RE: Pets/Guests (Full Version)

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Sasuke Uchiha -> RE: Pets/Guests (7/12/2009 21:51:36)

Shouldn't PowerTog and Rare PowerTog be merged?

Also RoboTog and Rare RoboTog?

And 20-Watt Brightbulb and 30-Watt Brightbulb?

And Steam Tog and Rare SteamTog? And The Steam Tog isn't DA and the image is incorrect. (I accidentally posted, sorry!)

Pristine snowman and Pristine Dragon Snowman? (The non-DA one's title should go to size threee.

White Snowman and White Dragon Snowman?

Yellow Snowman and Yellow Dragon Snowman?

Slushy Snowman and Slushy Dragon Snowman?

And Clockwork Tog is missing:

Rare Clockwork Tog
This mechanical wonder was made for you by Dr. Voltabolt from the spare parts of one of his monsters.

Location: Dr. Voltabolt's Challenge
Price: 40 Scrap Metal and 1 Battle Core.
Sellback: 1000 Gold

Level: 10
Damage: 6-15
Element: Metal
Bonuses: Crit +1

Attack Type 1: One hit of its Robo Claw deals 100% metal melee damage.


Thanks to Nauricher for the pic and QueenBowie from DFwiki for the information.

And the Butterbomb series?

And the Linus series?

And TLH forgot to post my png image of Togrider even though he replied. Plus remove original picture and my other alternate.

I got a time out when I did it the first time but I thought it went through. It's corrected now. Everything else is done. Thanks! ~TLH~

Sasuke Uchiha -> RE: Pets/Guests (7/16/2009 13:09:21)

Errrr, are you going to notice this?^

Yes...I was working on the Weapons since they popped up first on my notifications. (I've been away for a few days.) I'll get them now.

Oh and for SteamTog.
I'm not sure who's picture it was, it was in the PowerTog entry.

Stephen Nix -> RE: Pets/Guests (7/16/2009 14:31:42)

well after seeing the above I started to change my links in my tagged thread and I found a few possible others.....

20 watt, Colonel and Brigadier General Butterbomb (ALSO can the bolding be gone from each entry?), Rare Steam Tog needs a (DA Required) after the description

Rare Clockwork, Linus needs a (No DA Required)

I believe Lucky Wererabbit should have its main image as alternative image number 2 and that alternative image number 2 should be the main shouldn't stretch the page!

Why you ask....a background....I believe its necessary for a background in the pets / guests section!

Pristine / Pristine Dragon Snowman

dragon snowman needs a (DA Required)

other one needs proper format

Pristine Snowman

Red Imp needs I and II in the title!

Ok so now I'm wondering could these guys be merged....

Pet Slime and Rare Pet Slime

Pet Tog and Rare Pet Tog

Pet Wyvern and Rare Pet Wyvern

Spots the Two-Headed Puppy and Two Headed Puppy

What do you think?

I missed those when I was looking for others. I'll have to go through and tell any guide owners that use those links what happened, but it shouldn't be a problem. Everything is corrected up to that point...pets are really done now? ~TLH~
Should be.....

Sasuke Uchiha -> RE: Pets/Guests (7/16/2009 15:30:29)

Ummm, the Corporal Butterbomb goes before the Major Jr.
And the name is quite a mouthful, just call it Butterbomb series.
And the original picture of Linus should still be on the post in image form.

Switching, No it has to have them all at the top for reference purposes, I'll add him back. ~TLH~

Armakuny -> RE: Pets/Guests (7/29/2009 13:32:37)

The ---> Steam Tog <--- entry is still not correct![:)]

It has a DA sign, but the pet doesn't need a DA


Shoot hot flames at your enemy for 1 hit of 100% Melee Fire damage.
^^^ picture doesn't load (at least for me) here is a new one ---> Attack Type One:
[link=]Attack Type One:[/link] 


Attack Type Two: A ferocious Robo Claw for 1 hit of 100% Metal Melee damage.
^^^ the tog hits the foe with its head not with its claw, its more some kind of "headnut"

~ Army ~

Corrected, Thanks! ~TLH~

Sasuke Uchiha -> RE: Pets/Guests (7/29/2009 15:17:17)
It isn't DA and move the DC sign next to the name.

Done. ~TLH~

Stan -> RE: Pets/Guests (8/11/2009 16:38:37)

[size=3][b][link=]Dain Lorilann[/link][/b][/size] 

Location: [link=]Battle for the Eastern Hills![/link]

Level: Varies
Element: Varies
Damage: Varies
Damage Type: Melee
HP: Varies
MP: Varies

Stats: Varies
Defenses: Varies
Offenses: Varies

Resistances: Varies
[b]This guests stats, equips, damage, armor, skills, element, and level will vary based on what the character linked to him has equipped. 
This can be found on his character page. [link=]Dain Lorilann[/link].[/b]

Dragonblade got it, thanks though. ~TLH~

jimbo32 -> RE: Pets/Guests (8/14/2009 19:53:07)

Overclocked Rummage
A thank you gift from Doctor Voltabolt for your help in recoloring SureWould Forest! This item requires a Dragon Amulet.

