Tournament of Champions (All Versions) (Full Version)

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Occavatra -> Tournament of Champions (All Versions) (8/21/2016 13:32:05)

Tournament of Champions / (Easy)

Location: Swordhaven (Book 3) -> Up -> Left -> Bulletin Board -> Click the central bulletin -> Part 1 / Easy Mode,
Location: Swordhaven (Book 3) -> Up -> Circe -> Quests -> Tournament (Pt 1) -> Tournament of Champions (Part 1) / (Easy)
Requirements: Completion of Timelines
Release Date: December 30th, 2022

Objective: Win the tournament and gain an audience with King Alteon!
Objective completed: Fangblade awaits you. Are you ready?

Experience rewarded: Scaled
Gold rewarded: Scaled

If you select normal mode:
(1) Sir Ruppenwaffles (1) - Boss
(1) Phoenix Edgeworth (1) - Boss

If you select easy mode:
(1) Sir Ruppenwaffles (2) - Boss
(1) Phoenix Edgeworth (2) - Boss

Miles Wright
Rose Guard
Sir Ruppenwaffles

If you select normal mode:
Illustrious Helm (I-IX)
Illustrious Cape (I-IX)

If you select easy mode:

Access to Tournament!.


*You approach the Swordhaven bulletin board, finding the bulletin for the Tournament of Champions.*

<Character>: So, this is the posting. The Tournament of Champions. And... yes, it looks like the reward is an audience with King Alteon!
<Character>: It's worth a shot. If the King is funding The Rose, he needs to be made aware of their actions.

*As you run away from the bulletin board toward the Swordhaven Coliseum, a hooded figure watches you closely.*

???: . . .

*At the Swordhaven Coliseum, the crowd appears to cheer, while Rose Soldiers stand guard below; you and several other potential competitors gather around the event's announcer.*

Announcer: Hear ye, hear ye! Come one and all!
Announcer: Welcome to Swordhaven's annual...
Announcer: Are you all excited? Good!
Announcer: Newcomers and familiar faces alike have gathered here today...
Announcer: ...but only ONE will emerge as the grand tournament champion!
Announcer: This year's winner will receive a hefty sum of gold...
Announcer: well as an audience with His Majesty, King Alteon himself!

*Scene pans upward to show King Alteon watching from above; you look up toward him, smiling.*

Announcer: As you may have... *ahem* ...noticed today, the Rose will be providing us with security during this event.
Announcer: The amount of soldiers have been increased tenfold in order to prevent any potential mishaps from happening.
Announcer: So rest assured—your safety is our top concern!
Announcer: Now then...let's get this tournament underway!
Announcer: We have an interesting lineup here today...

Announcer: Including...hmm...
Announcer: Oho! Now here's a treat!
Announcer: With us today is a four-time tournament champion...
Announcer: A man who has recently returned from a five-year journey across the seas!
Announcer: The undefeated legend himself!
Announcer: Will he take the championship once more?
Announcer: Please give a warm welcome to...

*Fangblade leans against a pillar, distancing himself from the other competitors; he fails to even acknowledge his dramatic introduction.*

Announcer: And with that, contestants, please follow me!
Announcer: You'll be sorted into these brackets—

*You begin to follow the announcer to your bracket, when somebody captures your attention.*

???: Um...excuse me...

*The hooded figure watching you earlier is revealed to be a young woman with long green hair—a fellow competitor in the tournament.*

Falwynn: My name is Falwynn.

Falwynn: Are you...really...

Falwynn: ...the legendary <Character>?
<Character>: That's me!

<Character>: But "legendary" is a bit of a stretch...
Falwynn: You're as humble as they say you are.
Announcer: All contestants! If you have not been sorted into the east or west divisions yet, please come forward NOW!
Falwynn: Oh no, I'm sorry for taking up your time!
Falwynn: Please excuse me!

*Falwynn has raced off to be sorted into her division.*

<Character> (thinking): Interesting crowd...
<Character> (thinking): Hopefully His Majesty is paying attention...

