RE: Classes/Abilties (Full Version)

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Therril Oreb -> RE: Classes/Abilties (12/24/2011 0:11:42)

On the day before Frostval those pesky moglins gave to me, Frost Moglin Armor class/abilities work.

Frost Moglin Armor

Location: Frostval 2008 -> Act 5 or Act 6 -> Chilly or Maya -> Armor Shop, Armor Closet, The Factory
Price: N/A
Level/Quest/Items to unlock: 1 Slay Bell
Sellback: N/A

Level: Scaled
Rarity: N/A
Category: Armor
Equip Spot: Body

Default Weapon: Sword

Defenses: Melee: 0, Pierce: 0, Magic: 0, Parry: 0, Dodge: 0, Block: 0
Offenses: Crit: 5 , Bonus: 0, Boost: 0%

Resistances: None

Firey Attack!

Level/Quest/Items required: 3 Slay Bell

Effect: Charge your weapon with heat, then lunges the fire at the target, deal 120% Fire damage

Mana Cost: 10
Cooldown: 4
Element: Fire
Attack Type: As weapon

Appearance (Charging)
Appearance of Attack

Suger Overload! Very Accurate!

Level/Quest/Items required: 3 Slay Bell

Effect: Throws a candy cane on the ground and summons Twig. Twig overloads and bounces on the field 3 times, deal 100% damage

Mana Cost: 10
Cooldown: 3
Element: As weapon
Attack Type: As weapon

Appearance of Twig
Appearance of Attack

Yule Tide
Multi Strike

Level/Quest/Items required: 3 Slay Bell

Effect: Concentrates to summon a giant wave, hitting all enemies for 100% Magic damage

Mana Cost: 15
Cooldown: 1
Element: As weapon
Attack Type: Magic


Fruitcake Brick
Stun for 3 rounds!

Level/Quest/Items required: 3 Slay Bell

Effect: Throws a fruitcake with the shape of a brick at the target, deal 100% damage and stun for 3 turns

Mana Cost: 30
Cooldown: 9
Element: As weapon
Attack Type: As weapon


+80 to block!

Level/Quest/Items required: 3 Slay Bell

Effect: Lifts sword in the air and a wreath circles around you; +80 Block for 5 turns

Mana Cost: 20
Cooldown: 8
Element: N/A
Attack Type: N/A


You'll Shoot your eye out kid!

Level/Quest/Items required: 3 Slay Bell

Effect: Lifts sword in the air and holds a gun in front of the target, then shoots it for 100% damage and causes "Blind", -50 Bonus for 5 turns

Mana Cost: 10
Cooldown: 3
Element: As weapon
Attack Type: As weapon


Spirit Burst
120% Magic Attack

Level/Quest/Items required: 3 Slay Bell

Effect: Run towards the target and casts 2 shock waves on the target, each deals 120% Magic damage

Mana Cost: 10
Cooldown: 1
Element: As weapon
Attack Type: Magic



Level/Quest/Items required: None

Effect: Runs towards the enemy and slash it once for 100% damage

Mana Cost: 0
Cooldown: 0
Element: As weapon
Attack Type: As weapon


Don't Blow a Fuse!

Level/Quest/Items required: 3 Slay Bell

Effect: Take a string of light bulbs and removes 1 bulb from it, then throws at the target for 100% Light damage

Mana Cost: 10
Cooldown: 4
Element: Light
Attack Type:As weapon

Appearance of string
Appearance of throwing stance
Appearance of hit

Candy Crane Kick
Don't Sweep the Leg!

Level/Quest/Items required: 3 Slay Bell

Effect: Run towards the target and does a flying kick, deal 120% damage

Mana Cost: 5
Cooldown: 4
Element: As weapon
Attack Type: As weapon


Gingerbread Invasion
All you need is Milk!

Level/Quest/Items required: 3 Slay Bell

Effect: Summons an army of Gingerbread men to assault your opponent for 1 hit of 100% damage, has a chance to heal you by (Your HP + END)/20 for 2 turns. If the monster was stunned before you used this skill, both of you regain (Your HP + END)/20 HP for 2 turns.

Mana Cost: 25
Cooldown: 9
Element: As weapon
Attack Type: As weapon

Appearance during summon
Appearance during damage

Reduces Cooldown by 3!

Level/Quest/Items required:3 Slay Bell

Effect: A shadow appears above, you look up and opens an umbrella; then a giant tree fell down, causes dizzy but all skills cooldown are reduced by 3 turns

Mana Cost: 10
Cooldown: 3
Element: N/A
Attack Type: N/A

Appearance of looking
Appearance of umbrella trick
Appearance of tree
Appearance of dizzyness

Horrible Gift
Deliver a shocking surprise

Level/Quest/Items required: 3 Slay Bell

Effect: Run towards the target and hands a gift to it; the gift explodes and deals 100% damage

Mana Cost: 0
Cooldown: 2
Element: As weapon
Attack Type: As weapon

Appearance of gift
Appearance of explosion

Missile Toe
Multi Strikev2

Level/Quest/Items required: 3 Slay Bell

Effect: A rocket launcher shoots multiple rockets at all enemies; deal 100% damage to each enemy

Mana Cost: 10
Cooldown: 1
Element: As weapon
Attack Type: As weapon


Spirit of Giving
Give until it hurts...them!

Level/Quest/Items required: 3 Slay Bell

Effect: Summon a barrage of gift boxes at the target, deal 9 times 25% damage each, total of 225% damage

Mana Cost: 20
Cooldown: 4
Element: As weapon
Attack Type: As weapon



  • Note: Automatically equips armor in The Factory quest with all unlocked skills.

    Thanks to
    -- Caotica White for skill bar, original entry and links, Blind and Spirit Burst skill entry.
    -- Lex Libris for Warmth, Twig, Yule Tide, Light, Candy Crane Kick, Gingerbread Invasion, Evergreen, Horrible Gift, Missile Toe and Spirit of Giving skill entry.
    -- PaperClip Of DOOM for Fruitcake Brick and Wreath skill entry.
    -- Karika for rare tags.
    -- ArchMagus Orodalf for name correction and icon.
    -- Joga95, turo and Chansey_15 for correction.
    -- Enjaycee, Margus20000, Dracojan, Stephen Nix and yosemite80 for corrections.
    -- Peachii for location and note.

    Approved by Peachii, you may post in the Pedia.
    Done. [Niki]

  • Jorath -> RE: Classes/Abilties (12/24/2011 22:09:01)

    Submission for Boy Wonder:

    Boy Wonder

    Location: A New Beginning, ArchKnight Falconreach
    Price: N/A
    Level/Quest/Items to unlock: DA or verified Guardian
    Sellback: N/A

    Level: Scaled
    Rarity: N/A
    Category: Armor
    Equip Spot: Body

    Default Weapon: Longsword

    Defenses: Melee: 5, Pierce: 5, Magic: 5, Parry: 0, Dodge: 0, Block: 0
    Offenses: Crit: 5, Bonus: 0, Boost: 0%

    Resistances: Light: 5, Darkness: 5

    Fire Magic

    Level/Quest/Items required: Level 7

    Effect: One hit of 100% Magic Fire damage

    Mana Cost: 5
    Cooldown: 1
    Element: Fire
    Attack Type: Magic


    Ice Storm
    Ice Magic

    Level/Quest/Items required: Level 6

    Effect: One hit of 100% Magic Ice damage

    Mana Cost: 5
    Cooldown: 1
    Element: Ice
    Attack Type: Magic


    Lower Enemy Dmg

    Level/Quest/Items required: Level 5

    Effect: One hit of 100% weapon damage; -10 Boost to enemy for 2 turns

    Mana Cost: 15
    Cooldown: 9
    Element: As weapon
    Attack Type: As weapon


    Accurate Hit

    Level/Quest/Items required: Level 4

    Effect: One hit of 100% weapon damage. Possible increase in Bonus for the attack

    Mana Cost: 5
    Cooldown: 1
    Element: As weapon
    Attack Type: As weapon


    +50% Defense for 5 turns

    Level/Quest/Items required: Level 3

    Effect: +50 Block for 5 turns

    Mana Cost: 20
    Cooldown: 4
    Element: N/A
    Attack Type: N/A


    Mel’s Rush
    Ash picked it up from Mel

    Level/Quest/Items required: Level 2

    Effect: Three hits of 50% weapon damage each. Requires a successful Stabbity to use.

