RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ultrapowerpie (Full Version)

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hooded figure -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ultrapowerpie (9/8/2007 23:01:07)


Favorite AK saying?

Kitties or puppies?

Favorite type of personality?

Have some pie! ^-^

Ice or Reens?

How would you place yourself(age-wise) amoung the AKs?

Favorite website?

Be back later with more Questions.^_^

HK 47 -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ultrapowerpie (5/24/2007 18:33:46)

HOLY (explicitive)! ...Then again, I'm not surprised.

So, every played Gears of War?

Prince of Persia?

Ever read my fanfics?

Got a DA account?

How long ago were you made an AK?

That's all for now.

Bartimaeus -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ultrapowerpie (5/24/2007 18:40:32)

'Bout time, Pie. :D

You covered all the good questions.....

Favorite color?

Favorite game?

PCs or Macs?


naruto lover -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ultrapowerpie (5/24/2007 18:42:14)

hey it me dman12 am changeing my thing on my dman12 account so am useing this one

you made archkight what is your frist act of bissnice

DF or AQ

you rock and that specking truefly see you soon

tjerk -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ultrapowerpie (5/24/2007 18:52:01)

hi !

well your a must've played FFXII...which is favourite character ?(playable).

again about FFXII , which 1 is your favourite , Gilgamesh or The Undying? (better fight ?)

What means TOPC?

What will your locking shout be?

Which FF game is your favourite BTW?

can't think of anything more at the moment , i'll be seeing you again. i'm sure.

Anasazi. -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ultrapowerpie (5/24/2007 18:53:31)

Bout time you got a spot Pie.

1. You ripped from me again! This was supposed to be my AK spot! How many times until you stop ripping from me! :D

2. Are you still going to be active in the Aerodu boards?

3. Will you use your new power to make Aerodu win every event? :P

4. How long have you been an AK?

5. Any plans on banning me? :P

Shodu -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ultrapowerpie (5/24/2007 19:10:00)

'Bout time you became an AK

*Steals a cookie*

Alright, you're going to die in five minutes. What do you do?

What is the meaning of life?

What flavor is the great pie in the sky?

Favorite cookie?

*Eats it*

Favorite ice cream?

Favorite cake flavor?

Favorite artist?

Favorite author?

The color of my shoes?

I'll be back... to take your cookies!

whitewolf 12 -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ultrapowerpie (5/24/2007 19:32:35)


I leave for 3 days, and you become an archknight. I'm not leaving for so long again. I miss too many things D:

So, onto the questions you moogle you! >:D

Homeschooling, yes, or no?

Good spelling/grammar, yes or no?

Do video games really make kids violent, or is that fiction?

Do video games really make this generations kids so obese, or is it something else?

Is Bush the idiot everyone says he is, or is he a genious waiting to be discovered?

Why do people have bashing bandwagons? No one likes them. At all. So why do they do it? :(

So, is there really a god, or only science? I spelt that word wrong, didn't it? :P

Are these alot of meaningful questions? =O

And you maybe related to Mog the moogle? He is as awsome as a moogle as they can be. Like you. :)

You sure you don't want to install a question limit? I'm just waiting for one of those huge question posts to come along :P

Why do some people think yelling random things like "I LIKE PIE!!1!!11!" if funny? Have people implied that to them? =O

So, play any MMOs? I do. :D

Favorite MMOs, if you play any?

Ok, me thinks i'm done for now. I may just be back in either posting or editing. Be on the lookout. >:D

chaosnecro -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ultrapowerpie (5/24/2007 19:38:24)

hi, what's up?

so... you must have worked hard for that title. *sharp-toothed smile*

have any evil plans?

if so, can i be part of them?

anyway, what's it like being an AK?

Did you get to choose your title (replacement to "member") or what forum you got to moderate?

Phantasy Star Online (any episode) or Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion?

i feel sorry for you and the loads of spam that come here, though. good luck! *one more added to the team to crack down on one of the spammiest spots ever*

thanks, hope to see you NOT locking my threads! *drops 100k z-tokens* excuse me, i believe *you* dropped these.

Siege -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ultrapowerpie (5/24/2007 19:59:40)

Yo, its teh Ultrapowerpie!

Mmm, pie sounds really good right now...*glares*


Have you ever played the original Super Smash Brothers for N64?

Why kupo?

Dark Paladin -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ultrapowerpie (5/24/2007 20:03:34)

Greetings Ultrapowerpie.

Congrats on being an AK.

I don't really have any questions. I rarely do when i see MtAK threads.

Sorry. Oh well, easier on you i guess [:D]

Ok well good luck. Hopefully you will do a great job.

Good bye =)

oxion -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ultrapowerpie (5/24/2007 20:10:58)

Have you played kingdom hearts?

Can you synthesisze me some items (or do FF moogles not do that?)?

Does my name remind you of anything? *cough*FF10*cough*

Do you like cookies?

What is your favorite element?

congrats on being an AK!

Lord Ouranos -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ultrapowerpie (5/24/2007 20:12:31)

Who the hell would be crazy enough to promote you to AK?

Hahaha, JK

This is absolutely amazing!!!

Well, I already know alot about you, considering we have been forum friends for practically a year. So I guess I will just ask some random questions.

What do you hope to do for the forums?

Do you think you can take down SCAKK in the amazingness scale? He is the king of GGD as of now.