*You too head off to be sorted into a division.*

West Bracket


Guard: Ah, you're up first. If you have finished speaking to the other contestants, are you ready to begin?
  • Yes! - proceeds to the next cutscene.

Jakob and Elaine

Jakob: Phew...all right. Gotta keep calm.

Elaine: Don't talk to me.

Sir Ruppenwaffles and Fangblade

Sir Ruppenwaffles: ... Perhaps I'm getting too old for this.
Sir Ruppenwaffles: Sir Hup would have a field day if he knew I was still doing this...

Fangblade: . . .

East Bracket Entrance

Falwynn: Oh, it looks like you're up, <Character>! Best of luck!

Guard: Only members of the tournament's east bracket are allowed through here.

*Once you have acquainted yourself with your competition, you begin your first round of the tournament.*

Announcer: Now then...let the tournament begin!
Announcer: In this corner...
Announcer: A veteran contender...and one of Oaklore's finest!
Announcer: Will he dazzle us once more with his expert swordsmanship?
Announcer: Give it up for...
Announcer: And on this side...
Announcer: . . .
Announcer: ...this can't be right...
Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen, I don't believe this!
Announcer: I don't think there's anyone here who doesn't know who this person is!
Announcer: Is it really her/him?
Announcer: The famed <Class> her/himself... <Character>!

*The Rose Soldiers stand guard following this revelation; King Alteon begins to stand, attempting to get a closer look to see if it really is you.*

Rose Guard: Please sit down, Your Majesty...

*King Alteon glares at the Rose Guard, but obliges.*

Announcer: What an unexpected turn of events!
Announcer: This tournament may end up being the greatest one yet!
Announcer: Now...are the contestants ready?

*You stare at your opponent—Sir Ruppenwaffles—preparing for battle; Sir Ruppenwaffles readies his weapon.*

Announcer: Then you may BEGIN!
Sir Ruppenwaffles: Allow me to show you what true swordplay really is.

  • Battle! - begins battle with Sir Ruppenwaffles (1) (normal) / Sir Ruppenwaffles (2) (easy).
  • Extreme Battle! - begins battle with Sir Ruppenwaffles (1) (normal) / Sir Ruppenwaffles (2) (easy).
  • Heal - fully replenishes HP, MP, and potions.
  • Run Away! - returns to Swordhaven (Book 3).

    *After your victory in battle, you return to the west bracket of the Swordhaven Coliseum.*

    West Bracket


    Guard: Congratulations on that last match. Would you like to check on the other contestants? Or are you ready for the next match?
    • Of course! - proceeds to the next cutscene.

    Miles Wright, Benjamin, and Calico

    Miles Wright: I've heard the next contestant uses a legendary rapier....
    Miles Wright: Its name, "Igiari," is supposed to mean something... I wonder what?

    Benjamin: Looks like I lost...
    Benjamin: Well, I did my best. No regrets.

    Calico: Oh no, I missed my match 'cause of a bathroom break!
    Calico: I hope they let me back in...

    Anya & Faolin, Falwynn, and Fangblade

    Anya: Those Rose peons are everywhere.
    Faolin: Yeah, it's hard to fight freely with someone watching over your shoulder the entire time.
    Anya: Speaking of which...who was that big guy in the stands?
    Faolin: The tall one with the cape? Who knows...

    Falwynn: You did great out there!
    Falwynn: I think you might actually win this!

    Fangblade: . . .

    East Bracket Entrance

    Guard: Just stick to your proper bracket, and we won't have any problems.

    *After a quick intermission and mingle with some other fellow competitors, you head back out for your second round of the tournament.*

    Announcer: Now up is another familiar face!
    Announcer: A warrior from Swordhaven's very own court!
    Announcer: What surprises will he bring today?

    *The warrior blows the audience a kiss, seemingly knowing how to work the crowd.*

    Announcer: Introducing...
    <Character>: . . .

    <Character>: . . . . . .

    <Character>: . . . . . . . . .
    Phoenix: <Character>, huh?

