RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ultrapowerpie (Full Version)

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Dickiej -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ultrapowerpie (5/24/2007 10:59:19)

Congrats Pie!

How did you become archknight?
A secret initiation ceromony, kupo.

Is it fun to be archknight?
Some find it fun, others find it slavery, kupo.

Are you still an aerodu fan?
Let's see, I'm still the 'Clan Head', I'm in the ACC, and I'm running the Ops thread. I think I am, kupo.

tauguy -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ultrapowerpie (5/24/2007 11:00:01)


Congrats[:D] Stay away from the lock 'n' key in nocturu though[;)]
Do you like cheese?
Possibly, kupo.

What other than Kupo is your favourite word?

What career do you want to take up?

[b*mobs you with moogles*

Todeskaiser -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ultrapowerpie (5/24/2007 11:04:53)

wooot ! now that`s truly 1337 ...errrh...kupotastic ![;)]

gratz ! I almost fell from my char right now, when i noticed it...a fellow clanmate got Ak status ...guess you were even more surprised ?
Possibly, kupo.


Good luck with the AKship. :D
I'll need it, kupo.

nah you won`t...hell, from what i`ve seen you did a good job on the paxia clanboards, the mother of all spam, i`m sure you`ll do a fine job as AK as well...
Just don`t forget Aerodu and Paxia and stay the same funny guy! [;)] Well you will...or else ...XD

But i guess the lazy times are over now...hrhr
Well, i don`t have any real questions, I just hope you enjoy those fency new Ak powers of pie you got !
Nay, the lazyness is still here, kupo.

Daffanka -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ultrapowerpie (5/24/2007 11:05:08)

Congrats, good to see someone non-Nautica become an AK (I wonder what they put in that water to make everyone perfect, mindless drones...)
Hey, Aerodu has 5 AK's, y'all only got 4, so there, kupo. :P

Random Happy Fun Question Time!

What would you eat if you only could eat one thing in a nuclear war against... mud people?
Pie, kupo.

Who made you an AK?

Are the shackles comfortable?
Possibly, kupo.

Seen Dox Para? Is he in the Asylum? :O
No, he's still alive, kupo.

Which of these would you rather have: Goosebumps as big as tennis balls when you´re with someone or that your fingers begin to scream when you´re alone?
Kupo (Try translating that!)

... Moogles are fun to poke.
Possibly, kupo.

Mainly because of all the fat... >_>
The fur is poofy, kupo.

Favorite Final Fantasy game? Mine is IV, which no one seems to share...
Crystal Chronicles.

I´ve figured out what kupo means, by the way!

Close, but no pie, kupo.

But anyways, good to see one of Aerodu become an AK, now we can do what we want in all the other clan´s forums, right? *nudge* ;)

Atrun -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ultrapowerpie (5/24/2007 11:26:13)

Congrats Pie.
*gives a kupo nut pie*, those nuts were hard to find, enjoy.
I know, kupo!

@Daffanka: we're not mindless drones, well, not mindless anyway...

jonasor -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ultrapowerpie (5/24/2007 11:40:36)

wow congratz ultrapowerpie!!

How do you like the promotions u are getting these months? (from ordinair member to helpfull to leader of clan unity to Ak)
Huh? I've never been "leader", I've been a standard bearer, which I was before the helpfull, kupo.

Will you keep being active in other forums not as an Ak but also as an normal Moogle who discusses things normally?
Yes, kupo.

Would u eat all the pie in the world if you could?
Yes, kupo.

Well im not good in finding questions so this will be the last one

Goodbye for now pie [:)][:D]
Bye, kupo.

Mista_Jeab -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ultrapowerpie (5/24/2007 11:44:34)

Wassup, fellow Aerodu clanman!

My questions are...


Hang on...

Oh yeah, I remember now!

Fave colour?
UT orange, kupo.

Fave singer?
Myself, kupo.

Do you like the moogles in Kingdom Hearts?
Possibly, kupo.

It's been made obvious you like pie.
yes, kupo.

But you better not like Trobbles... *Prepares TrobbleBane Blade*
Possibly, kupo.

Have you been to Zorbak's Hideout?
Possibly, kupo.

If yes, have you read "That's my Ebil Cloak"?
Possibly, kupo.

If no, you should go there, there's this great thread called "That's my Ebil Cloak"!

(You should know by know who made that thread)

One last thing...


Okay. Bye!

PS. Like the sig?
Yes, kupo.

