RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ultrapowerpie (Full Version)

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lifeman9 -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ultrapowerpie (5/24/2007 14:28:40)

Congratz UPP

mrMerk -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ultrapowerpie (5/24/2007 14:49:29)

Congratz Pie,

Are you going to college?

What are you going to major in?

Firefox or Internet Explorer?

PC or Mac?

Kevin Durant or Greg Oden?

What's your favorite brand of sneaker?

Do you consider yourself a geek?

Do you have a girlfriend?

Do you have a drivers license?

Do you have an ipod?

If so what's the most listened to song on there?

Swimming pool or the ocean?

Juice, soda, or water?

OK, Bye Pie..thanx for taking the time to answer our questions!

Agent Val -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ultrapowerpie (5/24/2007 14:52:48)


my second time asking a mod questions!

so,how did you react when a mod asked you to become a mod?

how good do you think you are in aq?

have you swore enternal loyalty to any of the paxian clans?

have you swore enternal loyalty to a class npc?

do you think the carecter under my avatar is good?

how did you come up with your name?

do you like nickleback the band?

lets see last question,

um,play any other online rpgs?

Vivi -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ultrapowerpie (5/24/2007 15:23:51)


ruttersmmma -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ultrapowerpie (5/24/2007 15:35:14)

hello pie wats your favorite final fantasy ? (moogles from ff) mine is crystal chronicle not sure wat number is it though

ricardo1991 -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ultrapowerpie (5/24/2007 15:44:54)

No way man your a AK now congrationlations (Well you deserved it)
so now Ultrapowerpie on with the Questions

What did you do when you heard you where invited to be a AK? (Some dance and some fly)

Hey I'm building little model temples so shall i use pie for your temple but what kind of statues?

And do you have any House pets?

And Ive heard you had some mystical pets so which mystical pets do you secretly have as a pet?

So what type of weapon are you fighting with in the War? (you can make up a weapon :D)

Whats your idea of the perfect vacation place?

and do you have any favourite books and what type of books do you love reading?

So what is your favourite animal and your favourite Video game?

Oke now a Ebil Question who is your favourite Moglin/Moogle?

Name 3 abilities you will have when you could use magic? :)

Just curios but who is your favourite AQ/DF character? (Like artix or Xan or Warlic)

Another Evil Question whats your second greatest fear?

Choose 2 you like :P

I'm watching you just go outside, but do you like Scary movies? (Watched Scream so)

Well more Questions shall come so you better watch out ;D

Richie Ritz -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ultrapowerpie (5/24/2007 15:48:38)

Yo what u pie dawg! We been homeslicing you today. Check out my blingy welcome, Fo Shizzle.

So what's a fresh pie like you doing out of your normal fridge (Paxia)?

That's shizzling amount of posts your got!

How do you feel about this poem i made on the spot?
"Whatch you doing in my club, coz i don't like you in my club."

Bustin out any new plans for the GGD?

Is this gonna be your new hood.

Peace out gangsta pie. I'mm a bounce coz i got a lot of homies to meet...[:)]

P.S. In all seriousness, how do you like my gangsterness?

tharzill -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ultrapowerpie (5/24/2007 15:50:16)

Congrats on your AKiness!
Do you think it will be fun/hard/or somewhere in between?
What color moogle is your favorite?
How many moogles does it take to make a pie?
Any idea if moogle tastes like chiken?
Which came first...the chickem or the moogle?
Do moogles get along with moglins?
Take care! And have fun AKing things!

Dracoa -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ultrapowerpie (5/24/2007 16:13:10)


Congrats on AKship.

We've talked before, back during the second Paxian War mainly, so I don't have many questions.

What/Who is your favorite Moogle, yourself aside. By that I mean from which game and/or name of said Moogle.

Do you dance? (Moogle Dance)

Erm, that's all I can think of for now. Good luck with the AKship.