    Phoenix: Let's see if you're as good as they say you are.

  • Battle! - begins battle with Phoenix Edgeworth (1) (normal) / Phoenix Edgeworth (2) (easy).
  • Extreme Battle! - begins battle with Phoenix Edgeworth (1) (normal) / Phoenix Edgeworth (2) (easy).
  • Heal - fully replenishes HP, MP, and potions.
  • Run Away! - returns to Swordhaven (Book 3).

    *After your victory in battle, you return to the west bracket of the Swordhaven Coliseum.*

    West Bracket


    Guard: Ah, hold on there. Someone else is currently fighting. You can watch, if you're interested.
    • Sure - proceeds to the next cutscene.


    Janitor: Ugh, why are these guys always carving their initials into the walls? It makes cleaning a LOT more difficult.
    Janitor: "K.V."? Another no-name loser, I bet.

    Kraven and Fangblade

    Kraven: I...lost.
    Kraven: How will I tell the others...?

    Fangblade: . . .

    East Bracket Entrance

    Guard: That girl comes from the wilds of Lymcrest, huh?
    Guard: I didn't think anyone still lived out there.

    *After another quick intermission and mingle with a noticeably smaller pool of competitors, you head back out to watch Falwynn compete.*

    Announcer: Amazing!
    Announcer: She may be a new face at this tournament, but she's doing a great job so far!
    Announcer: Can anyone stop her?
    Announcer: Let's find out! Next up...
    Announcer: the man of the hour himself! The tyrant of the arena!
    Announcer: Are you ready?!
    Announcer: Give it up for...
    Announcer: She may be proficient with that crossbow, but let's see how Falwynn fares against the best!
    Announcer: BEGIN!
    Falwynn (thinking): All what should I—?

    *Before Falwynn can even think of a plan of attack, Fangblade breaks her crossbow with one of his axes, then kicks her to the ground.*

    Fangblade: Out of my way, girly.

    Fangblade: You're not worth my time.
    Fangblade: That tournament championship...will be mine.

    *Falwynn appears to be injured, with scratches on her arm and blood trickling from her mouth.*

    Announcer: Ooh, that looked like it hurt!
    Announcer: Now what's this—?

    *Fangblade throws one of his axes directly toward Falwynn; still laying on the ground, she helplessly shields herself with an arm and closes her eyes; upon hearing the ax land in the ground nearby, Falwynn opens her eyes; to her shock—and the shock of the audience—you have come to her defense, standing between her and Fangblade.*

    Fangblade: . . .
    Fangblade: Looks like fortune favors the fool.
    Fangblade: But next time, you won't be so lucky...

    Fangblade: ... <Character>.

    *Scene cuts to black; meanwhile, in Swordhaven's Ivory Tower, Jaania is writing on a scroll of parchment; deep in thought, she hears a knock at her door.*

    Jaania: Enter.

    *Amadeus enters.*

    ???: My Lady. I see you're not at your mirror today.

    ???: Am I interrupting?
    Jaania: No, Amadeus. This is... a welcome distraction. What can I do for you?
    Amadeus: I'm here with the monthly reports.
    Jaania: Please, go ahead.
    Amadeus: First, the Rosewood. There have been some reports of vandalism, as well as some creatures breaking free.
    Amadeus: But it has all been taken care of, thanks to the efforts of Magus Hansa and General Akanthus.
    Amadeus: Hansa has continued to be very efficient. She will be sending another batch of magical creatures to the Beastmaster soon.
    Amadeus: Speaking of Hansa, and moving onto the next subject; the Sandsea.
    Amadeus: The settlement of Duat is flourishing under Rose leadership. However, attempts to access the floating city have not been successful.
    Jaania: Hm. Have Magus Hansa continue her efforts. The magic the Ateala possess is an unknown that we must account for.
    Amadeus: It will be done.
    Jaania: What of the conflict with the Vind? Have you found evidence to support the allegations of slavery and displacement?
    Amadeus: I have. General Akanthus has not been subtle in his campaign.

