RE: Classes/Abilities (Full Version)

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golden1231 -> RE: Classes/Abilities (1/16/2012 10:54:02)

New button images for Nythera:


Added, thanks. ~Leon

golden1231 -> RE: Classes/Abilities (1/17/2012 18:37:59)

Rewrite for Evolved Color Custom DragonLord Armor:

[image][/image]Evolved Color Custom DragonLord Armor

Location: Sunbreeze Grove -> Elysia, Armor Closet
Price: 20,000 Gold
Level/Quest/Items to unlock: Level 8; Evolved DragonLord Armor unlocked, DA
Sellback: N/A

Level: Scaled
Rarity: N/A
Category: Armor
Equip Spot: Body

Default Weapon: DragonBlade

Defenses: Melee: 5, Pierce: 5, Magic: 5, Parry: 0, Dodge: 0, Block: 0
Offenses: Crit: 5, Bonus: 0, Boost: 0%

Resistances: None

Super Combo Attack with +20 Crit

Level/Quest/Items required: Level 20, Health Below 30%

Effect: Run toward the enemy and attacks 6 times for 25% damage each with +20 crit

Mana Cost: 10
Cooldown: 5
Element: As weapon
Attack Type: As weapon


+100 to Hit

Level/Quest/Items required: Level 19

Effect: Run up towards the enemy and does 1 normal attack with +100 bonus

Mana Cost: 10
Cooldown: 4
Element: As weapon
Attack Type: As weapon


[image][/image]Mana Regen
Regens 25% Mana

Level/Quest/Items required: Level 14

Effect: Sticks hand in the air and a blue, white, black flash around the hand appears healing 25% of your Mana

Mana Cost: 0
Cooldown: 9
Element: N/A
Attack Type: N/A


Stuns for 3 rounds

Level/Quest/Items required: Level 14

Effect: Run towards the enemy and deals 1 hit for 100% Base - 100% Random damage and the target cannot act for 3 rounds

Mana Cost: 20
Cooldown: 9
Element: As weapon
Attack Type: As weapon


30% Heal over 3 turns

Level/Quest/Items required: Level 12

Effect: Sticks hand in the air and a blue, white, black flash around the hand appears, healing you for 30% of your health over 3 turns

Mana Cost: 35
Cooldown: 9
Element: N/A
Attack Type: N/A


[image][/image]Elemental Align
+50 Resist to All Elements: 3 turns

Level/Quest/Items required: Level 11

Effect: Sticks hand in the air and a blue, white, black flash around the hand appears giving you +50 Resist to all elements for 3 turns

Mana Cost: 10
Cooldown: 4
Element: N/A
Attack Type: N/A


+80 Melee and Range Def: 1-3 turns

Level/Quest/Items required: Level 8

Effect: puts hands with weapon in hand on your head giving you +80 Melee and Range Def for 1-3 turns

Mana Cost: 5
Cooldown: 4
Element: N/A
Attack Type: N/A



Level/Quest/Items required: None

Effect: Runs towards the enemy and hits it once for 100% damage

Mana Cost: 0
Cooldown: 0
Element: As weapon
Attack Type: As weapon

Appearance 1
Appearance 2

50% of doing Double Damage

Level/Quest/Items required: Level 9, Successful attack on the previous turn

Effect: Run up towards the enemy and either do 1 normal attack or otherwise a stab and then a jump attack doing 100% damage each hit

Mana Cost: 0
Cooldown: 0
Element: As weapon
Attack Type: As weapon


3 hit combo

Level/Quest/Items required: Level 10, previous Pierce attack must hit

Effect: Sticks hand in the air making a black, white and blue glow appear, then runs towards the enemy and slashes 3 times for 66% Base - 66% Random damage each hit

Mana Cost: 0
Cooldown: 0
Element: As weapon
Attack Type: As weapon


[image][/image]Multi Attack
Wind Dragon Spirit: attacks all enemies

Level/Quest/Items required: Level 13

Effect: Sticks hand in front of the enemy and launches 1 wind dragon head to each opponent for 100% Base - 100% Random Wind damage

Mana Cost: 15
Cooldown: 4
Element: Wind
Attack Type: Magic


[image][/image]Energy Beam
Uber Energy Beam

Level/Quest/Items required: Level 15

Effect: Sticks hand in front of the enemy and launches a red beam at the target for 100% Energy Damage and doing 7-14 DoT on the target for 6 turns

Mana Cost: 20
Cooldown: 1
Element: Energy
Attack Type: Magic


[image][/image]Earth Dragon Spirit
Shatter the earth below enemy

Level/Quest/Items required: Level 16

Effect: Sticks sword in the ground, the ground bursts open under the enemy and a lightning beam erupts under the target doing 100% Stone damage and 7-14 DoT on the target for 6 turns

