RE: Monsters (Full Version)

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TFS -> RE: Monsters (10/7/2018 17:41:30)


Location: Xan, Egomaniacs

Level: Scaled
Element: Fire
Damage: Scaled
Damage Type: Melee

HP: Scaled
MP: Scaled

Stats: STR: Scaled, INT: Scaled, DEX: Scaled, CHA: Scaled, LUK: Scaled, END: Scaled, WIS: 0
Defenses: Melee: Scaled, Pierce: Scaled, Magic: Scaled, Block: 10, Parry: 10, Dodge: 10
Offenses: Crit: Scaled, Bonus: Scaled, Boost: 0%

Resistances: Ice: 200, Shrink: 100, Darkness: 200, Immobility: Scaled, Stone: 100, Fire: 200

Attack Type 1 - Xan hurls a fireball at his target, dealing one hit of Fire damage. This attack applies 'Everburn' to the target, a Fire DoT that never expires and deals more damage each time Xan attacks.
Attack Type 2 - Xan hurls three flaming skulls at his target, dealing three hits of Fire damage. This attack applies 'Everburn' to the target, a Fire DoT that never expires and deals more damage each time Xan attacks.
Attack Type 3 - Upon being lowered to 30% of his maximum HP, Xan fully heals himself and applies 'Protective Flames' (+200 Melee Defense, +200 Pierce Defense, +200 Magic Defense) to himself for 30 turns. This attack also applies 'Exposed Flames' (-100 Water resistance) to Xan for 5 turns.

Gold gained: Scaled
Experience gained: Scaled


Added, thanks! ~Peachii

TFS -> RE: Monsters (11/6/2018 19:35:49)


Location: Caitiff, Failed Doom

Level: Scaled
Element: Evil
Damage: Scaled
Damage Type: Magic

HP: Scaled
MP: Scaled

Stats: STR: Scaled, INT: Scaled, DEX: Scaled, CHA: 0, LUK: Scaled, END: Scaled, WIS: 0
Defenses: Melee: Scaled, Pierce: Scaled, Magic: Scaled, Block: 50, Parry: 50, Dodge: 50
Offenses: Crit: Scaled, Bonus: Scaled, Boost: 0%

Resistances: All: 25, Shrink: 200, Immobility: Scaled

Attack Type 1 - Caitiff calls upon the elemental orbs, dealing 8 hits of Ice / Nature / Fire / Wind / Light / Energy / Water / Darkness damage and activating one of the following effects at random:
  • "Where am I?" Applies 'Magic of the Unknown' (+10 All resistance, -10 Health resistance) to Caitiff for 10 turns and causes Attack Type 2 to deal ??? damage.
  • "Who are you?" Inflicts 'Blinded by Darkness' (-25 Bonus) upon Caitiff's target for 5 turns and causes Attack Type 2 to deal Darkness damage.
  • "What comes next?" Attempts to inflict 'Shattered' (a one-turn stun) upon Caitiff's target and causes Attack Type 2 to deal Energy damage.
  • "Teach me." Heals Caitiff for 7.5% of its maximum HP and causes Attack Type 2 to deal Light damage.
  • "What shall I choose?" Inflicts 'Freezing' (-50 Melee/Pierce/Magic Defense) upon Caitiff's target for 4 turns and causes Attack Type 2 to deal Ice damage.
  • "How do you react to this?" Applies 'Wind Shield' (+100 Melee/Pierce/Magic Defense) to Caitiff for 2 turns and causes Attack Type 2 to deal Wind damage.
  • "Fascinating." Inflicts 'Evil Entropy' (-10 All resistance, +10 Health resistance) upon Caitiff's target for 4 turns and causes Attack Type 2 to deal Evil damage.
  • "Does this hurt?" Applies 'The Power of Nature' (+25 Boost) to Caitiff for 5 turns and causes Attack Type 2 to deal Nature damage.
  • "How will you be destroyed?" Applies 'Fueled by Fire' (+75 Bonus) to Caitiff for 5 turns and enables use of Attack Type 3.
  • "What thoughts crawl through your mind?" Inflicts 'Waterlogged' (-5 Boost) upon Caitiff's target for 4 turns and enables use of Attack Type 4.
    Attack Type 2 - Caitiff blasts its target with a beam of energy, dealing 3 hits of damage with high Bonus to hit. This attack's element is determined by the most recently activated effect of Attack Type 1.
    Attack Type 3 - Caitiff engulfs its target in ghostly flames, dealing 3 hits of Fire damage and inflicting 'Blue Flames' (a Fire DoT) upon its target for 5 turns.
    Attack Type 4 - Caitiff removes all status effects from itself and strikes its target with tentacles, dealing 7 hits of Water damage.

    Gold gained: Scaled
    Experience gained: Scaled



    Location: Sepulchure, Failed Doom

    Level: Scaled
    Element: Evil
    Damage: Scaled
    Damage Type: Melee

    HP: Scaled
    MP: Scaled

    Stats: STR: Scaled, INT: Scaled, DEX: Scaled, CHA: 0, LUK: Scaled, END: Scaled, WIS: 0
    Defenses: Melee: Scaled, Pierce: Scaled, Magic: Scaled, Block: 50, Parry: 50, Dodge: 50
    Offenses: Crit: Scaled, Bonus: Scaled, Boost: 0%

    Resistances: All: 5, Shrink: 200, Immobility: Scaled

    Attack Type 1 - Sepulchure blasts his target with dark energy, dealing 5 hits of Evil damage and inflicting 'Mana Leech' (a 25-50 damage Evil DoT that afflicts MP) for 10 turns.
    Attack Type 2 - Sepulchure summons dark energy and strikes his target, dealing 2 hits of Evil damage and attempting to inflict 'Crushed' (a stun) for 3 turns.
    Attack Type 3 - Sepulchure engulfs his target in darkness, dealing 1 hit of Evil damage and inflicting 'Blind' (-50 Bonus) for 3 turns.
    Attack Type 4 - Sepulchure strikes his target with the Necrotic Blade of Doom, dealing 3 hits of Evil damage and permanently increasing his damage by 10%.
    Attack Type 5 - Sepulchure laughs, dealing 1 hit of Evil damage and inflicting 'Taunted' (-50 Boost) upon his target for 2 turns.
    Attack Type 6 - Sepulchure strikes his target with the Necrotic Blade of Doom, dealing 3 hits of Evil damage.
    Attack Type 7 - Sepulchure engulfs his target in darkness, dealing 1 hit of Evil damage and applying 'Necrotic Warmth' (a 0.3% HoT) to himself for 4 turns.
    Attack Type 8 - After 150 turns have passed, Sepulchure becomes enraged and permanently increases his damage by 400%.
    Attack Type 9 - If the player has DoomKnight Armor equipped, Sepulchure becomes enraged and permanently increases his damage by 1900%.

    Gold gained: Scaled
    Experience gained: Scaled

  • Sepulchure is permanently affected by 'Resilience,' raising his All resistance and lowering his Health resistance by 94 - [% of HP remaining].
  • If any of Sepulchure's elemental resistances falls below 0, he will heal from all attacks of that element rather than take damage.

  • BluuHorseOfficial -> RE: Monsters (11/7/2018 3:03:32)

    I’ve drafted the Caitiff entry TFS made here. It should be merged with this page due to which I’ve named it “Caitiff (Version 4)”

    I’ve done the same for the Sepulchure entry TFS made here . It should be merged with this page due to which I’ve named it “Sepulchure (Version 3)”. I also request that this entry be named Sepulchure (Version 2) similar to how it was done to Caitiff.

    Both entries have been merged here and here respectively, thank you to you both.

    As far as I could tell, the "version 1/2" notation on the Caitiff entry was because there were two different variants of Caitiff from the same quest (Calamity). [Jay]

    TFS -> RE: Monsters (11/10/2018 1:06:14)

    The Inn version of Xan just had his damage type changed from Melee to Magic.

    Done, thanks. ~Peachii

    BluuHorseOfficial -> RE: Monsters (12/3/2018 4:03:09)

    The current version of the Tog Invaders entry is horribly inaccurate as it misses some vital information. This Document contains all the special effects the Togs can apply under the “Rotation” section as well as the inherent buffs in the “Strategy” section.

    Edit: I’ve used the Wikia to make the section of the entry myself.


    Attack Type 1 - The Tog Invader gallops straight over to you and crunches down, inflicting severe random-elemental damage. List of effects given below.
    Attack Type 2 - The Tog Invader gallops straight over to you and roars at you, inflicting severe random-elemental damage. List of effects given below.
    Attack Type 3 - The Tog gallops towards you, roars at you before crunching down on you thrice for 4 hits of colossal random-elemental damage. This skill is only used once the rotation given below reaches the (10n)th turn.

    • On the [(1)+(n-1)10]th turn, the Tog either:
      • Applies 'Thick Skin' for 4 turns, increasing Block/Parry/Dodge by +Floor Level (capped at 300). Pop-up: "The tog's resilient skin hardens!", or
      • Inflicts a 4-turn stun. If your net Immobility + All resist is greater than 49, +200 Crit is applied to the skill. Pop-up: "The tog's teeth sink deep into your strong muscles!"

    • On the [(2)+(n-1)10]th turn, the Tog either:
      • Applies 'Togfocused' for 6 turns, increasing Bonus to Hit by +Floor Level/99, or
      • Applies no secondary effect. Pop-up: "The tog focuses in on its prey: you!"

    • On the [(3)+(n-1)10]th turn, the Tog applies 'Hunter's Instinct' for 4 turns, increasing Crit by +Floor Level/50. Pop-up: "The tog's primal instincts kick in!"

    • On the [(4)+(n-1)10]th turn, the Tog either:
      • Inflicts 'Togpox' for 3 turns, decreasing Boost by -Floor Level/20%, capped at -50%. Pop-up: "You're infected with Togpox!", or
      • Applies Togly Might for 5 turns, increasing boost by +Floor Level/20%, capped at +50%. Pop-up: "The tog's muscles ripple with Togly Might!"

    • On the [(5)+(n-1)10]th turn, the Tog starts charging up for a powerful attack, but does not apply any secondary effects. Pop-up: "The tog is charging up!"

    • On the [(6)+(n-1)10]th turn, the Tog heals up for 15% of it’s maximum health, regardless of wether the attack hits or misses. Pop-up: "The tog bites down... and recovers health!"

    • On the [(7)+(n-1)10]th turn, the Tog simply attacks you with no special effects whatsoever. Pop-up: N/A

    • On the [(8)+(n-1)10]th turn, the Tog Inflicts 'Broken Armor' for 5 turns, decreasing All resistance by -100. Pop-up: N/A

    • On the [(9)+(n-1)10]th turn, the Tog simply attacks you with no special effects whatsoever, but warns you that it’s onslaught is imminent. Pop-up: "The tog is about to unleash its fury!"

    • On the [10n]th turn, the Tog gallops towards you, roars at you before crunching down on you thrice for 4 hits of colossal random-elemental damage.

    Where “n” is the number of occurences of the given skill. For example, the third occurence of the seventh skill would be on the [(7)+(3-1)10]=27th turn.

    It should also be noted that some of these skills (excluding the tenth) are exclusive to the first Attack Type, some exclusive to the second and some shared between both, so it’s up to you if you want to move them under the corresponding Attack Types. If necessary, I will try to procure this information, but I’d recommend keeping it as it is. Furthermore:


  • Dreamspace Togs apply 'Togskin', a +All and -Health buff every turn (including at the start of combat on your turn) that increases by 1 per 20 Floor Level, capping at 50 All beyond Floor 1000. This effect is reapplied every turn, and silently removes some debuffs.
  • "The tog is infuriated!" will announce every round if the Tog's HP is below 50%, doubling its damage for as long as its HP is below 50%.
  • Dreamspace Togs become immune to stuns beyond Floor Level 100: "The tog shakes off your stun!"

