Geno (Full Version)

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DemonicDarkwraith -> Geno (6/12/2021 19:47:49)


Location: Broken Circuit (Part 2), The Descent, The Great One, Reasons to Fight, Into the Abyss, Fate's Flow (Part 1), Twin Tides

Quests given

Shops owned

Broken Circuit (Part 2)

???: Let them all in.
???: I shall provide.

The Descent

???: Yet this presence... We know this one.

???: What... is this?

???: No... You... you are not them.

???: Most curious... Very well.

???: The rest will not follow, or the cave shall crumble down upon you all.

???: We await your arrival.

The Great One

???: Hrmmm. Well done.

Geno: We are Geno.

Geno: Not you.

Geno: We mean no offense by it.

Geno: You truly are our old friend, reborn once more.

Geno: Hrmmm.

Geno: Do you trust them with your very being?

Geno: Very well. Then we shall explain what you have forgotten.

Geno: One to create and bring order.

Geno: And to watch over these dragons, to ensure that they... followed their function...
Geno: ...were further created elemental guardians.

Geno: In this eternal flux, the dragons would balance the new world, creating and destroying in an endless cycle.

Geno: The elemental guardians panicked.

Geno: And yet somehow, it seemed their sole charges had escaped their control.

Geno: And then they tried something new.

Geno: And so they made a dragon each. The Great Dragons.

Geno: But they served their purpose faithfully.

Geno: The Destroyer and Savior reborn!

Geno: Born to do their duty, then to vanish to the passage of history.

Geno: We knew a... prior incarnation.

Geno: Your presence is... comforting.

Geno: We sleep. We wake. And we sleep.

Geno: You wish us to compel the DragonLords to action.

Geno: Exaggeration. Hyperbole.

Geno: If not you, then another will rise to the occasion.

Geno: If not now, then in another era, perhaps.

Geno: You are insignificant.

Geno: We are, perhaps, overly affectionate toward your kind...
Geno: ...but ultimately, your hopes and your dreams mean nothing.

Geno: If not this disaster, then another will occur.

Geno: So speaks the Destroyer and their pet human.

Geno: Hrmmm.

Geno: Your words always did ring true...

Geno: You claim to be a savior.

Geno: Into the unknown?

Geno: Certainly we have. You humans often have a tendency to overstate your dedication.

Geno: You shall have our blessing, human. The DragonLords will aid your cause.

Geno: Ah.

Geno: Well, you've met the DragonLords.

Geno: They and their dragons, pulling their city, found us, sleeping.

Geno: It was terribly noisy, so we spoke in riddles and obscurities...
Geno: ...letting them interpret what they would, hoping they'd take the hint.

Geno: So we reached out to the Slayer.

Geno: He has been a good pet.

Geno: Yeah.

Geno: Don't you have a crisis to save the world from?

Geno: And if you're still dragging that human around, I suppose s/he is welcome too.

Reasons to Fight

Geno: The Speaker speaks with our authority.

Into the Abyss

Geno: A threat approaches.

Geno: ...

Fate's Flow (Part 1)

Geno: All will be well.

Geno: You need our help.

Geno: We shall bear this burden.

Twin Tides

Geno: We're kind of in the middle— of something!

Geno: The creature draws its power from beyond.

Geno: Hrmph.

Geno: Attack it there.

Geno: Maybe only distract it.

Geno: We have you now!

Geno: All the way to that abhorrent tear and beyond!

Geno: Hmm... That was quite... the exertion.

Geno: We wonder...

Geno: ...

Geno: We hope the little one will remain, at least.

Other information
  • Also known as The Great One.

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