Location: Live and Let Dye
Price: 1000 Gold
Sellback: 100 Gold

Level: 40
Damage: 16-20
Element: Metal
Bonuses: -

Rarity: 5

Attack type 1: Runs up to the enemy and punches (single hit of 100% damage, melee metal) (Causes 3 turns of "Blind", -30 to hit)
Attack type 2: Runs up to the enemy and punches (3 hits of 33% damage, melee energy)

Charged Rummage
A thank you gift from Doctor Voltabolt for your help in recoloring SureWould Forest!

Location: Live and Let Dye
Price: 750 gold
Sellback: 75 Gold

Level: 30
Damage: 14-18
Element: Metal
Bonuses: Crit +1

Rarity: 5

Tweaked Rummage
A thank you gift from Doctor Voltabolt for your help in recoloring SureWould Forest!

Location: Live and Let Dye
Price: 500 gold
Sellback: 50 Gold

Level: 20
Damage: 8-19
Element: Metal
Bonuses: -

Rarity: 5

A thank you gift from Doctor Voltabolt for your help in recoloring SureWould Forest!

Location: Live and Let Dye
Price: 250 gold
Sellback: 25 Gold

Level: 20
Damage: 6-11
Element: Metal
Bonuses: -

Rarity: 5


Edit: Not sure what the story is with the bonus to crit on one and not the others. Possible typo?

Edit again: Length of blind on the metal attack seems to be variable. Looks like 2-3 turns.

Lupus the Wolf -> RE: Pets/Guests (8/21/2009 8:44:11)�

Rummage lv 10 description is not right at the "yelp" instead of "help"

Done, thanks ~TLH~

Dwelling Dragonlord -> RE: Pets/Guests (8/23/2009 10:04:57)

Currently the pictures and links aren't working for the Two-Headed Puppy/Spots the Two-Headed Puppy.


Mine loaded but it took a while. Their hosted at a place called "picturepush" so I'm guessing it's taking longer to load since it's not a fast server over there. If you leave the page up while you browse around the forum and come back it should load after a bit. ~TLH~

Karika -> RE: Pets/Guests (8/25/2009 11:51:38)

Babmuu needs a sellback: 68 DCs before 24 hours, 19 DCs after 24 hours

Fiend needs a sellback: 90 DCs before 24 hours, 25 DCs after 24 hours

Attack info & attack image on the Black Ice Pwny:

Attack Type 1: Rams enemy for 100% Melee damage. Rate: 100%
[link=]Attack Type 1[/link]: Rams enemy for 100% Melee damage. Rate: 100%

Attack info & attack image on the Frost Pwny:

Attack Type 1: Rams enemy for 100% Melee damage. Rate: 100%
[link=]Attack Type 1[/link]: Rams enemy for 100% Melee damage. Rate: 100%

New image for the Pit Grinder

Also, attack info & attack image for it:

Attack Type 1: Runs through enemy for 100% Melee damage. Rate: 100%
[link=]Attack Type 1[/link]: Runs through enemy for 100% Melee damage. Rate: 100%

Attack info & attack image on the Shadow Monkey:

Attack Type 1: Kicks enemy for 100% Melee damage. Rate: 100%
[link=]Attack Type 1[/link]: Kicks enemy for 100% Melee damage. Rate: 100%

Also, it needs a (No DA Required)

The Togrider series need [image][/image] and [image][/image] tags
Also, alternate image 2 is broken
They are still obtainable in the shop and gears of war still drop from the quests.

The Babmuu, Corporal & (Jr.) Major Butterbomb, Charko, CorDemi Battledrone, Geo, Ghost-Tog Pet, Powertog, Scary Doll from Cysero's shop need (No DA Required) tags

Dementon, Pathstalker, Pit Grinder, Scary Dolls from the war need (DA Required) tags

Heart Attack Bat, Hugarantula, Icemaster Yeti, Left Sock Pet, Scary Dolls from the war need [image][/image] images

The 30-Watt Brightbulb needs a (No DA Required) and a [image][/image] image (since the Enchanted Filament is DC)

Reformat of Ancestral Boar Spirit entry:

Ancestral Boar Spirit
This pet has been granted to the ninjas of the Shadow of the Wind Clan by Nago, the boar god. It represents a fierce nature, strong spirit and breath as fresh as a summer ham.
(No DA Required)

Location: Snake Ear's Pets
Price: 700 gold
Sellback: 70 gold

Level Required: 15
Damage: 4-14
Element: Bacon
Bonuses: Crit +2, STR +2

Rarity: 0

Attack Type 1: Rams enemy for 100% Melee damage. Rate: 100%


Original entry by Bloush.

