RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ultrapowerpie (Full Version)

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leonjame -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ultrapowerpie (12/22/2007 7:10:08)

What is your final fantasy game?

I like VII

Who told you, that you will be an archknight

good luck

dragonkillerajc -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ultrapowerpie (5/27/2007 10:42:01)

Do you like answering questions?

Paladin Dracomancer -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ultrapowerpie (5/27/2007 11:27:10)


First time doing this Meet the AK thing... Ah well. I'll try and go nice and easy...

How long have you been an AK?

What type of pie is your personal favourite? Mines Rhubarb...

Do you think Moglins are a long-lost distant relative of Moogles?

If there was one unbeatable monster that you could kill, which one would you like it to be?

Do you think you're one of the most "approachable" ArchKnights?

If you could only be one Class on AQ, which one would you be?

How well does a ArchKnight Helm fit a Moogle, anyway?

Can Moogles reach keyboards on their own power, or do they need to stand on something?

What's your side on the "Death Penalty" issue with AQ?

Pies: Food, weapons, or both?

Wii, PS3, or Xbox 360?

AQ or DF?

If you had to choose between a Moogle or a Pie in a battle, which would you pick?

I think that's all the questions I have... and I think you're still sitting (or standing), guess I wasn't too hard...

Was I too hard on you?

Well, congrats, and see you around, kupo.

ringulreith -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ultrapowerpie (5/27/2007 12:46:33)

Hi, Pi. (I made a rime!)

Are you a Moogle Paladin or a Mooggle necromancer? (Personally, I'm a paladin)

Do you consider me as a good Aerodu member? Kupo:d.

Pure warrior, Mystical Warrior, Anielator Warrior, Balanced Hybrid, Battle Mage, Tank Mage, Anielater Mage, or Pure Mage? Kupo:P

Why not change your title to "Lazy Pi-loving moogle-maineak of GGD? Kupo

How does it feel to be AK, ACC Head, Debate Club Member, Ultrapowerpie, and deticated Aerodu Member all at once?

Well that's it, and congrats on AKShip, and good luck, kupo. (*snuglewugglehuggles*

tyranno -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ultrapowerpie (5/27/2007 13:31:57)

wat clan do u like in paxia im in igneous.

poweroverwhelming -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ultrapowerpie (5/27/2007 13:39:18)

hey congrats on your akship

soo can i be a moogle?

how many of you are there?

ok thats all i wanted to know bye

Ultrapowerpie -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ultrapowerpie (5/27/2007 15:34:33)

Ok, well, thanks y'all for giving me a ton of questions and further increasing my risk for Carpell Tunnel Syndrome, kupo. I'm locking it now, I might re-open later. Don't worry, I'll answer everyone's questions... Monday. :D

Baker -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ultrapowerpie (6/24/2007 4:06:23)

BUMP. Someone needs to answer their questions since it's been a month... >.>

Oh wahhh, I'm busy in Paxia, kupo.


EDIT: At least you're finally doing some of them. "Possibly, kupo" to everything isn't very original, though. XD

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