RE: Pets/Guests (Full Version)

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Stephen Nix -> RE: Pets/Guests (5/16/2009 20:25:10)


[i]This regal beast is a rare creature indeed! Within his species he is seen as a king![/i]
(No DA Required)

Location: [link=]Grams' Pet Shop[/link]
Price: 95 Dragon Coins
Sellback: 86 Dragon Coins in the first 24 hours from purchase, 24 after.

Level: 8
Damage: 1 - 16
Element: Fire
Bonuses: N/A

Rarity: 5

[link=Needed!]Attack Type 1[/link] - ???

[i]Thanks to The Drifter for the original entry[/i]

Pristine Snowman's entry needs some work

Its main picture doesn't need its name right after it plus it attacks picture should be put into a link and should be before the picture.

Attack type 1


Attack Type: Melee
Special attack: None? If there is need pic
this part is not needed

Also this pet is No DA Required

Ok Punchy needs a locations link and here it is

1 Day Fools Shop (April Shop)

Damage Type: Melee - this isn't needed in the entry plus its non DA Required

Rare RoboTog needs the detial link gone because it is not necessary with the entry

Added, thanks! ~TLH~

Stephen Nix -> RE: Pets/Guests (5/17/2009 20:50:42)

Pristine Snowman's entry needs two more thing
This shouldn't be there as the attack is already there so this is useless

The second is the description should be before the word Non DA Required

Red Imp I - needs its attack on the first one

Attack type 1

Robina needs the history part gone because he should be in the locations part so here it is along with SureWood you need to add these!

Dragon Egg Saga, The, Dragon Attack at Willowshire!/Defense of Willowshire

[i]This mechanical wonder was made for you by Dr. Voltabolt from the spare parts of one of his monsters.[/i] 
(Non DA Required) 

Location: [link=]Dr. Voltabolt's Challenge[/link] 
Price: 15x [link=]Scrap Metal[/link], [link=]Battlecore[/link] 
Sellback: 1000 gold 

Level Required: 20 
Damage: 5 - 16  
Element: Metal
Bonuses: Crit +1 

Rarity: 8

[link=LINK TO IMAGE OF ATTACK]Needed![/link] - ??? 
[link=LINK TO IMAGE OF ATTACK]Needed![/link] - ??? 


[i]Thanks to Ssetra for info and pics.[/i]

Added, thanks! ~TLH~

Stephen Nix -> RE: Pets/Guests (5/18/2009 11:27:22)


[i]This is a very unique monster from the dunes of the Sandsea. They are never seen during the day, preferring the desert nights to hunt. [/i]
(No DA Required)

Location: [link=]Cysero's Superstore of Savings[/link]
Price: 175 DragonCoins 
Sellback: 24 hours from purchase - 158 DragonCoins. Sold after 24 hours from purchase - 44 DragonCoins.

Level: 19
Damage: 12 - 15 
Element: Light
Bonuses: Crit +3, Bonus +5

Rarity: 0

[link=LINK TO IMAGE OF ATTACK]Needed![/link] - ???

[i]Thanks to PaperClip OF DOOM for some information, and Victor XIII for the image.[/i]

Shadow Monkey needs the words gold after the amounts on both the sellback and the price


Attack Type: Melee
Special attack: N/A

that should be deleted and in its place its rarity should be there

Rarity: 0

Added and corrected, thanks! ~TLH~

Scakk -> RE: Pets/Guests (5/23/2009 9:06:13)

Pigasus - Head attack - Melee - Creates attacks waves - Melee

Attack 1 ~70%
Attack 2 ~30%

Sellback: Before 24hrs 41 DCs After 24hrs 12 DCs

Added, thanks! ~TLH~

Stephen Nix -> RE: Pets/Guests (5/23/2009 15:48:29)

Pristine Snowman needs a few things

Pristine Snowman
This magical pet was made from the purest sow found in the frost moglin village of Frostvale.
No DA Required

Also the attack should be before the picture

Shellack's Entry


This pet requires a Dragon Amulet. This hard-shelled pet is amazingly loyal and is found only in the forest of Oaklore, making it the perfect pet for the Knights of the Pactogonal Table.
(DA Required)