    Mana Cost: 15
    Cooldown: 4
    Element: As weapon
    Attack Type: As weapon

    Appearance 1
    Appearance 2
    Appearance 3

    Reduces Enemy's to hit by 50%

    Level/Quest/Items required: Level 1

    Effect: One hit of 100% weapon damage, -50 Bonus to enemy for 5 turns. Requires a successful attack to use

    Mana Cost: 20
    Cooldown: 4
    Element: As weapon
    Attack Type: As weapon



    Level/Quest/Items required: None

    Effect: One hit of 100% weapon damage

    Mana Cost: 0
    Cooldown: 0
    Element: As weapon
    Attack Type: As weapon


    Light bomb
    Light Magic

    Level/Quest/Items required: Level 8

    Effect: One hit of 100% Magic Light damage

    Mana Cost: 5
    Cooldown: 1
    Element: Light
    Attack Type: Magic


    Energy Magic

    Level/Quest/Items required: Level 9

    Effect: One hit of 100% Magic Energy damage

    Mana Cost: 5
    Cooldown: 1
    Element: Energy
    Attack Type: Magic



  • Note: This armor will be replaced by Young Hero permanently upon completion of Slushroom Princess

    Thanks to
    -- ArchMagus Orodalf for original class and skill entries.
    -- Z.324 for name change.
    -- Suranjan for correction.
    -- ZzlzhtT for correction.
    -- Sasuke Uchiha for corrections.
    -- Stephen Nix for corrections.
    -- Peachii for note and corrections.

    Approved, you may post it in the Pedia.
    Done. [Niki]

  • Therril Oreb -> RE: Classes/Abilties (12/30/2011 17:33:42)

    It should be added in Kathool Adept Armor that all damage has a permanent boost of 100%. Though this is not shown in the character info, you always deal 200% damage including the regular attack.

    Shaiyal -> RE: Classes/Abilties (1/3/2012 6:49:42)

    DragonRider - PRIMAL Has incorrectly "tabbed" once under "Darkness" at the beginning causing Duration to say 500%

    Probably a browser issue as I see it correctly. There is no support for tabs in the forum and this is the best we can get.
    Sorry, yeah, this was a browser issue!

    Fry's Coffee - Should now say;
    Effect: COFFEEEEEE 20 PowerBoost (or +20% damage) for 5 turns

    Done, thanks. Just in case, can you look at the value of Boost while the effect is on to see if it actually 20%?

    Yup! Here's the picture; Coffee

    Thanks! [Niki]

    golden1231 -> RE: Classes/Abilties (1/3/2012 18:56:44)

    Elemental Nythera reworked.

    Elemental Nythera

    Location: Into the Void, No Gain Without Loss, Seeking Advice, Face Your Destiny, Know Your Nature, A Bridge Forms, The Test, Embrace Your Destiny
    Price: N/A
    Level/Quest/Items to unlock: None
    Sellback: N/A

    Level: Any
    Rarity: N/A
    Category: Armor
    Equip Spot: Body

    Default Weapon: Nythera Staff

    Defenses: Melee: 5, Pierce: 5, Magic: 5, Parry: 0, Dodge: 0, Block: 0
    Offenses: Crit: 5, Bonus: 0, Boost: 0%

    Resistances: None

    Unleash your dragonly powers!!

    Level/Quest/Items required: Completion of A Bridge Forms

    Effect: +40% Boost for 4 turns

    Mana Cost: Scaled
    Cooldown: 4
    Element: None
    Attack Type: None


    Time to unearth some history!

    Level/Quest/Items required: None

    Effect: Hits for 3 hits of 150% Nature damage and makes enemy "Earthbound" for 4 turns, lowering its chance to hit by 50

    Mana Cost: Scaled
    Cooldown: 6
    Element: Nature
    Attack Type: Magic


    Summon a raincloud to calm stress and anger!

    Level/Quest/Items required: None

    Effect: Heals you for 10% of your health and gives you -30 powerboost for 4 turns

    Mana Cost: 0
    Cooldown: 14
    Element: N/A
    Attack Type: N/A


    Ouch, burned!

    Level/Quest/Items required: None

    Effect: Hits 5 times for 150% fire damage and inflicts Burn baby burn! (DOT) on the enemy for 4 turns

    Mana Cost: Scaled
    Cooldown: 9
    Element: Fire
    Attack Type: Magic


    A shiny magical shield.

    Level/Quest/Items required: None

    Effect: Evasion greatly increased! - 2 turns, Dodge + 255

    Mana Cost: Scaled
    Cooldown: 9
    Element: N/A
    Attack Type: N/A


    Razor Wind
    The very air itself pierces your foes!

    Level/Quest/Items required: None

    Effect: 1 hit of 600% damage to all enemies

    Mana Cost: 0
    Cooldown: 6
    Element: Wind
    Attack Type: Magic


    Mystical energy stupefies your foe!

    Level/Quest/Items required: None

    Effect: 600% (?) Damage, 2-turn stun

    Mana Cost: Scaled
    Cooldown: 4
    Element: Darkness
    Attack Type: Magic



    Level/Quest/Items required: None

    Effect: 2 hits of 300% damage

    Mana Cost: 0
    Cooldown: 0
    Element: Darkness
    Attack Type: Magic


    Attack with a blindingly-fast strike!

    Level/Quest/Items required: A Bridge Forms

    Effect: 1 hit of scaled Light damage

    Mana Cost: Scaled
    Cooldown: 2
    Element: Light
    Attack Type: Magic


    Smite the entire battlefield!

    Level/Quest/Items required: Completion of A Bridge Forms

    Effect: 5 hits of Energy damage to random enemies

    Mana Cost: Scaled
    Cooldown: 5
    Element: Energy
    Attack Type: Magic


    Obliterate your foe with a dragon's roar!

    Level/Quest/Items required: Completion of Face Your Destiny

    Effect: 4 hits of scaled Light damage

    Mana Cost: Scaled
    Cooldown: 5
    Element: Light
    Attack Type: Magic


    Summon an unearthly creature to do your bidding!

    Level/Quest/Items required: Completion of The Test

    Effect: 1 hit of ??? damage

    Mana Cost: Scaled
    Cooldown: 3
    Element: ???
    Attack Type: Magic


    Summon an awesome, spear-like projectile!

    Level/Quest/Items required: Completion of The Test

    Effect: 1 hit of ??? damage and 4-turn ??? "Void Seizure" DOT: "Your foe has been infected with powerful Void magic!"

    Mana Cost: Scaled
    Cooldown: 4
    Element: ???
    Attack Type: Magic


    Call upon the void to steal your opponent's life!

    Level/Quest/Items required: Completion of The Test

    Effect: 4 hits of ??? damage; 50% of the damage dealt is restored to you as HP (if you deal less than 0 damage, you will not be damaged or healed)

    Mana Cost: Scaled
    Cooldown: 3
    Element: ???
    Attack Type: Magic


    Let the void corrupt your soul for immense damage!

    Level/Quest/Items required: Completion of The Test

    Effect: 4 hits of ??? damage

    Mana Cost: Scaled
    Cooldown: 5
    Element: ???
    Attack Type: Magic



  • You cannot equip any items while using this armor.
  • All MP costs scale to your level.

    Thanks to
    -- Peachii.
    -- Razmos for original entry and Stun, Razor, Barrier, Flame, Rain, and Unearth entries.
    -- Archmagus Orodalf for Unleash, Haste, Roar, Beam, Fiend, Rapture, Syphon, and Corruption entries.
    -- Silver Xoven for skill images.
    -- NikisArmy for corrections.

    Good, you may post it in the Pedia.
    Done. ~Leon

  • Baron Dante -> RE: Classes/Abilties (1/3/2012 19:47:59)

    Ranger's skill CoolDown does not always reduce the cooldowns. It seems to work on chance, not influenced wether you hit or miss.

    Also, Debiliating Arrow seems to have the text cut off, I suppose this would work :

    Effect: Shoots an arrow for 1 hit of 100% damage and -30 Boost for 3 turns.

    Done, thanks. [Niki]

    margus20000 -> RE: Classes/Abilties (1/5/2012 10:53:50)

    Gingerbread Invasion Skill of FMA Heals you Health/20 not Health+END/20
    (My Health is 2460 and END 200+32...And I get Healing 123....

    Confirmed and fixed, thanks. Please don't use color in your messages, removed. [Niki]

    Also icons of FMA skills are too big...especially compered to others armors ones...
    ....They make it much more uncomfortable to find info that you need...

    Stephen Nix -> RE: Classes/Abilties (1/5/2012 13:37:57)

    Whoever happens to be making the ChronoCorruptor Entry, your image for the male is here...

    Ok..I guess I got the female the males got the females, and vice versa... weird bug LOL


    Done by someone. [Niki]

    Therril Oreb -> RE: Classes/Abilties (1/5/2012 15:53:57)

    After experimenting with the skills I would suggest to wait with an entry untill the armour is complete.
    Your basic attack somehow keeps increasinh even after losing and starting a new battle. so there is no way yet to determine the damage you deal.