    *Jaania ponders this information.*

    Jaania: I see. I shall have to speak with him. I know he means well, but these methods are unacceptable.
    Amadeus: Predictably, Vind activity in Betrubung Swamp has not abated.
    Amadeus: A border guard force was recently completely wiped out by the rebels.
    Jaania (thinking): Kara... You're making things harder for yourself...
    Amadeus: However, with increased Vind aggression, more are starting to believe in our cause. There are a lot of new recruits coming in.
    Jaania: A shame it takes such extremes for people to open their eyes to magic's dangers. Still, we must not let them down.
    Amadeus: Regarding Oaklore, there are the usual rumors and occasional bickering.
    Amadeus: Amityvale's prospering. Our troops are keeping the werewolves at bay. Magus Neron is doing a splendid job.
    Amadeus: There is, however, a problem.

    *Jaania looks up at Amadeus, imploring him to continue.*

    Amadeus: There are rumors that Safiria, the vampire queen, is becoming more active, along with other creatures of the night.
    Jaania: . . .
    Jaania: Investigate.

    Jaania: Do not engage.
    Amadeus: As for Falconreach...
    Jaania: They're playing with the Vind, yes?
    Jaania: Regardless, I'll continue to respect Alteon's wishes for the time being.

    *Jaania continues writing, before pausing briefly.*

    Jaania: Anything outside the kingdom?
    Amadeus: A preliminary outpost has been assembled at the foot of Kaer Sierra and our mages have begun proceeding to the Fissure.
    Jaania: I see. It was always a curiosity... but perhaps there is something to be gained from it after all.
    Jaania: Send them a message that I will be arriving soon. I wish to see it for myself.
    Amadeus: Will this visit of yours be before or after the ball?
    Jaania: The ball?
    Jaania: Oh, that... gala for ambassadors and dignitaries. I had fully intended not to attend but...
    Jaania: Ugh... after.

    *Cheers from the ongoing Tournament of Champions at the Swordhaven Coliseum can be heard nearby.*

    Jaania: Why does this tournament have to happen now? I can't focus in these conditions...
    Amadeus: Oh!
    Amadeus: My apologies, I almost forgot. An unusual bird, carrying this letter, came in this morning.
    Jaania: Hmm.
    Jaania: I do not recognize this emblem...

    *Jaania examines the letter, sealed with a purple wax stamp featuring an ornate letter "M" emblem.*

    Jaania: Exactly how unusual?
    Amadeus: A blue hawk.

    *This revelation seemingly captures Jaania's attention; Amadeus observes Jaania's expressive reactions as she reads the letter.*

    Amadeus: Is everything alright, My Lady?
    Jaania: Well. They sure act quickly. This... may become an obstacle in the future.

    *Jaania hastily composes a response to the letter.*

    Jaania: Amadeus, find a way to send this back as my reply.
    Amadeus: To whom, if I may ask?
    Jaania: The letter was sent from the Capitol, in Azaveyr...
    Jaania: From an order called "The Magesterium".
    Jaania: Also, have someone look into this "Magesterium". They appear to be quite the influential and problematic bunch.
    Amadeus: Right away.
    Jaania: How are you feeling, Amadeus?
    Amadeus: Pardon me?
    Jaania: Are you feeling well?
    Amadeus: As well as... I possibly can, My Lady.
    Jaania: Is anyone bothering you?
    Amadeus: No.
    Jaania: That's good to hear.
    Jaania: Neron wears his scars proudly, but I know he's suffering. I'd hate to think that—
    Amadeus: I'm not like Neron.
    Jaania: I know.

    *After their somewhat peculiar exchange, Jaania permits Amadeus to take his leave.*

    Jaania: You can go now.
    Amadeus: My Lady.

    *More cheers from the ongoing Tournament of Champions can be heard, as Jaania struggles to continue her writing; scene fades to black.*

    To be continued!

  • Complete Quest
  • DC Loot Shop - opens Tournament! shop.