.*. .*. .*. -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ultrapowerpie (5/24/2007 11:47:29)

Congrats to your new title!(So many new AK's in the forums. I can hardly keep up with this pace).

How many new buttons do you have?
They're actually check boxes, and I see 5, kupo.

Favorite vegetable?
Ewwwwwwwwwwww, kupo.

Guitar- or Drumsolo?
Both at the same time, kupo.

Naked chef or Nigella?(do you even know who they are?)
Kupo! (Translate that)

Favorite pack monster?
Mob of moogles, kupo.

no more questions....good luck with controlling GGD[sm=fun_08.gif]

london123456 -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ultrapowerpie (5/24/2007 12:12:07)

well done I hope you do well

Is it cool being a moogle?
Indeed, kupo.

I hope you clean spam with your powers of pie

jacost -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ultrapowerpie (5/24/2007 12:15:38)

Do you want a pie?
Possibly, kupo.

What kind of pie?
Kupo-nut, kupo.

Cream on top?
Nahhh, kupo.

Extra party or filling?
No thanks, kupo.

*custard pies Pie* Didn't see that coming, huh? lol.

.I_Period -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ultrapowerpie (5/24/2007 12:15:43)

Hi pie

Your from texas? Me too :D!
Yay, kupo!

Are you from Houston?(don't have to answer)
NO, kupo.

Will you be my friend?
Possibly, kupo. :P

Aerodu Is great isn't it.
Of course, kupo.

favorite class?
Mooglemancer, kupo.

favorite thing to slay?
Anyone who insults moogles, kupo.

how old are you

Thats all I can think of for now. Bye

dream27 -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ultrapowerpie (5/24/2007 12:29:18)

Hey Pie congrats on the AKship it's good to see that you'll still be arund Paxia Aerodu needs you I'm not going to ask you any questions you already have enough dumb ones about pie and such

Congrats and See ya

Thanks, kupo.

DezzyRay -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ultrapowerpie (5/24/2007 12:39:23)


UT's okay at least you aren't a Crimson guy.

Are you from Austin?
Possibly, kupo.

If so, do you go to 6th St. often? I went once I loved it I saw a guy in a skirt and pumps kinda hilarious!!!
Don't get me started on that end of town, kupo.

Beowulf Z -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ultrapowerpie (5/24/2007 12:43:51)

Do you think i make a good blobby Minion?
Possibly, kupo.

have you noticed in the new final fantasy game the Moogles now resemble bunnies? just look at this Kupo!


Hows life as a AK Kupo?
Ok, kupo.

Zorbak or Twilly?

Heh its good you became a AK than me xD if i became one i aint sure i know what i doing i only good at being Blobby's Minion and a Good for the region of LORE, Kupo....

Kupo is my word, so there. :P

Tom127 -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ultrapowerpie (5/24/2007 12:47:50)

What's your favourite flavour of pie.I like apple pie?
Kupo-nut, kupo.

Do you eat pie w/ or w/o whipped cream?
Both, kupo.

Do Moogles have special weird ability like seeing into the future?Incredible anti-spam abiliies don't count.
We're immortal, kupo.

Do were-moogles exist.
Why would a moogle bite, kupo?

Is there any chance of there ever being a Moogle Form in AQ?
Not unless AQ gets good lawyers, kupo.

sacchi -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ultrapowerpie (5/24/2007 13:14:18)


OMG! New AK? Nice, looks as you were right at the end, most of the aerodu members got to be if I ever get to be one... -_-
Not if I can help it, kupo. :P

So what's up pie?
Moogles raining from the sky, kupo.

Enjoying your new powers?
Possibly, kupo.

Do you love editing this post?
Possibly, kupo.

I'm still wondering how it'll be to have an Aerodu member locking all the other clan threads...but after all, since you have the GGD, you won't be there much (guys, start taking over the board! They don't have their leader anymore!)
Please, I am everywhere, kupo.

So...doom or pie?
[GPOD (Giant Pie of Doom), kupo.

Twilly or Zorbak?

Me or me?

HB or me?

Just wondering, did you block me in MSN or you don't get on too much?
Don't get on much, kupo.

Which pie do you like most? Apple pie?
Kupo-nut, kupo.

Like cookies?
Possibly, kupo.

Can I have one?
Possibly, kupo.

Get some from Nocturu, kupo.

Like my PF forums?
Possibly, kupo.

Am I asking too many questions?
Possibly, kupo.