    I do not know if it happens to others too, but waiting untill it is completely bug free would be advisable. :)

    Saojun -> RE: Classes/Abilties (1/6/2012 19:38:38)

    Doom Spikes seems to stun all enemies for 3 turns each now.
    Confirmation requested/required. Thanks. [:)]

    Done, thanks. Please don't color your text when submitting into, removed. [Niki]

    Voodoo Master -> RE: Classes/Abilties (1/7/2012 3:50:53)

    @Saojun: I confirm.

    Thanks. [Niki]

    Jorath -> RE: Classes/Abilties (1/7/2012 17:54:31)

    Paladin Armor and Rogue Leathers submission:

    Paladin Armor

    Location: The Necropolis -> Artix -> Become A Paladin!, Armor Closet
    Price: N/A
    Level/Quest/Items to unlock: Completion of Noxus Fumes, 1 Undead Slayer Badge to unlock
    Sellback: N/A

    Level: Scaled
    Rarity: N/A
    Category: Armor
    Equip Spot: Body

    Default Weapon: Long Sword

    Defenses: Melee: 5, Pierce: 5, Magic: 5, Parry: 0, Dodge: 0, Block: 0
    Offenses: Crit: 5, Bonus: 0, Boost: 0%

    Resistances: Light: 5, Darkness: 5

    Protection from Darkness
    20% Protection from Darkness.

    Level/Quest/Items required: 1 Undead Slayer Badge

    Effect: Gives 20% Protection from Darkness, lasts for 4 turns

    Mana Cost: 22
    Cooldown: 0
    Element: N/A
    Attack Type: N/A


    Blinding Light
    20% Chance for -50% to hit.

    Level/Quest/Items required: 1 Undead Slayer Badge

    Effect: 1 hit with 20% chance to reduce target's Bonus by 50% for 5 turns

    Mana Cost: 22
    Cooldown: 0
    Element: As weapon
    Attack Type: As weapon


    20% Chance to weaken against Light.

    Level/Quest/Items required: 1 Undead Slayer Badge

    Effect: 1 hit with 20% chance to reduce target's Light resistance by 20% for 10 turns

    Mana Cost: 22
    Cooldown: 0
    Element: As weapon
    Attack Type: As weapon


    Chance to stun on attack

    Level/Quest/Items required: 1 Undead Slayer Badge; Requires successful Attack, Strike, Phoenix Song, Spear Toss, SoEL or Zeal to use

    Effect: 1 hit with 20% chance to stun target for 1 turn

    Mana Cost: 22
    Cooldown: 0
    Element: As weapon
    Attack Type: As weapon


    Mana Boost
    Chance to recover MP on attack

    Level/Quest/Items required: 1 Undead Slayer Badge

    Effect: 1 hit with chance to recover MP on attack

    Mana Cost: 0
    Cooldown: 2
    Element: As weapon
    Attack Type: As weapon


    Chance to heal on attack

    Level/Quest/Items required: 1 Undead Slayer Badge

    Effect: 1 hit with chance to heal on attack

    Mana Cost: 20
    Cooldown: 2
    Element: As weapon
    Attack Type: As weapon


    20% Heal.

    Level/Quest/Items required: 1 Undead Slayer Badge

    Effect: Heals 20% of your max HP

    Mana Cost: 35
    Cooldown: 3
    Element: N/A
    Attack Type: N/A



    Level/Quest/Items required: None

    Effect: 1 hit of 100% weapon damage

    Mana Cost: 0
    Cooldown: 0
    Element: As weapon
    Attack Type: As weapon


    Powerful Holy Blast! 140% Dmg.

    Level/Quest/Items required: 1 Undead Slayer Badge

    Effect: 1 hit of 140% Light damage

    Mana Cost: 20
    Cooldown: 4
    Element: Light
    Attack Type: As weapon


    [image][/image]Ultima Combo
    Frenzy of Powerful attacks.

    Level/Quest/Items required: 1 Undead Slayer Badge

    Effect: 4 hits of 30% Light damage with 100% chance to Crit

    Mana Cost: 20
    Cooldown: 4
    Element: Light
    Attack Type: As weapon


    [image][/image]Phoenix Song
    3X Attack, 120% dmg to undead.

    Level/Quest/Items required: 1 Undead Slayer Badge

    Effect: 3 hits of 100% Light damage, 120% damage to undead

    Mana Cost: 20
    Cooldown: 4
    Element: Light
    Attack Type: As weapon


    [image][/image]Spear Toss
    Summon a spear of Light!

    Level/Quest/Items required: 1 Undead Slayer Badge

    Effect: Two hits of 100% Light damage

    Mana Cost: 30
    Cooldown: 7
    Element: Light
    Attack Type: As weapon


    [image][/image]Swords of Eternal Light
    5 hits, target any enemy.

    Level/Quest/Items required: 1 Undead Slayer Badge

    Effect: 5 hits of 30% Light damage, hits random enemies

    Mana Cost: 20
    Cooldown: 4
    Element: Light
    Attack Type: As weapon


    Use the weapon to attack.

    Level/Quest/Items required: 1 Undead Slayer Badge

    Effect: Three hits of 75% Light damage

    Mana Cost: 25
    Cooldown: 4
    Element: Light
    Attack Type: As weapon


    [image][/image]Channeling Spirit
    Full Heal at cost of all Mana.

    Level/Quest/Items required: 1 Undead Slayer Badge

    Effect: Fully recovers your HP, at the cost of all your MP; All skills get 9 turns cooldown, 24 turns cooldown at the start of battle

    Mana Cost: 25
    Cooldown: 9
    Element: N/A
    Attack Type: N/A


    Alternative Male image

    Note: Wielding a Light weapon will increase the damage output on undead monsters.

    Thanks to
    -- PaperClip OF DOOM for original class entry.
    -- margus20000.
    -- Saojun for links to skill entries and armor resistance information.
    -- gazeto01 for alternative male image.
    -- Jamenja for skill button images.
    -- azacool89 for damage boost info.

    Approved, nice work. Go ahead and post it. ~TLH~
    Done. [Niki]

    Jorath -> RE: Classes/Abilties (1/8/2012 1:43:59)

    Rogue Leathers revamp:

    Rogue Leathers

    Location: Character Creation Screen, Base Class Change, Armor Closet
    Price: N/A
    Level/Quest/Items to unlock: N/A
    Sellback: N/A

    Level: Scaled
    Rarity: N/A
    Category: Armor
    Equip Spot: Body

    Default Weapon: Dagger

    Defenses: Melee: 5, Pierce: 5, Magic: 5, Parry: 0, Dodge: 0, Block: 0
    Offenses: Crit: 5, Bonus: 0, Boost: 0%

    Resistances: Light: 5, Darkness: 5

    25% Chance of extra potion

    Level/Quest/Items required: Level 15

    Effect: 25% chance to use an extra potion

    Mana Cost: 7
    Cooldown: 2
    Element: N/A
    Attack Type: N/A

    Appearance (using potion)
    Appearance (if unsuccessful)

    Attack, +20 to Hit for 5 turns

    Level/Quest/Items required: Level 11

    Effect: 1 hit of 100% damage; +20 Bonus for 5 turns

    Mana Cost: 7
    Cooldown: 4
    Element: As weapon
    Attack Type: As weapon


    Stops a foe from running away.

    Level/Quest/Items required: Level 10

    Effect: 1 hit of 100% damage, target cannot flee from battle for 20 turns

    Mana Cost: 3
    Cooldown: 4
    Element: As weapon
    Attack Type: As weapon


    Pierce Attack

    Level/Quest/Items required: Level 8

    Effect: 1 hit on enemy for 100% Pierce damage

    Mana Cost: 4
    Cooldown: 2
    Element: As weapon
    Attack Type: Pierce


    Daze and DOT for 3 rounds

    Level/Quest/Items required: Level 6

    Effect: 2 hits, inflicts Daze and Daze DoT on target for 3 turns

    Mana Cost: 17
    Cooldown: 14
    Element: As weapon
    Attack Type: As weapon


    +140 Defence for 4 turns

    Level/Quest/Items required: Level 5

    Effect: +140 Parry, Block and Dodge effect for 4 turns

    Mana Cost: 6
    Cooldown: 9
    Element: N/A
    Attack Type: N/A


    Rapid Attack
    Available after a successful Attack.