    Other information
  • Easy mode was originally released on April 22nd, 2017; easy mode has weaker monsters and no reward drops, while all dialogue remains identical.
  • This quest was reimagined with new dialogue and level 90 rewards on December 30th, 2022.
  • This quest's dialogue was modified on January 6th, 2023; any retired content has been archived here.

  • Jorath -> RE: Tournament of Champions (All Versions) (4/22/2017 22:38:21)

    Tournament of Champions / (Easy)

    Location: Swordhaven (Book 3) -> Up -> Left -> Bulletin Board -> Click the central bulletin -> Part 1 / Easy Mode
    Requirements: Completion of Timelines
    Release Date: August 20th, 2016

    Objective: Win the tournament and gain an audience with King Alteon!
    Objective completed: Fangblade awaits you. Are you ready?

    Experience rewarded: Scaled
    Gold rewarded: Scaled

    If you select normal mode:
    (1) Sir Ruppenwaffles (1) - Boss
    (1) Phoenix Edgeworth (1) - Boss

    If you select easy mode:
    (1) Sir Ruppenwaffles (2) - Boss
    (1) Phoenix Edgeworth (2) - Boss

    Miles Wright
    Rose Guard
    Sir Ruppenwaffles

    If you select normal mode:
    Illustrious Helm (All Versions)
    Illustrious Cape (All Versions)

    If you select easy mode:

    Access to Tournament!.


    *You approach the Swordhaven bulletin board, finding the bulletin for the Tournament of Champions.*

    <Character>: A tournament, huh? Now that's more like it!

    <Character>: This'll be a great way to curry favor with the King...
    <Character>: ... and if I'm lucky, I'll finally be able to speak to him!

    *As you run away from the bulletin board toward the Swordhaven Coliseum, a hooded figure watches you closely.*

    ???: . . .

    *At the Swordhaven Coliseum, the crowd appears to cheer, while Rose Soldiers stand guard below; you and several other potential competitors gather around the event's announcer.*

    Announcer: Hear ye, hear ye! Come one and all!
    Announcer: Welcome to Swordhaven's annual...
    Announcer: Are you all excited? Good!
    Announcer: Newcomers and familiar faces alike have gathered here today...
    Announcer: ...but only ONE will emerge as the grand tournament champion!
    Announcer: This year's winner will receive a hefty sum of gold...
    Announcer: well as an audience with His Majesty, King Alteon himself!

    *Scene pans upward to show King Alteon watching from above; you look up toward him, smiling.*

    Announcer: As you may have... *ahem* ...noticed today, the Rose will be providing us with security during this event.
    Announcer: The amount of soldiers have been increased tenfold in order to prevent any potential mishaps from happening.
    Announcer: So rest assured—your safety is our top concern!
    Announcer: Now then...let's get this tournament underway!
    Announcer: We have an interesting lineup here today...

    Announcer: Including...hmm...
    Announcer: Oho! Now here's a treat!
    Announcer: With us today is a four-time tournament champion...
    Announcer: A man who has recently returned from a five-year journey across the seas!
    Announcer: The undefeated legend himself!
    Announcer: Will he take the championship once more?
    Announcer: Please give a warm welcome to...

    *Fangblade leans against a pillar, distancing himself from the other competitors; he fails to even acknowledge his dramatic introduction.*

    Announcer: And with that, contestants, please follow me!
    Announcer: You'll be sorted into these brackets—

    *You begin to follow the announcer to your bracket, when somebody captures your attention.*

    ???: Um...excuse me...

    *The hooded figure watching you earlier is revealed to be a young woman with long green hair—a fellow competitor in the tournament.*

    Falwynn: My name is Falwynn.

    Falwynn: Are you...really...

    Falwynn: ...the legendary <Character>?
    <Character>: That's me!

    <Character>: But "legendary" is a bit of a stretch...
    Falwynn: You're as humble as they say you are.
    Announcer: All contestants! If you have not been sorted into the east or west divisions yet, please come forward NOW!
    Falwynn: Oh no, I'm sorry for taking up your time!
    Falwynn: Please excuse me!