Location: Book Return
Price: Dusty Old Tome
Sellback: 0 gold

Level: 1
Damage: 1 - 5
Element: Nature
Bonuses: N/A

Rarity: 1

Attack type 1 - Goes into his shell and hits you for one melee damage


Thanks Senomi for putting it together

Slushy Dragon Snowman's Entry


Slushy Dragon Snowman
This item requires a Dragon Amulet. This magical pet was made from animated slush that gathers on the side of the paths in Falconreach.
DA Required

Location: Came out of Blue Dragon Box II
Price: 600 gold
Sellback: 60 gold

Level Required: 15
Damage: 5-15
Element: Ice
Bonuses: Crit +1

Attack Type: Melee
Attack type 1
Special Attack: A giant snowflake appears on the Snowman, disappears, and the Snowman hits your enemy. Guaranteed crit.


Slushy Snowman is No DA Required

Attack type 1

Description >>>>>>That does not need to be there as the description is already there
When the flerd (the technical term for a flock-herd) of pegasi gathers together, this little filly easily outshines the other colts.
(No DA Required)

Added and corrected. ~TLH~

Scakk -> RE: Pets/Guests (5/24/2009 17:52:24)

The damage and description needs updating. The rarity needs to be added in.


Damage: 2-7
Rarity: 3

Description: This pet requires a Dragon Amulet.This frothy little creature, is only found in the deepest, dankest water caves near Oaklore.

Corrected, Thanks! ~TLH~

Pink_Star -> RE: Pets/Guests (5/25/2009 3:28:44)

Pit Grinder *** Location link is missing. ***

The Grinders Paw

[link=]The Grinders Paw[/link]

(The entire thread needs reformatting though :3)

Added, and I reformatted it for you. =P ~TLH~

Stephen Nix -> RE: Pets/Guests (5/25/2009 17:21:57)

Sneevil Ninja Buddy's Entry


Sneevil Ninja Buddy
Sneevil Ninja Buddy... Sneevil Ninja Buddy! Sneevil Ninja Buddy and Me!
(DA Required)

Location: Snake Ear's Pets
Price: 1400 gold
Sellback: 140 gold

Level: 25
Damage: 5 - 17
Element: Metal
Bonuses: +5 DEX, +2 Crit, +2 Bonus

Rarity: 0

Attack type 1 - Walks up to you and flips to kick you for one melee damage
Attack type 2 - Stands and charges in a red glow to prepare and attack
Attack type 2.25 - After preparing attacks you with a jump and slashes you for one melee damage
Attack type 2.75 - Continuing his slashes for a second hit for one melee damage


Spume needs some help.....

1st - DA Required after description
2nd - sellback 50 gold
3rd - out of all the pictures this one should be the only one there

Valencia needs a few things......


Attack type 1 - Walks up to you and slides down with her knife at the enemy for one melee damage
Attack type 2 - Throws her dagger at the enemy for one range damage


Added and info corrected, ~TLH~

Stephen Nix -> RE: Pets/Guests (5/26/2009 16:46:16)

[image][/image] [image][/image]
Steam Tog
This mechanical wonder was made for you by Dr. Voltabolt from the spare parts of one of his monsters.
(DA Required)

Location: Dr. Voltabolt's Challenge
Price: 10x Scrap Metal, Enchanted Battlecore
Sellback: 100 gold

Level Required: 10
Damage: 6 - 13
Element: Metal / Fire
Bonuses: Crit +2

Rarity: 8

[link=LINK TO IMAGE OF ATTACK]Needed![/link] - ???
[link=LINK TO IMAGE OF ATTACK]Needed![/link] - ???


Thanks to Kazix for damage info and pic

Tropical Bugmonkee
This strange creature comes from the rain forests of a distant land. Its natural venom is a very dangerous poison but when it gets REALLY mad it throws poo.
(DA Required)

Location: Piratical Pirates Pet Shop
Price: 800 gold
Sellback: 80 gold

Level Required: 20
Damage: 6 - 18
Element: Poison
Bonuses: Crit +3

Rarity: 1

Attack type 1 - Walks up to you and throws his arms in a circle for one melee damage


Thanks to footballboy79555 and Safiron

Added, Thanks! ~TLH~

Stephen Nix -> RE: Pets/Guests (6/3/2009 19:13:24)

Twilly doesn't need the note on the bottom!