  • Lastly, the Resistances section of the entry should have Health and All changed to “Scaled to Floor Level”

    Please also credit Solanaceae, TheErosionSeeker and Celadon for their efforts on the Endgame Wiki that supplied all this information.

    Thank you for going to all of this effort; the entry was definitely quite outdated/lacking most information of mechanics past the 20th floor. All of the above information have been added/adjusted as required. Will also need to grab some new Attack Type images at some point, but that shouldn't be an issue. [Jay]

    BluuHorseOfficial -> RE: Monsters (12/4/2018 0:09:30)

    Simulacrum of Uthuluc has a seventh Attack Type:


    Attack Type 7 - If the player has the Icebound Revenant Armor equipped, Uthuluc becomes enraged and increases it’s damage by 2000% and all it’s attacks are guaranteed Critical Hits with a very high BtH. This attack can only be experienced when using IceBound Revenant in the Arbitrary Arena Random Goal Heuristic system and getting Uthuluc chosen as your foe.

    There are a few corrections to be made to its entry as well, so TFS decided to rewrite the whole page due to the changes:


    Stats: STR: 0, INT: 0, DEX: 0, END: Scaled CHA: 0, LUK: 0, WIS: 0
    Defenses: Melee: Scaled, Pierce: Scaled, Magic: Scaled, Parry: 15, Dodge: 15, Block: 15
    Offenses: Crit: 0, Bonus: Scaled, Boost: 0%

    Resistances: Shrink: 300, Health: -100, All: 100

    Attack Type 1 - Uthuluc drains its target, dealing 7 hits of ??? damage. Each successful hit heals Uthuluc for 2.5% of its maximum HP.
    Attack Type 2 - Uthuluc roars, dealing 8 hits of ??? damage to up to three random targets and applying 'Presence' (+120 Block/Parry/Dodge) to itself for 2 turns.
    Attack Type 3 - Uthuluc breathes a small explosion of purple flames, dealing 4 hits of ??? damage.
    Attack Type 4 - Uthuluc fires a laser from its mouth,dealing 8 hits of ??? damage to up to 3 random targets.
    Attack Type 5 - Darkness fills the arena as Uthuluc's eyes glow, dealing one hit of ??? damage and attempting to stun their target for 3 turns. This attack applies 'Focused' (+200 Bonus) to Uthuluc for 5 turns.
    Attack Type 6 - Upon the fourth application of 'Sundered Chitin,' Uthuluc reinforces its armor and its chitin becomes unshatterable. This attack deals no damage but prevents 'Sundered Chitin' from being re-applied.
    Attack Type 7 - If the player has Icebound Revenant Armor equipped, Uthuluc's damage becomes permanently increased by 1900% and all of its attacks become guaranteed crits with high Bonus to Hit.

    After being struck with critical hits on four separate turns, Uthuluc gets inflicted with 'Sundered Chitin' (-200 All, +200 Health) for 3 turns. Each application of 'Sundered Chitin' permanently increases Uthuluc's damage by 100%.

    Done up to here, thank you! (Attack Type 7 image still required.) Grabbed an image for attack type 7.

    Further, Sciuridaehotep’s “Charging Power Word. No.” Has some corrections that were recently discovered.


    Attack Type 2 - When 'Charging Power Word: No.' has expired, Sciuridaehotep strips down all of your buffs, transforms into a Wizard with a hooded cape with a starry interior and four arms, and uses its tentacles to strike you for 18 hits of Colossal Good damage.

    It’s worth mentioning that if Sciuridaehotep is stunned, he reflects back 150% of all damage to you under the pop-up “Power Word: No. No Stuns.”

    Massive thanks to Solanaceae for finding out the new information, on both Uthuluc and Sciuridaehotep. Thanks to Solanaceae and TFS for for corrections.

    And as for the above entry, it’s worth mentioning that the togs’ Damage as well as HP and MP values and physical size increase as you ascend floors. Formulas are still being calculated. It would be better if the alternative images of the togs were put in an album for ease of viewing of the page.

    Will hold off on this as per the post below. [Jay]

    TFS -> RE: Monsters (12/5/2018 0:36:41)

    ^I'm currently in the process of writing up a new entry for Sciuridaehotep, the entries for several of the less recent inn bosses lack a lot of information (or contain misinformation) and need their attacks/notes/stats rewritten. Anyway, here are the Sentogs:

    Sentog Red

    Location: Super Sentog, Super Sentog Appears!

    Level: Scaled
    Element: Fire
    Damage: Scaled
    Damage Type: Melee

    HP: Scaled
    MP: Scaled

    Stats: STR: 0, INT: 0, DEX: 0, END: 0, CHA: 0, LUK: 0, WIS: 0
    Defenses: Melee: Scaled, Pierce: Scaled, Magic: Scaled, Parry: 0, Dodge: 1, Block: 0
    Offenses: Crit: Scaled, Bonus: Scaled, Boost: 0%

    Resistances: None

    Attack Type 1 - Sentog Red bites its target, dealing 1 hit of Fire damage.
    Attack Type 2 - Sentog Red barks at its target, dealing 1 hit of Fire damage and inflicting 'Plasma Burn' (a Fire DoT) upon its target for 5 turns.

    Gold gained: Scaled
    Experience gained: Scaled

    Sentog Yellow

    Location: Super Sentog, Super Sentog Appears!

    Level: Scaled
    Element: Energy
    Damage: Scaled
    Damage Type: Melee

    HP: Scaled
    MP: Scaled

    Stats: STR: 0, INT: 0, DEX: 0, END: 0, CHA: 0, LUK: 0, WIS: 0
    Defenses: Melee: Scaled, Pierce: Scaled, Magic: Scaled, Parry: 0, Dodge: 1, Block: 0
    Offenses: Crit: Scaled, Bonus: Scaled, Boost: 0%

    Resistances: None

    Attack Type 1 - Sentog Yellow bites its target, dealing 1 hit of Energy damage.
    Attack Type 2 - Sentog Yellow barks at its target, dealing 1 hit of Energy damage.

    Gold gained: Scaled
    Experience gained: Scaled

    Sentog Blue

    Location: Super Sentog, Super Sentog Appears!

    Level: Scaled
    Element: Water
    Damage: Scaled
    Damage Type: Melee

    HP: Scaled
    MP: Scaled

    Stats: STR: 0, INT: 0, DEX: 0, END: 0, CHA: 0, LUK: 0, WIS: 0
    Defenses: Melee: Scaled, Pierce: Scaled, Magic: Scaled, Parry: 0, Dodge: 1, Block: 0
    Offenses: Crit: Scaled, Bonus: Scaled, Boost: 0%

    Resistances: None

    Attack Type 1 - Sentog Blue bites its target, dealing 1 hit of Water damage.
    Attack Type 2 - Sentog Blue barks at its target, dealing 1 hit of Water damage and applying 'Flow Like Water' (+100 Block/Parry/Dodge) to itself for 2 turns.

    Gold gained: Scaled
    Experience gained: Scaled

    Sentog Green

    Location: Super Sentog, Super Sentog Appears!

    Level: Scaled
    Element: Wind
    Damage: Scaled
    Damage Type: Melee

    HP: Scaled
    MP: Scaled

    Stats: STR: 0, INT: 0, DEX: 0, END: 0, CHA: 0, LUK: 0, WIS: 0
    Defenses: Melee: Scaled, Pierce: Scaled, Magic: Scaled, Parry: 0, Dodge: 1, Block: 0
    Offenses: Crit: Scaled, Bonus: Scaled, Boost: 0%

    Resistances: None

    Attack Type 1 - Sentog Green bites its target, dealing 1 hit of Wind damage.
    Attack Type 2 - Sentog Green barks at its target, dealing 1 hit of Wind damage with +200 Crit and +200 Bonus to Hit.

    Gold gained: Scaled
    Experience gained: Scaled

    Sentog Black

    Location: Super Sentog, Super Sentog Appears!

    Level: Scaled
    Element: Good
    Damage: Scaled
    Damage Type: Melee

    HP: Scaled
    MP: Scaled

    Stats: STR: 0, INT: 0, DEX: 0, END: 0, CHA: 0, LUK: 0, WIS: 0
    Defenses: Melee: Scaled, Pierce: Scaled, Magic: Scaled, Parry: 0, Dodge: 1, Block: 0
    Offenses: Crit: Scaled, Bonus: Scaled, Boost: 0%

    Resistances: None

    Attack Type 1 - Sentog Black bites its target, dealing 1 hit of Good damage.
    Attack Type 2 - Sentog Black barks at its target, dealing 1 hit of Good damage.

    Gold gained: Scaled
    Experience gained: Scaled

    Super Sentog Justice Go

    Location: Super Sentog, Big and Small, Super Sentog Appears!

    Level: Scaled
    Element: Good
    Damage: Scaled
    Damage Type: Melee

    HP: Scaled
    MP: Scaled

    Stats: STR: Scaled, INT: 0, DEX: 0, END: Scaled, CHA: Scaled, LUK: Scaled, WIS: 0
    Defenses: Melee: Scaled, Pierce: Scaled, Magic: Scaled, Parry: 20, Dodge: 20, Block: 20
    Offenses: Crit: Scaled, Bonus: Scaled, Boost: 0%

    Resistances: Immobility: Scaled, All: 25

    Attack Type 1 - Super Sentog Justice Go lunges at its target and strikes, dealing 3 hits of Good damage.
    Attack Type 2 - Super Sentog Justice Go releases cyan blasts from its arms, dealing 5 hits of Water damage and applying 'Justice Reflexes' (+100 Block/Parry/Dodge) to itself for 2 turns.
    Attack Type 3 - Super Sentog Justice Go lunges at its target and strikes, dealing 3 hits of Wind damage with +200 Crit and +200 Bonus to Hit.
    Attack Type 4 - Super Sentog Justice Go releases cyan blasts from its arms, dealing 5 hits of Energy damage and attempting to stun its target for 2 turns.
    Attack Type 5 - Super Sentog Justice Go releases cyan blasts from its arms, dealing 5 hits of Fire damage, inflicting 'Justice Burn' (a Fire DoT) upon its target for 5 turns, and permanently increasing its damage by 5%.
    Attack Type 6 - If the player has any guests in their party or Doomknight Variant One equipped, Super Sentog Justice Go will strike its target 5 times in succession and inflict a lethal DoT.

    Gold gained: Scaled
    Experience gained: Scaled

    I've provided an image of Super Sentog's Attack Type 6, as its current page is lacking one. No other additional images should be needed.

    All of the above changes have been made, thank you! [Jay]

    TFS -> RE: Monsters (12/6/2018 18:40:21)

    The Witness

    Location: Sciuridaehotep, The Primordials, Sciuridaehotep Appears!

    Level: Scaled
    Element: ???
    Damage: Scaled
    Damage Type: N/A

    HP: Scaled
    MP: Scaled

    Stats: STR: Scaled, INT: Scaled, DEX: Scaled, CHA: Scaled, LUK: 0, END: 0, WIS: 0
    Defenses: Melee: Scaled, Pierce: Scaled, Magic: Scaled, Block: 200, Parry: 200, Dodge: 200
    Offenses: Crit: 0, Bonus: Scaled, Boost: 0%

    Resistances: Immobility: Scaled

    Attack Type 1 - 'I see skies of blue.' The Witness summons blue energy, casting 'Blue Shift' (+200 Magic Defense) upon Sciuridaehotep for 2 turns.
    Attack Type 2 - 'It's not easy being green.' The Witness summons green energy, casting 'Green Shift' (+200 Pierce Defense) upon Sciuridaehotep for 2 turns.
    Attack Type 3 - 'Red is the loneliest color that you'll ever do.' The Witness summons red energy, casting 'Red Shift' (+200 Melee Defense) upon Sciuridaehotep for 2 turns.
    Attack Type 4 - 'We are not finished yet.' If Sciuridaehotep is defeated, The Witness will revive it, fully restoring its HP and clearing it of all statuses.
    Attack Type 5 - 'So be it.' If Sciuridaehotep is defeated three times, The Witness's HP will automatically fall to 0, ending the fight.