    *Falwynn has raced off to be sorted into her division.*

    <Character> (thinking): Interesting crowd...
    <Character> (thinking): I sure hope His Majesty's paying attention!

    *You too head off to be sorted into a division.*

    West Bracket


    Guard: Ah, you're up first. If you have finished speaking to the other contestants, are you ready to begin?
    • Yes! - proceeds to the next cutscene.

    Jakob and Elaine

    Jakob: Phew...all right. Gotta keep calm.

    Elaine: Don't talk to me.

    Sir Ruppenwaffles and Fangblade

    Sir Ruppenwaffles: ... Perhaps I'm getting too old for this.
    Sir Ruppenwaffles: Sir Hup would have a field day if he knew I was still doing this...

    Fangblade: . . .

    East Bracket Entrance

    Falwynn: Oh, it looks like you're up, <Character>! Best of luck!

    Guard: Only members of the tournament's east bracket are allowed through here.

    *Once you have acquainted yourself with your competition, you begin your first round of the tournament.*

    Announcer: Now then...let the tournament begin!
    Announcer: In this corner...
    Announcer: A veteran contender...and one of Oaklore's finest!
    Announcer: Will he dazzle us once more with his expert swordsmanship?
    Announcer: Give it up for...
    Announcer: And on this side...
    Announcer: . . .
    Announcer: ...this can't be right...
    Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen, I don't believe this!
    Announcer: I don't think there's anyone here who doesn't know who this person is!
    Announcer: Is it really her/him?
    Announcer: The famed <Class> her/himself... <Character>!

    *The Rose Soldiers stand guard following this revelation; King Alteon begins to stand, attempting to get a closer look to see if it really is you.*

    Rose Guard: Please sit down, Your Majesty...

    *King Alteon glares at the Rose Guard, but obliges.*

    Announcer: What an unexpected turn of events!
    Announcer: This tournament may end up being the greatest one yet!
    Announcer: Now...are the contestants ready?

    *You stare at your opponent—Sir Ruppenwaffles—preparing for battle; Sir Ruppenwaffles readies his weapon.*

    Announcer: Then you may BEGIN!
    Sir Ruppenwaffles: Allow me to show you what true swordplay really is.

  • Battle! - begins battle with Sir Ruppenwaffles (1) (normal) / Sir Ruppenwaffles (2) (easy).
  • Extreme Battle! - begins battle with Sir Ruppenwaffles (1) (normal) / Sir Ruppenwaffles (2) (easy).
  • Heal - fully replenishes HP, MP, and potions.
  • Run Away! - returns to Swordhaven (Book 3).

    *After your victory in battle, you return to the west bracket of the Swordhaven Coliseum.*

    West Bracket


    Guard: Congratulations on that last match. Would you like to check on the other contestants? Or are you ready for the next match?
    • Of course! - proceeds to the next cutscene.

    Miles Wright, Benjamin, and Calico

    Miles Wright: I've heard the next contestant uses a legendary rapier....
    Miles Wright: Its name, "Igiari," is supposed to mean something... I wonder what?

    Benjamin: Looks like I lost...
    Benjamin: Well, I did my best. No regrets.

    Calico: Oh no, I missed my match 'cause of a bathroom break!
    Calico: I hope they let me back in...

    Anya & Faolin, Falwynn, and Fangblade

    Anya: Those Rose peons are everywhere.
    Faolin: Yeah, it's hard to fight freely with someone watching over your shoulder the entire time.
    Anya: Speaking of which...who was that big guy in the stands?
    Faolin: The tall one with the cape? Who knows...

    Falwynn: You did great out there!
    Falwynn: I think you might actually win this!

    Fangblade: . . .

    East Bracket Entrance

    Guard: Just stick to your proper bracket, and we won't have any problems.

    *After a quick intermission and mingle with some other fellow competitors, you head back out for your second round of the tournament.*

    Announcer: Now up is another familiar face!
    Announcer: A warrior from Swordhaven's very own court!
    Announcer: What surprises will he bring today?