Vayle needs a few things..... first a space after Location, second the picture for the 2nd picture on the attacks should be this.....
Undead Summon

Warlic's Entry

Human Mage

Location: Xan's Volcanic Fortress

Level: 11
Element: Energy
Damage: 15 - 25
Damage Type: Magic

HP: 200
MP: 145

Stats: STR: 0, INT: 0, DEX: 0, END: 0, CHA: 0, LUK: 0
Defenses: Melee: 5, Range: 5, Magic: 5, Parry: 0, Dodge: 0, Block: 0
Offenses: Crit: 5, Bonus: 10, Boost: 0

Resistances: None

Attack - Walks over to you then floats and throws his stick at the enemy for one magic damage
Zap - Strikes your enemy with an energy blast for one magic damage
Ice Strike - Summons an ice storm in the palm of his hands and throws it at this enemy for one magic damage


Thanks to Windy and Safiron!

Zhoom needs work......

HP: 250
MP: 155

Stats: STR: 0, INT: 0, DEX: 0, END: 0, CHA: 0, LUK: 0
Defenses: Melee: 5, Range: 5, Magic: 5, Parry: 0, Dodge: 0, Block: 0
Offenses: Crit: 10, Bonus: 10, Boost: 0%

Resistances: None

Attack - Jumps in the air with a roll and strikes the enemy for one range damage
Double Arrow - Shoots two arrows towards the enemy for 2 hits of range damage
Summon - Summons Zixcy to attack for one range damage
Fire Arrow - Shoots a fire arrow at your enemy for one range damage
Bomb Arrow - Shoots one fire arrow with a deadly explosive causing a massive explosion for one range damage


Zorbak doesn't that same note on his page either!

All added, ~TLH~

Stephen Nix -> RE: Pets/Guests (6/4/2009 18:42:58)

White Dragon Snowman's Entry


White Dragon Snowman
This item requires a Dragon Amulet. This magical pet was made from the pure white snow from the rooftops of Falconreach.
DA Required

Location: Blue Dragon Gift Box II
Price: 1,000 gold
Sellback: 100 gold

Level Required: 25
Damage: 12-17
Element: Ice
Bonuses: Crit +2

Attack Type: Melee
Attack type 1 - Throws a snowball for one melee damage
Special Attack: A giant snowflake appears on the Snowman, disappears, and the Snowman hits your enemy. Guaranteed Crit.


White Snowman needs a few things

No DA Required

Attack type 1 - Throws a snowball for one melee damage

Slushy Snowman also needs more help too!

Attack type 1 - Throws a snowball for one melee damage

Yellow Dragon Snowman's Entry


Yellow Dragon Snowman
This item requires a Dragon Amulet. This magical pet was made from a pile of yellow snow, only found on a small patch in Falconreach.
DA Required

Location: Blue Dragon Gift Box I
Price: 200 gold
Sellback: 20 gold

Level Required: 5
Damage: 3-8
Element: Ice
Bonuses: None

Attack Type: Melee
Attack type 1 - Throws a snowball for one melee damage
Special Attack: A giant snowflake appears on the Snowman, disappears, and the Snowman hits your enemy. Guaranteed Crit.