    Gold gained: Scaled
    Experience gained: Scaled


    Location: Sciuridaehotep, The Primordials, Sciuridaehotep Appears!

    Level: Scaled
    Element: Good
    Damage: Scaled
    Damage Type: Magic

    HP: Scaled
    MP: Scaled

    Stats: STR: 0, INT: 0, DEX: 0, CHA: 0, LUK: 0, END: Scaled, WIS: 0
    Defenses: Melee: Scaled, Pierce: Scaled, Magic: Scaled, Block: 5, Parry: 5, Dodge: 5
    Offenses: Crit: 0, Bonus: Scaled, Boost: 0%

    Resistances: Shrink: 200, All: 25

    Attack Type 1 - Sciuridaehotep says 'No.' to its target, dealing 1 hit of Good damage.
    Attack Type 2 - 'No buffs.' Sciuridaehotep says 'No.' to its target, dealing 1 hit of Good damage and clearing its target of all statuses.
    Attack Type 3 - 'No skills.' Sciruidaehotep says 'No.' to its target, dealing 1 hit of Good damage and increasing the cooldowns of its target's skills by 1.
    Attack Type 4 - 'No existence.' Sciuridaehotep says 'No.' to its target, dealing 1 hit of Good damage and applying 'Charging Power Word: No' to itself for 5 turns. Upon expiration of 'Charging Power Word: No,' Sciuridaehotep will use Attack Type 5.
    Attack Type 5 - Sciuridaehotep reveals its true form and lashes its target with tentacles, clearing its target of all statuses and dealing 18 hits of Good damage.
    Attack Type 6 - 'No.' If The Witness is defeated, Sciuridaehotep will revive it, fully restoring its HP and clearing it of all statuses before dealing 1 hit of Good damage to its target.

    Gold gained: Scaled
    Experience gained: Scaled

    Other information
    If Sciuridaehotep is stunned, it will reflect 150% of all damage it receives to its attacker. 'No stuns.'

    Thanks to Solanaceae for Attack Type 5 information.

    As a side note, Sciuridaehotep has a 7th attack that it uses if the player has DoomKnight Variant One equipped, but since DoomKnight Variant One can no longer be used in quests where Sciuridaehotep appears, the attack can no longer be accessed.
    Also, the following quote on the Sciuridaehotep quest page is incorrect and extremely misleading; it should be removed.

    Other information
    1. If Sciuridaehotep is defeated, The Witness resurrects it and their stats exponentially increase, causing the challenge to become more difficult.

    The entries I submitted for both versions of The Unraveler are missing an attack.

    This should be Attack Type 7 for The Unraveler; just squeeze it in between Attack Type 6 and the current Attack Type 7.
    Attack Type 7 - The Unraveler attacks twice in succession. This attack applies 'Drained' to the target for three turns, lowering its All resistance to 0. This attack also applies 'Energized' to the Unraveler for three turns, raising its All resistance and lowering its Health resistance by the amount of All resistance drained from the target. If the target's All resistance is 19 or lower, the Unraveler will behave as if the target's All resistance is 20. This attack has high Bonus to Hit and heals The Unraveler for an amount equal to the damage dealt.

    This should be Attack Type 8 for The Unraveler Ex; just squeeze it in between Attack Type 7 and the current Attack Type 8.
    Attack Type 8 - The Unraveler attacks twice in succession. This attack applies 'Drained' to the target for three turns, lowering its All resistance to 0. This attack also applies 'Energized' to the Unraveler for three turns, raising its All resistance and lowering its Health resistance by the amount of All resistance drained from the target. If the target's All resistance is 19 or lower, the Unraveler will behave as if the target's All resistance is 20. This attack has high Bonus to Hit and heals The Unraveler for double the damage dealt.

    Furthermore, The Unraveler Ex's current Attack Type 9 (soon to be Attack Type 10) was changed shortly after release and now only occurs if The Unraveler falls below 5% of its maximum HP, not 10%.
    There is also a typo in the description of The Unraveler Ex's Attack Type 2. The word is applying, not "appling."

    There was a typo in the Sentog page I submitted the other day; Super Sentog Justice Go's Crit is 0, not scaled.

    All of the above changes have been made, thank you. However, any additional information on Sciuridaehotep's lost Attack Type 7 would be appreciated. [Jay]

    BluuHorseOfficial -> RE: Monsters (12/8/2018 7:16:18)

    Making a quick rewrite of the Archdryad Malydrys page:

    Archdryad Malydrys

    Location: Dreamspace Dryad, Dominion of Dreams, The Archdryad Appears!

    Level: Scaled
    Element: ???
    Damage: Scaled
    Damage Type: Magic

    HP: Scaled
    MP: Scaled

    Stats: STR: 0, INT: 0, DEX: 0, END: 135, CHA: 0, LUK: 0, WIS: 0
    Defenses: Melee: 10, Pierce: 10, Magic: 10, Parry: 15, Dodge: 15, Block: 15
    Offenses: Crit: 0, Bonus: 10, Boost: 0%

    Resistances: Immobility: 200

    Attack Type 1 - Approaches you and launches a sickly brown and yellow beam from a runic circle she conjures below your feet before a slither of ice materializes afterwards for one hit of moderate damage. This skill has the ability to change seasons every four turns. Each season provides a unique buff and changes all subsequent attacks to that of the corresponding season’s. The seasons are:
    • Spring Rains: +80 to Hit for 99 turns. All attacks for the next four turns are of the Water Element. Pop-up: The rains of Spring will wash you away.
    • Summer Heat: +50 to Boost for 99 turns. All attacks for the next four turns are of the Fire Element. Pop-up: The heat of Summer will burn you to ashes.
    • Autumn's Wind: +80 to Defense for 99 turns. All attacks for the next four turns are of the Wind Element. Pop-up: The winds of Autumn will carry you beyond.
    • Winter's Chill: +50 to Crit for 99 turns. All attacks for the next four turns are of the Ice Element. Pop-up: The cold of Winter will freeze you solid.
    However, when Argus Skywatcher or Simulacrum of Kathool are defeated in battle, the Archdryad gets enraged and this skill applies all the following effects:
    • Spring Downpour: +180 to Hit for 99 turns.
    • Summer's Oppression: +100 to Boost for 99 turns.
    • Autumn's Tempest: +160 to Block/Parry/Dodge for 99 turns.
    • Summer's Oppression: +100 to Crit for 99 turns. [this effect is misnamed as of yet]
    At this point, the elements of Archdryad Malydrys’ skills will not follow a set sequence. Pop-up: “The Seasons are in Chaos!”
    Attack Type 2 - Summons four green leaves from thin air with her left hand and launches them straight at you, dealing four hits of moderate water/fire/wind/ice damage depending on which season is currently enabled.

    Other Information:
    1. Archdryad Malydrys heals for 5% of her max HP every 6 turns. If Argus Skywatcher ior Simulacrum of Kathool are defeated in battle, she instead heals for 10% of her max HP every 6 turns.
    2. While Argus Skywatcher is alive, Archdryad Malydrys will regenerate HP equal to normal damage inflicted on Argus Skywatcher, and will remove DoTs when it attacks.

    Gold gained: Scaled
    Experience gained: Scaled


    Thanks to Verlyrus for additional information.

    Updated the entry, thanks! [Jay]

    Jay -> RE: Monsters (12/10/2018 20:22:06)

    Just wanting to note some changes to the template for posting Monster entries after the recent updates in this week's release:

  • The order of DEX and INT have switched on the Stats menu. While this will be too big (and insignificant) of a change to update on all past Monster entries, the template has been updated so at least all entries will follow the correct new order moving forward. (Similar changes were made after the position of END and the order of Parry/Dodge/Block were changed before.) While it isn't a priority to update this information on old Monster entries, if other updates are being made (such as the current re-writes for the Inn bosses), feel free to correct/suggest these changes be made also.

  • Pop-up headlines during battles should now be posted on Monster entries rather than on Quest entries. I know this has been discussed before and I will begin transferring this information wherever applicable. Seeing as most in-battle pop-up headlines are a direct result of specific attack types being executed, the most logical place for them to be placed is beneath the Attack Type section and before the Gold/Experience rewarded section of a Monster entry. Update: Pop-up headlines should now be merged into the Attack Type section and written in parenthesis after the description of the attack type the pop-up applies to. The template has been adjusted as such.

  • Rather than having a slew of bulleted and italicised notes on Monster entries, a simple and organised numbered 'Other information' section should be used to compile a list of pertinent information that doesn't necessarily fit under a specific attack type. Most information should be included within the attack types or other pre-existing areas wherever applicable.

  • Scaled values for stats should be explained wherever possible, specifically stats with values based on another stat's scaled value, such as Immobility. For example if a Monster has a scaled Immobility value of 212 and a scaled STR value of 60, the Immobility value would be written as "Immobility: 200 + (STR/5)" rather than "Immobility: Scaled", as there is still a fixed component to the scaled value. While it isn't a priority to update this information on old Monster entries, if other updates are being made (such as the current re-writes for the Inn bosses), feel free to correct/suggest these changes be made also.

  • BluuHorseOfficial -> RE: Monsters (12/11/2018 0:38:09)

    Do me a small favour and credit the contributors of the Endgame Wiki for supplying the information on my previous post. I was too preoccupied with making the entry I forgot to add that. Sorry for the blunder and I promise it won’t happen again.

    Do note that the Archdryad Malydrys entry is missing links to Argus Skywatcher and Simulacrum of Kathool under the “Other Information” Section, where I mention the Archdryad’s change in healing pattern if either of them are defeated, and under Attack Type 1. I also feel like that section of Attack Type one should be turned into an Attack Type 3 due to the change in effects.

    Done both of the above.

    I also made an Argus Skywatcher entry rewrite here:

    Argus Skywatcher

    Location: Dreamspace Dryad, Dominion of Dreams, The Archdryad Appears!

    Level: Scaled
    Element: ???
    Damage: Scaled
    Damage Type: Magic

    HP: Scaled
    MP: Scaled

    Stats: STR: 0, DEX: 0, INT: 0, END: 135, CHA: 0, LUK: 0, WIS: 0
    Defenses: Melee: 10, Pierce: 10, Magic: 10, Parry: 15, Dodge: 15, Block: 15
    Offenses: Crit: 0, Bonus: 10, Boost: 0%

    Resistances: Immobility: 100

    Attack Type 1 - Approaches you and pounces in the air to headbutt you before landing on its paws and feet, dealing moderate to severe light/darkness damage depending on the time of day that is currently enabled. Also alternately inflicts debuffs on you and occasionally changes the day/night cycle.*
    Attack Type 2 - Conjures a sharp-edged tree branch from above it and strikes you with it, dealing severe light/darkness damage depending on the time of day that is currently enabled. Also alternately inflicts debuffs on you and occasionally changes the day/night cycle.*
    [link=]Attack Type 3[/link] - When Archdryad Malydrys or Simulacrum of Kathool are defeated in battle, Argus Skywatcher permanently increases his damage by 600%, and applies the following effects:
  • Holy Being: -180 Melee, Pierce and Magic Defense for 2 turns. Although this effect shows up on the statuses and resistances panel, it is only actually inflicted if the attack manages to hit you for full or critical damage, essentailly making the effect renewable if it hits one time. This is likely a bug and may be fixed in the future.
  • Perfect Being: -200 Crit for 3 turns. This effect is inflicted wether the attack hits or misses, essentially making it renewable.

    Other information
    1. Argus Skywatcher’s Element depends on the current time of day applied.
    • If it is Daytime, Argus Skywatcher’s Attacks will be of the Light Element. Pop-up: Fear the Light of Day.
    • If it is Nighttime, Argus Skywatcher’s Attacks will be of the Darkness Element. Pop-up: Fear the Dark of Night.