    Level/Quest/Items required: Level 3; Requires a successful Attack to use

    Effect: 4 hits of 50% damage with daggers, 2 hits of 100% damage with swords and staves

    Mana Cost: 7
    Cooldown: 2
    Element: As weapon
    Attack Type: As weapon



    Level/Quest/Items required: None

    Effect: 2 hits of 100% weapon damage

    Mana Cost: 0
    Cooldown: 0
    Element: As weapon
    Attack Type: As weapon


    +20 Crit, +45 Def Points for 4 turns

    Level/Quest/Items required: Level 2

    Effect: Gives Stealth Block: +45 Dodge, Parry, Block for 5 turns and Stealth: +20 Crit for 4 turns

    Mana Cost: 6
    Cooldown: 9
    Element: N/A
    Attack Type: N/A


    Surprise Attack
    Extra damage when stealthed

    Level/Quest/Items required: Level 4; only unlocks after using Stealth

    Effect: 1 hit of 150% damage

    Mana Cost: 4
    Cooldown: 1
    Element: As weapon
    Attack Type: As weapon


    20% Weapon Damage for 5 turns

    Level/Quest/Items required: Level 7

    Effect: 1 hit of 50% damage, inflicts target with Poison DoT for 6 turns

    Mana Cost: 3
    Cooldown: 4
    Element: As weapon
    Attack Type: As weapon


    Mind Numb
    Attacks MP instead of HP

    Level/Quest/Items required: Level 9

    Effect: 1 hit of 100% damage, drains MP instead of HP

    Mana Cost: 7
    Cooldown: 0
    Element: As weapon
    Attack Type: As weapon


    Wild Daggers
    Hits all enemies

    Level/Quest/Items required: Level 11

    Effect: 1 hit of 100% Pierce damage on all enemies

    Mana Cost: 14
    Cooldown: 2
    Element: As weapon
    Attack Type: Pierce


    -50 Hit for enemy

    Level/Quest/Items required: Level 12

    Effect: 1 hit of 100% weapon damage, reduces target's Bonus by 50% for 4 turns

    Mana Cost: 13
    Cooldown: 9
    Element: As weapon
    Attack Type: As weapon


    Final Strike
    Guaranteed Crit +25% dmg

    Level/Quest/Items required: Level 18

    Effect: 4 hits of 50% weapon damage

    Mana Cost: 8
    Cooldown: 14
    Element: As weapon
    Attack Type: As weapon



  • You can use Armor Closet to change to this class if Rogue is your base class.

    Thanks to
    -- SLC for original class entry.
    -- LoneW666.
    -- MrsRuby.
    -- Jamenja for skill bar images.
    -- Peachii for skill bar links.
    -- Highlord Sendai for location link and correction.

    Approved as well, go ahead and post it. ~TLH~
    Done. [Niki]

  • golden1231 -> RE: Classes/Abilties (1/8/2012 21:44:38)

    Evolved DragonLord Armor submission:

    [image][/image]Evolved DragonLord Armor

    Location: Sunbreeze Grove --> Elysia
    Price: 20,000 Gold
    Level/Quest/Items to unlock: Color Custom Dragonlord Armor unlocked, DA
    Sellback: N/A

    Level: 8
    Rarity: N/A
    Category: Armor
    Equip Spot: Body

    Default Weapon: DragonBlade

    Defenses: Melee: 5, Pierce: 5, Magic: 5, Parry: 0, Dodge: 0, Block: 0
    Offenses: Crit: 5, Bonus: 0, Boost: 0%

    Resistances: None

    Super Combo Attack with +20 Crit

    Level/Quest/Items required: Level 20, Health Below 30%

    Effect: Run toward the enemy and attacks 6 times for 25% damage each with +20 crit

    Mana Cost: 10
    Cooldown: 5
    Element: As weapon
    Attack Type: As weapon


    +100 to Hit

    Level/Quest/Items required: Level 19

    Effect: Run up towards the enemy and does 1 normal attack with +100 bonus

    Mana Cost: 10
    Cooldown: 4
    Element: As weapon
    Attack Type: As weapon


    [image][/image]Mana Regen
    Regens 25% Mana

    Level/Quest/Items required: Level 14

    Effect: Sticks hand in the air and a blue, white, black flash around the hand appears healing 25% of your Mana

    Mana Cost: 0
    Cooldown: 9
    Element: N/A
    Attack Type: N/A


    Stuns for 3 rounds

    Level/Quest/Items required: Level 14

    Effect: Run towards the enemy and strikes 1 hot for 100% Base - 100% Random damage and the target cannot act for 3 rounds

    Mana Cost: 20
    Cooldown: 9
    Element: As weapon
    Attack Type: As weapon


    30% Heal over 3 turns

    Level/Quest/Items required: Level 12

    Effect: Sticks hand in the air and a blue, white, black flash around the hand appears, healing you for 30% of your health over 3 turns

    Mana Cost: 35
    Cooldown: 9
    Element: N/A
    Attack Type: N/A


    [image][/image]Elemental Align
    +50 Rests to All Elements: 3 turns

    Level/Quest/Items required: Level 11

    Effect: Sticks hand in the air and a blue, white, black flash around the hand appears giving you +50 Resist to all elements for 3 turns

    Mana Cost: 10
    Cooldown: 4
    Element: N/A
    Attack Type: N/A


    +80 Melee and Range Def: 1-3 turns

    Level/Quest/Items required: Level 8

    Effect: puts hands with weapon in hand on your head giving you +80 Melee and Range Def for 1-3 turns

    Mana Cost: 5
    Cooldown: 4
    Element: N/A
    Attack Type: N/A



    Level/Quest/Items required: None

    Effect: Runs towards the enemy and hits it once for 100% damage

    Mana Cost: 0
    Cooldown: 0
    Element: As weapon
    Attack Type: As weapon

    Appearance 1
    Appearance 2

    50% of doing Double Damage

    Level/Quest/Items required: Level 9, Successfull attack on the previous turn

    Effect: Run up towards the enemy and either do 1 normal attack or otherwise a stab and then a jump attack doing 100% damage each hit

    Mana Cost: 0
    Cooldown: 0
    Element: As weapon
    Attack Type: As weapon


    3 hit combo

    Level/Quest/Items required: Level 10, previous Pierce attack must hit

    Effect: Sticks hand in the air making a black, white and blue glow appear, then runs towards the enemy and slashes 3 times for 66% Base - 66% Random damage each hit

    Mana Cost: 0
    Cooldown: 0
    Element: As weapon
    Attack Type: As weapon


    [image][/image]Multi Attack
    Wind Dragon Spirit: attacks all enemies

    Level/Quest/Items required: Level 13

    Effect: Sticks hand in front of the enemy and launches 1 wind dragon head to each opponent for 100% Base - 100% Random Wind damage

    Mana Cost: 15
    Cooldown: 4
    Element: Wind
    Attack Type: Magic


    [image][/image]Energy Beam
    Uber Energy Beam

    Level/Quest/Items required: Level 15

    Effect: Sticks hand in front of the enemy and launches a red beam at the target for 100% Energy Damage and doing 7-14 DoT on the target for 6 turns

    Mana Cost: 20
    Cooldown: 1
    Element: Energy
    Attack Type: Magic


    [image][/image]Earth Dragon Spirit
    Shatter the earth below enemy

    Level/Quest/Items required: Level 16

    Effect: Sticks sword in the ground, the ground bursts open under the enemy and a lightning beam erupts under the target doing 100% Stone damage and 7-14 DoT on the target for 6 turns

    Mana Cost: 20
    Cooldown: 1
    Element: Stone
    Attack Type: Magic


    [image][/image]Fire Dragon Spirit

    Level/Quest/Items required: Level 17

    Effect: Jumps in the air and launches a fire dragon head formed flame at the target dealing 100% fire damage and 7-14 DoT on the target for 6 turns

    Mana Cost: 20
    Cooldown: 1
    Element: Fire
    Attack Type: Magic


    [image][/image]Dragon Heart
    Dragon Heart

    Level/Quest/Items required: Level 21, Target must have a DoT

    Effect: Jumps in the air, sprouts a pair of DragonLord wings. Dashes at the target, charges back and unleashes a small explosion of glowing orbs at the target each dealing 75% Damage

    Mana Cost: 30
    Cooldown: 4
    Element: As weapon
    Attack Type: As weapon


    [image][/image] [image][/image]
    Alternative Male Image

    Thanks to
    -- Jjtee for original entry.
    -- Jamenja for new button images.
    -- King Desoato for typo correction.
    -- Dwelling Dragonlord for corrections.
    -- Therril Oreb for Appearance images.
    -- Shattered Oblivion for Berserk, Stun, Pierce, Energy Beam skill entry.
    -- Markx29 for DragonEye skill entry.
    -- Resolute for Heal, Rush, Multi Attack skill entry.
    -- westward_ho! for DragonScale skill entry.
    -- Kain for Earth Dragon Spirit, Fire Dragon Spirit, Dragon Heart skill entry.
    -- Stephen Nix for male image.

