XxKirachanXx -> RE: =ED= Juggernaut Discussion Thread (6/20/2012 13:12:36)
Guys? Is it just me or is juggernaut mode completely unfair, especially at the cap level? I mean, a varium lv 34 can pick of two level 29s with no difficulty at all, at this point, it feels like, from the perspective of the 29, that we are being dropped in front of a player in a machine gun nest, just to see how long we'll dance. Juggernaut shouldn't be a virtually guaranteed win, players with decent synergy, teamwork, and boosters should stand at least some sort of chance, instead of being destroyed by a juggernaut with 75% of his hp remaining. And it seems every cap level is jumping on the boat. 8 out of ten times I start a 2v2, I run into a cap level varium juggernaut...