RE: Pets/Guests (Full Version)

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Jay -> RE: Pets/Guests (10/16/2009 3:21:30)

New image for 20/30-Watt Brightbulb:

Added, Thanks! ~ILmaster

ZanpakuTô -> RE: Pets/Guests (10/17/2009 19:39:32)


Toddler Dragon

Pet or Guest

Location: Sunbreeze Grove; Dragon Amulet Interface
Pre - requisites: Completion of The Hatching; DragonLord Status
Price: 10, 000 Gold
Sellback: N / A

Level Required: 5
Damage: Base dpt = sqrt(player level)*2.5
Element: Element Choices

Image: [use current ones, unless told otherwise]

--- Fire Breath Attack

---[The Dragon Waits a Turn]

Fighting	                  	Skill Points 	Maximum Damage or Effect
Bite                   	1 -- 40		120% Damage; 1 hit
Claw	              	41 -- 80		100% Damage + 36% DoT; 3 turns
Ram	            	81 --120		10% Chance to Stun; 1 turn
Tail	               	121 -- 160	100% Damage + 60% DoT; 3 turns
Frenzy	               	161 -- 200	400% Damage
Elemental Ball            	1 -- 40		120% Damage; 1 hit
Elemental Stare         	41 -- 80		Lower enemy resist to Dragon element by 12
Elemental Beam		81 --120		10% Chance to Stun; 1 turn
Elemental Breath         	121 -- 160	100% Damage + 60% DoT; 3 turns
Elemental Nova          	161 -- 200	100% Damage; Guarenteed Crit
Increase Player Heal	1 -- 40		Heal 115%; 3 turns
Increase Player Block	41 -- 80		Add 12 Block; 3 turns
Player Mana Refill		81 --120		Heal 10% Total Player Mana
Player Health Refill	121 -- 160	Heal 10% Total Player Health
Health + Mana Refill	161 -- 200	Heal 8% Total Player Health and Mana
Increase Player Bonus	1 -- 40		Increases Player Bonus to 100; 2 turns
Increase Player END	41 -- 80		Increases Player END by 25; 10 turns
Increase Player INT	81 --120		Increases Player INT by 25; 10 turns
Increase Player Boost	121 -- 160	Increases Player Boost by 10%; 3 turns
Increase Playe Crit	161 -- 200	Increase Player Crit by 15%; 3 turns
Reduce Enemy Boost		1 -- 40		Decrease Enemy Boost by 12; 3 turns
Reduce Enemy Bonus		41 -- 80		Decrease enemy Bonus by 5%; 3 turns
Reduce Enemy Resistances	81 --120		Decrease all resistances by 5%; 3 turns
Stun Enemy		121 -- 160	50% Chance to stun; 1 turn
Shrink Enemy		161 -- 200	25% Chance to shrink

How's this for a Toddler Dragon re - format?

Sasuke Uchiha -> RE: Pets/Guests (10/18/2009 15:17:18)

Time for some epic Tomix pictures:

[link=]Attack! 1.2[/link]
[link=]Attack! 1.4[/link]
[link=]Attack! 1.6[/link] 
[link=]Attack 1.8[/link]

NOTE: the last one is Bluekatzs.

Poster got them. ~TLH~

Stephen Nix -> RE: Pets/Guests (10/18/2009 18:44:23)

OK lets see what I can do....

I have on me a level 30 Cheshire Twilly....

Chesire Twilly

here are the stats!

Cheshire Twilly
He's so adorable, and yet all your enemies will flee from him in terror!
(No DA Required)

Location: Queen of Tarts
Price: N/A
Sellback: 75 gold

Level: 30
Damage: 13 - 19
Element: Nature
Bonuses: Bonus +1, Crit +2

Rarity: 10

Attack Type 1 - 4 Hits Of 25% Damage - Melee Attack
Attack Type 2 - Heals Character 10% Of Base Health

with this knowledge have a look at the other entries....see a problem? I do....

Added, Thanks. Fixing that issue. ~TLH~

Safiron -> RE: Pets/Guests (10/22/2009 9:05:50)

Human Soul Weaver


New URL's for skill pages

Soul Thread Cutter
Purification Cross
Circle of Retribution

Added, thanks! ~TLH~

gladiator hawk -> RE: Pets/Guests (10/31/2009 10:33:33)

White Snowman & White Dragon Snowman pictures have aged, so here's a new one:

Image Link


Added, Thanks! ~ILmaster

lord jonathan -> RE: Pets/Guests (11/1/2009 0:12:26)

triks the moglin
lvl 20

This pet requires a dragon amult.Triks loves to go trick-or-treating evey day, and he has a mask for every occasion

damage: 14-18 light
bonuses: crit +5

Added, Thanks! ~ILmaster

unQualified -> RE: Pets/Guests (11/1/2009 1:04:13)

triks has a special ability to blind - 20 bonus 4 turns

Info and entry already existed, I only added the pictures at 11/2/2009 18:46:37! ;) ~ Army ~

eragonshadeslayer67 -> RE: Pets/Guests (11/1/2009 1:58:33)

Mr Mangles has 100% of crit for its special

the Gourd pet can deal two hits for its special

and triks can throw a candy at your opponent blinding it for 4 turns (-20 bonus)

Info and entry already existed, I only added the pictures! ;) ~ Army ~

element resistance -> RE: Pets/Guests (11/3/2009 16:03:26)

Gourdon the Gourd-o-Lantern attack is supposed to be 6-12 and not 6-11. Can you fix it please?