    Looks good. I'll see about grabbing a new male image since the one you have has all the equips on it. Go ahead and post it since the old entry had it anyway and one of us will collect up the old entries. ~TLH~
    Done. [Niki]

    Therril Oreb -> RE: Classes/Abilties (1/9/2012 6:26:24)

    Reformatted version of Ninja Armor:

    Ninja Armor

    Location: Shadow of the Wind Village -> Thyton, Armor Closet
    Price: N/A
    Level/Quest/Items to unlock: 1 Itchy Itchy Paradise
    Sellback: N/A

    Level: Scaled
    Rarity: N/A
    Category: Armor
    Equip Spot: Body

    Default Weapon: Ninja Blade

    Defenses: Melee: 5, Pierce: 5, Magic: 5, Parry: 0, Dodge: 0, Block: 0
    Offenses: Crit: 5 , Bonus: 0, Boost: 0%

    Resistances: None

    Futae (Warrior)
    Quick 1-2 with sword and wakizashi!

    Level/Quest/Items required: 1 Wind Scroll, requires a successful attack

    Effect: Run towards the target and attack twice with high speed dealing 2 hits of 70% damage each.

    Mana Cost: 10
    Cooldown: 5
    Element: As weapon
    Attack Type: As weapon


    Kai (Mage)
    +10 resist to darkness

    Level/Quest/Items required: 1 Wind Scroll

    Effect: Runs up to the enemy and stabs it, +10 Darkness for 5 turns

    Mana Cost: 40
    Cooldown: 9
    Element: As weapon
    Attack Type: As weapon


    Byouso (rogue)
    Extra Dmg on Fade.

    Level/Quest/Items required: 1 Wind Scroll , Equip daggers

    Effect: Runs up to the enemy and slashes it, deals 1 hit of 100% damage; with Fade effect: deals 150% damage

    Mana Cost: 10
    Cooldown: 14
    Element: As weapon
    Attack Type: Pierce


    Rin (Warrior)
    +10 STR for 5 turns

    Level/Quest/Items required: 1 Wind Scroll

    Effect: A puff of smoke appears around you and you increase your STR by 10 for 5 turns.

    Mana Cost: 0
    Cooldown: 0
    Element: N/A
    Attack Type: N/A

    Appearance charging of STR boost

    Rin (Mage)
    +10 intelligence for 5 rounds

    Level/Quest/Items required: 1 Wind Scroll

    Effect: A cloud of smoke forms around you, increases your INT by 10 for 5 turns

    Mana Cost: 0
    Cooldown: 4
    Element: N/A
    Attack Type: N/A

    Appearance charging of INT boost

    Rin (Rogue)
    +10 strength for 5 rounds

    Level/Quest/Items required: 1 Wind Scroll

    Effect: A cloud of smoke forms around you, increases STR by 10 for 5 turns

    Mana Cost: 0
    Cooldown: 0
    Element: N/A
    Attack Type: N/A

    Appearance charging of STR boost

    Zuruki (Warrior)
    -30% enemy dmg for 3 turns

    Level/Quest/Items required: 1 Wind Scroll

    Effect: Attack the enemy once and lower the target's boost with -30%

    Mana Cost: 0
    Cooldown: 0
    Element: As weapon
    Attack Type: As weapon


    -30 Boost to all enemies for 5 turns

    Level/Quest/Items required: 1 Wind Scroll, Equip a staff or a wand

    Effect: Cast a ball of bolt, deals 1 hit of 100% damage and -30% Dmg to the enemy for 2 turns

    Mana Cost: 10
    Cooldown: 6
    Element: As weapon
    Attack Type: Magic


    Dokuse (Rogue)
    120% Dmg Or 2x DOT Dmg on poisoned enemy

    Level/Quest/Items required: 1 Wind Scroll, Equip daggers

    Effect: Runs up to the enemy and slashes it for 1 hit of 120% damage; If enemy is poisoned, changes the effect to 2x DoT effect that lasts for 9 turns

    Mana Cost: 5
    Cooldown: 2
    Element: As weapon
    Attack Type: Pierce


    Crit Enemy

    Level/Quest/Items required: 1 Wind Scroll

    Effect: Attack the target once fiercely dealing 100% weapon damage with a guaranteed critical hit.

    Mana Cost: 20
    Cooldown: 20
    Element: As weapon
    Attack Type: As weapon


    Hits all enemies

    Level/Quest/Items required: 1 Wind Scroll

    Effect: Fades away and you throw a shuriken at each opponent dealing 100% damage each hit.

    Mana Cost: 15
    Cooldown: 5
    Element: Metal
    Attack Type: Pierce


    Stuns for three rounds

    Level/Quest/Items required: 1 Wind Scroll

    Effect: You run towards the target and do a jump attack on the target dealing 100% weapon damage and stun the target for 3 rounds.

    Mana Cost: 20
    Cooldown: 20
    Element: As weapon
    Attack Type: As weapon

    Appearance of jump
    Appearance of hit

    +80 Dodge for 2 turns

    Level/Quest/Items required: 1 Wind Scroll

    Effect: You slowely fade away, increasing your dodge by 80 for 2 turns

    Mana Cost: 5
    Cooldown: 5
    Element: N/A
    Attack Type: N/A



    Level/Quest/Items required: None

    Effect: Runs towards the enemy and slash it once for 100% damage.

    Mana Cost: 0
    Cooldown: 0
    Element: As weapon
    Attack Type: As weapon


    Poison enemy for 10 turns

    Level/Quest/Items required: 1 Wind Scroll

    Effect: You attack the target once for 100% weapon damage and poison the target for 4-6 Poison damage for 10 turns. You deal 120% weapon damage if the target has no DoT on himself.

    Mana Cost: 5
    Cooldown: 15
    Element: As weapon
    Attack Type: As weapon

    Appearance of hit
    Appearance of poisoning

    -30 Bonus to enemy for 5 turns

    Level/Quest/Items required: 1 Wind Scroll

    Effect: You attack the target once for 100% weapon damage and lower the Bonus of the target by -30 for 5 turns

    Mana Cost: 0
    Cooldown: 15
    Element: As weapon
    Attack Type: As weapon


    [image][/image]Last Resort
    Increased defence but lose HP

    Level/Quest/Items required: 1 Wind Scroll

    Effect: You kick the target once inflicting 100% weapon damage and lowers the target's Bonus with -100 but also lowers your HP to 1.

    Mana Cost: 20
    Cooldown: 15
    Element: As weapon
    Attack Type: As weapon


    Multiple hit spin attack.

    Level/Quest/Items required: 1 Wind Scroll, requires a successful attack

    Effect: You do a spin attack with your equiped weapon and a secondary weapon dealing 2 hits of 50% weapon damage.

    Mana Cost: 5
    Cooldown: 5
    Element: As weapon
    Attack Type: As weapon


    20% heal over 4 turns

    Level/Quest/Items required: 1 Wind Scroll

    Effect: You drink a potion and get healed for 5% of your Max HP for 4 turns.

    Mana Cost: 15
    Cooldown: 10
    Element: heal
    Attack Type: N/A


    Mimics enemy's last attack

    Level/Quest/Items required: 1 Wind Scroll, Rin effect must be active

    Effect: You attack the target for equal damage as the opponent did on you last hit if this attack was successful.

    Mana Cost: 30
    Cooldown: 15
    Element: As weapon
    Attack Type: As weapon


    [image][/image]Deadly Strike
    Mega Attack

    Level/Quest/Items required: 1 Wind Scroll, Fade effect must be active

    Effect: You attack the target 3 times for 80% weapon damage each hit but with a -50 on Crit for that attack.
    Mana Cost: 30
    Cooldown: 10
    Element: As weapon
    Attack Type: As weapon


    [image][/image] [image][/image]

    Thanks to
    -- princeof for skill bar, original entry and links.
    -- Peachii for Kai, Rin (mage) / Qi, Byouso, Rin (rogue) and Dokuse skill info - button and skill images.
    -- Breger for Futae(Warrior) Skill entry and image.
    -- Kain for Rin and Sha skill entry.
    -- pjc for Zuruki(Warrior), Multi, Dokusei, Last Resort, Mimic and Deathwish skill entry.
    -- brandon02 for Retsu skill entry.
    -- Evil Zhoaer for Fade skill entry.
    -- Safiron for image.
    -- Zhoaer and severyo for correction.
    -- Black_Mage, rougemaster99 and Zhoaer for skills.
    -- DragonBlade for post reformat.
    -- Dwelling Dragonlord for correction.

    Approved, you may post right away. ~Peachii
    Done. [Niki]

    Jorath -> RE: Classes/Abilties (1/9/2012 6:43:45)

    Image for DeathKnight Armor Curse skill:


    Done. Hmm, for some reason that link is still broken for me. [Niki]

    Stephen Nix -> RE: Classes/Abilties (1/9/2012 12:07:05)

    Image for Evolved DragonLord Armor Male...


