Peachii -> Growing Darkness, The (8/5/2011 22:53:24)
[image][/image] [image][/image] The Growing Darkness Other Names: Growing Darkness Location: The Final 13th! Darkness Attacks! -> Elysia -> Sword in Shadows -> Growing Darkness Level/Quest/Items required: Completion of An Unlikely Duo Release Date: August 5th, 2011 Objective: The Mysterious Stranger's Super Ultra Mega Darkness Dracolich is growing... gathering all the spirits of darkness from the shadows in the world to block out the light! Objective completed: The Mysterious Stranger's Super Ultra Mega Darkness Dracolich is growing... gathering all the spirits of darkness from the shadows in the world to block out the light! Scaled Yes/No: Yes Monsters (27) Darkness Elemental (10) enTog (11) Entropic Minion (20) Entropic Soldier (8) Skeleton (12) Zombie Tog NPCs Azardo Galanoth Guardian Harold Guardian Holt Guardian Kain Guardian Nahl Helga Mysterious Stranger Reph Spit Thug Zhoom Rewards Capes Mantle of Destiny Glowing Mantle of Destiny Shining Mantle of Destiny Helms Helm of Destiny Glowing Helm of Destiny Shining Helm of Destiny Dialogue Mysterious Stranger: I will drown this world in darkness! Mysterious Stranger: Come to me now... every being of darkness that has been hiding in the shadows... Mysterious Stranger: Join with me and we will grow.... *Beings of darkness begin to merge with the SMUDD, helping it grow in size. Meanwhile, in Willowshire...* Guardian Holt: Something... Something is wrong. Guardian Nahl: *gasp* What-- What is going on?! Guardian Nahl: !!! Guardian Holt: NO!!!! *The entirety of Willowshire is covered in darkness, and the two guardians can no longer see each other.* Guardian Nahl: Holt?! Guardian Nahl: Holt, are you alright? Guardian Holt: What... what could this mean? * Osprey Cove...* Azardo: Arr.. something be goin' on.. Spit: AWWK - Goin' on, goin' on! *whistles* Azardo: What the devil... * Dragesvard...* Helga: Wh-- what? Impossible.. Helga: GALANOTH! HELLLP! Reph: WhAT IS GOING ON?! WE ARE DOOOMED! Galanoth: The prophecy... * The Sandsea...* Thug: The prophecy... Zhoom: Engulfed in darkness, the people of the Sandsea will not last long... Zhoom: <Character>... Our hope is in you. *...and in the Falconreach Guardian Tower...* Guardian Harold: Sir... uh.. Guardian Kain: Spit it out, soldier. Guardian Harold: Sir, you need to see this... *...finally, Falconreach too begins to succumb to darkness...* Guardian Kain: Gather the mages. Guardian Kain: Quickly! Complete Quest Other information Maps indicating how to rescue the villagers;- Willowshire: 1, 2
- Osprey Cove: 1, 2
- Dragesvard: 1, 2
- The Sandsea: 1, 2
Thanks to Slayer Zach and Stephen Nix for corrections.