Grams' Pet Shop (Full Version)

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Crynsos -> Grams' Pet Shop (8/25/2006 17:54:41)

Grams' Pet Shop

Access Point: Falconreach (Books 1 and 2) -> 2 Right -> Enter building with paw print sign
Level/Quest/Items required: None
Release Date: August 25th, 2006

Quests Available
Critter Cave (Books 1 and 2)

Hot Headed
Taming Snailmail
Cat Up A Tree
Stump Hunting
Dementon's Treat
The Grinder's Paw

Lost Pets

Falconreach Spy Saga
Spy Saga: Beach War
Pet Insurrection
Mission: Improbable


Grams Pet Shop

Grams Pets
Mogloween Pet
DC Mogloween Pet
Chocolate Bunny (Shop)
Armored Chickcalf Pet
Golden Chickcalf
Drellie (Shop)

Grams: Thank goodness you are here. Can you watch the shop while I go look for my Granddaughter?

  • Missing Granddaughter?
    <Character>: You want me to watch the pet shop?
    Grams: Just for a bit deary. I reckon my granddaughter got herself in a heap of trouble chasing critters into The Crittercave.
    Grams: Will you help me?
  • Rumors
    Grams: After business picks up in the shop here, I am going to start giving Pet Taming lessons.

  • Shop - opens Grams Pet Shop.

  • Look Around - allows player to interact with various pets/objects in the shop:

  • Aria is a sweet pet tamer.
  • Battle Piggy forever!
  • Is the slime trying to eat the fish?
  • It is just a candle... right? ...right?
  • Let's make a new sport... Fish Bowl-ing!
  • Linus refuses to do windows.
  • Pit Grinders are DANGEROUS pets
  • Pridemasters are brave and noble beasts.
  • That is um.. you. The Hero!
  • The sun always shines in Falconreach!
  • This barrel is full of sea-monkeys!

  • If you click the straw hat behind a barrel, glowing red:

    Falconreach Spy Saga!

    An old straw hat sits forgotten behind a barrel of pet food. It seems to glow malevolently and you don't really want to touch it....

  • Infiltration - begins Infiltration quest.
  • Pet Insurrection - begins Pet Insurrection quest.
  • Mission: Improbable - begins Mission: Improbable quest.

  • After completion of Critter Cave (Books 1 and 2):
    Grams: Hello there deary! I am just unpacking, we should open in a few days and I might have some work for ya!
    Grams: Yuppers, Aria is my granddaughter. That gal gets into more trouble with critters than a Gorillaphant in a glass factory!

    Grams: Thank you for saving my Granddaughter! Aria is in the back if you want to visit. Say, would you like to earn a few new pets?

  • Pet Quests
    Grams: Help me tame a few pets and I will stable them here for you. Pick'em up and take them out with you anytime you'd like!
    • Quest / Redo Quest - allows access to the following quests:

      • Goldfishing
        Journey deep into a water cave to find this elusive Goldfish!

      • Hot Headed
        Retrieve a flame sprite from the depths of a fiery volcano!

      • Taming Snailmail
        Catch him if you can... this snail is blazing his way through the forest.

      • Cat Up A Tree
        Pathstalkers are pure predators... somehow you will have to trap one in a tree.

      • Stump Hunting
        Deep in the forest of Doomwood, you must find a young uncorrupted sapling.

      • Dementon's Treat
        In order to catch this crazed creature you might have to be a bit insane yourself.

      • The Grinder's Paw
        The greatest challenge of Pet Tamers in training! Beware, the Pit Grinder is nearly impossible to tame!

    • Get Pet! - allows access to the following temporary pets:

    Upon selecting a locked pet:
    Grams: You need to complete the other quests before you are ready for this one, deary.

    Upon selecting an unlocked, untamed pet:
    Grams: If you can tame this pet I will stable it for you so you can pick it up whenever you like!

    Upon selecting a tamed pet:
    Grams: Oooh, would you like to take your <Pet> with you?

  • Quest
    Grams: <Character>! I need your help! Several pets have gone missing and I think they're lost in the woods!
    Grams: Please, you have to go out there and find them!
    Grams: If you can manage to find all five of the missing pets, then I'll sell you one to take home with you and keep safe.
  • Pet upgrades
    Grams: If you'd like to upgrade your Mogloween pets, I found a new way to do it using Elemental Essences!
  • Visit Aria - takes you to a different area of the shop.
    Aria: I was going to go back to the bug cave later today. Want to go too?
    • Crittercave (Replay) - begins Critter Cave (Books 1 and 2) quest.

    • Rumors
      Aria: I saw a guy the other day who is so scared of animals that he ran away from a snail. Can you believe that?

    • Look Around - allows player to interact with various pets/objects in the shop:

      • Aria is going to be a lot of trouble.
      • Da barrel sez 'kat fud'.
      • Dementons are said to make some people go.... CRAZY!
      • Linus looks best in red hats!
      • Macrohard Windows (TM)
      • Ooooh... the elusive Pet Wyvern.
      • Pridemasters are the masters of their... uh... pride.
      • That is a Gorillaphant. Do not feed.
      • The fastest pet ever!
      • This barrel holds fish. If you had a bow you could shoot it!
  • Rumors
    Grams: My granddaughter Aria and I just moved into town. I'm teaching her everything that I know about pet trainin'.
    Grams: She's got the gift, alright...more than I ever did. It won't be long until she's teachin' me.
    Grams: We moved here 'cause there are new monsters and animals being discovered every day in this area. It's a trainer's paradise!
    Grams: She's a good girl, and smart too but sometimes I worry about her. She ain't afraid of anythin', and that gets her into trouble.
    Grams: Could you keep an eye on her <Character>? It would make me feel a lot better knowin' that she had someone watching her out there.
    Grams: I know that adventurin' can be exciting and sometimes dangerous. A hero can use a good pet that they can depend on.
    Grams: I'm the best pet trainer that you'll find 'round these parts. Well....i'm the ONLY pet trainer here but I'm still darn good.
    Grams: We've got everything from friendly to hard workin' pigs to normally dangerous monsters like the Grinder here.
    Grams: Either way, if it's a pet that I trained, then it's a pet that you can count on in a fight!

  • Look Around - allows player to interact with various pets/objects in the shop:

  • Aria is a sweet pet tamer.
  • Battle Piggy forever!
  • Is the slime trying to eat the fish?
  • It is just a candle... right? ...right?
  • Let's make a new sport... Fish Bowl-ing!
  • Linus refuses to do windows.
  • Pit Grinders are DANGEROUS pets
  • Pridemasters are brave and noble beasts.
  • That is um.. you. The Hero!
  • The sun always shines in Falconreach!
  • This barrel is full of sea-monkeys!

  • Shop - opens Grams Pet Shop.

    If you click the straw hat behind a barrel, glowing red:

    Falconreach Spy Saga!

    An old straw hat sits forgotten behind a barrel of pet food. It seems to glow malevolently and you don't really want to touch it....

  • Infiltration - begins Infiltration quest.
  • Pet Insurrection - begins Pet Insurrection quest.
  • Mission: Improbable - begins Mission: Improbable quest.

  • Other information
  • This shop is replaced by Aria's Pet Shop (Books 1 and 2) upon completion of Mission: Improbable.

    Thanks to
  • ILmaster13 for initial entry rewrite and corrections.
  • Jay for additional links and corrections.
  • alexefb and Football79555 for information.
  • Peachii, Slayer Zach, and Voodoo Master for corrections.

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