Therril Oreb -> RE: Classes/Abilties (12/9/2011 8:48:38)
Reformatted version of DeathKnight Armor: DeathKnight Armor Location: The Necropolis -> Malifact's Ghost, Armor Closet Price: N/A Level/Quest/Items to unlock: Completion of DeathKnight; Fully trained Paladin Armor and Necromancer Armor; 1 Undead Slayer Badge Sellback: N/A Level: Scaled Rarity: N/A Category: Armor Equip Spot: Body Default Weapon: DeathBlade Defenses: Melee: 5, Pierce: 5, Magic: 5, Parry: 0, Dodge: 0, Block: 0 Offenses: Crit: 5 , Bonus: 0, Boost: 0% Resistances: None Fiery (Warrior) 150% Fire Damage with +10 Crit Level/Quest/Items required: 1 Undead Slayer Badge Effect: Charge yourself, then runs up and stab & slash twice on the enemy, deals 3 hits of damage; Each hit has an additional +10 on crit. Mana Cost: 20 Cooldown: 5 Element: As weapon Attack Type: As weapon [image][/image] Appearance charging Appearance of hit Infliction (Mage) 200% fire Dmg at the cost of 25% HP Level/Quest/Items required: 1 Undead Slayer Badge Effect: Hold your weapon in the air which turns black; then stabs, jumps and slashes the target for a total of 200% Fire damage and you lose 25% of your health. Mana Cost: 20 Cooldown: 5 Element: Fire Attack Type: As weapon [image][/image] Appearance of casting Appearance of hit 1 Appearance of hit 2 Note: This ability can kill you if your Health points are under 25% Burn (Rogue) Chance of stacking fire Dot Level/Quest/Items required: 1 Undead Slayer Badge Effect: Charge yourself with energy, runs up to the enemy, then stabs and slash twice, deals 3 hits of damage. Mana Cost: 20 Cooldown: 5 Element: As weapon Attack Type: As weapon [image][/image] Appearance of charging Appearance of hit Note: Though the skill description says it gives a DoT, the effect of it has yet to be confirmed. Icy (Warrior) 120% Ice Damage 25% to -50 bonus Level/Quest/Items required: 1 Undead Slayer Badge Effect: Runs up to the enemy and slashes upwards, deals 1 hit of 120% Ice damage and 25% chance to cause -50 Bonus to the enemy Mana Cost: 10 Cooldown: 3 Element: Ice Attack Type: As weapon [image][/image] Appearance charging Appearance of hit Cold Blast (Mage) Cast to all enemies Level/Quest/Items required: 1 Undead Slayer Badge Effect: Casts a bolt of ice at the target, dealing 100% ice damage to all foes and -30 Fire for 5 turns. Mana Cost: 10 Cooldown: 3 Element: Ice Attack Type: Magic [image][/image] Appearance of casting Appearance of hit quote:
ORIGINAL: rendalith It says "Cast to all enemies" but the target is actually only one enemy. Since the armor has already been debugged, there's no hope for correcting this. Maybe the description should be "Hey, use this!"? Freeze (Rogue) Chance to lower fire resist and power Level/Quest/Items required: 1 Undead Slayer Badge Effect: Charge yourself with energy, runs up to the enemy, stabs and slashes upwards, deals 2 hits of damage. Has a chance to cause -50 Fire to the enemy and -20 Boost. Mana Cost: 10 Cooldown: 3 Element: Ice Attack Type: As weapon [image][/image] Appearance of charging Appearance of hit Boost (Warrior) +15% Damage:5 turns Level/Quest/Items required: 1 Undead Slayer Badge Effect: Charge yourself with energy, +15% Boost for 6 turns. Mana Cost: 15 Cooldown: 11 Element: N/A Attack Type: N/A [image][/image] Appearance of charging Wither (Mage) -30% enemy Damage for 3 turns Level/Quest/Items required: 1 Undead Slayer Badge Effect: Holds hand open in front of the enemy and says "Wither Before Me!", lowering the boost of the target by 30%. Mana Cost: 15 Cooldown: 11 Element: N/A Attack Type: N/A [image][/image] Appearance Toxic (Rogue) 75% dmg: 6-12 poison DOT Level/Quest/Items required: 1 Undead Slayer Badge Effect: Runs up to the enemy and stabs it, deals 1 hit of damage and 6-12 Poison DoT for 6 turns. Mana Cost: 12 Cooldown: 14 Element: As weapon Attack Type: As weapon [image][/image] Appearance of attack Appearance of DoT Multi Strike Hits All Enemies Level/Quest/Items required: 1 Undead Slayer Badge Effect: Casts a rain of skulls that explode on the ground, dealing 100% Darkness damage to all foes. Mana Cost: 10 Cooldown: 4 Element: Darkness Attack Type: Magic [image][/image] Appearance Final Guaranteed Crit Level/Quest/Items