    2. *Argus Skywatcher, under normal conditions, alternates between applying the following effects:

    • Glow Strike: -100 Bonus to Hit for 1 turn. This effect is only inflicted if the attack manages to hit you for full or critical damage.
    • Celestial Strike: -25% PowerBoost for 1 turn. This effect is only inflicted if the attack manages to hit you for full or critical damage.

    Gold gained: Scaled
    Experience gained: Scaled


    Thanks to
    --Verlyrus for additional information.
    --Celadon, TFS, TheErosionSeeker and Solanaceae on the Endgame Wiki for supplying the information.

    Updated the entry, thank you! [Jay]

  • TFS -> RE: Monsters (12/29/2018 2:05:34)

    Simulacrum of Kathool

    Location: Kathool Simulacrum, Dominion of Dreams, Kathool Simulacrum Appears!

    Level: Scaled
    Element: ???
    Damage: Scaled
    Damage Type: Magic

    HP: Scaled
    MP: Scaled

    Stats: STR: 0, DEX: 0, INT: 0, CHA: 0, LUK: 0, END: Scaled, WIS: 0
    Defenses: Melee: Scaled, Pierce: Scaled, Magic: Scaled, Block: 15, Parry: 15, Dodge: 15
    Offenses: Crit: 0, Bonus: Scaled, Boost: 0%

    Resistances: Fear: 25, Evil: 25, Good: 25, Light: 25, Darkness: 25, Energy: -10, Water: 50, Shrink: 300

    Attack Type 1 - Kathool spits ink at its target, dealing 3 hits of 100% ??? damage and inflicting 'Inked' (-50 All resistance, +50 Health resistance, -50 Bonus) upon its target for 1 turn.
    Attack Type 2 - Kathool's eyes glow, dealing 1 hit of 100% ??? damage and increasing the cooldowns of its target's skills by 1. (Pop-up: Come. Join.)
    Attack Type 3 - Kathool strikes its target with tentacles, dealing 2 hits of 100% ??? damage.
    Attack Type 4 - Kathool strikes its target with tentacles, dealing 2 hits of 100% ??? damage and attempting to stun its target for 2 turns. (Pop-up: Focus. Break.)
    Attack Type 5 - Kathool's eyes glow, dealing 1 hit of 100% ??? damage, clearing itself of of all statuses, and healing 2% of its maximum HP for each status cleared. (Pop-up: Cleanse. Heal.)
    Attack Type 6 - Upon falling below 20% of its maximum HP, Kathool calls upon water elf spirits to deal 6 hits of 400% ??? damage. (Pop-up: Rise. Serve. Destroy.)

    Gold gained: Scaled
    Experience gained: Scaled

    Other information
    1. The Simulacrum of Kathool will heal from all direct attacks rather than taking damage if its attacker's HP is above 50%.

    Also See: Kathool

    Thanks to Solanaceae and The ErosionSeeker for information.

    Updated entry with all of the above info.

    Groundhog Dave's stats are scaled. Its Attack Type 3 permanently increases its damage by 5% and the "This attack has a chance to deal critical damage." should be removed from the description of Attack Type 4.

    All changes made.

    Leorilla's stats are scaled and its Immobility resistance is -200 + (STR/5). It also has another mechanic that should be noted.
    Other information
    3. Leorilla will permanently increase its damage by 200% each time a guest is defeated.*

    *The Leorilla senses weakness and pounces!

    This entire entry needed a rewrite, which I've done, including adding the above info.

    Siofra's stats are scaled. His Attack Type 3 only inflicts a 2-turn stun, not a 3-turn stun. His Attack Type 1 inflicts 'Sapped' (-25 Nature resistance) upon its target for 1 turn and attempts to heal Siofra for 5% of his maximum HP, but since he has 100 All resistance the heal fails.
    This is also more of a suggestion than a correction, but this monster's dynamic resistance mechanic could be listed under 'Other Information' instead of 'Resistances.'

    Corrections made, but requiring more info on the failed heal mechanic, i.e. does Siofra heal when All resistance is lowered?

    Archdryad Malydrys and Argus Skywatcher have another mechanic (as well as a bit of trivia) that should be noted.
    Other Information
    1. Each time Argus Skywatcher is damaged by a direct attack, this monster will heal for an amount equal to the damage dealt.

    Also See: Drys

    Other Information
    2. Each time Archdryad Malydrys is damaged by a direct attack, this monster will heal for an amount equal to the damage dealt.

    Also See: Pecura

    Archdryad Malydrys already had this mechanic listed (albeit worded a bit differently), added it to Skywatcher and all Also See links added (including to Drys/Pecura).

    This is also more of a suggestion than anything else, but perhaps these monsters' attack descriptions should note that they become enraged if any of their allies are defeated (rather than specifying Archdryad Malydrys/Argus Skywatcher/Simulacrum of Kathool) on the off-chance that we ever get that duo randomizer.

    Will amend this when I give these entries another minor rewrite soon.

    Drys's page should link to that of Archdryad Malydrys.

    Also See: Archdryad Malydrys

    Pecura's page should link to that of Argus Skywatcher.

    Also See: Argus Skywatcher

    See above. With that, all done, thank you! [Jay]

    BluuHorseOfficial -> RE: Monsters (1/1/2019 2:52:19)

    Upon some testing I find that the current formula for Tog Invaders’ BtH from Togfocused seems to be different. I feel like it should be removed from the entry as of yet, I’ll gather some data and try to find the correct formula soon enough.
    Entry Link:

    Denoted it as a scaled value for now, will do some further testing also. [Jay]

    Jay -> RE: Monsters (1/7/2019 7:21:47)

    A new template has been created for Inn at the Edge of Time monsters and other challenge fights, which allows for complex scaling formulas and conditional attack types that require elaboration rather than a brief description. The new template has been created to keep entries as accurate and informative as possible without being confusing or cluttered.

    BluuHorseOfficial -> Sinnocence the Undying (1/8/2019 8:48:41)

    Entry has been completely finished, revised and updated, and is ready for posting.


    Location: Sinnocence, the Undying, Sinnocence Appears

    Level: Scaled
    Element: ???
    Damage: Scaled
    Damage Type: Melee

    HP: Scaled
    MP: Scaled

    Experience rewarded: Scaled
    Gold rewarded: Scaled

    STR: ↓(2.5*Level/4)
    DEX: ↓(2.5*Level/4)
    INT: ↓(2.5*Level/4)
    CHA: 50
    LUK: ↓(2.5*Level/4)
    END: ↓(2.5*Level/4)
    WIS: 0

    Melee: 5 + (Level/10) + ↑(LUK/25)
    Pierce: 5 + (Level/10) + ↑(LUK/25)
    Magic: 5 + (Level/10) + ↑(LUK/25)
    Block: 15
    Parry: 15
    Dodge: 15

    Crit: ↑(LUK/10)
    Bonus: ↓(Level/5) + ↓(INT/10)
    Boost: 0%

    Light: 50
    Darkness: 50
    Good: 20
    Evil: 20
    Immobility: 200 + STR/5
    All: 0 - 20X, where X is the number of times Attack Type 5 was used

    Attack Types
    Attack Type 1 - Slashes upwards at its target with its Blinding Light of Destiny infused arm for 1 hit of 100% Light damage and inflicts “Blinding Light”, a 100% Light Damage DoT for 1 turn. (Pop-up: Be... purified by my light!)
    Attack Type 2 - Slashes Downwards at its target with its Necrotic Sword of Doom infused arm for 1 hit of 100% Darkness damage and inflicts “Blinding Light”, a 100% Darkness Damage DoT for 2 turn. (Pop-up: Doom! Doom! Hahaha!)
    Attack Type 3.1/ 3.2 - Slashes at its target with either of its arms for (3 + X) hits of 100% Light or Darkness damage, where X stands for the number of times Sinnocence uses Attack Type 5.
    Attack Type 4.1/ 4.2 - Slashes at its target downwards with its Necrotic Sword of Doom infused arm and then upwards with its Blinding Light of Destiny infused arm for 2 hits of 100% Darkness and Light damage (respectively), attempting to inflict “Dazed” to stun you for ↓(1 + X) turns, where X stands for (number of times Sinnocence uses Attack Type 5)/2. (Pop-up: Hold... still...)
  • If Sinnocence has used Attack Type 5 ‘3’ times, then the duration of the Stun will be [↓(1 + (3/2)) = ↓(2.5) =] 2 turns.
    Attack Type 5 - When Sinnocence the Undying’s HP falls down to 50%:
    • It will Heal Back to full HP, and inflict one stack of “Losing Control” on itself, giving it -20 All Resistance for 99 turns each time it is used,
    • Increase the number of hits on Attack Type 3 by 1, each time it is used,
    • Increase the duration of the stun of Attack Type 4 by 1, every 2 times it is used (or rather, by (1/2) times each time it is used, rounded down)
    Additionally, whatever Attack was due in the skill rotation will commence. (Pop-up: Sinnocence recovers... but seems to be losing control.)

    Other information
    1. When Sinnocence the Undying is attacked while an item with the suffix “of Doom” or “of Destiny” is equipped, it does not take damage, but instead recovers its HP by ~200% of the damage dealt to it. (Pop-up: Sinnocence's body absorbs the damage from your Doom and Destiny weapons!)
    2. Sinnocence does not increase its Health Resistance by 20 every time it uses Attack Type 5. This makes it the only Inn Challenge Monster that applies an effect in regards to All Resistance without a supplementary reversal in Health Resistance. Due to this, hitting it while an item with the suffix “of Doom” or “of Destiny” is equipped causes it to heal additional health when stacks of Attack Type 5’s “Losing Control” debuff are applied on it.
    3. Sinnocence also does not increase Immobility Resistance by 20 every time it Loses Control, meaning that upon reaching 9 stacks of Losing Control, Sinnocence will no longer have any Immobility Resistance that comes into play, and can be stunned.
    4. Sinnocence can Lose Control an indefinite number of 50 times, for a total of -∞ -1000 All Resistance, 53 hits on Attack Type 3 and a stun of duration 26 turns on Attack Type 4. Usage of Attack Type 5 beyond this point will heal Sinnocence back to Full Health, but will neither decrease its All Resistance nor increase Attack Type 3’s number of hits or Attack Type 4’s duration of stun.
    4.1. This initially worked an indefinite number of times, due to which there was no cap on either of the aforementioned effects; but was amended.
    5. Sinnocence the Undying will always follow this rotation: 1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4 -> 3 -> repeat; if Sinnocence’s HP falls below 50%, then it will apply the effects of attack type 5 on the next turn along with whichever skill in the rotation is due for that turn.


    Thanks to The ErosionSeeker and Solanaceae for information.

    Entry has been completely finished, revised and updated, and is ready for posting.

    Rewrite added to entry. Thank you! [Jay]

  • BluuHorseOfficial -> RE: Monsters (1/8/2019 8:53:46)

    It will be much more easy and productive for everyone if Inn Challenge entry rewrites were newly drafted instead of edited on the previous post, so that the creator of said entry has the authority to edit their post and add any missing information. As such, I have drafted this entry with all the accurate information and would like it to replace this one. The former entry still requires Stat formulas to be figured out, however.

    @below, yeah, I understand, and I'll keep updating the entry you brought in here with the values I collect, thanks. I'll put a note at the top of the entry once it's finished.

    Updated Caitiff’s and Sepulchure’s format to match the newer one, and have added all the formulas for each of the stats, offenses and defenses. I’ll work on the Unraveler, The Unraveler Ex, Xan and Vaal next, submitting the entries in this thread.

    Jay -> RE: Monsters (1/8/2019 15:37:07)

    (RE: Above) TFS checked with me before updating the entries he updated, and I greenlit them. If the OP isn't contributing anymore, drafting new entries is great too, but posting them here in the info sub would actually be more beneficial than making a new thread in the Monsters category as the entry already exists and just needs to be edited. I can copy the information over but the new entry will have to be deleted; we try not to delete entries if we can avoid it.