[size=2][b]Ancestral Boar Spirit[/b][/size]
[i]This pet has been granted to the ninjas of the Shadow of the Wind Clan by Nago, the boar god. It represents a fierce nature, strong spirit and breath as fresh as a summer ham.[/i]
(No DA Required)

Location: [link=]Snake Ear's Pets[/link]
Price: 700 gold
Sellback: 70 gold

Level Required: 15
Damage: 4-14
Element: Bacon
Bonuses: Crit +2, STR +2

Rarity: 0

[link=]Attack Type 1[/link]: Rams enemy for 100% Melee damage. Rate: 100%


[i]Original entry by Bloush.[/i]

Reformat of Ancestral Snake Spirit entry:

Ancestral Snake Spirit
This spiritual serpent has been granted to members of the Shadow of the Wind Clan. It represents the ability to free yourself from any situation, as a snake escapes its own skin.
(No DA Required)

Location: Snake Ear's Pets
Price: 125 gold
Sellback: 13 gold

Level Required: 5
Damage: 2-7
Element: Wind
Bonuses: N/A

Rarity: 0

Attack Type 1: Shoots flame at enemy for 100% Melee damage. Rate: 100%


Original entry by latedog.

[size=2][b]Ancestral Snake Spirit[/b][/size]
[i]This spiritual serpent has been granted to members of the Shadow of the Wind Clan. It represents the ability to free yourself from any situation, as a snake escapes its own skin.[/i]
(No DA Required)

Location: [link=]Snake Ear's Pets[/link]
Price: 125 gold
Sellback: 13 gold

Level Required: 5
Damage: 2-7
Element: Wind
Bonuses: N/A

Rarity: 0

[link=]Attack Type 1[/link]: Shoots flame at enemy for 100% Melee damage. Rate: 100%


[i]Original entry by latedog.[/i]

All done, thanks! ~TLH~

Karika -> RE: Pets/Guests (8/25/2009 12:24:39)

I made an error in the Ancestral Snake Spirit entry (blames copy-paste):
The correct attack image is [image][/image]

The Steam Tog needs a (No DA Required)

Stumpy needs a (DA Required)

All done, thanks! You can leave the background in on attack images you know...not everything needs the backgrounds removed....just basic weapon images. Sometimes it's nice to have them.~TLH~

Karika -> RE: Pets/Guests (9/2/2009 14:44:44)

Aria's attack type 1 description is typoed, threw should be through

Battle Piggy's attack type 1 description is typoed, froward should be forward

Both are done, Thanks! ~TLH~

Karika -> RE: Pets/Guests (9/4/2009 10:45:28)

Jacksparrow needs the word gold after its price and sellback

Done, thanks. ~TLH~

@below: Added, thanks! ~K

TheSin -> RE: Pets/Guests (9/5/2009 11:46:25)

link to crabastion

They only have the level 20 and 30 versions there

There is a level 40 version also:

Pet, Level 40
Principal Musician in Crabastian and the AquaForce!
There newest single is "Through the water and Bubbles!" In store now (not really). DA required.
Damage: 16-20 Metal
Bonuses: Crit +3, END +3, Cha +3

Atks: Hits twice for 100% metal damage.

Also I think the level 20 and 30 hit twice as well will let u know soon. Just got the level 30 version myself testing now.

Edit: Yes the leve 30 crabastion hits twice as well. Just hit for 18 and 30 on Fire boss from war. Finally a water pet better than baby splashy.

Karika got it, thanks though! ~TLH~

cornfield10 -> RE: Pets/Guests (9/19/2009 13:13:44)

Pirate Monkey Captian (level 50) has now got 2 crit and 2 bonus.

Done, Thanks! ~IL

Armakuny -> RE: Pets/Guests (9/25/2009 9:41:46)

I think the Braydenball needs a new pic![:)]

---> Braydenball


~ Army ~

Added, Thanks! ~IL

Karika -> RE: Pets/Guests (9/30/2009 14:00:26)

The Pirate Monkey and Pirate Monkey Captain need [image][/image] images

Edited and credited, thanks! ;) ~ Army ~

Stephen Nix -> RE: Pets/Guests (9/30/2009 20:47:00)

Pirate Monkey Captain needs 2 sellbacks....

Sellback: 250 Gold
Sellback: 750 Gold and this one doesn't need the (DA Required)

once your done I have an un finished post waiting for you in locations and accessories

you forgot one in the accessories I'll post it here......

