RE: Pets/Guests (Full Version)

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Baron Dante -> RE: Pets/Guests (12/22/2009 14:28:07)�

EDIT: The Gift Box Pets now have another attack, where it spits an ornament at the opponent.

Does Melee damage as well.

EDIT2: Only the Gift Box pet had the info added on them, while all 3 of them do it (Magic, Mysterious), and no credits for me.

Fixed, Thanks! ~ILmaster

Baron Dante -> RE: Pets/Guests (12/31/2009 6:16:56)
Tomix (Guest) shouls have his location As the cauldron boils... link added and have Share and Share alike added.

Added, thanks. ~TLH~

Stephen Nix -> RE: Pets/Guests (1/18/2010 23:44:47)

Lots of images and small corrections as I do entries.....tell me if these images are too big!!!!

Ancestral Boar Spirit

Ancestral Snake Spirit



Too big

Too big
Black Ice Pwny needs the correct rare tag!
CorDemi Battledrone needs an attack and an image
Attack type 1 - Hovers up to you and shoots an eye beam at you for one hit of melee damage


Fiend needs an attack and an image and also needs the stat page removed
Attack type 1 - Flies up to you and screams at you for 2 hits of melee damage
Attack type 2 - Flies up to you and rams into you for one hit of melee damage

Frost Pwny needs the rare tag up to date!


This needs to be resized since we need a working one.

That's it for now..I'll be back most likely!

All done, thanks. ~TLH~

PaperClip OF DOOM -> RE: Pets/Guests (1/23/2010 3:21:31)

All three entries for the Adorable Baby Dracolich need to be merged.

Done, Thanks! ~ILmaster

Stephen Nix -> RE: Pets/Guests (1/23/2010 11:37:01)

ok lets go threw the rest of the pets/guests!

Adorable Baby Dracolich Pet needs a new image and attacks!
Attack type 1 - Walks up to the enemy and claws it for one hit of melee damage
Attack type 2 - Flies up to the enemy and breathes dark lightning for 3 hits of melee damage [DC version only]



Pigasus its Attack type 1 and Attack type 2

Pit Grinder needs a new attack image!
Attack type 1 - Runs through your enemy for one hit of melee damage

Pridelord needs an attack image! and needs the DC tag on the same line as the title!
Attack type 1 - Runs up to your enemy and claws him and runs back to you for one hit of melee damage


SandCrabz needs the DC tag on the same line as the title! and a new attack image! and a new location link!
Cysero's SuperStore of Savings - Rare Pets Shop
Attack type 1 - Crawls up to the enemy and uses its tail to hit him/her for one hit of melee damage

Scary Doll needs a new war tag! and the DC doll needs a correction in the location......
Cysero's SuperStore of Savings - Rare Pets Shop

Shadow Monkey

Sir Ano needs the bolding removed!


Spume needs the DA tag on the same line as the title!

Tropical Bugmonkee needs the DA tag on the same line as the title!

Ok that should do it!

All finished, Thanks! ~ILmaster

lord loss 52 -> RE: Pets/Guests (1/23/2010 13:31:54)

New stats on all crabastian pets: Their attack power was nerfed in half, no longer overpowered.

Lupus the Wolf -> RE: Pets/Guests (1/24/2010 2:58:46)

I think that the breath attack of the baby draconians do something about 40-50 % of it's damage.
Also the Adorable Baby Dracolich Pet links comes to the DC version. needs to be redirect to the quest reward version.And please remove the link Tiny Terror from the Baby Dracolich DC version.

Fixed and Added, Thanks! ~ILmaster

Stephen Nix -> RE: Pets/Guests (1/24/2010 15:02:59)

Ok some more info....hahaha just when you think your done....rewrite on the bottom!

20/30 Watt-Brightbulb needs some work!
after the sellback it needs the word gold per entry!
Rarity: 8 and 8
the second entry doesnt need a DA required in it because its in the description!
Attack type 1 - Shoots Light Lighting at the monster for one hit of melee damage
Attack type 2 - The bulb lightens up and releases a beam of light at the monster blinding him/her for one hit of melee damage
Babmuu needs the bottom attack links deleted....its on there twice!

Artix needs a rewrite......