    Update: I was able to move the thread to the Info Sub section and merge it with this thread. Posting updated entries in here will be fine, and perhaps shouldn't be updated until all the formulas are worked out. Thanks!

    BluuHorseOfficial -> RE: Monsters (1/10/2019 12:08:06)

    Xan’s Scaling Formulae

    Level: Scaled
    Element: Fire
    Damage: Scaled
    Damage Type: Magic

    HP: Scaled
    MP: Scaled

    Experience rewarded: Scaled
    Gold rewarded: Scaled

    STR: ↓(2.5*Level/4)
    DEX: ↓(2.5*Level/4)
    INT: ↓(2.5*Level)
    CHA: 50
    LUK: ↓(2.5*Level/4)
    END: ↓(2.5*Level/2)
    WIS: 0

    Melee: 25 + ↓(Level/10) + ↑(LUK/25)
    Pierce: 25 + ↓(Level/10) + ↑(LUK/25)
    Magic: 25 + ↓(Level/10) + ↑(LUK/25)
    Block: 10
    Parry: 10
    Dodge: 10

    Crit: 15 + ↑(LUK/10)
    Bonus: ↓(Level/5) + ↓(INT/10)
    Boost: 0%

    Ice: 200
    Shrink: 100
    Darkness: 200
    Immobility: 50 + STR/5
    Fire: 200

    Thanks to Secundus for providing data for calculation of formulae.

    Unraveler and Unraveler Extreme Scaling Formulae (both share the same formulae)

    Level: Scaled
    Element: Evil
    Damage: Scaled
    Damage Type: Melee

    HP: Scaled
    MP: Scaled

    Experience rewarded: Scaled
    Gold rewarded: Scaled

    STR: ↓(2.5*Level/4)
    DEX: ↓(2.5*Level/4)
    INT: ↓(2.5*Level/4)
    CHA: 25
    LUK: ↓(2.5*Level)
    END: ↓(2.5*Level/8)
    WIS: 0

    Melee: 5 + ↓(Level/10) + ↑(LUK/25)
    Pierce: 5 + ↓(Level/10) + ↑(LUK/25)
    Magic: 5 + ↓(Level/10) + ↑(LUK/25)
    Block: 15
    Parry: 15
    Dodge: 15

    Crit: ↑(LUK/10)
    Bonus: ↓(Level/5) + ↓(INT/10)
    Boost: 0%

    Immobility: 200 + STR/5
    Health: -10
    All: 10

    Thanks to Secundus for providing data for calculation of formulae.

    [Note to AKs: For any monster that doesn't have INT or LUK I haven't included those in the scaling formulae.]

    Sporca’s Scaling Formulae

    Level: Scaled
    Element: Fear
    Damage: Scaled
    Damage Type: Pierce

    HP: Scaled
    MP: Scaled

    Experience rewarded: Scaled
    Gold rewarded: Scaled

    STR: 0
    DEX: ↓(Level*15/4)
    INT: 0
    CHA: 25
    LUK: 0
    END: 0
    WIS: 0

    Melee: 175 + ↓(Level/10)
    Pierce: 175 + ↓(Level/10)
    Magic: 175 + ↓(Level/10)
    Block: 175
    Parry: 175
    Dodge: 175

    Crit: 15
    Bonus: ↓(Level/5)
    Boost: 0%

    Shrink: 200
    Immobility: 200

    Thanks to Secundus and Microsoftie for providing data for calculation of formulae.

    Mega Meowphant’s Scaling Formulae

    Level: Scaled
    Element: Fear
    Damage: Scaled
    Damage Type: Melee

    HP: Scaled
    MP: Scaled

    Experience rewarded: Scaled
    Gold rewarded: Scaled

    STR: ↓(Level*15/4)
    DEX: 0
    INT: 0
    CHA: 0
    LUK: 0
    END: ↓(Level*5/2)
    WIS: 0

    Melee: ↓(Level/10)
    Pierce: ↓(Level/10)
    Magic: 5 + ↓(Level/10)
    Block: 15
    Parry: 15
    Dodge: 15

    Crit: 15
    Bonus: ↓(Level/5)
    Boost: 0%


    Simulacrum of Kathool’s Scaling Formulae

    Level: Scaled
    Element: ???
    Damage: Scaled
    Damage Type: Magic

    HP: Scaled
    MP: Scaled

    Experience rewarded: Scaled
    Gold rewarded: Scaled

    STR: 0
    DEX: 0
    INT: 0
    CHA: 0
    LUK: 0
    END: ↓(Level*5/2)
    WIS: 0

    Melee: 5 + ↓(Level/10)
    Pierce: 5 + ↓(Level/10)
    Magic: 5 + ↓(Level/10)
    Block: 10
    Parry: 10
    Dodge: 10

    Crit: 0
    Bonus: ↓(Level/5)
    Boost: 0%

    Fear: 25
    Evil: 25
    Good: 25
    Light: 25
    Darkness: 25
    Energy: -10
    Water: 50
    Shrink: 300

    Thanks to Secundus for providing data for calculation of formulae.

    Argus Skywatcher and Archdryad Malydrys Scaling Formulae (both share the same formulae)

    Level: Scaled
    Element: ???
    Damage: Scaled
    Damage Type: Magic

    HP: Scaled
    MP: Scaled

    Experience rewarded: Scaled
    Gold rewarded: Scaled

    STR: 0
    DEX: 0
    INT: 0
    CHA: 0
    LUK: 0
    END: ↓(Level*5/2)
    WIS: 0

    Melee: 5 + ↓(Level/10)
    Pierce: 5 + ↓(Level/10)
    Magic: 5 + ↓(Level/10)
    Block: 10
    Parry: 10
    Dodge: 10

    Crit: 0
    Bonus: ↓(Level/5)
    Boost: 0%

    Immobility: 100 (for Argus Skywatcher)
    Immobility: 200 (for Archdryad Malydrys)

    Thanks to Secundus for providing data for calculation of formulae.

    The Emperor of Sea Chickens' Scaling Formulae

    Level: Scaled
    Element: Light
    Damage: Scaled
    Damage Type: Melee

    HP: Scaled
    MP: Scaled

    Experience rewarded: Scaled
    Gold rewarded: Scaled

    STR: ↓(Level*5/2)
    DEX: ↓(Level*5/4)
    INT: ↓(Level*5/8)
    CHA: 50
    LUK: ↓(Level*5/8)
    END: ↓(Level*5/4)
    WIS: 0

    Melee: 10 + ↓(Level/10) + ↑(LUK/25)
    Pierce: 10 + ↓(Level/10) + ↑(LUK/25)
    Magic: 25 + ↓(Level/10) + ↑(LUK/25)
    Block: 10
    Parry: 10
    Dodge: 10

    Crit: 17 + ↑(LUK/10)
    Bonus: ↓(Level/5) + ↓(INT/10)
    Boost: 0%

    (Immobility: STR/5; though I doubt this is necessary to mention)

    The Emperor of Sea Chickens Extreme's Scaling Formulae

    Level: Scaled
    Element: Light
    Damage: Scaled
    Damage Type: Melee

    HP: Scaled
    MP: Scaled

    Experience rewarded: Scaled
    Gold rewarded: Scaled

    STR: ↓(Level*5/2)
    DEX: ↓(Level*5/4)
    INT: ↓(Level*5/8)
    CHA: 50
    LUK: ↓(Level*5/8)
    END: ↓(Level*5/4)
    WIS: 0

    Melee: 10 + ↓(Level/10) + ↑(LUK/25)
    Pierce: 10 + ↓(Level/10) + ↑(LUK/25)
    Magic: 25 + ↓(Level/10) + ↑(LUK/25)
    Block: 10
    Parry: 10
    Dodge: 10

    Crit: 17 + ↑(LUK/10)
    Bonus: ↓(Level/5) + ↓(INT/10)
    Boost: 0%

    (Immobility: STR/5; though I doubt this is necessary to mention)
    All: 10
    Energy: 50
    Fire: 50
    Water: 50
    Shrink: 200

    Groundhog Dave's Scaling Formulae

    Level: Scaled
    Element: Fear
    Damage: Scaled
    Damage Type: Melee

    HP: Scaled
    MP: Scaled

    Experience rewarded: Scaled
    Gold rewarded: Scaled

    STR: 0
    DEX: 0
    INT: ↓(Level*5/2)
    CHA: 200
    LUK: 0
    END: ↓(Level*5/2)
    WIS: 0

    Melee: 5 + ↓(Level/10)
    Pierce: 5 + ↓(Level/10)
    Magic: 5 + ↓(Level/10)
    Block: 15
    Parry: 15
    Dodge: 15

    Crit: 0
    Bonus: ↓(Level/5) + ↓(INT/10)
    Boost: 0%


    Sentog Red/Blue/Green/Yellow/Black's Scaling Formulae

    Level: Scaled
    Element: Fire (Red), Energy (Yellow), Water (Blue), Wind (Green), Good (Black)
    Damage: Scaled
    Damage Type: Melee

    HP: Scaled
    MP: Scaled

    Experience rewarded: Scaled
    Gold rewarded: Scaled

    STR: 0
    DEX: 0
    INT: 0
    CHA: 0
    LUK: 0
    END: 0
    WIS: 0

    Melee: 5 + ↓(Level/10)
    Pierce: 5 + ↓(Level/10)
    Magic: 5 + ↓(Level/10)
    Block: 0
    Parry: 0
    Dodge: 0

    Crit: 2
    Bonus: ↓(Level/5)
    Boost: 0%


    Super Sentog Justice Go's Scaling Formulae

    Level: Scaled
    Element: Good
    Damage: Scaled
    Damage Type: Melee

    HP: Scaled
    MP: Scaled

    Experience rewarded: Scaled
    Gold rewarded: Scaled

    STR: ↓(Level*5/2)
    DEX: 0
    INT: 0
    CHA: 200
    LUK: 0
    END: ↓(Level*5/2)
    WIS: 0

    Melee: 15 + ↓(Level/10)
    Pierce: 15 + ↓(Level/10)
    Magic: 15 + ↓(Level/10)
    Block: 20
    Parry: 20
    Dodge: 20

    Crit: 0
    Bonus: ↓(Level/5)
    Boost: 0%

    (Immobility: STR/5; though I doubt this is necessary to mention)
    All: 25

    Simulacrum of Uthuluc's Scaling Formulae

    Level: Scaled
    Element: ???
    Damage: Scaled
    Damage Type: Magic

    HP: Scaled
    MP: Scaled

    Experience rewarded: Scaled
    Gold rewarded: Scaled

    STR: 0
    DEX: 0
    INT: 0
    CHA: 0
    LUK: 0
    END: ↓(Level*5/2)
    WIS: 0

    Melee: 5 + ↓(Level/10)
    Pierce: 5 + ↓(Level/10)
    Magic: 5 + ↓(Level/10)
    Block: 15
    Parry: 15
    Dodge: 15

    Crit: 0
    Bonus: ↓(Level/5)
    Boost: 0%

    Shrink: 300
    Health: -100
    All: 100

    Sciuridaehotep's Scaling Formulae

    Level: Scaled
    Element: Good
    Damage: Scaled
    Damage Type: Magic

    HP: Scaled
    MP: Scaled

    Experience rewarded: Scaled
    Gold rewarded: Scaled

    STR: 0
    DEX: 0
    INT: 0
    CHA: 0
    LUK: 0
    END: ↓(Level*5/2)
    WIS: 0

    Melee: 5 + ↓(Level/10)
    Pierce: 5 + ↓(Level/10)
    Magic: 5 + ↓(Level/10)
    Block: 5
    Parry: 5
    Dodge: 5

    Crit: 0
    Bonus: ↓(Level/5)
    Boost: 0%

    Shrink: 200
    All: 25

    Witness' Scaling Formulae

    Level: Scaled
    Element: ???
    Damage: Scaled
    Damage Type: N/A, Doesn't Atack

    HP: Scaled
    MP: Scaled

    Experience rewarded: Scaled
    Gold rewarded: Scaled

    STR: ↓(Level*5/2)
    DEX: ↓(Level*5/2)
    INT: ↓(Level*5/2)
    CHA: 200
    LUK: 0
    END: 0
    WIS: 0

    Melee: 200 + ↓(Level/10)
    Pierce: 200 + ↓(Level/10)
    Magic: 200 + ↓(Level/10)
    Block: 200
    Parry: 200
    Dodge: 200

    Crit: 0
    Bonus: ↓(Level/5)
    Boost: 0%

    (Immobility: STR/5; though I doubt this is necessary to mention)

    Legion Crawler's Scaling Formulae

    Rewrite being made, will be included there.

