Snow and Reign (Full Version)

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DemonicDarkwraith -> Snow and Reign (12/17/2022 12:44:44)

Snow and Reign

Location: Book of Lore -> Snow and Reign,
Location: Frostval Storybook -> Chapter 17 -> Snow and Reign
Requirements: None Completion of Frallmar's Lair
Release Date: December 16th, 2022

Objective: This isn't quite the warm reception you were expecting...
Objective completed: Let's get those presents back and save Frostval!

Experience rewarded: Scaled
Gold rewarded: Scaled

(2) Arctic Wolf
(1) Frost Mushroom
(1) Ice Dragon
(2) Ice Drake
(2) Ice Elemental
(4) Snowball
(1) Aurora, (2) Ice Drake - Boss


Auroral Scale (I-IX)

Access to RG Loot for DCs.


*It's a sunny day in Frostvale and it's Frostval once again; you and your dragon arrive to greet the villagers.*

<Character>: Ah, Frostvale! I can't wait for a hot mug of Cocoaberry Juice!
<Dragon>: Don't we usually get a more... welcoming welcome? | *Nervous chirp...*
<Character>: Helloooo!

*There was a moment of silence as the villagers are oblivious to your arrival and are instead arguing about a story.*

Chilly: Everyone says he's real though...
Holly: He's not real! He's just a story to make kids behave!
Tinsel: No! You're wrong! Tell her, Jacek!
Jacek: Jacek has never heard of him before. Maybe he only visits moglin kids...
Tinsel: You're pretty much a moglin now, Jacek! I'm sure he'll visit you!
<Character>: Hey kids, what's going on? Is everything okay?
Jacek: Hi <Character>! Hi <Dragon>!
Chilly: Welcome to Frostvale!
Tinsel: <Character>!!! Holly's saying the ReignDragon isn't real!
Holly: The ReignDragon! He's a nice dragon that brings presents to good moglins!
<Character>: ...I can't say I've ever heard of it before. How about you, <Dragon>?
<Dragon>: Nope. Doesn't sound familiar to me. | *Confused growl*
Tinsel: But...
Chilly: Maybe he only visits Frostvale?
Jacek: Oh right! Welcome to Frostvale!
Holly: I'll go get Icemaster Yeti!
Tinsel: Welcome to Frostvale...

*You and your dragon sit around in a table with Jacek and the Frost Moglins as they wait for Icemaster Yeti.*

Blizzy: Sorry we didn't throw out the fuzzy welcome mat, so to speak! A few things have come up...
<Character>: It's no problem at all! <Dragon> and I dropped by unannounced, and I wouldn't want to be a burden on such a busy time of year.
<Character>: Is there anything I can help with? I see Icemaster Yeti isn't around.
Blizzy: About that! Can you—
???: Ouch! Oop.

???: Okay. Erm.
???: Hello, children!

*Icemaster Yeti arrives as he is dressed up as the ReignDragon.*

"ReignDragon": It's me, the ReignDragon! I've come to deliver presents to all the good moglin and moglin-adjacent children!
Tinsel: He's here! He's here! I told you! He's for reals!
Holly: He looks kind of familiar...
Chilly: It's the ReignDragon!
Jacek: Moglin-adjacent...?
Blizzy: Icemaster Yeti wanted to give the kids a nice surprise this year.
<Character>: Won't the kids see through that costume?
<Dragon>: He doesn't look like a dragon at all! | *Skeptical grumble*
<Character>: It's not the most convincing, is it?
Blizzy: It's all in good fun. The kids will understand, I'm sure.
Blizzy: And the presents we made for them should help distract from any doubts!
Tinsel: Did you bring us presents, Mr. ReignDragon?
"ReignDragon": Well, have you been good moglin and moglin-adjacent children?
Chilly: Um. I think so...
Tinsel: Yes!
Holly: But what about that time you—
Tinsel: We've been good!
Jacek: Actually, now that you mention it, Holly, didn't Tinsel—
Tinsel: We've.
Tinsel: Been.
Tinsel: Good!