PS: Not just Texans say "y'all", though it is limited to the Deep South really.

turkeylurkey -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ultrapowerpie (5/24/2007 16:15:53)

argh!so many new AKs!

this is like,the 7th MTAK thread ive been to in the last week!

why cant i be a mod!waaaaaaaaaaaaa(this might take a while)aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

see ya pie pie!

Exiled_forcer -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ultrapowerpie (5/24/2007 16:17:17)

-Sniffles- Wow. Why do they grow up so fast?

You such a good person in Paxia! Move back!

Well.... more questions coming soon.

Hinkage -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ultrapowerpie (5/24/2007 16:25:11)


Get ready cuz I've made it MY sole duty to annoy any new MOD/AK (I don't care if youre not new, Ive never seen you b4.)

i spelled stuff wrong like that to annoy you.

Did it work?

Heep a beep beep!

Trust me, youll be annoyed soon....ive got xp lol.[;)]

Want to see my picture? Look down.


The "p" is a hat.

Cya 4 now!

(hope i wuz annoying enough.)

Dark_Eclipse -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ultrapowerpie (5/24/2007 16:27:40)


Is this where your avatar is from?

If it dosen't work, go to Google and type 'One more final battle' and click the first one.

Final Fantasy Fan?

Favorite Anime?

If so, why?

Do you know who Kupo77 is in person?

That's all!

Wyvern Knight -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ultrapowerpie (5/24/2007 16:30:48)

Cool! Uh, I think I HAVE heard of you before, Mister... Well regardless, I've some questions for you!

Do you like people?

What type of computer do you have?

How long do you plan on staying with us here on the forums?

So, you came from paxia right? Which clan?

Do you consider your position a blessing or a curse?

Is it wrong to shave my moogle bald, and then take it too a freezing place? What about NOT shaving it before a long trek through the desert?

Is the world a happy place?

Did you find the Forum Staff intimidating before you became one?

Did you know I am going to ask another question after I say I'm done? Did you also know that I add on to it based on the answers of past AKs? (Yeah, I'm weird :p.)

Do you think my constant use of "Mister" when asking questions is going to annoy anyone?

Do you think it is possible for humans to obtain the ability to move at the speed of light?

Do you think Kalanyr is awsome?

What about Pae?


That one guy?

What is your favorite saying?

And um, thats it Mister! Thanks for listening, and your welcome to inflict heavy punisment if I annoyed you! *Braces for the whiplash*

BTW: WAIT!!! *Crawls up from the floor drenched in blood from being whipped* When you found out you became an AK, did you "Dance much more than expected, so much more that you wound up on the news?" Ok thats it, thanks Mister!

Debml -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ultrapowerpie (5/24/2007 16:52:35)

You'll have to answer your own answers!

Q) Do you like pie?
A) Maybe...

Q) What flavor of pie are you?
A) Actually, I'm currently a moogle with a fetish for pie.

Q) What can I call you?
A) Not UPP. Just call me Pie.

Q) Where do you live.
A) In case the y'all diddn't give it away, I'm from Texas.

Q) Can I eat you?
A) Nope, I'm not edible. Remember, I'm a moogle, kupo.

Q) What does kupo mean?
A) It's something a moogle says. Cows moo, Moogles kupo.

Darkflame of Ebil -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ultrapowerpie (5/24/2007 17:01:20)

Start counting the AKs posting here Pie :)

Alright, if anybody asks you really generic questions like "Whats it like being a AK" or "How did you become a AK" or anything like that, the richest AK has to pay you 200 yen a question/statement of that kind.
Enjoy the cash :D

On with zee questions.

What is your Name, Location, Faction(I sense interesting possibilites with this)?

Play any sort of a musical thing?

Do you know the russian reversal?

Whats your favorite unorthodox weapon? I like using a bench :)

If X=2, Y=7 and Z=11, why am I asking you this question?