    Added to new and current entry, thanks. [Niki]

    Therril Oreb -> RE: Classes/Abilties (1/11/2012 5:31:39)

    Reformatted version of Pirate Armor:

    Pirate Armor

    Location: Osprey Cove -> Rhubarb, Armor Closet
    Price: N/A
    Level/Quest/Items to unlock: 1 Forged Papers
    Sellback: N/A

    Level: Scaled
    Rarity: N/A
    Category: Armor
    Equip Spot: Body

    Default Weapon: Pirate Blade

    Defenses: Melee: 5, Pierce: 5, Magic: 5, Parry: 0, Dodge: 0, Block: 0
    Offenses: Crit: 5 , Bonus: 0, Boost: 0%

    Resistances: None

    Swordplay (Warrior)
    Cut your enemy in tiny dices!

    Level/Quest/Items required: 1 Black Pearl; requires a successful Pistol Shot

    Effect: Run towards the target and attack twice, each hit dealing 75% damage.

    Mana Cost: 10
    Cooldown: 5
    Element: As weapon
    Attack Type: As weapon


    Hex (Mage)
    Bonus damage on cursed enemy

    Level/Quest/Items required: 1 Black Pearl; Staff/Wand equipped to activate

    Effect: 1 hit of ~120% Damage if enemy is affected by Curse.

    Mana Cost: 40
    Cooldown: 0
    Element: As weapon
    Attack Type: Magic


    Pickpocket (Rogue)
    Chance to find random stuff

    Level/Quest/Items required: 1 Black Pearl

    Effect: Small chance to find gold, mana or health potions.

    Mana Cost: 0
    Cooldown: 14
    Element: N/A
    Attack Type: N/A

    Appearance (Mana Potion)
    Appearance (Health Potion)

    Pistol shot (Warrior)
    150% Dmg Shot

    Level/Quest/Items required: 1 Black Pearl; 3 turns to charge

    Effect: You shoot the target twice, each hit doing 100% Base - 150% Random damage.

    Mana Cost: 10
    Cooldown: 3
    Element: Metal
    Attack Type: Pierce


    Curse (Mage)
    120% Dmg & -20 Enemy Boost: 3 turns

    Level/Quest/Items required: 1 Black Pearl; Staff/Wand equipped to activate

    Effect: 1 hit of 120% Damage and inflicts Cursed: -20 Enemy Boost for 3 turns.

    Mana Cost: 30
    Cooldown: 4
    Element: As weapon
    Attack Type: Magic


    Backstab (Rogue)
    120% Dmg, -20 Hit for enemies for 3 turns

    Level/Quest/Items required: 1 Black Pearl; Dagger equipped to activate

    Effect: 1 hit of 100% damage, inflicts Backstab: -20 Boost on enemy for 3 turns.

    Mana Cost: 10
    Cooldown: 2
    Element: As weapon
    Attack Type: Melee


    Sealegs (Warrior)
    -20 Enemy Power Boost: 5 turns

    Level/Quest/Items required: 1 Black Pearl

    Effect: You lower the enemy's boost with -20% for 5 turns.

    Mana Cost: 0
    Cooldown: 5
    Element: N/A
    Attack Type: N/A


    Blast (Mage)
    Magical Blast

    Level/Quest/Items required: 1 Black Pearl; Staff/Wand equipped to activate

    Effect: 1 hit of 110% Base - 110% Max Damage.

    Mana Cost: 10
    Cooldown: 0
    Element: As weapon
    Attack Type: Magic


    Stealth (Rogue)
    +20 Crit for 5 turns

    Level/Quest/Items required: 1 Black Pearl to unlock; Dagger equipped to activate

    Effect: Increases Crit by 20 for 5 turns.

    Mana Cost: 10
    Cooldown: 10
    Element: N/A
    Attack Type: N/A


    Summon Crackers
    Summon Mega Parrot

    Level/Quest/Items required: 1 Black Pearl

    Effect: You summon a parrot to attack the target twice for 2 hits of 100% Base - 100% Random damage.

    Mana Cost: 20
    Cooldown: 9
    Element: Nature
    Attack Type: Pierce


    Quick Shot
    Hits all enemies, yarr!

    Level/Quest/Items required: 1 Black Pearl

    Effect: You shoot each opponent for 2 hits of 50% Base - 50% Random damage each hit.

    Mana Cost: 15
    Cooldown: 5
    Element: Metal
    Attack Type: Pierce


    Stuns for 3 rounds

    Level/Quest/Items required: 1 Black Pearl

    Effect: You stick your arm out and distract (stun) the target for 3 turns.

    Mana Cost: 20
    Cooldown: 15
    Element: N/A
    Attack Type: N/A

    Appearance (Distraction)

    +80 Block for 2 turns

    Level/Quest/Items required: 1 Black Pearl

    Effect: You yell:"I am ready... bring it on!", increasing your Block with +80 for 2 turns.

    Mana Cost: 20
    Cooldown: 5
    Element: N/A
    Attack Type: N/A



    Level/Quest/Items required: None

    Effect: Runs towards the enemy and slash it once for 100% damage.

    Mana Cost: 0
    Cooldown: 0
    Element: As weapon
    Attack Type: As weapon


    Wish you had Vitamin C

    Level/Quest/Items required: 1 Black Pearl

    Effect: You attack the target once for 100% weapon damage and poison the target for 4-8 Poison damage for 5 turns.

    Mana Cost: 5
    Cooldown: 10
    Element: Disease
    Attack Type: Magic


    Available after a critical hit.

    Level/Quest/Items required: 1 Black Pearl; Last hit must be a Critical hit

    Effect: You attack the target once for 100% weapon damage and boost your Bonus with +30 for 10 turns.

    Mana Cost: 10
    Cooldown: 5
    Element: As weapon
    Attack Type: As weapon


    [image][/image]1st Mate Aid
    Heals 20% of your HP

    Level/Quest/Items required: 1 Black Pearl; your stun attack must be resisted

    Effect: You heal yourself for 20% of your Maximum HP.

    Mana Cost: 20
    Cooldown: 10
    Element: Heal
    Attack Type: N/A


    Makes enemy hit stronger with high miss chance

    Level/Quest/Items required: 1 Black Pearl

    Effect: You make a shouting pose and lower the target's Bonus with -70 but also raise the target's Crit with +70 for 4 turns.

    Mana Cost: 30
    Cooldown: 10
    Element: N/A
    Attack Type: N/A


    25% Boost for 5 turns

    Level/Quest/Items required: 1 Black Pearl

    Effect: You drink a potion and increase your Boost with 25% for 5 turns.

    Mana Cost: 0
    Cooldown: 10
    Element: N/A
    Attack Type: N/A


    Pirates have BFG too!

    Level/Quest/Items required: 1 Black Pearl

    Effect: You fire a cannon at the target dealing 1 hit of 150% Base – 150% Random damage.

    Mana Cost: 10
    Cooldown: 5
    Element: Fire
    Attack Type: As weapon


    [image][/image]Pirate Ghost
    Summon Ghost

    Level/Quest/Items required: 1 Black Pearl

    Effect: You summon a ghost to attack the target for 3 hits of 40% Base - 40% Random with a guaranteed Critical hit each hit.

    Mana Cost: 20
    Cooldown: 20
    Element: As weapon
    Attack Type: As weapon


    [image][/image] [image][/image]

    Thanks to
    -- hawkbad for original entry and links.
    -- Resolute for Swordplay, Quick Shot, Shield, Sneaky, 1st Mate Aid, Shout, Cannon and Pirate Ghost skill entries.
    -- Kain for Hex, Curse and Blast skill entry.
    -- .Diz for Pickpocket and Stealth skill entry.
    -- pjc for Pistol shot, Sealegs, Summon Crackers, Stun and Scurvy skill entries.
    -- trailokyam for Backstab skill entry.
    -- latedog for LimeAid skill entry.
    -- Leon ShadowHart for appearance images and corrections.
    -- golden1231 for appearance images and corrections.
    -- PaperClip OF DOOM for appearance images.
    -- alabama_pitty for correction.
    -- Windy.
    -- freewilly4.
    -- SEED.

    Now that everything is added, you may post this in the Pedia. Thanks! [Jay]
    Done. ~Peachii

    Jorath -> RE: Classes/Abilties (1/12/2012 0:13:30)

    Evolved Dragonlord Armor needs a correction:

    The second skill after Pierce should be Rush.