How is it to answer lot of people again and again to answer our foolish questions?
Thank the GPITS that there is copy and paste, kupo.

Evil, ebil or good in AQ?

Same question in DF.

Ok gotta go.

See you soon...I hope

Tell me your still be around in Paxia.
yes, kupo.


Sure...I'll leave in erh...10 minutes!

So what's your real name?
Can't say.

Is Texas a nice place?
Possibly, kupo.

What is your favorite song?
The kupo song, kupo.

Best movie ever?
Moogle: The Movie, kupo.

Know where Uruguay is in the map? (its a country -_-)
Possibly, kupo.

How old are you? (kinda strange to ask somebody you have chat with lol)
Not telling, kupo.

Like Heroes? (The program)
Possibly, kupo.

If yes, did you expected that end?
Possibly, kupo.

Am I asking too many questions (yhea, I already asked this, and?)
Possibly, kupo.

You know you forgot to say something in the first post...

Wanna know it?


You forgot to add a limit of questions

*laughs at you*

*eats you* ("Nope, I'm not edible. Remember, I'm a moogle, kupo" excuse doesn't convince me)

Well, now yes, bye

See you in the PF

And do as you-know-which-other-AK and tell us all the secrets of doom. You'll be our spy in the forums, okie dokie?

I'll give you cookies if you do.



Nixtrix -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ultrapowerpie (5/24/2007 13:18:01)

Mmmm.... Pie *Drools*

As i already told you, you are never going to live that one down.
Don't remind me of initiation night, kupo. ><'

So how happy are you about becoming an AK?
Yes, kupo.

What did you do when you got asked to become an AK? I couldn't breathe.
I mobbed the entirety of Paxia, kupo.

Favorite Mod/AK?
Myself, kupo.

Favorite Cookie?
Kupo-nut, kupo.

Do you like Dragons?
Possibly, kupo.

How about Zombies?
Possibly, kupo.

What about Zombie Dragons?
Possibly, kupo.

Alright, well thats all for now, I'm going to go do 'pedia stuff so have fun here in the GGD :)
Bye, kupo.

Bye and good luck!

penkiller -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ultrapowerpie (5/24/2007 13:39:51)

Well it looks like we have another new AK to torture to respect.

So you want questions, eh?

....I'm trying to think of something here....

No real questions here just wanted to drop by and give you my condolances congrats, and wish you luck. Glad to see that we have another person to patrol and make sure
all is well.

Thanks, kupo.

Magic Gladiator -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ultrapowerpie (5/24/2007 13:40:12)

Hy there fella'

Do you think hybrids are underestimated?
Possibly, kupo.

Is it cool to be a mod?
Possibly, kupo.

Did you make a heart-attack when you found out that you are a mod?
Yes, kupo.

I never ate a pie.Is it tasty?
How can you say such a thing, kupo? :O

Well......that's all ;).Have a good time,mod ;)

Dragondan Ro -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ultrapowerpie (5/24/2007 13:48:23)

Are you going to answer some of my questions?

Can you tell me the 100 first numbers in Pi(e)?
Possibly, kupo.

Do you like the number Pi(e)?
Possibly, kupo.

What is your favourite song/artist/album?
The Kupo Song, kupo.

What is your favourite animal?
Moogle, kupo.

Do you like Kingdom Hearts?
Possibly, kupo.

Do you know if this question has a meaning, or if it has no meaning at all asking?
Possibly, kupo.

Did I ask to many questions?
Possibly, kupo.

brotherbeast -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ultrapowerpie (5/24/2007 13:49:52)

no questions,
no messin with you
nothing clever to say
just congrats, you deserved this

*mobs you with moogles*

Wandering_Drakel -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ultrapowerpie (5/24/2007 14:08:19)

hello again :)

im back!!! /me *bows* /end bow

didja miss me?
Possibly, kupo.

ok on to the questions...

why ultrapower? why not just pie?
No idea, kupo.

who "knighted" you if this hasnt already been asked
SCAKK, kupo.

how old are you?

chilly or buzkl?

moglins or undead?
Moogles, kupo.

do you like drakels?
Possibly, kupo.

what about me? :D
Possibly, kupo.

why me?
Possibly, kupo.

why you?
Possibly, kupo.

why... 42? nope doesnt work...

how many roads must a man walk down?

wel thats all :)



EDIT: scakk scakk'd my sig! could you give him a whack for me? :D

pretty please?
He knighted me, I don't bite the hand that knights, kupo.

assasin oates -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ultrapowerpie (5/24/2007 14:12:02)

yes or no?
Possibly, kupo.

how or why?
Possibly, kupo.

did you see the chainsaw massecre?
Possibly, kupo.

chainsaw or massecre?
Possibly, kupo.