How did you become a AK (as in what happened BEFORE you got the shackles)?Nixtirx was thrown into a car and knocked out with the nerfbat I hear. I guess the portal method is gone ;_;

If you want to know the first number out of your shackles, its 4,0004343434399579343593489384394839.57937453082984984. One number down, about a billion to go. (You start with a billion and one numbers).

Oh, and right after you enter in that number, the only way you can get out of them is not by numbers, but by great heat or cold. I mean huge heat or cold.

:D I guess I'll see you around Paxia.


Blade_fighter -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ultrapowerpie (5/24/2007 17:02:12)

Hi Pie! (hehe, I made I made a ryme(or however you spell it))

so, it's yet another new AK

Personally, I think that the forums will explode if any more come within the next month

congrats on actually having a decent title, unlike some of the other new AKs (glares at In Media Res, Mighty Mosquito)

Do you remember me at all?

If not, is that because the mods have already stripped you of free will?

again, if not, do you want us to lauch a rescue operation?

And now to distract the mods from that train of thought...


Ok, I think I'm done.

P.S. if you change your mind about the rescue thing, the codeword is Cookie... ok?


Elaith -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ultrapowerpie (5/24/2007 17:04:54)

Ok, so, I have but one question for ye.

You and a Pie are placed on opposite sides of a donut shaped room. What way do you take to the pie, and why?


mega andrei -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ultrapowerpie (5/24/2007 17:05:45)

our next contestant on the Mega is right is ultrapowerpie!

Am I part anoying?

Do you like chicken?

If so then what kind?

What does people call you on the forumes?

What is your favourite game?

If you lived in gd ol Britan now would you stay up for the update?

Who is your favourite the chicken or the pie?

Why am I so random?

When have you every been random?

Do you have old style bars in texas?

Lord of Angmar -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ultrapowerpie (5/24/2007 17:07:24)

I'm not very good with questions, just stopped by to say congrats, you earned it.

Jamiewv -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ultrapowerpie (5/24/2007 17:08:26)

Hey i got no q's cause you'll probs spend ages answering them but congrats + luving the name pie !!! lol

HiddenShadows -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ultrapowerpie (5/24/2007 17:38:10)

Hello and congratz!

I love pie so i luv you :P

You are my favorite AK now :)

Final Words:
Pie is greatness.

Sir Tane -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ultrapowerpie (5/24/2007 17:47:04)

(Q)Who are you?

(Q)Will you go easy on me? Evo already locks all my threads.

(Q)Do you have the power to give my account 999999 billion gold?

(Q)Its your decision but if yes to the gold question, will you?

(Q)is ocarina of time your favorie game in the Zelda series?

(Q)is Doom 1 the best doom game?

(Q) Do you like me, be honest (if you say no, i will tattle on you)

(Q) Was O.J. Guilty
(A) (il answer for you) YES

Kevin password -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ultrapowerpie (5/24/2007 17:51:18)

I just want to say gratz!(and a few questions)

Do you know why moogles have a red pom pom thingy on their head? o_0

What happens if you poke a moogle?

What do moogles eat?

How much FF games did u play in total?


Hansuke -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ultrapowerpie (5/24/2007 18:11:30)

Hey Pie, I've just seen in the ACC that you became an AK and it was my obligation to come here and say "congrats" :D

Here come the questions:

Any chances you're going to be the "official" AK in Paxia? Pretty please?

What was your reaction when you were told you'd going to be an AK? (Yes I know someone probably made that question, but I'm too lazy to check the other pages :P)

Is your lazyness gone now that you're an AK?

How about "Kupo-lock"?

How about "Mog-lock"?

Have you ever eaten moogle pie? It's not made with real moogles, it's an artificial flavour.

A cat has a bell attached into his tail. Every time he hears the bell, he doubles his speed, which starts at 10 m/s. What's the cat's maximum speed? (Hint: it's not infinite, and it's not light speed)

That's all for now, I'll come back later with the answer for the last question and some more nonsense questions :D

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