*Tinsel intensively glares at Jacek to reiterate that they have been good.*

Jacek: Yes. Good.
Holly: Er. Yes! We haven't done anything wrong at all!
Chilly: We definitely didn't throw snowballs at Icemaster Yeti!
"ReignDragon": That's wonderful! Then I think you're all deserving of some fine presents!
Everyone: Yay!
"ReignDragon": For you, Jacek, I have...

*The "ReignDragon" turns around as if something's amiss.*

"ReignDragon": Um...
"ReignDragon": Hold on... They were just here a moment ago...
Tinsel: Is something wrong, Mr. ReignDragon?
"ReignDragon": Er. Ah. Not at all! Haha!
Chilly: Presents! Presents!
Holly: You did bring us presents, didn't you?
"ReignDragon": Of course I did! I just... Er. Um. I need to speak to Blizzy and that hero over there first!
Jacek: Oh. Okay!

*You speak with Blizzy and The "ReignDragon" about the missing presents.*

<Character>: Do I get a present too, Mr. ReignDragon?
"ReignDragon": Hey, <Character>.
Blizzy: <Character>! This is a serious problem!
"ReignDragon": Unfortunately, I seem to have... misplaced them all. The entire bag of presents.
<Character>: How big of a bag are we talking about?
Blizzy: It's impossible to miss! I can't imagine what could have happened to them.
"ReignDragon": Big enough that it was a pain to carry in this costume. I just took my eyes off them for a minute...
<Character>: We better start looking for them, then!

*A big shadow appears behind you as some Frost Moglins look at it.*

<Character>: Whoever took them can't have gone far.

*The shadow behind you gets bigger as the villagers look at it.*

<Character>: Um.

*You turn around and look at what appears to be the real ReignDragon.*

<Character>: Can we help you?

*The ReignDragon roars.*

"ReignDragon": Get behind me—
ReignDragon: Imposter! Fools! You dare tarnish the image of I, the mighty ReignDragon?
<Character>: I don't think anyone actually thought you were real...
ReignDragon: The stories of my generosity were not enough for you to remember me?
ReignDragon: You stoop to such... mockery?!
Blizzy: We er, weren't making fun of you...
ReignDragon: Silence!
ReignDragon: As compensation for your affront to my legacy, I have confiscated your petty gifts!
ReignDragon: Repent. Be good. And maybe I will deign to visit again in a century or so.

*The ReignDragon flies away.*

Blizzy: What a jerk.
<Character>: Well, we have to go after it!
"ReignDragon": I'll take care of the children. Get going, <Character>, Blizzy.
Blizzy: Right! It headed... that way!

Blizzy: After that ReignDragon!

*While you and Blizzy go after the ReignDragon, the "ReignDragon" take care with Jacek and the Frost Moglins.*

Jacek: Two ReignDragons?!
Tinsel: I like this one better.
Holly: Yeah! The big one just yelled a lot!
Chilly: He was really scary!
"ReignDragon": Uncle Blizzy and <Character> are going to um, go play with the other ReignDragon!
"ReignDragon": Do you want to play some games while we wait for them to come back?
Everyone: Okay!

*You fight your way through various ice monsters until you, your dragon, and Blizzy find an icy cave—presumably the place where the ReignDragon have taken the presents.*

Blizzy: Looks like this is the place. I remember these caves being traditionally forbidden from exploration...
Blizzy: And I think we know why now.
<Character>: Do you have any idea what we can expect in there?
Blizzy: All I know is the stories say that any moglin that wanders in is never seen again.
Blizzy: We'll need to be careful.
Blizzy: Our main focus should be to get the presents back. Don't tangle with the ReignDragon unless you have no choice, okay?
<Character>: Right. Ready, <Dragon>?
<Dragon>: Let's save Frostval! | *Determined roar!*
Blizzy: I'll keep watch out here. Good luck, <Character>!

*You and your dragon move forward to enter the cave and get the presents back from the ReignDragon.*

Blizzy (thinking): The ReignDragon...
Blizzy (thinking): It was always just a story, wasn't it?

*Scene fades to black.*

  • Complete Quest
  • Loot for DCs - opens RG Loot for DCs shop.

    Other information
  • A HP/MP healing pad can be found during the quest.
  • Pop-up headline during the quest:

  • How did this healing pad get here? Well, it's just what you needed...

  • Page: [1]

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