    *The warrior blows the audience a kiss, seemingly knowing how to work the crowd.*

    Announcer: Introducing...
    <Character>: . . .

    <Character>: . . . . . .

    <Character>: . . . . . . . . .
    Phoenix: <Character>, huh?

    Phoenix: Let's see if you're as good as they say you are.

  • Battle! - begins battle with Phoenix Edgeworth (1) (normal) / Phoenix Edgeworth (2) (easy).
  • Extreme Battle! - begins battle with Phoenix Edgeworth (1) (normal) / Phoenix Edgeworth (2) (easy).
  • Heal - fully replenishes HP, MP, and potions.
  • Run Away! - returns to Swordhaven (Book 3).

    *After your victory in battle, you return to the west bracket of the Swordhaven Coliseum.*

    West Bracket


    Guard: Ah, hold on.

    Guard: There—someone else is currently fighting. You can watch, if you're interested.
    • Sure - proceeds to the next cutscene.


    Janitor: Ugh, why are these guys always carving their initials into the walls? It makes cleaning a LOT more difficult.
    Janitor: "K.V."? Another no-name loser, I bet.

    Kraven and Fangblade

    Kraven: I...lost.
    Kraven: How will I tell the others...?

    Fangblade: . . .

    East Bracket Entrance

    Guard: That girl comes from the wilds of Lymcrest, huh?
    Guard: I didn't think anyone still lived out there.

    *After another quick intermission and mingle with a noticeably smaller pool of competitors, you head back out to watch Falwynn compete.*

    Announcer: Amazing!
    Announcer: She may be a new face at this tournament, but she's doing a great job so far!
    Announcer: Can anyone stop her?
    Announcer: Let's find out! Next up...
    Announcer: the man of the hour himself! The tyrant of the arena!
    Announcer: Are you ready?!
    Announcer: Give it up for...
    Announcer: She may be proficient with that crossbow, but let's see how Falwynn fares against the best!
    Announcer: BEGIN!
    Falwynn (thinking): All what should I—?

    *Before Falwynn can even think of a plan of attack, Fangblade breaks her crossbow with one of his axes, then kicks her to the ground.*

    Fangblade: Out of my way, girly.

    Fangblade: You're not worth my time.
    Fangblade: That tournament championship...will be mine.

    *Falwynn appears to be injured, with scratches on her arm and blood trickling from her mouth.*

    Announcer: Ooh, that looked like it hurt!
    Announcer: Now what's this—?

    *Fangblade throws one of his axes directly toward Falwynn; still laying on the ground, she helplessly shields herself with an arm and closes her eyes; upon hearing the ax land in the ground nearby, Falwynn opens her eyes; to her shock—and the shock of the audience—you have come to her defense, standing between her and Fangblade.*

    Fangblade: . . .
    Fangblade: Looks like fortune favors the fool.
    Fangblade: But next time, you won't be so lucky...

    Fangblade: ... <Character>.

    *Scene cuts to black; meanwhile, in Swordhaven's Ivory Tower, Jaania is writing on a scroll of parchment; deep in thought, she hears a knock at her door.*

    Jaania: Enter.

    *A man with crimson red hair enters.*

    ???: My Lady.

    ???: Am I interrupting?
    Jaania: No Amadeus.
    Amadeus: I'm here with the monthly reports.
    Jaania: Go ahead. I could use some distraction.
    Amadeus: Right away.
    Amadeus: First, Rosewood. There have been some reports of vandalism, as well as some monsters breaking free, but all has been taken care of.
    Amadeus: Hansa is very efficient. She will be sending another batch of magical creatures to the Beastmaster soon.
    Amadeus: Speaking of Hansa, and moving onto the next subject; the Sandsea.
    Amadeus: She had her hand in destroying Sek Duat, the former and undead emperor.
    Jaania: Impressive.
    Amadeus: According to her letter, Sek Duat XV came out of hiding after <Character> released a substantial amount of light magic.
    Jaania: Ah... so that's what I felt back then.
    Amadeus: <Character> then helped her defeat the emperor.