Where, kupo?

can you ban people?
No, kupo.

can you dont not get me not banned?
Possibly, kupo.

boomies -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ultrapowerpie (5/24/2007 14:24:39)

hello ultra.

Do i know you?


wassup??ill be back in a sec, i need to find the spam questions i put for dna cupcake

whats ur fav color???
UT Orange, kupo.

how did you gett your name?
PLong story, kupo.

what level is your best char??
Lazy, kupo. :P

what do yuo like better, aq or df??
Both, kupo.

whats your fav console game??
FF, kupo.

am i a idiot???
Possibly, kupo.

do you have any plans to ban me??
Possibly, kupo.

do you believe there aere spies everywhere?
Possibly, kupo.

are you a more old aq guy(ok graphics and punnyer)or new aq.(good graphics and less punny)??
New, kupo.

what si the max amount of ?? you are allowed to put??
P3, kupo.

do ypu understand cyberslang??
Possibly, kupo.

do you like or hate GWbush??

whats your opinion?nerf UM or not??
Possibly, kupo.

where do you get the time to answer all my idiotic questions??
Magic, kupo.

am i stupid now??
Possibly, kupo.

is the computer made of donkeys or cows??
Chickens, kupo.

are you strict on rules??
Possibly, kupo.

are you used to annoying people??
Possibly, kupo.

do you have any siblings??
Possibly, kupo.

how many cupcakes do you eat in a day??
10, kupo.

what do you spend your day doing??
MObbing others, kupo.

if you where to make a monster in aq what would it be??
A chocobo, kupo.

if you where to make a pet in aq what would it be??
moogle, kupo.

if you where to make a guest in aq what would it be??
moogle, kupo.

if you where to make a armor in aq what would it be??
moogle, kupo.

if you where to make a weapon in aq what would it be??
moogle, kupo.

same only in df
See above answers, kupo.

if you where to make a monster in df what would it be??

if you where to make a pet in what would it be??

if you where to make a guest in what would it be??

if you where to make a armor in what would it be??

how often do you hit your gold and exp cap???

am i stupid yet??
Possibly, kupo.

i think im done


no wait

and did you do all the quests in aq and df??
Possibly, kupo.


maybe ill ask you some more ÉÉ later.

if you where to make a weapon in what would it be??
MOogle blade, kupo.

more questions

do you think im stupid yet
Possibly, kupo.

can you rate my char??
Possibly, kupo.

Possibly, kupo.

do you like pie??
Possibly, kupo.

wat bout bran muffins??
Possibly, kupo.


how do you answer all these qusestions??
Possibly, kupo.

are you in skool?? (like me)??
Possibly, kupo.

am i dumb yet???
Possibly, kupo.

Possibly, kupo.

do you want to be in the ask the mods thingy in the other forums??
Possibly, kupo.

how fast can you type??
50 WPM, kupo.

blahblah blah


and now even must be insane now.
Possibly, kupo.

.im back.i promised i would be back.but this will be short and reletavly painless)

how are you now??

am i a idiot now??
Possibly, kupo.
how many questions must i ask for me to be a idiot??

change your mind about any of those other questions??





deja vu??

so??is everything repeating??are there alot of echos??

so??is everything repeating??are there alot of echos??

so??is everything repeating??are there alot of echos??

so??is everything repeating??are there alot of echos??

so??is everything repeating??are there alot of echos??

im finished that now.

yes i know im mean.

am i evil now??

these are stupid questions, time to get serious.

whos your fave AK?

artix or cy??

whos your favorite non AQ/DF related person??

howdy ho??

why is the sky blue??

could you explain the reson for the universe??

now, be care ful.shhhhh.there are spies everywhere.

wat is.------im captured!!!

now that i thought of a way to spare you, i thought id leave now

be careful, and lock this up before i can strike again

Goodbye!, kupo.

Thecius Landera -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ultrapowerpie (5/24/2007 14:25:18)

Hey Pie. Congrats!

Which FF did the moogle in your avvy come from? I don't recognize it.
FFCC, kupo.

Don't let the undead moogle killing ninjas get you.
Possibly, kupo.

C-ya later

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