    The Abomination's Scaling Formulae

    Level: Scaled
    Element: Poison
    Damage: Scaled
    Damage Type: Pierce

    HP: Scaled
    MP: Scaled

    Experience rewarded: Scaled
    Gold rewarded: Scaled

    STR: ↓(Level*5/2)
    DEX: ↓(Level*5/2)
    INT: ↓(Level*5/2)
    CHA: 200
    LUK: ↓(Level*5/2)
    END: ↓(Level*5/4)
    WIS: 0

    Melee: 5 + ↓(Level/10) + ↑(LUK/25)
    Pierce: 5 + ↓(Level/10) + ↑(LUK/25)
    Magic: 5 + ↓(Level/10) + ↑(LUK/25)
    Block: 15
    Parry: 15
    Dodge: 15

    Crit: 25 + ↑(LUK/10)
    Bonus: ↓(Level/5) + ↓(INT/10)
    Boost: 0%

    Immobility: -10 + STR/5
    Health: -10
    All: 10

    Cauldron Groupies' Scaling Formulae (only their STR/INT/DEX/Element/Damage Type are different; mentioned below)

    Level: Scaled
    Element: Silver (Trouble), Fire (Toil), Poison (Bubble)
    Damage: Scaled
    Damage Type: Magic (Trouble), Melee (Toil), Pierce (Bubble)

    HP: Scaled
    MP: Scaled

    Experience rewarded: Scaled
    Gold rewarded: Scaled

    STR: ↓(Level*5/4) {Only for Toil. Bubble and Trouble have 0}
    DEX: ↓(Level*5/4) {Only for Bubble. Trouble and Toil have 0}
    INT: ↓(Level*5/4) {Only for Trouble. Toil and Bubble have 0}
    CHA: 100
    LUK: ↓(Level*5/8)
    END: ↓(Level*5/8)
    WIS: 0

    Melee: 10 + ↓(Level/10) + ↑(LUK/25)
    Pierce: 10 + ↓(Level/10) + ↑(LUK/25)
    Magic: 10 + ↓(Level/10) + ↑(LUK/25)
    Block: 10
    Parry: 10
    Dodge: 10

    Crit: 17 + ↑(LUK/10)
    Bonus: ↓(Level/5) + ↓(INT/10) {Only for Trouble. Toil and Bubble use ↓(Level/5) because they have no INT}
    Boost: 0%

    Light: 5
    Darkness: 5

    Jack Crescent and Gnarly Guitar rewrites made in next post.

    Vaal’s Entry was under my name and so I updated the whole entry. After these are all added, the Unfortunate Souls, Dreamspace, Azaveyran, Otherworldly, and Nefarious boards should be done.

    Sir Bearginion deserves a complete rewrite, so I've made it here:

    Sir Bearginion

    Location: Sir Bearginion, Weird Duo, Sir Bearginion Appears!

    Level: Scaled
    Element: Nature
    Damage: Scaled
    Damage Type: Pierce

    HP: Scaled
    MP: Scaled

    Experience rewarded: Scaled
    Gold rewarded: Scaled

    STR: ↓(Level*5/8)
    DEX: ↓(Level*5/8)
    INT: ↓(Level*5/8)
    CHA: 0
    LUK: ↓(Level*5/8)
    END: ↓(Level*5/8)
    WIS: 0

    Melee: 5 + ↓(Level/10) + ↑(LUK/25)
    Pierce: 5 + ↓(Level/10) + ↑(LUK/25)
    Magic: 5 + ↓(Level/10) + ↑(LUK/25)
    Block: 15
    Parry: 15
    Dodge: 15

    Crit: 25 + ↑(LUK/10)
    Bonus: ↓(Level/5) + ↓(INT/10)
    Boost: 0%

    All: 20
    Immobility: 200 + STR/5

    Attack Types
    Attack Type 1 - Approaches you and punches six times for 6 hits of 100% Pierce Nature Damage.
    Attack Type 2 - Approaches you and strikes you four times for 4 hits of 100% Pierce Nature Damage.
    Attack Type 3 - If your Health is below 40% at the start of the turn, Sir Bearingion applies 'Omae wa mou Shindeiru', a DoT on you for 2 turns. This DoT always deals 0 damage on the first time it affects you. (Pop-up: Sir Bearginion goes for a killing blow. Your health is too low to withstand this for much longer!)
  • If you don't manage to bring back your HP to above 40% by the next turn, then Omae wa mou Shindeiru becomes a lethal DoT, killing you before your next chance to attack.
  • If you manage to bring back your HP to above 40% by the next turn, then Omae wa mou Shindeiru is removed from you. (Pop-up: You shrug off the effects of Sir Bearginion's attack!)
    Attack Type 4 - If you switch your equipment any turn after the first, he will attack based on your weapon element, and apply a lethal DoT, killing you before your next turn. However, this does not occur if you change your shown weapon. (Pop-up: You dare change equipment while in battle with Sir Bearginion the 3rd?)
    Attack Type 5 - If you have a pet or guests in your party, he will apply a lethal DoT, killing you before your next turn. (Pop-up: Sir Bearginion the 3rd, Most Honorable Duelist of the Western Deepwoods fights only honorable duels!)

    Other information
    1. Every turn Sir Bearingion applies 'Most Honorable Defense' on himself, giving him +30 Resistance to whichever element he was attacked with last for 99 turns.


    Everything in this post has now been updated. Thank you! [Jay]

  • BluuHorseOfficial -> RE: Monsters (1/11/2019 4:23:53)

    Making a new post because it's getting annoying for me to navigate my above post.


    Level: Scaled
    Element: Good
    Damage: Scaled
    Damage Type: Melee

    HP: Scaled
    MP: Scaled

    Experience rewarded: Scaled
    Gold rewarded: Scaled

    STR: ↕((1.5*Level-7)/8)
    DEX: ↕((1.5*Level-7)/8)
    INT: ↕((1.5*Level-7)/8)
    CHA: 0
    LUK: 0
    END: ↕((Level-2)/4)
    WIS: 0

    Melee: 3+↕(Level/10)
    Pierce: 3+↕(Level/10)
    Magic: 3+↕(Level/10)
    Block: 0
    Parry: 1
    Dodge: 2

    Crit: 5
    Bonus: ↕((1.7*Level-1.7)/8)
    Boost: %

    Immobility: 75 + STR/5

    Thanks to Jay for original values.


    Level: Scaled
    Element: Ice
    Damage: Scaled
    Damage Type: Melee

    HP: Scaled
    MP: Scaled

    Experience rewarded: Scaled
    Gold rewarded: Scaled

    STR: ↕((1.5*Level-7)/8)
    DEX: ↕((1.5*Level-7)/8)
    INT: ↕((1.5*Level-7)/8)
    CHA: 0
    LUK: 0
    END: ↕((Level-2)/4)
    WIS: 0

    Melee: 3+↕(Level/10)
    Pierce: 3+↕(Level/10)
    Magic: 3+↕(Level/10)
    Block: 0
    Parry: 1
    Dodge: 2

    Crit: 5
    Bonus: ↕((1.7*Level-1.7)/8)
    Boost: %

    200 + STR/5

    Thanks to Jay for original values.


    Level: Scaled
    Element: Nature
    Damage: Scaled
    Damage Type: Melee

    HP: Scaled
    MP: Scaled

    Experience rewarded: Scaled
    Gold rewarded: Scaled

    STR: ↕((1.5*Level-7)/8)
    DEX: ↕((1.5*Level-7)/8)
    INT: ↕((1.5*Level-7)/8)
    CHA: 0
    LUK: 0
    END: ↕((Level-2)/4)
    WIS: 0

    Melee: 3+↕(Level/10)
    Pierce: 3+↕(Level/10)
    Magic: 3+↕(Level/10)
    Block: 0
    Parry: 1
    Dodge: 2

    Crit: 5
    Bonus: ↕((1.7*Level-1.7)/8)
    Boost: 0%

    200 + STR/5

    Thanks to Jay for original values.


    Level: Scaled
    Element: Fear
    Damage: Scaled
    Damage Type: Melee

    HP: Scaled
    MP: Scaled

    Experience rewarded: Scaled
    Gold rewarded: Scaled

    STR: ↓(5*Level/4)
    DEX: 0
    INT: 0
    CHA: 50
    LUK: ↓(5*Level/4)
    END: ↓(5*Level/8)
    WIS: 0

    Melee: 10 + ↓(Level/10) + ↑(LUK/25)
    Pierce: 10 + ↓(Level/10) + ↑(LUK/25)
    Magic: 10 + ↓(Level/10) + ↑(LUK/25)
    Block: 10
    Parry: 10
    Dodge: 10

    Crit: + ↑(LUK/10)
    Bonus: ↓(Level/5)
    Boost: 0%

    (Immobility: STR/5; though I doubt this is necessary to mention)

    Thanks to Jay for original values.


    Level: Scaled
    Element: Nature
    Damage: Scaled
    Damage Type: Melee

    HP: Scaled
    MP: Scaled

    Experience rewarded: Scaled
    Gold rewarded: Scaled

    STR: ↓(Level*5/2)
    DEX: 0
    INT: 0
    CHA: 0
    LUK: 0
    END: ↓(Level*5/4)
    WIS: 0

    Melee: 10 + ↓(Level/10)
    Pierce: 10 + ↓(Level/10)
    Magic: 25 + ↓(Level/10)
    Block: 10
    Parry: 10
    Dodge: 10

    Crit: 17
    Bonus: ↓(Level/5)
    Boost: 0%

    All: 100
    Immobility: -100 + STR/5

    MechSpawn A and B

    Level: Scaled
    Element: Fire
    Damage: Scaled
    Damage Type: Melee

    HP: Scaled
    MP: Scaled

    Experience rewarded: Scaled
    Gold rewarded: Scaled

    STR: 0
    DEX: 0
    INT: 0
    CHA: 0
    LUK: 0
    END: 0
    WIS: 0

    Melee: 3 + ↓(Level/10)
    Pierce: 3 + ↓(Level/10)
    Magic: 3 + ↓(Level/10)
    Block: 0
    Parry: 1
    Dodge: 2

    Crit: 5
    Bonus: ↓(Level/5)
    Boost: 0%



    Level: Scaled
    Element: Metal
    Damage: Scaled
    Damage Type: Melee

    HP: Scaled
    MP: Scaled

    Experience rewarded: Scaled
    Gold rewarded: Scaled

    STR: ↓(Level*5/28)
    DEX: ↓(Level*5/28)
    INT: ↓(Level*5/28)
    CHA: 0
    LUK: 0
    END: ↓(Level*5/20)
    WIS: 0

    Melee: 3 + ↓(Level/10)
    Pierce: 3 + ↓(Level/10)
    Magic: 3 + ↓(Level/10)
    Block: 0
    Parry: 1
    Dodge: 2

    Crit: 5
    Bonus: ↓(Level/5) + ↓(INT/10)
    Boost: 0%

    (Immobility: STR/5; though I doubt this is necessary to mention)

    Gnarly Guitar of Doom

    Location: Jack Crescent, Blood Moon Random, Jack Crescent appears!