[i]Human Paladin[/i]

Location: [link=]Amityvale[/link], [link=]Necropolis, The[/link], [link=]Artix Statue[/link]

Level: 3
Element: Metal / Light
Damage: 5 - 30
Damage Type: Melee
HP: 160
MP: 130

Stats: STR: 0, INT: 0, DEX: 0, END: 0, CHA: 0, LUK: 0
Defenses: Melee: 5, Range: 5, Magic: 5, Parry: 0, Dodge: 0, Block: 0
Offenses: Crit: 15, Bonus: 100, Boost: 0%

Resistances: None

[link=]Attack[/link] - Walks up to the enemy and stabs him/her for one hit of melee damage
[link=]Holy Strike[/link] - Glows and walks up to the enemy and slashes him/her for 4 hits of melee damage

[link=]Alternative Image[/link]

CorDemi Battledrone needs a Rarity: 9
Fiend full location link should be Cysero's SuperStore of Savings - Rare Pets Shop
Flatasaurus needs the word Gold after the amounts and Rarity: 1
Frost Pwny needs the word gold after the sellback
G'joob needs all the bolding removed!
Geo needs the link to.... Falconreach
Ghost-Tog Pet needs all the bolding removed!
Greg needs all the bolding removed! and the attacks should be before the image!
Grrol needs all the bolding removed!
Heart Attack Bat needs the rare tag on a separate line than the title
Hugrantula needs the rare tag on a separate line than the title and the image doesnt work!
Icemaster Yeti needs the rare tag on a separate line than the title and a location link...... Return to the Yeti Cave!
Left Sock Pet needs the rare tag on a separate line than the title
King Linus needs all the bolding removed!

Linus Series ok this entry needs HELP BADLY AND I CANNOT DO IT ALL! I can only start.... Linus after the price and sellback it needs the word gold, Damage Type: Melee is not needed, and Rarity: 1
Prince Linus sellback is 0 Gold and Rarity: 9
Emperor Linus has a Rarity: 29
Prince, King and Emperor need the same attack descriptions and no line breakage
the bottom image could be replaced....

and the top image could be replaced....

Pridelord needs a new attack link....
Attack type 2 - Eyes glow red and then walks up to the enemy and attacks it for a guaranteed hit of melee damage
Pridemaster needs the attacks on two lines not 3 with the space in between and the rarity is..... Rarity: 5
Punchy its No DA Required no Non DA and no Italized needed! the rarity should be before the attacks!
The attacks need descriptions.......
- Floats and then crashes through the enemy for one hit of melee damage
- Wobbles over to the enemy and then uses its head to hit the enemy for one hit of melee damage
Robina does she need the history part before the picture...... its already in the locations.....if you say yes then can it be put after the picture and be placed in a quote!
Rummage Series needs the Rarity: 5 on every entry! and also overclocked needs this Bonuses: None
Sand Stinger needs the Rarity: 1 and the sellback should say gold
Shellack needs the DA tag on the same line as the title and the DA Required needs to be removed as its already in the description and the bonuses is None not N/A
Sneevil Ninja Buddy needs the DA tag on the same line as the title the attack images are all the same...... change the links to these....
Attack type 1 - Walks up to you and flips to kick you for one melee damage
Attack type 2 - Stands and charges in a red glow to prepare and attack
Attack type 2.25 - After preparing attacks you with a jump and slashes you for one melee damage
Attack type 2.5 - Continuing his slashes for a second hit for one melee damage
The Golden Egg needs the bolding removed
Togrider all prices needs links....
Price: 10 Gears of War & 15 Defender's Medals
Price: 1 Togrider & 15 Defender's Medals
Price: 1 Togrider Lieutenant & 25 Defender's Medals
Two Headed Puppy needs the DA Required removed as its already in the description!
Valencia the resistance could be on a single line, and the bolding could be removed! I apologize.....Those attack links should be named Attack and the 2nd should be Throw not attack type 1 and 2

ok this will do for now!!!! try what you can lol on the needs help its so out of whack!

Mission accomplished! The Linus entry should be fine now, the rest is got edited where it was necessary and credited! ;)
If I have missed something please post again, thank you! ;) ~ Army ~

GreyJohn71 -> RE: Pets/Guests (1/28/2010 11:19:59)

Info on the Baby Dracolich Pet dropped from Tiny Terrors - I found a level 10 version:

Baby Dracolich Pet
Level: 10
Element: Darkness
Damage: 8-15
Bonuses: Block +2, Crit +2
Rarity: 5
No DA required

We need the sellback value and please check the bonuses again "Block +2, Crit +2" seems to be a bit much for a level 10 pet!
Thank you! ~ Army ~

EDIT by GJ: Double checked the bonuses, and that's what shows in the description. Sellback is 100 gold.

Created, copied, edited and credited! ;) ~ Army ~

Stephen Nix -> RE: Pets/Guests (1/29/2010 22:34:27)

Awesome try for first edit in a while but we may have either overlooked or just simply missed or maybe its your opinion.....than perhaps we need a discussion!?

