RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ultrapowerpie (Full Version)

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quadfours -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ultrapowerpie (5/25/2007 21:17:03)

Hello, Pie.

Congratulations on the AK'ship.

How did you come up with "kupo"?

AQ-related pet peeve?

Non-AQ-related pet peeve?

Question you expected to be asked you in MtAK and wasn't asked?

What's the answer to that question?

See ya.

Dragonmaster William -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ultrapowerpie (5/25/2007 21:22:17)

greetings pie

what is your favorite flavor of pie?

whats the best thing about being an AK?

do you play KH2/KH1/FF series a lot?

whats the best thing about being a moogle? (i bet its the no underwear thing[8D])

could you possibly tell me the secrets of being a moogle? please?

well, thats it

see ya

unknownchaos -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ultrapowerpie (5/25/2007 21:33:05)

Hey UltraPowerPie! Just about 6 questions for you.

What type of Pie is your favorite?

Who is your favorite AK besides yourself?

What section of the fourms do you AK?

Don't kill me, But what exactly is a moogle?

Have you ever seen me around? Because I have seen you *shifty eyes*

Whats your favorite color?

Illuminator -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ultrapowerpie (5/25/2007 22:08:23)

Hey there ultrapowerpie

How are you doing?

You happy?

You like being an AK?

How did you pick your forum name?

You still gonna help Aerodu as much as you used to?

Do you like the Fuzlee? Why or why not?

What is that thing in your avatar?

Do you like Kingdom hearts and Kingdom Hearts 2?

Do you like Moogles?

Is GGD is the only place that you are an AK of?

That is all for now. Bye.

WOPP -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ultrapowerpie (5/25/2007 22:25:10)


How's it going?

WHats its like to be a moogle?

Who is your favorite Ak?

What is your favorite flavor of pie, anyways?

WHat do you think of when you hear the word WOPP?

Where are you currently standing?

Favorite Pie?

Least favorite Pie?

Have you seen SpiderWOPP 3?


"Describe me in less than five words."

good Bye.

*Redies shotgun*

*Kills Damani*

jtgg -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ultrapowerpie (5/25/2007 23:20:09)


are you marred

do you have kids

do you have a brother

how about a sister

do you like pie

which is better DF or AQ

do you like chuck norris

like my sig?

thats all for now see yea

Deathbringer122 -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ultrapowerpie (5/26/2007 1:57:33)

z0mgz! Another moogle, kupo?!

Awesome!! And all the other Truth Seekers thought I was crazah for being a moogle!

So... favorite type of music?

Ever heard of the band "Rise Against"?

(They are an amazing hardcore punk band btw)

Do you know what sXe means?

(That stands for Straight Edge btw again :P)

If you like Final Fantasy... do you also like Kingdom Hearts?

(Moogles are in Kingdom Hearts also you know, kupo!)

Well... I think that is all....

Good luck on AKship! Sure sounds like you are gonna need it, kupo!

Moogles FTW, kupo!

Tolkienfanatic -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ultrapowerpie (5/26/2007 2:04:36)

Howdy and congrats, kupo!

1) Favorite Final Fantasy game?

2) Favorite type of music? Band / Artist?

3) Favorite author? Book?

4) Favorite FF bishounen?

5) Favorite FF Moogle?

6) Are you getting Revenant Wings, Tactics Advance 2 or Tactics: Lion Wars?

7) Paper or plastic?

8) Have you seen Advent Children?

9) Why are you so obsessed with pie?

10) Are you the type who plays FFVII over and over just to see Aerith die and laugh at her, or do you cry?

Thats all I've got for now, kupo! Have to go play some more FFXII, kupo!

Lando -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ultrapowerpie (5/26/2007 3:41:03)

Good evening Pie.

Congratulations (no matter how repetative it is)

I hope you have fun with your Aking madness

Do try not to become a tyrant :D

Does punting concern you?

You look round enough.

Maybe I'll buy some steel toes.

How do you want to die?

Vive le revolution?

remember the Alamo?