Edited and credited! ;) ~ Army ~

Stephen Nix -> RE: Pets/Guests (11/18/2009 19:07:14)

Please break up my post....and now I must mark Muhahahaha...seriously its really scary!

IL took care of it. ~TLH~

ZanpakuTô -> RE: Pets/Guests (11/21/2009 19:54:27)

Here's a re - format for the 2 Star General Butterbomb:

[image][/image]2 Star General Butterbomb
This pet requires the power of a Dragon Amulet. 2 Star General Butterbomb the battle turkey was trained by Dr. Voltabolt to be the worlds most deadly turkey and pilot
(DA required)

Location: Battle Turkey Upgrades
Price: 30 Corn Kernels and 5 Turkey Tail Feathers
Sellback: 550 gold

Level: 50
Damage: 16 - 22
Element: Nature
Bonuses:Crit +1

Attack 1: Goes up and pecks opponent; 1 hit of 100% damage

Attack 2: Holds up a cannon that shoots corn; 1 hit of guarenteed crit

Here's a separate image for the turkey:


Fixed, Thanks! ~ILmaster

Err...the Turkey's main picture doesn't show up... perhaps a miscopy of the image link?

johanan9107 -> RE: Pets/Guests (11/24/2009 9:21:19)

Braydenball's Attack 4 does 5 hits of ~100% damage.

It occasionally does regular damage up to ~80 (damage).

It's stat bonuses (CHA+5, LUK+5, etc.) no longer give your character stat bonuses. (Bug?)

Added. It's because the stats are for the pets, so it doesn't get added to our character's stats. ~ILmaster

whimsical magic -> RE: Pets/Guests (11/26/2009 8:21:09)

General Butterbomb
Major General Butterbomb
Lieutenant General Butterbomb
Sell back is 550 Gold.

Added, Thanks! ~ILmaster

DK or DD -> RE: Pets/Guests (11/26/2009 16:35:37)

Major butterbomb sells for 450 gold

Added, Thanks! ~ILmaster

nightslayer321 -> RE: Pets/Guests (11/26/2009 17:23:04)

Here's a format for the Live Turducken [;)]:

Live Turducken
It's alive! Thanks to Zorbak's plotting and Voltabolt's tinkering, what was intended to be food for the Fall Festival feast is now a pet! Don't eat it!
(No DA required)

Location: Turducken Pet Shop
Price: 3 Corn Kernel + 11 Defender's Medal
Sellback: 228

Level: 45
Damage: 17 - 20
Element: Poison
Bonuses: CHA -5, INT +5

Location: Turducken Pet Shop
Price: 3 Corn Kernel + 9 Defender's Medal
Sellback: 128

Level: 35
Damage: 13 - 18
Element: Poison
Bonuses: CHA -5, INT +5

Location: Turducken Pet Shop
Price: 3 Corn Kernel + 7 Defender's Medal

Level: 25
Damage: 11 - 15
Element: Poison
Bonuses: CHA -5, INT +5

Location: Turducken Pet Shop
Price: 3 Corn Kernel + 5 Defender's Medal

Level: 15
Damage: 8 - 14
Element: Poison
Bonuses: CHA -5, INT +5

Location: Turducken Pet Shop
Price: 3 Corn Kernel + 2 Defender's Medal

Level: 5
Damage: 7 - 11
Element: Poison
Bonuses: CHA -5, INT +5

Attack 1: Live Turducken jumps into air and kick the enemy - 1 hit of 100% melee damage

Attack 2: Live Turducken go towards the enemy and kick him two times - 2 hit of 50% melee damage


Image Link

All done, Thanks! ~ILmaster

Sasuke Uchiha -> RE: Pets/Guests (11/26/2009 22:55:03)

Don't forget it has a chance to stun on the tri-kick attack!

DK or DD -> RE: Pets/Guests (11/27/2009 15:04:47)

The lvl 25, 15, and 5 live turduckens sell for 68 gold, 28 gold, and 8 gold

Added, thanks! ~TLH~

Lupus the Wolf -> RE: Pets/Guests (11/28/2009 2:10:53)

All Live turducken version should add the war tag .

Fixed 'em, thanks! ~TLH~

Jay -> RE: Pets/Guests (11/28/2009 5:28:20)

New image for Live Turducken:


Added, thanks! ~TLH~

Sasuke Uchiha -> RE: Pets/Guests (12/9/2009 19:48:19)

Turkducken has a chance to stun for 2 turns.

Stephen Nix -> RE: Pets/Guests (12/9/2009 19:58:26)

k proper linkage is needed here.... Live Turducken

Corn Kernel + Defender's Medal

nightslayer321 -> RE: Pets/Guests (12/10/2009 4:22:01)

@ Sasuke: Sorry Sasuke, but Armakuny himself has confirmed what the Live Turducken hasn't the stun skill.

Sasuke Uchiha -> RE: Pets/Guests (12/10/2009 18:12:20)

It stunned for me.

@Nix: Thanks for the support!

Stephen Nix -> RE: Pets/Guests (12/10/2009 18:19:09)

I second that factor as he has stunned for me as well!

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