Mana Cost: 20
Cooldown: 1
Element: Stone
Attack Type: Magic


[image][/image]Fire Dragon Spirit

Level/Quest/Items required: Level 17

Effect: Jumps in the air and launches a fire dragon head formed flame at the target dealing 100% fire damage and 7-14 DoT on the target for 6 turns

Mana Cost: 20
Cooldown: 1
Element: Fire
Attack Type: Magic


[image][/image]Dragon Heart
Dragon Heart

Level/Quest/Items required: Level 21, Target must have a DoT

Effect: Jumps in the air, sprouts a pair of DragonLord wings. Dashes at the target, charges back and unleashes a small explosion of glowing orbs at the target each dealing 75% Damage

Mana Cost: 30
Cooldown: 4
Element: As weapon
Attack Type: As weapon


[image][/image] [image][/image]

Also See: Color Custom Dragonlord Armor, Dragonlord Armor, Evolved Dragonlord Armor

  • When you train your DragonLord Armor, it also trains the appropriate skill of this armor.

    Thanks to
    -- King Desoato for original entry and Male and Female images.
    -- Jamenja for button images.
    -- Therril Oreb for Appearance images.
    -- Shattered Oblivion for original Berserk, Stun, Pierce, Energy Beam skill entries.
    -- Markx29 for original DragonEye skill entry.
    -- Resolute for original Heal, Rush, Multi Attack skill entry.
    -- westward_ho! for original DragonScale skill entry.
    -- Kain for Earth Dragon Spirit, Fire Dragon Spirit, Dragon Heart skill entries.

    You can now post it in the Pedia. Old entry moved.
    Done. ~Leon

  • golden1231 -> RE: Classes/Abilities (2/4/2012 15:20:15)

    New skill button images for DragonRider:


    Done, thanks. ~Leon

    Dwelling Dragonlord -> RE: Classes/Abilities (2/6/2012 2:38:15)

    Elemental Nythera

    Smite the entire battlefield!

    Level/Quest/Items required: Completion of A Bridge Forms

    Effect: 5 hits of Energy damage to random enemies

    Mana Cost: Scaled
    Cooldown: 5
    Element: Energy Light
    Attack Type: Magic

    Can be seen here.

    Done, thanks. ~Voodoo

    golden1231 -> RE: Classes/Abilities (2/12/2012 10:29:39)

    Updated button images for Ninja Monkey:


    Updated button images for Pirate Monkey:


    Done, thanks. ~Voodoo

    Onyx Darkmatter -> RE: Classes/Abilities (2/15/2012 17:50:24)

    To fix one of the Chronocorruptor's skill (Continuum Slip)

    Attack becomes more powerfull with time ...

    Level/Quest/Items required: None

    Effect: Moves to the target and deals 2 hits of X evil damage. Damage depends on Target's HP, the lower the HP, the bigger the damage.

    Mana Cost: 45 Scaled
    Cooldown: 5
    Element: Evil
    Attack Type: As weapon

    Done, thanks. ~Leon

    Mordred -> RE: Classes/Abilities (2/15/2012 22:04:35)

    Chronocorruptor's Scratch skill does 50% damage per hit, not 75% each.

    Done, thanks.
    Scratch does 75% damage, as stated by Shaiyal. ~Leon

    Shaiyal -> RE: Classes/Abilities (2/16/2012 0:26:41)

    Chronocorruptor's Scratch DOES deal 75% damage per hit,
    Testing with daggers, Brightmist Carver (60), and no points in Dex, I would be dealing about 37.5, the attack dealt was 58 on average, which x1.25 is about the average damage the Birghtmist Carver (60) would do.

    Done, thanks. ~Leon

    Onyx Darkmatter -> RE: Classes/Abilities (2/17/2012 18:41:37)

    Another update on the Chronocorruptor's skill: HP Steal

    HP Steal
    Restores 5% Health

    Level/Quest/Items required: None

    Effect: You heal MP to yourself equal to 5% 11% of your max HP and deal 4 hits of 20% weapon damage.

    Mana Cost: N/A
    Cooldown: 3
    Element: As weapon
    Attack Type: As weapon

    I tested it with 1005 MP, and it keeps healing 116 MP

    Done, thanks. ~Leon

    Therril Oreb -> RE: Classes/Abilities (2/17/2012 18:59:24)

    To explain Onyx Darkmatter logic:

    You heal 5% of your max HP to MP.
    So if you have 2000 HP and 1000 MP, you will heal 200 MP and will sta 200 MP regardless your max amount of MP.
    I tested it multiple times and never saw a change

    Onyx Darkmatter -> RE: Classes/Abilities (2/17/2012 19:50:02)

    Ah, i understand, sorry about that. X_X

    Shaiyal -> RE: Classes/Abilities (2/18/2012 6:27:27)

    Alexander's Charge now gives a 30% boost, so it should be


    30% Power Boost.