That is for now I suppose I round squishy cognizance.

Spitfire -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ultrapowerpie (5/26/2007 5:44:08)

Hello, Pie

Congrats on the AKship

Must be difficult

Who is your favourate Moglin?

Who is your favourate NPC?

Your Avatar, reminds me of Pikachu, a bit, with an eye patch =P, I quite like it!

How do you pronounce Kupo? is it Kuu-poe, Cup-o...?

Are you Good or Ebil?

Highlight this--> Kool trick eh?


See you around. Again, congrats on the AKship!

Wintes -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ultrapowerpie (5/26/2007 10:49:03)

hi, congrats on becoming an AK.[:)]

whats a moogle?

why does it say kupo?

whats your favorite flavor of pie?

how old are you?

that all igot, bye.[:)]

!shadowfall! -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ultrapowerpie (5/26/2007 11:12:19)

whats up ^ pie?

i was bored so i decided to come pester you

since you say you like the POTC movies, have you seen the new one yet?

which one is your favorite so far? (if you haven't seen the third one)

whats your favorite pie?(other than kupo nut)

Favorite Band?

Dallas Cowboys? (at least don't tell me you like the redskins-i'll never talk to you again)

Do you eat anything other than pie?

best FFY game?

most annoying question writer?

congrats on AKship, btw

how are the shackles?

who's your favorite AK?

ok, well im bored again

ill come back when i have more questions

and i get more bored


Sir MaxiMo -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ultrapowerpie (5/26/2007 12:03:59)

yay! other shiny new AK!

Let's Questionate!

1) Fav. food? (Pie, and the next?)

2) Why you decided to call "Ultrapowerpie"?

3) Have you visited my galley? will you? Link on the sig! [:)]

4) I've heared of you lots of helped in the movie "Moglified!"

5) What kind of house do you have in AQ? and in Real life?

6) Eggs you've taken from DF?

7) *Steals a cookie* Do you wanna say me something?

8) *gives 300 pies* what about now?

9) are you Kookie-dookie-groovy or you are...seroius?

10) If someone spams, and you've to lock a thread, what would you say?

11) Best...Game...EVER!!! what is that one? (not AQ/DF/ZW, i mean of PS3, Wii and that stuff)

12) Worst nightmare? (not able to say "any other of your questions, lol")

That's it!

|-) <---my fav. smiley

Sir MaxiMo

TheRakkie -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ultrapowerpie (5/26/2007 13:26:35)

I fail to see point in this thread...

anyways, heres ur attention, have fun =/.

lguan -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ultrapowerpie (5/26/2007 16:24:22)

G'day, ol' pie chap! Have you been missin' me?

Now ... I've got a serious question to ask you ... Do you know ... the muffin man?

Are you more of an overall serious person or silly person?

Purple or orange?

Black or white?

[:D] or [;)]?

Do you enjoy helping get rid of all that nasteh spam? >_>

One word that describes yourself ... other than pie?

Okay, that's it my good ol' pie. Be good and don't forget to brush your teeth ^_^.

Isphus -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ultrapowerpie (5/26/2007 17:21:44)

is it fun to:
delete a post?

lock a thread?

hwat do you think of people who call the others n00bs?


plz dunt kill me

how much does bad grammar bother you in a scale from 0 to 10?

whats the sillyest question that was asked in this thread?

du u know any good jokes?

favorite MMORPG?

worse knid of thread?

AQ or DF?

if the'galin made a thread, Would u lock it?

do you think its annoying to write in the right side of the screen?

worse TV show?

ur religion?

hav any real life pets?

favourite AQ class?

worse kind of spam? (and dont come with that "all kind of spam is bad" thingy)

how old r u?

most asked question in this thread?

favourite mod/ak besides urself?

du u think im a n00bz0rz?

do u like [image][/image]?

most n00bish thing u saw in the forums?

what impression of me did this post gave you?

repeat very fast 3 consecutive times: she sells sea shells by the sea shore

have any other silly questions i can ask you?

what is the speed of dark?

if the'galin created a thread, would you lock/delete it?

favourite animal? (besides your pet)

favourite monster?

favourite board?

favourite music/song?

gulen-gulem est gavoling?