    *Jaania ponders this information.*

    Jaania: I'm... glad.
    Amadeus: As for Duat, the town is well protected. No complains, citizens are happy and satisfied.
    Amadeus: Moving on; We still are having trouble locating the rebel main base, as well as the new Dravir site.
    Jaania (thinking): Kara...
    Amadeus: There are a lot of new recruits coming in, more and more people are starting to believe in our cause.
    Jaania: Notify Akanthus.
    Amadeus: Regarding Oaklore, the usual rumors and occasional bickering.
    Amadeus: Amityvale's prospering, our troops are keeping werewolves at bay. Magus Neron is doing a splendid job.
    Amadeus: There is, however, a problem.

    *Jaania looks up at Amadeus, imploring him to continue.*

    Amadeus: There are rumors of the vampire queen, and the increase of activity among the creatures of the night.
    Jaania: . . .
    Jaania: Investigate.

    Jaania: Do not engage.
    Amadeus: As for Falconreach...
    Jaania: I know.
    Jaania: I'm respecting Alteon's wishes...

    Jaania: ... for the time being.

    *Jaania continues writing, before pausing briefly.*

    Jaania: Anything outside the kingdom?
    Amadeus: An outpost has finally been assembled at the foot of Kaer Sierra and the mages have begun studying the Fissure.
    Jaania: It's about time.
    Jaania: Send a letter that I will be arriving soon. I need to see it for myself.
    Amadeus: Before or after the ball?
    Jaania: The ball?
    Jaania: Oh, this... gala for ambassadors and dignitaries.
    Jaania: Ugh... after.

    *Cheers from the ongoing Tournament of Champions at the Swordhaven Coliseum can be heard nearby.*

    Jaania: Why does this tournament have to happen now? I can't focus in these conditions...
    Amadeus: Oh!
    Amadeus: My apologies, I almost forgot. An unusual bird, carrying this letter, came in this morning.
    Jaania: Hmm.
    Jaania: I do not recognize this emblem...

    *Jaania examines the letter, sealed with a purple wax stamp featuring an ornate letter "M" emblem.*

    Jaania: Exactly how unusual?
    Amadeus: A blue hawk.

    *This revelation seemingly captures Jaania's attention; Amadeus observes Jaania's expressive reactions as she reads the letter.*

    Amadeus: Is everything alright, My Lady?
    Jaania: This... is going to pose problems in my future plans.

    *Jaania hastily composes a response to the letter.*

    Jaania: Amadeus, send this back as my reply.
    Amadeus: To whom, if I may ask?
    Jaania: Someone called "The Magesterium".

    Jaania: The letter was sent from the Capitol, in Azaveyr...
    Jaania: Also, have someone look into this... gathering. They appear to be an influential and problematic bunch.
    Amadeus: Right away.
    Jaania: How are you feeling, Amadeus?
    Amadeus: Pardon me?
    Jaania: Are you feeling well?
    Amadeus: As well as... I possibly can, My Lady.
    Jaania: Is anyone bothering you?
    Amadeus: No.
    Jaania: That's good to hear.
    Jaania: Neron wears them proudly, but I know he's suffering.
    Amadeus: I'm not like Neron.
    Jaania: I know.

    *After their somewhat peculiar exchange, Jaania permits Amadeus to take his leave.*

    Jaania: You can go now.
    Amadeus: My Lady.

    *More cheers from the ongoing Tournament of Champions can be heard, as Jaania struggles to continue her writing; scene fades to black.*

    To be continued!

  • Complete Quest
  • DC Loot Shop - opens Tournament! shop.

    Other information
  • Easy mode was released on April 22nd, 2017; easy mode had weaker monsters and no reward drops, while all dialogue remained identical.

  • Jay -> RE: Tournament of Champions (All Versions) (1/4/2023 3:31:30)

    Thanks to
  • Jay for current entry information and retired entry reformat.
  • The ErosionSeeker for easy mode other information.
  • Occavatra and Jorath for retired entry information.

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