick questions...

Dragons are your favorite animal...right?

(I just had to check)
No problem.

and what is your favorite quest/quest series in DF?
Pirate/Ninja quest chain with Wind Orb Drakath. It's so fun giving him the smackdown. :P

ok, thats it! and once again, congrats on your AK-ship! Be sure to have fun! thats what the forums are about! [:)]
Thanks again and see you around! You have fun too! [:)]

wiseman111 -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Saojun (7/18/2008 11:32:07)

so what the difference between a ak and admin
An admin has complete power over the entire board... Admins have highest authority.
A moderator has similar powers (not too sure if it's confined to certain forums or the whole board... I'm guessing it applies across the board).
An AK only has mod powers in the certain board they're assigned to.

whats your favorite online game
Cabal Online... At the moment.

what your out of the 3 aventurequest mechwuest dragonfbale

favorite show
The Lord of the Rings movie trilogy

and hi
Hi again.

see ya later have fun
See you around!

w8 whats your id
My DF Game ID? There's =DF= PvP IDs for that.


hunter lije -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Saojun (7/18/2008 12:34:49)

Wow congrats >.<

I've seen your character ID i even added it to my favorites
??? Why? o.O A stalker... *hides*

Is being an AK hard?
It's hard because of the responsibility workload.

When did you become one?
3 weeks ago...

Why'd you pick rogue? i have a rogue but my warriors the best one.
Cause rogues rock? Warrior is the best damage-dealer... But Rogues have more fun. :P

Do you also have a character in AQ worlds?
Yes, though I haven't played it yet.

Well congrats anyway. Cya aroouund, Archknight.
Thanks again and see you around too! [:)]

LANDIS -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Saojun (7/18/2008 12:56:19)

Hello again, thanks for getting back to me so fast!
Hi again. Now I can see how you got the 'Friendly' Title. My congratz to you for earning that. [:)]

Here ya go, *hands you coffee With milk and some sugar added* it's morning here... Sip slowly, it's hot...
Thanks for the hot coffee!

What is it with people and snickerdoodles on this thread?
How'd I know?

For clarification when I said "I dig your avvy" I was saying I like your Avatar image.

Also, Terry Goodkind's "Sword of Truth" series is quite good. A bit heavy handed at parts but good. If your a fan of LOTR you're likely to enjoy it. The first book in the set is "Wizard's First Rule".
I'll see if I can find it in my local bookstore.

How old were you when you first started reading on your own instead of being read to? Did you have a favorite book as a young child? (Pre Tolken)
8+? I guess. Favorite book? I don't really recall having any favorites then...

What is Pokemon Red like/about?
It's an RPG where you run around catching Pokemon and trying to become the Pokemon League champion.

What television infomercial items did you come close to purchasing and does it still haunt you to this day that the superfluous items aren't a part of your life?
I forgot all about it... Haunt me? Not really.

Unless an attempt an irony I find your tombstone epitaph unfitting since you are quite helpful and informative to many on the forums. (Surely ye jest...) Clearly Alac thinks so as well. But while we're on the subject of death/funerals do you think you'll have a special AK burial ceremony with color guard, sword salutes and an orchestra of kazoos playing dramatically?
??? Nah... It's not ironic.
I really don't think I deserve the fanfare. For me, I'd probably have a simple funeral.

Would it touch your heart of you did? (Your metaphysical heart seeing as how your anatomical one would be worm food at that point)
very much... Considering I feel unworthy of the fanfare.

Have a good day, afternoon, evening or night... Whatever it currently is over there... [;)]
Same to you too! [:)]

toyo14445 -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Saojun (7/18/2008 13:00:31)

You've never heard of me before, why is that? (Or have you...)
Hmm? Probably because we live in different timezones, I guess. Nice to meet you. [:)]

I like Paladins, do you?
Sure do.

Steak is nice.

Favorite movies, sports, video games, etc...
Movie: Lord of the Rings trilogy, Star Wars series...
Sports: Badminton, table tennis. I'm not very good at sports though.
Video games: Warcraft, Starcraft, Cabal, AE games... And many others.


No cookies for you!!!!!! (Just for today...Reluctantly)
It's okay. You can steal cleneman's undead brain cookies if you want to as well.

I have Rogue too, they ROCK!
So true. :)

Oh, and (Reluctant pause) Congratulations.

SillyFrog -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Saojun (7/18/2008 13:32:00)

Hi SillyFrog!

Do you like frogs?
Yes. I like animals.

Why is your house so empty?
Because I'm poor.

Spend a day with twilly or spend a day with zorbak, pick one[:D]
Twilly, so I can punt him around as and when I want. :P

Favorite person in the world?
My parents.

Dog, cat or frog?
All of them.

What will your last words be?
Last words?

Pie or cookies?
Both. And you forgot cake. :D

What you like best? watching a good movie or playing Dragonfable?
I like computer games. Both, although DF is nicer.

Whats your dragons name? and maybe a why?
Can I not say it? It's very un-draconic.

If you could buy anything in the world what would it be?
That I don't know.

Thats it for now!
Thanks for stopping by and see you around. [:)]

(ps REALLY get some stuff in your house[:D])
When I get more DCs, perhaps I shall.

Ņight Яain -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Saojun (7/18/2008 15:39:19)

hi it me again!
Hi again, lalapop!

whats you fav sports?
Badminton, table tennis, basketball. Though I'm not very good at them.

do you like linkin park?

what your fav tv show?
I don't watch tv much, but I like anime.

dose your user name have a meaning?
Not really.

bye.......for NOW[sm=evilking.gif]
See you around the forums. [:)]

Luggy -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Saojun (7/18/2008 22:26:06)

Nice to meet you, Saojun! I'm The Waffle Cook, Luggy
Waffles?! Yay! Waffle cook?! Double yay! Nice to meet you, Luggy!