    Level/Quest/Items required: Level 3

    Effect: Charge yourself with energy, increasing your Boost by 30%, lasts for 5 turns

    Done, thanks! ~PaperClip

    Onyx Darkmatter -> RE: Classes/Abilities (2/24/2012 21:25:32)

    Alexander's new skills:

    Triple Ice Attack, Lowers ice resistance

    Effect: Summoning hovering Ice Blocks, and shooting at an enemy for 300% damage, also decreasing Ice resistance by -25 for 4 turns

    Mana cost: 2
    Cooldown: 3
    Element: Ice
    Attack Type: Magic


    Frost Bomb
    Ice Attack

    Effect: Forming an Ice ball, expands and hits your enemy for 1 hit, dealing 100% damage

    Mana cost: 2
    Cooldown: 0
    Element: Ice
    Attack Type: Magic


    Done. Thanks! ~Peachii

    Note: I don't know if these skills have Level requirements, so i'm not going to put them in for now.

    Onyx Darkmatter -> RE: Classes/Abilities (3/1/2012 17:12:59)

    TogSlayer Armor's new skill:

    FireTog's PUNCH

    200% Dmg, Fire Elemental

    Level/Quest/Items required: 1 "Coal" to unlock

    Effect: Summons a hovering Fire Tog while flying through the enemy, then you run up to the enemy and hitting it 2 times. Total of 600% Fire damage

    Mana cost: 30
    Cooldown: 9
    Element: Fire
    Attack Type: As weapon


    Note: I have no clue if this skill requires a DA, feel free to make some corrections if possible. [;)]

    Done, thanks. ~Peachii

    Therril Oreb -> RE: Classes/Abilities (3/10/2012 7:25:16)

    I only just noticed this but dragonwarrior armour didn't pass the class and skill revamp.
    Perhaps this should be done before it gets forgotten again? [:)]

    It is not forgotten, The Legendary Hero Ash (new name) has this in his TODO list. [Niki]

    bobtehnoob -> RE: Classes/Abilities (3/10/2012 10:19:27)

    frost bomb only does ice damage, unless im mistaken.

    You're right, but this information can already be found on Alexander's entry. Thanks anyway.

    kim346 -> RE: Classes/Abilities (3/10/2012 13:27:32)

    Multishot's entry for Alexander's armor is incorrect, it hits 100% gaainst each enemy of the weapon's element if i recall.
    And also, if there are multiple enemies, it applies 1 hit of 100% against each enemy of the weapon's elemnet

    Done, thanks. ~Leon

    kim346 -> RE: Classes/Abilities (3/10/2012 19:47:08)

    Sorry for double posting, but I just realized that the Multi-Shot is Pierce Damage, not Magic

    It's alright to double post here. Corrected, thanks! ~Peachii

    PowerJack -> RE: Classes/Abilities (4/18/2012 14:49:06)

    Hi, I have

    Evolved ChickenCow Armor
    The next generation of Chickencow Lords... unleashed! This item uses the CCA bought with Dragon Coins.
    (DA Required)

    Location: ECCA Merge Shop
    Price: N/A
    Level/Quest/Items to unlock: 1 ChickenCow Armor (DC version) and 1 Chickencow Teeth
    Sellback: 45 DragonCoins for the first 24 hours, 13 DragonCoins after


    Summon Zeuster
    Zeuster = Crit-hit

    Level/Quest/Items required: None

    Effect: Blows the horn and Zeuster appears in front the target. He starts shining and a beam of light shoots from below him dealing 10 hits of 20% Damage with guaranteed critical damage each hit.

    Mana Cost: 10
    Cooldown: 13
    Element: As weapon
    Attack Type: As weapon magic

    Done, thanks. Next time please provide a link to the entry. ~Voodoo

    Onyx Darkmatter -> RE: Classes/Abilities (5/4/2012 20:42:05)

    Chronocorruptor's HP steal now heals HP and not MP

    Done by owner. ~Leon

    Pentium III -> RE: Classes/Abilities (5/8/2012 21:36:08)

    Is it okay to add the Chronocorruptor Preview to the page?

    Added, thanks! ~Peachii

    Stelios -> RE: Classes/Abilities (6/17/2012 6:40:45)

    New image for DragonLord Armor:

    The image above is too large (85KB) and shouldn't exceed 75KB. Maybe you can try reducing the image dimensions. ~Leon

    golden1231 -> RE: Classes/Abilities (6/17/2012 9:26:36)

    Female image for Dragonlord Armor:


    Done by owner. ~Leon

    Jorath -> RE: Classes/Abilities (6/17/2012 10:22:44)

    Male image for Dragonlord Armor:


    Added together with the female image.

    golden1231 -> RE: Classes/Abilities (6/17/2012 11:32:32)

    New skill button images for Dragonlord Armor:


    Added most images, as some skills have more MP usage. ~Leon

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