What is your favorite TV show?

What does this promotion mean for Aerodu and the ACC? If you leave them, I will hunt you down! lol

How did you get to be so awesome?

What is your favorite moglin?

Well, that is all I can think of. Congrats!!!!

Heerron -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ultrapowerpie (5/24/2007 21:28:31)

Hi, kupo.

WHy do you say kupo alot? I'm gonna say it, its addicting, kupo.

SOrry for stealing your thing, kupo.

Ok. I'll stop, Favorite food?

Favorite bird?

Favorite computer?

Favorite kind of apple?

I know weird questions, kupo ;D I'm kidding won't say it again.

capt.morgan123 -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ultrapowerpie (5/24/2007 22:17:23)

Hi powerpie. Congrats on the AKship now to the question.

Remember me from from the Nautican side of Blaze of Glory?

Which part of Texas do you come from? I'm from the Texoma area, around Wichita Falls.

What monstrosities do you plan to create with your AK powers?

Will the Pirates, Ninjas, and all the little hybrids ever be at peace?

Giant isopods or hermit crabs?

Random or Specific?


WHere I am?

All for now. See ya later.

aNyThInG -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ultrapowerpie (5/24/2007 22:44:01)

Hmm just one question, hope you don't mind. I got nothing to ask lol

Is that Hamtaro in your avvy? It looks like one XD

Anyway congratz for your new AKness in here hehe

Dudalicous -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ultrapowerpie (5/24/2007 23:04:45)


Is Dox Para planning to ruin your life?

Pie Pie I can never get enough,when you eat it I mean eat it, makes you really wanna barf


Agatha Christie in mind?

Are Ross and Rachel ment to be together or having another break?


djmendoza -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ultrapowerpie (5/24/2007 23:12:00)

ey pie

Congrats on bein an AK......47

so how's it feel bein an AK ?

gonna be baskin in the power n glory i suppose(haha juz kiddin)

hmmm so ur 17 -18 eh?

wow im i bit older than u .....A BIT(not too old)

so r u gonna keep count on how many threads ur gonna lock?

perhaps race Dox Para or Evo. to 1000..hehehe

well that's it ....for now

Ill be back!!!

oh yeah last question

in Paxia

Which clan do u like the most

oh nvm i juz read other posts and its Aerodu

Alareik -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ultrapowerpie (5/24/2007 23:27:16)

I have no questions for you but I hope to see you on the forums and good luck with being an AK. You deserved it. Good luck my friend [sm=twill3a.gif]

Vincent Chaos Possessor -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ultrapowerpie (5/25/2007 0:31:56)

Hello, Kupo.

Do you play Kingdom hearts, Kupo?

Do you mind that I'm saying kupo, Kupo?

Can you synthsize items, Kupo? If so, which ones?

What is the power of your Pie, Kupo?

Bye, Kupo. Have fun Banning Being an Arknight.

Frozen Fire -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ultrapowerpie (5/25/2007 0:48:11)

Hiya, Fellow Aerodian!

So hows your AKship?

Decribe a moogle.

Why dont moogles wear clothes?

Do you like Teddy bears?

Who's your favorite Pokemon?

I am a Teddymancer. What mancer are you?

Why do you like moogles?

You will be my inspiration. How do you feel?

What color is your favorite?

Teddies > Moogles. What will you say about that?

I'm back.

May I call you Mr. Moogle or simply moogle?

Why did you choose Aerodu as a clan?

Who was the Mod that asked you to become an AK?

What did you think that [insert the name of mod that made you an AK] saw in you that s/he made you an AK?

See you at Paxia/GGD!

The Raven -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ultrapowerpie (5/25/2007 1:01:02)

How's it going??

How do you like being an AK so far?

It's about time you got a spot. You were always one of the nicer forumites. Do you believe niceness has it's rewards?

Do you remember working with me and swenn on Aerial Eyes??

I don't like to ask a lot of questions so, I'll leave with that. Once again congrats man [:D].

Llong Jjohn Killer -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ultrapowerpie (5/25/2007 1:11:08)

Hello there![:)] Well, it's always good news when there is a new mods around.

Hmm, what random questions can I ask..........

Do you think the Soul Banisher armor is good?

In the AQ random battles, which is your favorite form the use that Gnuvain the CHanger gives? Mine, personally, is the Giant Head form.

If a tree falls in the woods, and no one is around to hear it, do you blame it on the beaver with the chainsaw?

Also, nice forum name.[:)] Hope you like mine.

Do you like my sig?

Is the video linked in my sig good, great, or awesome?

And, have whatever fun you can with your new posistion.[;)] Good luck!

sh33psh33p -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ultrapowerpie (5/25/2007 2:18:17)

Congratulations on becoming an AK!

I know you deserve it, after all of your work in Paxia ^_^

One question. Exactly what degree of obsession do you have with Final Fantasy, the great land of Moogles? :P

EDIT: I know this is off-topic and completely nugatory, one of the worst possible things on a MTAK thread, but 100TH post, WooT!

rabbithop1 -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ultrapowerpie (5/25/2007 3:23:49)

Hello pie!

1.jou like pie?
2.favorite movie
3.favorite food
4.whats ur favorite wep and armour
5.why the name ultrapowerpie? [:D]

CONGRATULATIONS of becoming an ak

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