20/30 Watt-Brightbulb needs some little work, to start the Rarity needs to be on a separate line..... I know it may not seem like a big deal but then when people make entries which do they do? Put it all together or separate it....making it different than the posting format it says on page 1 of the info sub!
the 1st entry doesnt need a DA required in it because its in the description!
the attacks I have listed should be in that order for the ones on there take up ALOT of space in the pedia!
Attack type 1 - Shoots Light Lighting at the monster for one hit of melee damage
Attack type 2 - The bulb lightens up and releases a beam of light at the monster blinding him/her for one hit of melee damage

Babmuu needs the bottom attack links deleted....its on there twice!
CorDemi Battledrone needs the rarity on a separate line
Fiend needs the rarity on a separate line
Flatasaurus needs the rarity on a separate line and the price should look like this... Price: 2500 Gold (With spacing and the word gold)

Linus Series needs the rarity on a separate line
Linus doesnt need this....Damage Type: Melee (it takes up space)
the bottom image could be replaced....

and the top image could be replaced....

Pridemaster needs the rarity on a separate line
Robina does she need the history part before the picture...... its already in the locations.....if you say yes then can it be put after the picture and be placed in a quote! ( it would look a lot nicer!)
Rummage Series needs the rarity on a separate line
Sand Stinger needs the rarity on a separate line
Shellack needs the rarity on a separate line and the space between the location and description deleted!
Sneevil Ninja Buddy needs the DA tag on the same line as the title, needs the rarity on a separate line, the space after the rarity and attacks can be deleted!
Togrider first entry needs in the links Attack Type 1 and the second entry needs the unnecessary space deleted, needs the rarity on a separate line per entry!
Two Headed Puppy first entry needs the unnecessary space deleted
Valencia Those attack links should be named Attack and the 2nd should be Throw not attack type 1 and 2. Sorry!

1. I edited the entries and added the extra line for the Rarity score, but I won't search the complete pedia to add this "extra" line in every entry!
2. The history in the Robina entry stays and it looks awfull in a quote
3. Valencias attacks stay how they are, the second attack type is throw, and it stays named attack type 2
~ Army ~

Stephen Nix -> RE: Pets/Guests (1/30/2010 13:36:30)

Crabastian needs a new image because it has no background and its quite unclear!

My Little Pegasus needs a new image...

Red Imp needs only one image and it should be on the bottom, the description should be all on one line, the rarity should be before the attack, the Defender Medal image should be before the title not after!, also.....per entry....
Attack Type 1 - Uses its dark tongue to hit the enemy for one hit of melee damage
Finally it needs the thanks on the bottom of the page!
Scary Doll needs the attack links on only 2 lines not 3!
The level should have the correct rarity.... plus it should be on a separate line!
Level 10 - Rarity: 3
Level 20 - Rarity: 8 and the DC item should have Rarity: 8
Level 30 - Rarity: 13 Are you sure about these 3? It might actually be like that.
Shadow Monkey needs the rarity before the attacks!
Sparklepony needs a change... the title is in italics! that should be removed! Rarity should be before the attack links! and it needs links and a new image.....
Attack Type 1 - Rams into the enemy and attacks for one hit of melee damage
Attack Type 2 - Hovers up to the enemy and uses its horns to strike for 2 hits of melee damage

If you look at these three links they have their attack names instead of attack type 2
here look at these.... Galanoth, Artix, Grrol
So I agree it should be listed as Throw not attack type 2 I've even changed the name of the link itself! So now the link wont work..... Throw
Valencia needs this done! Good luck!

All done, Thanks! ~ILmaster

Stephen Nix -> RE: Pets/Guests (2/6/2010 15:40:32)

Well 9.03 has arrived and let's get started on this one....monsters is going to take forever once every monster has a bonus!!!!! good god! lol

For now though I have collected all the NPC's that are listed in here for a change from Range to Pierce!

I also have a few side corrections....of course I do!

Sir Ano
Tomix Also it doesnt need after the description....guest and the resistance should be all on one line! Finally after the MP it should have a line break!
Vayle the spacing is needed for the stats on ALL OF THEM! they are all together!
Zhoom damage type is now Pierce
King Linus (War Guest)

These guys as well.... plus change their stats a bit!

Robina damage type is now Pierce also the stats need the Offenses: Crit: 10, Bonus: 1, Boost: 0%
Valencia Offenses: Crit: 5, Bonus: 0, Boost: 0%

Ok good luck I'll get started with monsters very soon! or maybe something this....