    Level: Scaled
    Element: Evil
    Damage: Scaled
    Damage Type: Magic

    HP: Scaled
    MP: Scaled

    Experience rewarded: Scaled
    Gold rewarded: Scaled

    STR: 0
    DEX: 0
    INT: ↓(Level*5/4)
    CHA: 50
    LUK: ↓(Level*5/8)
    END: ↓(Level*5/8)
    WIS: 0

    Melee: 10 + ↓(Level/10) + ↑(LUK/25)
    Pierce: 10 + ↓(Level/10) + ↑(LUK/25)
    Magic: 10 + ↓(Level/10) + ↑(LUK/25)
    Block: 10
    Parry: 10
    Dodge: 10

    Crit: 17 + ↑(LUK/10)
    Bonus: ↓(Level/5) + ↓(INT/10)
    Boost: 0%

    Immobility: 200
    (Continue if needed)

    Attack Types
    Attack Type 1 - Launches several sound waves at you for 1 Hit of 100% Evil damage, and applies ‘Ears Ringing’ on you, a 45% Darkness DoT effect for 3 turns.
    Attack Type 2 - Hovers over to you and slashes at you once for 1 hit of 100% Evil Damage.
    Attack Type 3 - Hovers over to you and slashes at you once for 2 hits of 100% Evil Damage.
    Attack Type 4 - If Jack Crescent is defeated in battle, Gnarly Guitar of Doom revives him with 100% of his HP. (Pop-up: Ah, much better./Can't stop the Jack!/If you put me in a coffin, I'd be a Jack in the box, 'cause I'd keep popping back out!/Jack is BACK, baby!/Ooooh! That smarts! Do it again, baby!)


    Jack Crescent

    Location: Jack Crescent, Blood Moon Random, Jack Crescent appears!

    Level: Scaled
    Element: Evil
    Damage: Scaled
    Damage Type: N/A, Doesn't Attack

    HP: Scaled
    MP: Scaled

    Experience rewarded: Scaled
    Gold rewarded: Scaled

    STR: 0
    DEX: ↓(Level*5/4)
    INT: 0
    CHA: 666
    LUK: ↓(Level*5/8)
    END: ↓(Level*5/8)
    WIS: 0

    Melee: 10 + ↓(Level/10) + ↑(LUK/25)
    Pierce: 10 + ↓(Level/10) + ↑(LUK/25)
    Magic: 10 + ↓(Level/10) + ↑(LUK/25)
    Block: 10
    Parry: 10
    Dodge: 10

    Crit: 17 + ↑(LUK/10)
    Bonus: ↓(Level/5)
    Boost: 0%

    Immobility: 1000
    Light: 5
    Darkness: 5

    Attack Types
    Attack Type 1 - Jack takes his right hand out of his pocket and snaps his fingers, dealing no damage, but applying one of the following effects on the Gnarly Guitar of Doom. (Pop-ups: Can't stop this rhythm!/I'm here all night, baby!/This is gonna rock your soul!/Watch and learn, baby.)
    • ’Songbound’, giving +80 BtH for 3 turns
    • ’Soulbound’, giving +80 Block, Parry and Dodge Defenses for 3 turns
    • ’Spellbound’ giving +80 Crit for 3 turns
    Attack Type 2 - If the Gnarly Guitar of Doom is defeated in battle, Jack Crescent revives it with 20% of its HP, and applies ‘Snapped’ on you, a 150% Darkness DoT effect for 3 turns.


    Thanks to mirgowo for information.

    Legion Crawler

    Location: (Current Entry’s)

    Level: Scaled
    Element: Evil
    Damage: Scaled
    Damage Type: Pierce

    HP: Scaled
    MP: Scaled

    Experience rewarded: Scaled
    Gold rewarded: Scaled

    STR: ↓(Level*5/2)
    DEX: 0
    INT: ↓(Level*5/2)
    CHA: 200
    LUK: ↓(Level*5/2)
    END: ↓(Level*5/4)
    WIS: 0

    Melee: 5 + ↓(Level/10) + ↑(LUK/25)
    Pierce: 5 + ↓(Level/10) + ↑(LUK/25)
    Magic: 5 + ↓(Level/10) + ↑(LUK/25)
    Block: 15
    Parry: 15
    Dodge: 15

    Crit: 25 + ↑(LUK/10)
    Bonus: ↓(Level/5) + ↓(INT/10)
    Boost: 0%

    Immobility: 200 + STR/5

    Attack Types
    Attack Type 1 - Approaches you and slams you with it’s forelimbs for ‘X+1’ hits of 100% damage, where ‘X’ is the number of times it had used this Attack previously.
    Attack Type 2 - Approaches you and blasts you with a blinding purple beam, dealing 3 hits of 100% Damage, inflicting ‘Blind’ upon you, reducing your Bonus to Hit by 50 for 1 turn.
    Attack Type 3 - Approaches you and stabs you with its top phalanges for 1 hit of 100% Damage with a high Bonus to Hit.

    Other information
    1. The Legion Crawler’s Attacks Seek your Weakness and always deal damage based on your lowest elemental resistance.
    2. The Legion Crawler follows the skill rotation: Attack Type 1 -> Attack Type 2/Attack Type 3 -> repeat.


    Objective completed. [Jay]

    BluuHorseOfficial -> RE: Monsters (1/13/2019 7:57:36)

    Fear should link Decrepit Manaphage and Phobeist under Monsters.

    Decrepit Manaphage should link Manaphage in an ‘Also See’ section at the bottom.

    Everything above was done before seeing this post. The entries weren't yet posted during my last edit of the Quest entry. [Jay]

    Further, Regular Manaphage’s DEX isn’t 80; instead it is equal to the player’s level. I don’t remember their Melee/Pierce/Magic Avoidances, but they will be either:
  • 5+↓(Level/10) if it’s marked 14 at level 90, or
  • 10+↓(Level/10) if it’s marked 19 at level 90.
    The whole entry should be reformatted really. Crit value will be constant since it has 0 LUK and Bonus will be ↓(Level/5) because it has 0 INT.

    Don’t wanna make a new post for it but I’m rewriting Dragonoid’s Attack Type stuff:

    Attack Types
    Attack Type 1 - Approaches its target and stomps at it for 1 hit of 100% Melee Metal Damage.
    • The first time this skill is used in a rotation of 9 turns*, it enhances itself with ‘Target Lock’ giving it +50 Bonus to Hit for 3 turns. (Pop-up: TARGET LOCKED ON: INITIALIZE SEARCH AND DESTROY).
    Attack Type 2 - Approaches its target and stomps at it twice for 2 hits of 100% Melee Metal Damage, inflicting ‘Stun’ on you, immobilizing you for 1 turn.
    Attack Type 3 - Approaches its target and shoots a Colossal Blast of Fire from its mouth, dealing 6 hits of 100% Melee Metal Damage to its target.
    Attack Type 4 - If the MechaDragon is Overclocked, it approaches its target and shoots a Colossal Blast of Fire from its mouth, dealing 6 hits of 300% Melee Metal Damage to its target. For the duration that it is Overclocked, it will only perform this Attack.

    Other Information
    1. *Under normal conditions, the MechaDragon follows the skill rotation; Attack Type 1 -> Attack Type 2 -> Attack Type 3 -> (Attack Type 1)*6 -> repeat. This rotation is disrupted when it Overclocks.
    2. If one of the MechSpawns, A or B, is defeated while the other is kept alive, the turn immediately after this happens will occur with the regular attack in the rotation, with the Pop-up “ERROR: ‘SYSTEMS OFF BALANCE. OVERCLOCK INITIATED.”. When this occurs, the MechDragon is Overclocked, and will perform Attack Type 4 for every subsequent turn in which one of the MechSpawns are defeated while the other is kept alive.
    3. When Dragonoid taken to 50% of its Maximum HP, it revives both of the MechSpawns, A and B to their maximum HP; if they had been defeated prior, and (regardless of wether they have been revived or not) causes them to use their Attack Type 2 in place of Attack Type 1. (Pop-up: MECHSPAWN PRODUCTION RE-INITATED.)

    And while I’m at that, here’s some stuff for the MechSpawns A and B:

    MechSpawn A

    Attack Types
    Attack Type 1 - Approaches its target and slashes once for 1 hit of 100% Magic Fire Damage, healing Dragonoid for 4% of its Maximum HP and enhancing it with ‘Shielded’ granting it +180 to Block, Parry and Dodge defenses for 3 turns.
    Attack Type 2 - Approaches its target and breathes a flurry of flames at it for 5 hits of 100% damage, applying ‘Burn A’, a 100% Fire Damage DoT for 5 turns.

    Other information
    1. At the start of the battle, its skill rotation is; Attack Type 1 -> repeat. Once revived by Dragonoid, its skill rotation is Attack Type 2 -> repeat.
    2. Once recived, MechSpawn A neither heals Dragonoid nor applies ‘Shielded’, making Dragonoid easier to defeat prior to defeating MechSpawn A and B once they have been revived as conpared to the start of the battle.

    MechSpawn B

    Attack Types
    Attack Type 1 - Approaches its target and slashes once for 1 hit of 100% Magic Fire Damage, healing Dragonoid for 4% of its Maximum HP and enhancing it with ‘Empowered’ granting it 30% PowerBoost for 3 turns.
    Attack Type 2 - Approaches its target and breathes a flurry of flames at it for 5 hits of 100% damage, applying ‘Burn B’, a 100% Fire Damage DoT for 5 turns.

    Other information
    1. At the start of the battle, its skill rotation is; Attack Type 1 -> repeat. Once revived by Dragonoid, its skill rotation is Attack Type 2 -> repeat.
    2. Once recived, MechSpawn B neither heals Dragonoid nor applies ‘Empowered’, making Dragonoid easier to defeat prior to defeating MechSpawn A and B once they have been revived as conpared to the start of the battle.

    (Thanks to Occavatra for the original images of course, but the entries are under his own name, so this is redundant.)

  • Alm Nullamors -> RE: Monsters (4/27/2019 13:23:17)

    With the Sneevil Box Fort quest now having scaled enemies, its three exclusive Sneevil variants ( Boxer, Arca, Box-Lord) should probably have any changed details struck out.

    Here are the new statistics I recorded:


    Sneevil Boxer

    Location: Sneevil Box Fort

    Level: 3 Scaled
    Element: None
    Damage: 3-7 Scaled
    Damage Type: Melee

    HP: 27 Scaled
    MP: 0 Scaled

    Stats: STR: 0, INT: 0, DEX: 0, END: 0, CHA: 0, LUK: 0, WIS: 0
    Defenses: Melee: 1, Pierce: 5, Magic: 5, Parry: 0, Dodge: 0, Block: 1
    Offenses: Crit: 0 1, Bonus: 0, Boost: 0%

    Resistances: None

    Attack Type 1 - Approaches you, jumps, and kicks you for 1 hit of 100% Melee damage.
    Attack Type 2 - Approaches you and stabs you with a dagger for 1 hit of 100% Melee damage.

    Gold gained: 1 2 Scaled
    Experience gained: 15 18 Scaled


    Sneevil Arca

    Location: Sneevil Box Fort

    Level: 5 Scaled
    Element: None
    Damage: 5-14 Scaled
    Damage Type: Melee

    HP: 35 Scaled
    MP: 0 Scaled

    Stats: STR: 0, INT: 0, DEX: 0, END: 0, CHA: 0, LUK: 0, WIS: 0
    Defenses: Melee: 1, Pierce: 5, Magic: 5, Parry: 0, Dodge: 0, Block: 1
    Offenses: Crit: 0 3, Bonus: 0, Boost: 0%

    Resistances: None

    Attack Type 1 - Approaches you, jumps, and kicks you for 1 hit of 100% Melee damage.
    Attack Type 2 - Approaches you and stabs you with a dagger for 1 hit of 100% Melee damage.