Yellow Snowman finally needs help

No DA Required

Attack type 1 - Throws a snowball for one melee damage

All added. ~TLH~

Wandering_Drakel -> RE: Pets/Guests (6/6/2009 2:46:09)

Togrider Lieutenant picture. Same image for Togrider pet. Havn't gotten the general. It appears to do wood damage instead of energy, and I have only seen one attack where it jabs it's spear and then runs back. =\

Poster added it. ~TLH~

ILmaster13 -> RE: Pets/Guests (6/8/2009 20:57:33)

Clockwork Tog:
[size=3][b]Clockwork Tog[/b][/size] 
[i]This mechanical wonder was made for you by Dr. Voltabolt from the spare parts of one of his monsters. [/i]
(No DA Required)

Location: [link=]Dr. Voltabolt's Challenge[/link]
Price: 10 [link=]Scrap Metal[/link], 1 [link=]Battle Core[/link]
Sellback: 1000 gold

Level: 10
Damage: 4 - 13
Element: Metal
Bonuses: Crit +1 

Rarity: 8


[i]Thanks to Denzera and bezima! Also thanks to Naurchir for the pic![/i]

Added, Thanks! ~TLH~

ILmaster13 -> RE: Pets/Guests (6/9/2009 20:48:00)

Butterbomb (Levels 5,10,15):
[size=3][b]5 lb Butterbomb[/b][/size] 
[i]Butterbomb the battle turkey was trained by Dr. Voltabolt to be the world's most deadly turkey and pilot.[/i]
(No DA Required)

Location: [link=]Battle Turkey Upgrade[/link]
Price: 10 [link=]Corn Kernel[/link], 1 [link=]Turkey Tail Feather[/link]
Sellback: 300 Gold 

Level: 5
Damage: 2 - 7 
Element: Nature
Bonuses: None

Rarity: N/A

[link=]Attack Type 1[/link] - Uses missile launcher - Melee

[size=3][b]10 lb Butterbomb[/b][/size] 
[i]Butterbomb the battle turkey was trained by Dr. Voltabolt to be the world's most deadly turkey and pilot.[/i]
(No DA Required)

Location: [link=]Battle Turkey Upgrade[/link]
Price: 20 [link=]Corn Kernel[/link], 1 [link=]Turkey Tail Feather[/link] or 10 [link=]Corn Kernel[/link], 1 [link=]5 lb Butterbomb[/link]
Sellback: 350 Gold 

Level: 10
Damage: 6 - 11
Element: Nature
Bonuses: None

Rarity: N/A

[link=]Attack Type 1[/link] - Uses missile launcher - Melee

[size=3][b]15 lb Butterbomb[/b][/size] 
[i]Butterbomb the battle turkey was trained by Dr. Voltabolt to be the world's most deadly turkey and pilot.[/i]
(No DA Required)

Location: [link=]Battle Turkey Upgrade[/link]
Price: 30 [link=]Corn Kernel[/link], 1 [link=]Turkey Tail Feather[/link] or 10 [link=]Corn Kernel[/link], 1 [link=]10 lb Butterbomb[/link]
Sellback: 400 Gold 

Level: 15
Damage: 5 - 16 
Element: Nature
Bonuses: None

Rarity: N/A

[link=]Attack Type 1[/link] - Uses missile launcher - Melee


[i]Thanks to Sir Draik for the picture of the special. Thanks to Omega2064 for new name. Original entries thanks to Halborg & zeke50100.[/i]

For Zorbak & Twilly you should get rid of this part:


Stats: N/A
Defenses: N/A
Offenses: N/A

Resistances: N/A

Done. ~TLH~

ILmaster13 -> RE: Pets/Guests (6/10/2009 22:02:51)

New entry for Fiend
[i]This odd little guy comes from a different dimension. He stinks of brimstone so you can guess that it's a diminsion that doesn't care how it smells.[/i]
(No DA Required)

Location: [link=]Rare Pets[/link]
Price: 100 DCs
Sellback: ?

Level: 20
Damage: 8 - 19
Element: Darkness
Bonuses: Crit +2, INT +3, STR +5 

Rarity: 9

[link=][b]Stats Page[/b][/link]

[i]Damage correction thanks to Manofthetrees, element resistance, and westward_ho! Thanks to GhostBear5 for graphical adjustment.[/i]

For Jimmy the Eyes:
This is how the stuff under the description should look like-
Location: [link=]Defender's Medal Shop[/link]
Price: 100 [link=]Defender's Medal[/link]
Sellback: ?