required: 1 Undead Slayer Badge Effect: Runs towards the target and hits it once for 100% damage with +100 crit. Mana Cost: 5 Cooldown: 11 Element: As weapon Attack Type: As weapon [image][/image] Appearanc Stun Stun for 3 rounds Level/Quest/Items required: 1 Undead Slayer Badge Effect: Runs up to the target and hits it once for 100% damage and attempts to stun for 3 turns. Mana Cost: 20 Cooldown: 11 Element: As weapon Attack Type: As weapon [image][/image] Appearance Shield +80 Parry: 3 turns Level/Quest/Items required: 1 Undead Slayer Badge Effect: Raises your weapon in the air, increases your Parry by 80 for 3 turns. Mana Cost: 20 Cooldown: 5 Element: N/A Attack Type: N/A [image][/image] Appearance Attack Level/Quest/Items required: None Effect: Runs towards the enemy and slash it once for 100% damage. Mana Cost: 0 Cooldown: 0 Element: As weapon Attack Type: As weapon [image][/image] Appearance [image][/image]Coil Steal Life and replenish 10% HP over 3 turns Level/Quest/Items required: 1 Undead Slayer Badge Effect: Raises weapon in the air, applies Coil effect to you and the target; Deals 10% of your max health damage over 3 turns on the target, and restores 10% of your health over 3 turns Mana Cost: 30 Cooldown: 7 Element: Heal Attack Type:N/A [image][/image] Appearance Note: Though it should do 10% of your max health as damage to the target, the element is heal and thus also heals the target. [image][/image]Cursed -10%HP & +15%Dmg, Toggle on/off Level/Quest/Items required: 1 Undead Slayer Badge Effect: Yells "*Cursed! AHHH!*" and puts the Cursed Effect on yourself making you deal 15% extra damage but at the cost of 10% HP each attack. This is a passive ability after being toggled on. Is toggled off the same way you toggle it on. When you toggle it off, the same animation occurs, but the red glow disappears and you yell, "*Not Cursed! AHHH Oh Wait, Better!*". Mana Cost: 0 Cooldown: 0 Element: N/A Attack Type: N/A [image][/image] Appearance when toggling on Appearance while toggled on Appearance when toggling off [image][/image]Blast 50% Damage, -25 darkness to enemy Level/Quest/Items required: 1 Undead Slayer Badge Effect: You charge up and then stabs the target for 50% damage and lowers its darkness resistance by 25. Mana Cost: 30 Cooldown: 7 Element: As weapon Attack Type: As weapon [image][/image] Appearance of charging Appearance of hit [image][/image]Call Minion Call Minion Level/Quest/Items required: 1 Undead Slayer Badge Effect: Summons an undead minion to hit the target once for 100% max weapon damage. Mana Cost: 12 Cooldown: 3 Element: As weapon Attack Type: As weapon [image][/image] Appearance [image][/image]Demon 150% DMG -25 resist to all Level/Quest/Items required: 1 Undead Slayer Badge Effect: Runs at the target and opens a gate to another world to summon an undead dealing 1 hit of 150% weapon damage at the target. Also gives target a -25 to all for 2 turns. Mana Cost: 45 Cooldown: 9 Element: As weapon Attack Type: As weapon [image][/image] Appearance [image][/image]Ultimate Every piece of DK item adds damage Level/Quest/Items required: 1 Undead Slayer Badge Effect: Attacks for 100% weapon damage. Every Deathknight item equipped adds another 20% damage. Deathknight items being: Deathknight Belt, Deathknight Cloak, Deathknight Helm, Deathknight Pendant, Malifact's DOOM, Deathknight Blade, Daggers of Stabina, Staff of Trelix Mana Cost: 25 Cooldown: 3 Element: As weapon Attack Type: As weapon [image][/image] Appearance [image][/image]Deadly Strike Mega Attack Level/Quest/Items required: 1 Undead Slayer Badge Effect: You run at the target and strikes the target 3 times each hit dealing 75% weapon damage. Mana Cost: 35 Cooldown: 9 Element: As weapon Attack Type: As weapon [image][/image] Appearance [image][/image] [image][/image] Thanks to -- jacost for skill bar, original entry and links. -- Peach for Burn, Freeze, Toxic, Fiery, Icy and Boost skill info and pictures. -- Markx29 for Fiery, Icy, Boost, Infliction, Cold Blast, Wither, Burn, Freeze, Toxic, Multi Strike, Final, Stun, Shield, Cursed, Blast, Call Minion, Demon, Ultimate and Deadly Strike skill entry. -- Scottrick95 for Coil skill entry. Approved, looks good! Thanks. ~TLH~ Done. [Niki]