    Gold gained: 2 3 Scaled
    Experience gained: 25 30 Scaled


    Sneevil Box-Lord

    Location: Sneevil Box Fort

    Level: 3 Scaled + 1
    Element: None
    Damage: 6-14 Scaled
    Damage Type: Melee

    HP: Scaled
    MP: 0 Scaled

    Stats: STR: 0, INT: 0, DEX: 0, END: 0, CHA: 0, LUK: 0, WIS: 0
    Defenses: Melee: 1, Pierce: 5, Magic: 5, Parry: 0, Dodge: 0, Block: 2
    Offenses: Crit: 0 3, Bonus: 0, Boost: 0%

    Resistances: None

    Attack Type 1 - Approaches you, jumps, and kicks you for 1 hit of 100% Melee damage.
    Attack Type 2 - Approaches you and stabs you with a dagger for 1 hit of 100% Melee damage.

    Gold gained: 2 3 Scaled
    Experience gained: 25 30 Scaled

    These entries have all been updated with the new stats, thank you! [Jay]

    Alm Nullamors -> RE: Monsters (5/6/2019 17:57:11)

    I replayed the last Alexander Saga quest a few moments ago and managed to make Warlic overload his MP, but the result wasn't what I saw on the entry. Instead of his overload automatically making me win, it automatically made me lose. That needs to be changed.

    Tested and corrected, thank you! [Jay]

    Alm Nullamors -> RE: Monsters (5/19/2019 23:26:36)

    The Guardian Dragon has 70 Bacon resistance in all his appearances now. I saw this when I was training Guardian with an alt character so I decided to check his stronger titan battle and the on-foot version with my main. That "Bacon: 70" is at the top of the monster's resistances list.

    Updated, thanks! [Jay]

    Sagrym -> RE: Monsters (6/12/2019 13:52:27)

    All of the following monster entries should be updated with these images that I re-uploaded on imgur due to Photobucket's constant issues.

    Aggressive Appletree's attack images:

    Attack Type 1:

    Attack Type 1.2:

    Attack Type 2:

    Badbones' main image:

    Beetle-Bot's attack images:

    Attack Type 1:

    Attack Type 2:

    Attack Type 2.2:

    Boardrake's attack 2 image:

    Sneevil's booty version alternative image:

    Cephelorachnid's attack 1 image:

    Cyklon Pummeler's attack images:

    Attack Type 1:

    Attack Type 2:

    Chaos Weaver's attack 1.1 image:

    Cyklon Centurion's main image:

    Darker Elemental's image:

    Decadere Eldest's attack 2 image:

    Deathwidow's attack 2 image:

    Deep Puddle:

    Attack Type 1:

    Attack Type 2:

    Main Image:

    Elite Vampire (2):

    Attack Type 1:

    Main Image:

    Fangblade (2):

    Attack Type 1:

    Main Image:

    Flying Eyeball's attack 2 image:

    Gorillaphant's attack 1 image:


    Attack Type 1:

    Attack Type 2:

    Main Image:

    Mother Eye's attack images:

    Attack Type 1:

    Attack Type 2:

    Necro's First Minion's main image:

    Opticlops (2)'s attack 2 image:

    Paindeer's attack 1 image:

    Really Big Gerbil:

    Attack Type 1:

    Attack Type 2:

    Main Image:

    Sandstorm's attack images:

    Attack Type 1:

    Attack Type 2:

    SylphDrake's attack 2 image:

    Shake Spear's main image:

    Tamamo's attack images:

    Attack Type 1:

    Attack Type 2:

    Stone Ninja Guard (1)'s attack images:

    Attack Type 1:

    Attack Type 2:

    Stone Ninja Guard (2)'s attack images:

    Attack Type 1:

    Attack Type 2:

    Spidermancer's attack images:

    Attack Type 1:

    Attack Type 2:

    Seed Spitter's attack images:

    Attack Type 1:

    Attack Type 2:

    Swamp Shambler:

    Attack Type 1:

    Attack Type 2:

    Main Image:

    Zombie Tog's main image:

    All done here. Thank you! [Jay]

    TFS -> RE: Monsters (10/17/2019 20:19:01)

    Rewrites for Drakath (All Versions) and Dreaddragon Drakath as two of the versions of this monster have a few weird mechanics that aren't documented.

    Drakath (1)

    Location: The Black Dragon Box, Opening the Black Box, Red Betty's Spell, The Jewel of the Four Winds

    Level: As player
    Damage: Scaled
    Damage Type: Melee
    Element: Metal

    HP: Scaled
    MP: Scaled

    Experience rewarded: Scaled
    Gold rewarded: Scaled

    STR: 0
    DEX: 0
    INT: 0
    CHA: 0
    LUK: 0
    END: 0
    WIS: 0

    Melee: 3
    Pierce: 0
    Magic: 0
    Block: 0
    Parry: 0
    Dodge: 0

    Crit: 2
    Bonus: 0
    Boost: 0%

    Immobility: 60
    Darkness: 10

    Attack Types
    Attack Type 1 - Drakath strikes his target with his sword, dealing 1 hit of 100% Melee Metal damage.
    Attack Type 2 - Drakath slashes at his target with his sword, dealing 2 hits of 100% Melee Metal damage.


    Drakath (2)

    Location: Captain's Orders, Walk Through Fire

    Level: As player
    Damage: Scaled
    Damage Type: Melee
    Element: Metal

    HP: Scaled
    MP: Scaled

    Experience rewarded: Scaled
    Gold rewarded: Scaled

    STR: 0
    DEX: 0
    INT: 0
    CHA: 0
    LUK: 0
    END: 0
    WIS: 0

    Melee: 3
    Pierce: 0
    Magic: 0
    Block: 0
    Parry: 0
    Dodge: 0

    Crit: 2
    Bonus: 0
    Boost: 0%

    Immobility: 60
    Darkness: 10

    Attack Types
    Attack Type 1 - Drakath slashes at his target with his sword, dealing 2 hits of 100% Melee Metal damage.
    Attack Type 2 - The Wind Orb unleashes a spectral dragon's head, dealing 1 hit of 3000% Melee Metal damage.

    Other information
  • Attack Type 2 will only be used after either 5 turns have passed or Drakath has fallen below 50% of his maximum HP.
  • Drakath cannot take more than 50% of his remaining HP, rounded down, from any fatal direct attack.
  • This version of Drakath is not intended to be defeated; losing to him will progress the quest as normal.


    Drakath (3)

    Location: Mind Chamber

    Level: As player
    Damage: Scaled
    Damage Type: Melee
    Element: Metal

    HP: Scaled
    MP: Scaled

    Experience rewarded: Scaled
    Gold rewarded: Scaled

    STR: 0
    DEX: 0
    INT: 0
    CHA: 0
    LUK: 0
    END: 0
    WIS: 0

    Melee: 3 + Level/10
    Pierce: Level/10
    Magic: Level/10
    Block: 0
    Parry: 0
    Dodge: 0

    Crit: 2
    Bonus: Level/5
    Boost: 0%

    Immobility: 60
    Darkness: 10

    Attack Types
    Attack Type 1 - Drakath strikes his target with the Necrotic Blade of Doom, dealing 1 hit of 100% Melee Metal damage.
    Attack Type 2 - Drakath slashes at his target with the Necrotic Blade of Doom, dealing 2 hits of 100% Melee Metal damage.



    Drakath (4)

    Location: The Dragon Drakath

    Level: As player
    Damage: Scaled
    Damage Type: Melee
    Element: Darkness

    HP: Scaled
    MP: Scaled

    Experience rewarded: N/A*
    Gold rewarded: N/A*

    STR: 23
    DEX: 13
    INT: 13
    CHA: 12
    LUK: 30
    END: 13
    WIS: 0

    Melee: 1 + Level/10
    Pierce: Level/10
    Magic: Level/10
    Block: 1
    Parry: 0
    Dodge: 0

    Crit: 2
    Bonus: 4230 + Level/5
    Boost: 0%

    Immobility: 80
    All: 75

    Attack Types
    Attack Type 1 - Drakath claws at his target, dealing 1 hit of 100% Melee Darkness damage.
    Attack Type 2 - Drakath breathes black fire at his target, dealing 4 hits of 100% Melee Darkness damage.
    Attack Type 3 - Drakath breathes black fire at his target, dealing 8 hits of 100% Melee Darkness damage.
    Attack Type 4 - Drakath engulfs his target in dark energy, dealing 3 hits of 100% Melee Darkness damage.

    Other information
  • Each of Drakath's attacks has a 10% chance of dealing halved damage. (Pop-up: Drakath attacks your mind and spirit.)
  • Drakath will instantly recover all of his HP and permanently increase his damage by 500% upon falling below 50% of his maximum HP. (Pop-up: Drakath draws on the power of the Orbs!)
  • This version of Drakath is not intended to be defeated; losing to him will progress the quest as normal.
  • *Should the player manage to defeat this monster, they will still receive the 'Defeat' screen and no Gold or Experience will be rewarded.



    Drakath (5)

    Location: An Unlikely Duo

    Level: 20
    Damage: 550 - 575*
    Damage Type: Melee
    Element: Darkness

    HP: 10560
    MP: 10000

    Experience rewarded: 2400*
    Gold rewarded: 480*

    STR: 21
    DEX: 12
    INT: 12
    CHA: 12
    LUK: 3
    END: 12
    WIS: 0

    Melee: 1
    Pierce: 0
    Magic: 0
    Block: 1
    Parry: 0
    Dodge: 0

    Crit: 2
    Bonus: 0
    Boost: 0%

    Immobility: 80
    All: 75

    Attack Types
    Attack Type 1 - Drakath claws at his target, dealing 1 hit of 100% Melee Darkness damage.
    Attack Type 2 - Drakath bites his target, dealing 1 hit of 100% Melee Darkness damage.
    Attack Type 3 - Drakath breathes black fire at his target, dealing 5 hits of 100% Melee Darkness damage.
    Attack Type 4 - Drakath breathes black fire at his target, dealing 7 hits of 100% Melee Darkness damage.
    Attack Type 5 - Drakath engulfs his target in dark energy, dealing 3 hits of 100% Melee Darkness damage.

    Other information
  • Each of Drakath's attacks has a 10% chance of dealing halved damage. (Pop-up: Drakath attacks your mind and spirit.)
  • * Sepulchure is added as a guest while facing this version of Drakath; damage range, Gold yield, and Experience yield will scale accordingly.

    Also See: Dreaddragon Drakath


    Dreaddragon Drakath

    Location: An Unlikely Duo

    Level: 20
    Damage: 550 - 600*
    Damage Type: Melee
    Element: Darkness

    HP: 37560
    MP: 10000

    Experience rewarded: 2400*
    Gold rewarded: 480*

    STR: 21
    DEX: 12
    INT: 12
    CHA: 12
    LUK: 20
    END: 12
    WIS: 0

    Melee: 2
    Pierce: 1
    Magic: 1
    Block: 1
    Parry: 0
    Dodge: 0

    Crit: 4
    Bonus: 0
    Boost: 0%

    Immobility: 90
    All: 75

    Attack Types
    Attack Type 1 - Drakath claws at his target, dealing 1 hit of 100% Melee Darkness damage.
    Attack Type 2 - Drakath bites his target, dealing 1 hit of 100% Melee Darkness damage.
    Attack Type 3 - Drakath breathes black fire at his target, dealing 5 hits of 100% Melee Darkness damage.
    Attack Type 4 - Drakath breathes black fire at his target, dealing 7 hits of 100% Melee Darkness damage.
    Attack Type 5 - Drakath engulfs his target in dark energy, dealing 3 hits of 100% Melee Darkness damage.

    Other information
  • Each of Drakath's attacks has a 10% chance of dealing halved damage. (Pop-up: Drakath attacks your mind and spirit.)
  • * Sepulchure is added as a guest while facing this version of Drakath; damage range, Gold yield, and Experience yield will scale accordingly.

    Also See: Drakath (All Versions)

    All updated/added, thank you! [Jay]

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