Level: 8
Damage: 6 - 11
Element: Wind
Bonuses: Crit +1, CHA +2 

Rarity: 5

Attack Type 1 - Blows wind - Melee
[link=]Attack Type 2[/link] - Shoots lightning - Melee

Location: [link=]Defender's Medal Shop[/link]
Price: 75 [link=]Defender's Medal[/link] & 1 [link=]Jimmy The Eye[/link]
Sellback: ?

Level: 12
Damage: 8 - 13
Element: Wind
Bonuses: Crit +1, CHA +2 

Rarity: 5

Attack Type 1 - Blows wind - Melee
[link=]Attack Type 2[/link] - Shoots lightning - Melee

Unfortunately I cant get a picture of it, sorry.

No biggie. Someone will eventually. Everything else is done. ~TLH~

Scakk -> RE: Pets/Guests (6/13/2009 20:50:29)

Pristine Dragon Snowman
Rarity: 8

Also needs DA tag

Pristine Snowman
Rarity: 8

Also needs Rare tag

White Dragon Snowman
Rarity: 7

White Snowman
Rarity: 7

Also needs Rare tag

Slushy Dragon Snowman
Rarity: 6

Slushy Snowman
Rarity: 6

Also needs Rare tag

Yellow Dragon SNowman
Rarity: 5

Yellow Snowman
Rarity: 5

Also needs Rare tag

Added, Thanks! ~TLH~

Sasuke Uchiha -> RE: Pets/Guests (6/13/2009 23:28:40)

A better picture for this.

The image is a bit to large for the page so I set it as the alternate. ~TLH~

Sasuke Uchiha -> RE: Pets/Guests (6/14/2009 13:33:04)

Is tis better?
It might note that the box says, "Make done war."

Done, thanks! No need for the note, it's quite visible in your image. ~PaperClip

Niki -> RE: Pets/Guests (6/16/2009 1:36:03)

Togrider / Togrider Lieutenant / Togrider General

Damage update after 2009-06-15:

Togrider 5-16 (was 5-14)
Togrider Lieutenant 9-18 (was 7-16)
Togrider General 15-20 (was 12-15)


Updated by the entry owner, I guess. Thanks! ~PaperClip

ILmaster13 -> RE: Pets/Guests (6/30/2009 21:49:19)

Its been rather quite here lately :P

For Babmuu:

A new cropped image:

The attacks need descriptions:
Attack type 1- Shoots a laser at the opponent
Attack type 2- Rams into the oppenent

Image for Battle Piggy:

Here is the description for King Linus because for some reason it doesnt have one:
With the upgraded shrinking ray your tiny penguin pal rises in the ranks of nobility, dealing more damage and gaining a 3% chance to SHRINK your opponent!

All done...and for some reason quiet seems good to me. XD ~TLH~

Sasuke Uchiha -> RE: Pets/Guests (7/4/2009 15:35:00)
I discovered how to make high-quality images!
So a better picture of Togrider

Added, Thanks! ~TLH~
TLH, You posted your reply but didn't post the picture! Plus, remove my alternative image!

ILmaster13 -> RE: Pets/Guests (7/5/2009 17:51:42)

I think you should put Togrider / Togrider Lieutenant / Togrider General in separate posts.

Attack image for Prince Linus:

Both are done, thanks! ~TLH~

Stephen Nix -> RE: Pets/Guests (7/6/2009 1:16:45)

Togrider Entry Series
needs the word gold after the amount in the sellbacks!

plus it needs a description to its attack I don't have one so I don't know! WE NEED ONE!

Done, thanks! ~PaperClip

ILmaster13 -> RE: Pets/Guests (7/6/2009 1:45:13)

Weird, I thought I put the description in my last post. ^^^You can just look at the attack image. :P Description for the attack:
Attack type 1 - Strikes the enemy with a spear

Done, thanks! Also, why aren't there any bonuses on the second and third post...? Even though pet bonuses don't affect you, we still note them. ~PaperClip
There aren't any bonuses listed for them in game, that's why there aren't any there. ~TLH~
Silly PaperClip :P ~IL13~

ILmaster13 -> RE: Pets/Guests (7/8/2009 1:24:21)

Cropped image for Pet Tog:

Added! ~late

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