Sorry I didn't get to this sooner. I've fixed it all, and given you all respective credit. Thanks! [Jay]

Sasuke Uchiha -> RE: Pets/Guests (2/23/2010 23:08:41)

Changed Ranged to Pierce.

I've done the first two, the other two Stephen Nix has already requested. Thanks! [Jay]

Stephen Nix -> RE: Pets/Guests (3/6/2010 14:33:15)

Ok Tomix needs work....

Anywhere you see the word Scale add a "d" after it it should read Scaled

and Offenses: Crit: 20 not Scale <- tested this out on my main character and my lesser character level 54, and 5 lol! I got the same results!

he also needs more locations..... but it shouldn't be all quests, as it would he is in every quest so far...and this could be a very big saga so lets just add one...


Fixed, Thanks! ~ILmaster

nightslayer321 -> RE: Pets/Guests (3/17/2010 14:11:59)

Can u merge these threads?:

Fool's Gold Tog
Gold Foil Tog
Gilded Tog
Gold Plated Tog
Solid Gold Tog

And other add: The attacks of the Live Turducken do magic damage, the attack 1 and 2.

All done, thanks! ~Karika

nightslayer321 -> RE: Pets/Guests (3/19/2010 4:02:36)

With the new preview of the pets, i have new images for u, i'm hope these can be useful:

Watt Brightbulb --> image
Babmuu --> image
Braydenball --> image
Cannon --> image
Flatasaurus --> image
Dandytiger --> image
Ghost tog --> image
Greg --> image
Jimmy the Eye --> image
Chickcalf --> image
Punchy --> image

Everything edited and credited! ~ Army ~

Stephen Nix -> RE: Pets/Guests (3/19/2010 9:55:33)

Though now we do have a preview button I don't think its really necessary for us to have completely new images do we?

Below: THOSE ARE PERFECT!!!! If we can get more of those for the ones above this post that would be amazing!

1. Please don't post in caps it is considered spam, thank you!
2. Please only post if you have pedia info to add, thank you! ~ Army ~

nightslayer321 -> RE: Pets/Guests (3/22/2010 14:06:37)

Yay! New pet images. Check it:

Butterbomb --> image
Pet Slime --> image (his attack description is: Hits the enemy with his fist doing 1 melee attack.)
Rare Pet Slime --> image (his attack description is: Hits the enemy with his fist doing 1 melee attack.)
Pet Tog --> image (his attack description is: Runs and bites at the enemy doing 1 melee damage.)
Rare Pet Tog --> image (his attack description is: Runs and bites at the enemy doing 1 melee damage.)
Pet Wyvern --> image (his attack description is: Fly to the enemy and bites with his beak for 1 melee damage)
Rare Pet Wyvern --> image (his attack description is: Fly to the enemy and bites with his beak for 1 melee damage)
Left Sock Pet --> image (his attack description is: Jumps toward the enemy and bites with his fangs for 1 magic damage)

Everything edited and credited! ~ Army ~

latedog -> RE: Pets/Guests (3/28/2010 15:37:09)


Lucky Wererabbit - 50 Gold
Rare Pet Tog - 0 Gold

Everything edited and credited! ~ Army ~

Stephen Nix -> RE: Pets/Guests (3/29/2010 13:38:49)

Where did this special offer tag come from?

could this replace the Doom Knight tag?

They are both special offers....

and sense I guess we made a special offers tag shouldn't it be in teh banners / tags thread?

1. I copied the "Special Offer" tag from the AQW pedia, because the DF didn't have one.
2. I entered the tag in the banners / tags thread, thanks for reminding me.
3. The Doomknight offer is a special DA holder only special offer, it has its own tag and I am not going to change it!
~ Army ~

ZanpakuTô -> RE: Pets/Guests (4/5/2010 15:13:39)


From what I just saw, it also has an attack that does 2 hits of 250% Damage each; it did one hit of 28, but it did also a hit of 42, outside of the 200% range for BraydenBall. I have no CHA, so it did not get a Bonus from that, either

Ranloth -> RE: Pets/Guests (4/10/2010 4:52:25)

Gold Togs need a rare tag and IIRC, need to be separated due to different names ^_^

Baron Dante -> RE: Pets/Guests (4/16/2010 13:35:34)

List of separatable Pets posts.

Sasuke Uchiha1132 -> RE: Pets/Guests (4/17/2010 20:07:24)


Added, Thanks! ~ILmaster

Sasuke Uchiha1132 -> RE: Pets/Guests (4/20/2010 8:00:05)

Chillwing needs a link to the Golden Egg for its location.

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