Emerald Cloak Sellback: 450 Gold

Edited and credited! ;) ~ Army ~

ZanpakuTô -> RE: Pets/Guests (10/2/2009 20:42:59)

Toddler Dragon's Health and Mana are now the same as your character's; also, a re - format of Baby Dragon:

Baby Dragon

Location: Sunbreeze Grove; Dragon Amulet Interface
Pre - requisites: Completion of The Hatching
Price: N / A
Sellback: N / A

Level Required: 5
Damage: Base dpt = sqrt(player level)*2.5
Element: Element Choices

Stage One - RARE

Stage Two

--- Fire Breath Attack

Fighting	                  	Skill Points 	Maximum Damage or Effect
Bite                   	1 -- 40		120% Damage; 1 hit
Claw	              	41 -- 80		100% Damage + 36% DoT; 3 turns
Ram	            	81 --120		10% Chance to Stun; 1 turn
Tail	               	121 -- 160	100% Damage + 60% DoT; 3 turns
Frenzy	               	161 -- 200	400% Damage
Elemental Ball            	1 -- 40		120% Damage; 1 hit
Elemental Stare         	41 -- 80		Lower enemy resist to Dragon element by 12
Elemental Beam		81 --120		10% Chance to Stun; 1 turn
Elemental Breath         	121 -- 160	100% Damage + 60% DoT; 3 turns
Elemental Nova          	161 -- 200	100% Damage; Guarenteed Crit
Increase Player Heal	1 -- 40		Heal 115%; 3 turns
Increase Player Block	41 -- 80		Add 12 Block; 3 turns
Player Mana Refill		81 --120		Heal 10% Total Player Mana
Player Health Refill	121 -- 160	Heal 10% Total Player Health
Health + Mana Refill	161 -- 200	Heal 8% Total Player Health and Mana
Increase Player Bonus	1 -- 40		Increases Player Bonus to 100; 2 turns
Increase Player END	41 -- 80		Increases Player END by 25; 10 turns
Increase Player INT	81 --120		Increases Player INT by 25; 10 turns
Increase Player Boost	121 -- 160	Increases Player Boost by 10%; 3 turns
Increase Playe Crit	161 -- 200	Increase Player Crit by 15%; 3 turns
Reduce Enemy Boost		1 -- 40		Decrease Enemy Boost by 12; 3 turns
Reduce Enemy Bonus		41 -- 80		Decrease enemy Bonus by 5%; 3 turns
Reduce Enemy Resistances	81 --120		Decrease all resistances by 5%; 3 turns
Stun Enemy		121 -- 160	50% Chance to stun; 1 turn
Shrink Enemy		161 -- 200	25% Chance to shrink

Gah...I just can't get that table to line up right. >.< I added it and I'll continue to adjust as I get time to hopefully make it work right. ~TLH~

What about Toddler Dragon? His new health is the same as yours, as stated at the top of this post

Stephen Nix -> RE: Pets/Guests (10/7/2009 19:02:05)

ok I believe the princess needs a rewrite....

[i]Girl Princess[/i]

Location: [link=]Ice Princess[/link]

Level: 1
Element: Fire
Damage: 5 - 10
Damage Type: Magic
HP: (Same as Ash)
MP: (Same as Ash)

Stats: STR: 0, INT: 0, DEX: 0, END: 0, CHA: 0, LUK: 0
Defenses: Melee: 5, Range: 5, Magic: 5, Parry: 0, Dodge: 0, Block: 0
Offenses: Crit: 5, Bonus: 1, Boost: 0%

Resistances: None

[link=]Attack type 1[/link] - 
Takes a deep breath then launches a fireball from her mouth for one magic damage


You missed something...... Offenses: Crit: 5, Bonus: 1, Boost: 0%....yo should have the Ak's do's still in need of alot of my should've waited or at least copied and pasted my entry!

Fixed it here as it page stretched. I just tweaked both. ~TLH~

ZanpakuTô -> RE: Pets/Guests (10/8/2009 0:07:40)

It's done, even though it's not really a re - write...

The Baby Dragon chart has an extra ]

Jamenja -> RE: Pets/Guests (10/12/2009 15:43:46)

A new image for Toddler Dragon


*Released on 12th October 2009

Added, Thanks! ~ILmaster

Jay -> RE: Pets/Guests (10/12/2009 16:52:05)

New/alternate image for the new Toddler Dragon:


I added it as an alternative since its a bit smaller than Jamenja's ~ILmaster

Sasuke Uchiha -> RE: Pets/Guests (10/15/2009 21:00:35)

AK tag needed, not the others.

Done, Thanks! ~ILmaster

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