    Pirate Class needs info for Pickpocket, Stealth and Backstab:

    Pickpocket (Rogue)

    Effect: Small chance to find gold, mana or health potions

    Mana Cost: 0

    Appearance (Mana Potion)
    Appearance (Health Potion)

    Backstab (Rogue)
    120% Dmg, -20 Hit for enemies for 3 turns

    Level/Quest/Items required: 1 Black Pearl, Daggers equipped

    Effect: 1 hit of 100% damage, inflicts Backstab: -20 Boost on enemy for 3 turns


    Stealth (Rogue)
    +20 Crit for 5 turns

    Level/Quest/Items required: 1 Black Pearl, Daggers equipped

    Effect: Increases Crit by 20 for 5 turns

    Mana Cost: 10
    Cooldown: 9
    Element: N/A
    Attack Type: N/A


    Done, thanks. If you need to update your correction entry, please make sure to refresh it before posting to make sure you don't overwrite an AK comment. [Niki]

    golden1231 -> RE: Classes/Abilties (1/12/2012 18:07:21)

    Pirate Class info for Hex, Curse, and Blast (Blast and Curse have identical animations):

    Hex (Mage)
    Bonus damage on cursed enemy

    Level/Quest/Items required: 1 Black Pearl

    Effect: 1 hit of ~120% Damage if enemy is affected by Curse

    Mana Cost: 40
    Cooldown: 0
    Element: As weapon
    Attack Type: Magic


    Curse (Mage)
    120% Dmg & -20 Enemy Boost: 3 turns

    Level/Quest/Items required: 1 Black Pearl, Staff/Wand equipped

    Effect: 1 hit of 120% Damage and inflicts Cursed: -20 Enemy Boost for 3 turns

    Mana Cost: 30
    Cooldown: 4
    Element: As weapon
    Attack Type: Magic


    Blast (Mage)
    Magical Blast

    Level/Quest/Items required: 1 Black Pearl, Staff/Wand equipped

    Effect: 1 hit of 110% Base – 110% Max Damage

    Mana Cost: 10
    Cooldown: 0
    Element: As weapon
    Attack Type: Magic


    Added to Therril Oreb's submission, thanks! [Jay]

    Jorath -> RE: Classes/Abilties (1/12/2012 20:45:27)

    DoomKnight Armor's Break actually does one hit of 100% damage, not two.

    Confirmed and updated, thanks! [Jay]

    Therril Oreb -> RE: Classes/Abilities (1/13/2012 4:00:21)

    Reformatted version of Dread Pirate Armor :

    Dread Pirate Armor

    Location: Falconreach -> Thyton -> Free Armor!, Armor Closet
    Price: N/A
    Level/Quest/Items to unlock: Fully trained Pirate Armor and Ninja Armor
    Sellback: N/A

    Level: Scaled
    Rarity: N/A
    Category: Armor
    Equip Spot: Body

    Default Weapon: Dread Pirate Blade

    Defenses: Melee: 7, Pierce: 7, Magic: 7, Parry: 0, Dodge: 0, Block: 0
    Offenses: Crit: 5 , Bonus: 0, Boost: 0%

    Resistances: None

    Swordplay (Warrior)
    Cut your enemy in tiny dices!

    Level/Quest/Items required: Unlock Pirate Armor - Swordplay skill; A successful Pistol Shot

    Effect: Run towards the target and attack twice, each hit dealing 75% damage.

    Mana Cost: 10
    Cooldown: 5
    Element: As weapon
    Attack Type: As weapon


    Hex (Mage)
    Bonus damage on cursed enemy

    Level/Quest/Items required: Unlock Pirate Armor - Hex skill; Staff/Wand equipped to activate

    Effect: 1 hit of ~120% Damage if enemy is affected by Curse.

    Mana Cost: 40
    Cooldown: 0
    Element: As weapon
    Attack Type: Magic


    Pickpocket (Rogue)
    Chance to find random stuff

    Level/Quest/Items required: Unlock Pirate Armor - Pickpocket skill

    Effect: Small chance to find gold, mana or health potions.

    Mana Cost: 0
    Cooldown: 14
    Element: N/A
    Attack Type: N/A

    Appearance (Mana Potion)
    Appearance (Health Potion)
    Appearance unsuccessful

    Pistol shot (Warrior)
    150% Dmg Shot

    Level/Quest/Items required: Unlock Pirate Armor - Pistol shot skill; 3 turns to charge

    Effect: You shoot the target twice, each hit doing 100% Base - 150% Random damage.

    Mana Cost: 10
    Cooldown: 3
    Element: Metal
    Attack Type: Pierce


    Curse (Mage)
    120% Dmg & -20 Enemy Boost: 3 turns

    Level/Quest/Items required: Unlock Pirate Armor - Curse skill; Staff/Wand equipped to activate

    Effect: 1 hit of 120% Damage and inflicts Cursed: -20 Enemy Boost for 3 turns.

    Mana Cost: 30
    Cooldown: 4
    Element: As weapon
    Attack Type: Magic


    Backstab (Rogue)
    120% Dmg, -20 Hit for enemies for 3 turns

    Level/Quest/Items required: Unlock Pirate Armor - Backstab skill; Dagger equipped to activate

    Effect: 1 hit of 100% damage, inflicts Backstab: -20 Boost on enemy for 3 turns.

    Mana Cost: 10
    Cooldown: 2
    Element: As weapon
    Attack Type: Melee


    Sealegs (Warrior)
    -20 Enemy Power Boost: 5 turns

    Level/Quest/Items required: Unlock Pirate Armor - Sealegs skill

    Effect: You lower the enemy's boost with -20% for 5 turns.

    Mana Cost: 0
    Cooldown: 5
    Element: N/A
    Attack Type: N/A


    Blast (Mage)
    Magical Blast

    Level/Quest/Items required: Unlock Pirate Armor - Blast skill; Staff/Wand equipped to activate

    Effect: 1 hit of 110% Base - 110% Max Damage.

    Mana Cost: 10
    Cooldown: 0
    Element: As weapon
    Attack Type: Magic


    Stealth (Rogue)
    +20 Crit for 5 turns

    Level/Quest/Items required: Unlock Pirate Armor - Stealth skill; Dagger equipped to activate

    Effect: Increases Crit by 20 for 5 turns.

    Mana Cost: 10
    Cooldown: 10
    Element: N/A
    Attack Type: N/A


    Summon Crackers
    Summon Mega Parrot

    Level/Quest/Items required: Unlock Pirate Armor - Summon Crackers skill

    Effect: You summon a parrot to attack the target twice for 2 hits of 100% Base - 100% Random damage.

    Mana Cost: 20
    Cooldown: 9
    Element: Nature
    Attack Type: Pierce


    Quick Shot
    Hits all enemies, yarr!

    Level/Quest/Items required: Unlock Pirate Armor - Quick Shot skill

    Effect: You shoot each opponent for 2 hits of 50% Base - 50% Random damage each hit.

    Mana Cost: 15
    Cooldown: 5
    Element: Metal
    Attack Type: Pierce


    Stuns for 3 rounds

    Level/Quest/Items required: Unlock Pirate Armor - Stun skill

    Effect: You stick your arm out and distract (stun) the target for 3 turns.

    Mana Cost: 20
    Cooldown: 15
    Element: N/A
    Attack Type: N/A

    Appearance (Distraction)

    +80 Block for 2 turns

    Level/Quest/Items required: Unlock Pirate Armor - Shield skill

    Effect: You yell:"I am ready... bring it on!", increasing your Block with +80 for 2 turns.

    Mana Cost: 20
    Cooldown: 5
    Element: N/A
    Attack Type: N/A



    Level/Quest/Items required: None

    Effect: Runs towards the enemy and slash it once for 100% damage.

    Mana Cost: 0
    Cooldown: 0
    Element: As weapon
    Attack Type: As weapon


    Wish you had Vitamin C

    Level/Quest/Items required: Unlock Pirate Armor - Scurvy skill

    Effect: You attack the target once for 100% weapon damage and poison the target for 4-8 Poison damage for 5 turns.

    Mana Cost: 5
    Cooldown: 10
    Element: Disease
    Attack Type: Magic


    Available after a critical hit.

    Level/Quest/Items required: Unlock Pirate Armor - Sneaky skill; Last hit must be a Critical hit

    Effect: You attack the target once for 100% weapon damage and boost your Bonus with +30 for 10 turns.

    Mana Cost: 10
    Cooldown: 5
    Element: As weapon
    Attack Type: As weapon


    [image][/image]1st Mate Aid
    Heals 20% of your HP

    Level/Quest/Items required: Unlock Pirate Armor - 1st Mate Aid skill; Your stun attack must be resisted

    Effect: You heal yourself for 20% of your Maximum HP.

    Mana Cost: 20
    Cooldown: 10
    Element: Heal
    Attack Type: N/A


    Makes enemy hit stronger with high miss chance

    Level/Quest/Items required: Unlock Pirate Armor - Shout skill

    Effect: You make a shouting pose and lower the target's Bonus with -70 but also raise the target's Crit with +70 for 4 turns.

    Mana Cost: 30
    Cooldown: 10
    Element: N/A
    Attack Type: N/A


    25% Boost for 5 turns

    Level/Quest/Items required: Unlock Pirate Armor - LimeAid skill

    Effect: You drink a potion and increase your Boost with 25% for 5 turns.

