Occavatra -> Friday the 13th Invasion - Black Winter (1/6/2017 22:56:29)
[image]http://media.artix.com/encyc/df/banners/CastleValtrith.jpg[/image] [image]http://media.artix.com/encyc/df/tags/PermaWar.jpg[/image] Friday the 13th Invasion - Black Winter Location: Book of Lore -> BLACK WINTER, Location: Castle Valtrith (Town) -> Symone -> Calamity Saga -> Caitiff's Studies -> Black Winter Requirements: None Completion of The Mage Tower Release Date: January 6th, 2017 Quests Available It Begins... Black Winter Wave Black Winter Supplies To the Skies! Friday the 13th Interlude Doomed Wave Cata... Tank! The Mirage Falconreach Burns NPCs None Shops Doom Dragon Scythe (Shop) The Doomed Dragon Loot Dialogue To the War - loads war meter. quote:
Join our wonderful community on the forums! We have a war thread up, where you can hang out with other warmongers, talk, share stories, compare waves defeated and read all other crazy things players post! Return to Castle Valtrith - returns to Castle Valtrith (Town). quote:
Friday the 13th Invasion BLACK WINTER It Begins... - begins It Begins... quest. Supply Grab - begins Black Winter Supplies quest. To the Skies - begins To the Skies! quest. Interlude - begins Friday the 13th Interlude quest. The Mirage - begins The Mirage quest. Catapult - begins Cata... Tank! quest. War Shop! - opens The Doomed Dragon Loot shop. Finale Merge! - opens Doom Dragon Scythe (Shop). Falconreach Burns - begins Falconreach Burns quest. To Battle! - loads 'Battle Selection' screen. Doom Amulet - begins Doom Amulet quest. Leave - returns to Castle Valtrith (Town). Clicking any of the pins above begins Black Winter Wave quest. After January 13th, 2017, clicking Doomwood Forest, Falconreach, Greenguard Region Farm, and Oaklore pins will have a chance to begin Doomed Wave quest instead. During the course of the war, Willowshire, Sho'Nuff, Sunbreeze Grove, The Sandsea, Doomwood Forest, Greenguard Region Farm, and Oaklore were engulfed by darkness, and thus could no longer be defended. quote:
Willowshire: This area has been engulfed by darkness Sho'Nuff: The Darkness here is thick and full of horrors Sunbreeze Grove: Sunbreeze Grove is no more... The Sandsea: Duat has been lost, but the denizens fled to Atrea Doomwood Forest: The everlasting night has never been this dark... Greenguard Region Farm: You can't get to Swordhaven anymore Oaklore: The Darkness is closing in, Oaklore Keep has fallen... Heal Party - fully replenishes HP, MP, and potions. Invite Guests - Invite Ash as first guest - invites Ash as Guest A.
- Invite Raven as second guest - invites Raven as Guest B.
- Invite Galanoth as first guest - invites Galanoth as Guest A.
- Invite Symone as second guest - invites Symone as Guest B.
- Invite Rolith as first guest - invites Rolith as Guest A.
- Invite Symone as second guest - invites Zhoom as Guest B.
- Invite Rhubarb as first guest - invites Rhubarb as Guest A.
- Invite Mazurek as second guest - invites Mazurek as Guest B.
- Invite Artix as first guest - invites Artix as Friend A.
- Invite Nythera as second guest - invites Nythera as Guest B.
- Remove Guests - removes all current guests.
Other information Automatically fully replenishes your HP, MP, and potions whenever you load the war meter. <Dragon> is removed upon entering this zone and thus cannot be summoned while in this zone and its quests. The blue link in the introduction screen takes you to the DragonFable General Discussion Forum, which opens a new tab. Pop-up message when clicking on the 'Doom Amulet' button when the boss fight had not gone live yet: quote:
You have successfully finished the war before I could make the finale! Now, you just need to wait until it goes live :) Thanks to DemonicDarkwraith for entry reformat and corrections.