Congrats on the AKship!

Well, I'll just make some questions.

1.- What do you think of AQW?
It'll become a great game, just like AQ, DF and MQ.

2.- Do you like Waffles?
Very much.

3.- Who threw you to jail gave you AKship?

4.- Do you like cookies? Because I have one for you*hands cookie*
I do. Thanks for the cookie. :)

5.- Did you find Question Number 4?

6.- Will you try to do the Scavenger hunt on DF?
I'm doing it right now.

7.- Who do you think will have the Project Lead on AQW?
Either Artix, Warlic or Cysero, I guess.

8.- Do you like the shiny new buttons?

9.- All right, for the last question: If two Chibisized chimeras that escape from a hellish dungeon try to cross a 3 meter long street in a speed of 0.001 kilometers per hour, in how much time will they get through?
3 hours?

Try To Answer, but the answer is on the next line, hidden.
Scientifically, in 3 hours. But, why could 2 chibisized chimeras that escaped from a hellish dungeon would want to cross a street?

45cman -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Saojun (7/18/2008 22:33:49)

Ok quick scenario:Your a level 39 Paladin on DF,you have 100 HP and 300 MP with the mega rare monster in front of you...the snikerdoodle monster!!!!*Dun Dun Dunnnn!*WHAT do you do?BTW the snikerdoodle monster has 400 HP and 0 MP with a special chance to summon cookies!BTW BTW,you have 0 health and mana potions.BTW BTW BTW it has 0 stats/resistance.
A)Let them win
B)Fight to the death!
C)Hope that the stun skill for the paladin works,then finish him off!

Do you like biscuits?I do!
Sure do.

Fo'Shizzle my main home skilleh biskit!

Ever seen the burning day star?

You like it?
A bit... But I'm more of the nocturnal type.

Which is your favorite AE game?

Because I like the walkaround fantasy stuff

If you have played AQ before and gotten the Blade of Awe...have you seen how awesome Power Word Die is?

Do ya like being an ArchKnight?

Ok this is the question I ask everyone I meet,which is better?
Lol,rofl,roflmao,lmao,Fo'Shizzle,or Idk?

Like my sig? XD
A picture of a Chickencow would be nicer.

I do not say congratulations,I say:Welcome To The Impending DOOM That IS:My Torture Chamber of DOOM!What do you say?

Which do you prefer?DOOM or DESTINY?

If you were gonna be killed today,who would you be killed by?Alac,Galanoth,Some Mod Here,Artix,Sepulcher,Zorbak,The Devourer,or......ME!Muahahhahahaha!!
I'll seriously leave that to God to decide.

Banana,Apple Pie,Fudge,or Cheese?
Apple Pie?

SaoJUN,Saaaoooojun,SAOjun,SaOjUn!How in the world do you pronounce your name?
Sao Jun

Have you seen Chuck Norris?

If so,how did you escape?
Never saw him, so I dunno.

Bibbity,Bobbity, do these names make you think of something(and no Buu is spelled the way it was meant to be XDDDD)?

Ok another crazy question,which do you prefer?:D,:l,:O,-_-,O_O,O_o,o_O,>:-D,^_^,or :/?

Welcome To The Impending DOOM That IS:My Torture Chamber of DOOM!
o.O *flees*

Cats,Dogs,Birds,or Mouse?
Cats and Dogs

Yup I think that the torture is over...WAIT!*gets lightning spell and ZAP!!!!*There now it...WAIT!*Gets Blade of Awe and attacks...OMG POWER WORD DIE!!!!!*
Death:Prepare thyself for oblivion!
Death:Um...hehe...sorry Person is summoning me...uh yeah that is it!

Fine Torture is over,Welcome To The Impending DOOM That IS:My Torture Chamber of DOOM!
Thanks and see you around. [:)]

puffmonk -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Saojun (7/19/2008 9:39:45)

i gots another question :P

do you currently own a DS and the game guitar hero: on tour? cause its awesome
DS? That I do. Guitar Hero? No.

and...... whats the point of asking pointless questions if none of them ever have a point to being pointless?
You're the questioner.

another one :

wonk annaw i esuac yas siht seod tahw ( p.s. ish backwards i think o.0)
What does this say cause i wanna know
(P.S I'm proficient at reading backwards text...)

edit: OMG YOU'VE neve heard of arby n' the chief? where have you been chained in a jail :p?
Since I live halfway around the world from you... How should I know that? [:)]

SlyCooperFan1 -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Saojun (7/19/2008 11:05:08)

So, you've gone up the ladder to AK.
Was that surprising? I sure was.

Say, if you don't get paid, why did you agree to join?
To make the forums a better place.

So who's put you on the shackles?

And who has the whip?
Alac, I think.

And who's dungeon is it?
Alac's dungeon.

Well, good luck! You'll need it in that dungeon of yours...
Thanks! [:)]

Kay FC -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Saojun (7/19/2008 12:56:02)

Hi i'm Kay FC!
Hi Kay FC!

Congrats on becoming AK and all.
So here are my questions.

1. Do you get my name?
Yes... If it's the KFC part.

2. Do you think it's funny?
Quite. [:)]

3. If you do do you think my signature and picture go with my name?
They synch nicely.

4. What does an AK actually do?
Mod particular sections of the forums they have powers over.

5. Do you like KFC?
A lot. But I eat it in only occasionally.

6. If you do what is your favorite KFC meal?

7. How did you become AK?
Alac AKed me.

8. Do you think I could become an AK?
Everyone has potential to become an AK. It all depends on how you behave on the forums/IRC.

9. Can you look at my thread please? Linky Linky!

10. What do you think of it?

Thank you and again Congratulations!
Thanks again! [:)]

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