Choom choom son rahyah?

how dare you answer that!!1 unga-gunga fenga-lenga

what was that language?

do you read all the post then answer while reading again or you answer on the first time you read it?

are you happy with your typing speed?

if someone calls you a n00b, what do you do?


favourite spell?

forumite u hate the most?

forumite you like the most?

find 1-5 words to discribe me!

among my threads, what is your favourite?


ur in a house full of man-eating snails. the house is locked.what do u do?

replace the snails by turtles

now a worm

for the last 3 ones: chuck norris wont save you coz he hates you

if when i find other questions, should i post again or edit this post?

do u like pie?

do u have a pet?

are all the mods androidic robots?

is there a human mod?

whats the point of this kind of thread?





where are you from?

have you ever heard of me before?

do u like my sig?

do i ask way too much?

ever watched monty pyton?

your religion?

sillyest question in the whole thread?

favourite joke?

worst thing u ever did?

dunga-dunga ulispuki?


favourite uber set?


IF u had to choose a normal forumite to turn into an AK who would it be?

do u like fish and ice cweam

ur in a house with 3 insane psicopaths. the house is locked and there are more psicopaths out of the house. what do you do?

bye... for now

Frosst -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ultrapowerpie (5/26/2007 17:29:54)

moogles r cool and so's there slogan :) kupo!
oh and they look kool cause of the little ball on there head they dont
want any1 to touch.... :)

the loky -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ultrapowerpie (5/26/2007 18:43:36)



1) If i make SPAM, would you lock me?


3) Why?

4) PC rocks over PS3 and Wii, right?

5) Would you visit my gallery? Pleeeeaaaaseeeee?

The link is on the sig. bye

darknessdragon -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ultrapowerpie (5/26/2007 19:43:54)

hey pie,


so, what new

got any secret info on aq for me?

fave spell

fave weapon

fave armor

... pet



freshly baked moogle pie?




c ya113311!

did i fool you?

ok, i'm leaving now...



MeAndMyCreek -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ultrapowerpie (5/26/2007 20:28:11)

If you like pie so much, then memorize this!


Have fun. =)

PS. Do you like graham cracker crust, or like a pastry crust?

soulpiper -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ultrapowerpie (5/26/2007 20:53:26)

Hey mate

Good job

Ninja Paladin -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ultrapowerpie (5/26/2007 21:06:09)

Hola, Pie! ¿Cómo estás? :D

As if the congratulations in the PM wasn't enough (and it wasn't), congratulations on the position. :)

So. Questions, eh?

How has the ACC been since I wandered off?

Can you believe the ACC has existed for almost a year now?

Whats your favorite season?

How do you want to be remembered after you die?

What's the main thing you want right now?

What three things couldn't you live without if you were stranded on a desert island?

What's your favorite type of weather?

Do you like to read?

What kind of books do you like to read?

Favorite Authors?

Favorite books?

Are you a night person or a morning person?

What is your perfect paradise?

What country or countries would you like to visit?

Are you for Capital Punishment?

Are you happy with the way our country is run?

Do you believe in literal good and evil?

Favorite stores to shop at?

What's your favorite holiday?

What's your favorite month?

What do you do when you're stressed and need to unwind?

Does your curiosity ever get the best of you?

Would you believe that you just filled out a MySpace quiz? :D

Hope that was fun. Remember that if you have any questions or need advice about miscellaneous AQ information, you know who to ask. ;D

Necromancer Slayer -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ultrapowerpie (5/26/2007 23:41:59)


havin fun?

Can i say kupo too? kupo

i dont like pie [:D]

you should tell me all your secrets

thats all for now, kupo

KillingSpoon -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ultrapowerpie (5/26/2007 23:52:25)

Just poppin' by, grats and good luck.

Legendary Blacksmith -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ultrapowerpie (5/27/2007 1:34:20)

Aloha! Congratulations on being an AK!

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