    Mana Cost: 0
    Cooldown: 10
    Element: N/A
    Attack Type: N/A


    Pirates have BFG too!

    Level/Quest/Items required: Unlock Pirate Armor - Cannon skill

    Effect: You fire a cannon at the target dealing 1 hit of 150% Base – 150% Random damage.

    Mana Cost: 10
    Cooldown: 5
    Element: Fire
    Attack Type: As weapon


    [image][/image]Pirate Ghost
    Summon Ghost

    Level/Quest/Items required: Unlock Pirate Armor - Pirate Ghost skill

    Effect: You summon a ghost to attack the target for 3 hits of 40% Base - 40% Random with a guaranteed Critical hit each hit.

    Mana Cost: 20
    Cooldown: 20
    Element: As weapon
    Attack Type: As weapon


    [image][/image] [image][/image]

    Also See: Pirate Armor

    Thanks to
    -- dachshundfan for original entry and links.
    -- Resolute for Swordplay, Quick Shot, Shield, Sneaky, 1st Mate Aid, Shout, Cannon and Pirate Ghost skill entries.
    -- Kain for Hex, Curse and Blast skill entry.
    -- .Diz for Pickpocket and Stealth skill entry.
    -- pjc for Pistol shot, Sealegs, Summon Crackers, Stun and Scurvy skill entries.
    -- trailokyam for Backstab skill entry.
    -- latedog for LimeAid skill entry.
    -- Leon ShadowHart for appearance corrections.
    -- golden1231 for appearance corrections.
    -- gazeto01 for the male image.
    -- Silver Xoven for female image.
    -- hawkbad for the skill toolbars.
    -- pjc for information.
    -- Bakuryu the Mole for the original entry.
    -- The 13th for the DA tag.
    -- Deathmen III for the new location.
    -- Robofire2 for a link correction.
    -- Peachii for images.
    -- Alanna Zelen for images.

    Approved, you may post it in the pedia, thanks! ~Peachii
    Done. [Jay]

    Dwelling Dragonlord -> RE: Classes/Abilities (1/13/2012 12:52:38)

    Grammar fixes for Togslayer Armor.


    Level/Quest/Items required: 1 "Coal" to unlock

    Effect: Whistles, and a tog jump up in front of you. You then kicks it in the direction of the enemy, deals 1 hit of 100% damage and stun for 3 turns



    Level/Quest/Items required: 1 "Coal" to unlock

    Effect: Whistles, a tog came running from behind knocks onto you. You later rides on it and strikes at the enemy back and forth; deal 2 hits of 120% damage with a guaranteed crit.

    ride, strike

    Fixed, thanks. [Niki]

    Varen6398 -> RE: Classes/Abilities (1/13/2012 13:10:09)

    Correction for Togslayer Armour.

    Effect: Whistles, and a tog jump up in front of you. You then kicks it in the direction of the enemy, deals 1 hit of 100% damage and stun for 3 turns.

    It doesn't mention the fact that the player takes recoil damage when attacking. I thought it might be worth noting. Ignore that. It only happens when I play through Chapter 14 of Frostvale.

    Therril Oreb -> RE: Classes/Abilities (1/14/2012 11:13:54)

    You got this for purchasing the 2012 Artix Entertainment Year of Chaos calendar!
    (no DA required)

    Location: Redeem a code that you get when buying the AE 2012 Calendar from, Chaorrupted Clock
    Price: $12.00

    Level/Quest/Items to unlock: None
    Sellback: N/A (unsellable/undestroyable)

    Level: 1
    Rarity: 99
    Category: Armor
    Equip Spot: Body

    Default Weapon:Chrono

    Defenses: Melee: 5, Pierce: 5, Magic: 5, Parry: 5, Dodge: 0, Block: 0
    Offenses: Crit: 5, Bonus: 0, Boost: 0%

    Resistances: None

    Cannon of Meanwhile
    Guaranteed Crit

    Level/Quest/Items required: 1

    Effect: Your weapon forms into a giant cannon. You shot a beam dealing 6 hits 33% weapon damage with a guaranteed critical chance.

    Mana Cost: 28
    Element: As weapon
    Attack Type: As weapon


    Continuum Slip
    Attack becomes more powerfull with time ...

    Level/Quest/Items required: 1

    Effect: moves to the target and deals 2 hits of X evil damage. Damage depends on Target's HP, the lower the HP, the bigger the damage.

    Mana Cost: 45
    Cooldown: 5
    Element: Evil
    Attack Type: As weapon


    Attack and +40 Crit for 3 turns

    Level/Quest/Items required: 1

    Effect: You boost your Crit with 40 and attacks once for 100% weapon damage. The critical buff is given after the hit.

    Mana Cost: 31
    Cooldown: 7
    Element: As weapon
    Attack Type: As weapon

    Appearance of Casting
    Appearance of Hit

    10% MP Heal.

    Level/Quest/Items required: 1

    Effect: You skip a turn and restore 10% of your max MP.

    Mana Cost: 0
    Cooldown: 8
    Element: N/A
    Attack Type: N/A


    Space Bomb
    SPACCEEEE! -20 Bonus

    Level/Quest/Items required: 1

    Effect: A small timebomb deals 1 hit of 100% weapon damage to the target and lowers its bonus with 20.

    Mana Cost: 27
    Cooldown: 15
    Element: As weapon
    Attack Type: As weapon


  • Though it is said to lower the bonus by -20, it doesn't actually happen

    Multi Strike
    Target All

    Level/Quest/Items required: 1

    Effect: You shoot 5 arrows at each opponent. each arrow dealing 30% weapon damage.

    Mana Cost: 25
    Cooldown: 5
    Element: As weapon
    Attack Type: As weapon


    Three Strike Attack, 150% Damage

    Level/Quest/Items required: 1

    Effect: Attacks the target 3 times for 75% weapon damage each hit.

    Mana Cost: 21
    Cooldown: 5
    Element: As weapon
    Attack Type: As weapon

    Appearance hit 1
    Appearance hit 2
    Appearance hit 3


    Level/Quest/Items required: 1

    Effect: One hit of 100% damage

    Mana Cost: 0
    Cooldown: 0
    Element: As weapon
    Attack Type: As weapon


    Chaos Orb
    Bends target's reality!

    Level/Quest/Items required: 1

    Effect: Casts a ball of corrupted time at the target dealing 100% weapon damage and lowering the boost of the target with -50% for 5 turns.

    Mana Cost: 18
    Cooldown: 15
    Element: As weapon
    Attack Type: As weapon

    Appearance of casting
    Appearance of hit

    Tempus Blade
    40% for 3 turns DOT

    Level/Quest/Items required: 1

    Effect: Attacks the target once for 50% weapon damage and Wound the target for 6 turns. Wound deals 40% metal weapon damage to the target each turn.

    Mana Cost: 28
    Cooldown: 10
    Element:As weapon (DoT: Metal)
    Attack Type: As weapon


    3 Turn Stun

    Level/Quest/Items required: 1

    Effect: You cast a yellow orb at the target and when it hits you lock him in time for 3 turns. The hit deals 1 hit of 100% weapon damage.

    Mana Cost: 8
    Cooldown: 14
    Element: As weapon
    Attack Type: As weapon

    Appearance of casting
    Appearance of hit

    +140 Defenses

    Level/Quest/Items required: 1

    Effect: You shield yourself in time and deal 1 hit of 100% weapon damage on the target. Your Parry, Dodge and Block increase all with 140.

    Mana Cost: 11
    Cooldown: 5
    Element: As weapon
    Attack Type: As weapon


    HP Steal
    Restores 5% Health

    Level/Quest/Items required: 1

    Effect: You heal MP to yourself equal to 5% of your max HP and deal 4 hits of 20% weapon damage.

    Mana Cost: N/A
    Cooldown: 3
    Element: As weapon
    Attack Type: As weapon


    Fast Forward
    Let's Speed Cooldowns Up!

    Level/Quest/Items required: 1

    Effect: You speed up time and reset all cooldowns.

    Mana Cost: 8
    Cooldown: 20
    Element: N/A
    Attack Type: N/A


    Don't Blink, Don't even Blink!

    Level/Quest/Items required: 1

    Effect: You teleport and strike around the enemy for 6 times, each hit dealing 75% weapon damage. Also has a chance to have 1 extra turn, alowing you to make a move twice.

    Mana Cost: 14
    Cooldown: 14
    Element: As weapon
    Attack Type: As weapon


    [image][/image] [image][/image]

    Thanks to Stephen Nix for Female Image

  • Though Chronocorruptor isn't officially finished yet, this entry can be used for future purposes.

    Done, thanks. ~Peachii

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