RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ultrapowerpie (Full Version)

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Alopex Lagopus -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ultrapowerpie (5/25/2007 5:05:50)

Hello Pie!

Congrats to become an AK!

Can I have a piece of your fur, please? My girlfriends needs a mooglefurcoat.

Also, what will you do first as a proud AK?

What do you prefer, cartoons, or animes?

Comics or mangas?

I need to go.

Please, give me your fur, please, please, please!

Hound_of_Culann_ -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ultrapowerpie (5/25/2007 5:47:17)

Favourite Sith? (Examples: Darth Maul, Darth Vader, Darth Sidious, Darth Nihilous...)
Just know that if you say "DARTH MOOGLE" I will totally spurt milk and C3-PO's out of my nose... If you want to know they're stale...
Favourite Marvel Symbiote (Examples: Venom, Carnage, Toxin, Hybrid, Scream... and I think that it...)
Would a Moogle bond easily with a symbiote?
What the result be called if Carnage bonded with a moogle?
Little late, but... DC or Marvel?
What's better? Samurai Dogs or Ninja Moogles?

Hell Blazer -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ultrapowerpie (5/25/2007 8:00:49)

Good day, O lord of the GGD!


Alright, enough with ze chitty-chat, we need to get down to ze REAL questions!

Wait, I forgot something..



Ahh, found it. There you are, brainy.

So, are you a good debater? *smacks self for asking*

What are your interests?

Hobbies you like doing?

Would you rather be in a cage with an indestructible creature which WILL kill you, OR, would you rather lick peanut butter off a hobo's foot?

Forumite wars!

Oh, it's on like ketchup and mustard on a week old hot dog.

Do you toothpaste? (Saying no will result you burninated)

What are your opinions on capybaras? AREN'T THEY THE COOLEST?!
















Okay, so, which country would you be in most?

Favourite accent?

Favourite RPG game?

Favourite strategy game?

What are your opinions on Kingdom Hearts games?

If you've played it, favourite character in it?


Wanna do surgery on mah heart?

Are you good in arts?

You any good in Role-Playing?


I thinketh that is all for now. Catch ya later!

Blazer out!

PS: I'll be back to ask more!

PPS: Moogles somehow look beh-tah in Kingdom Hearts II than Final Fantasy! :P

PPPS: All hail the newly promoted AK spirit crusher.. wait, I did crush your spirit by asking these meaningless questions... right?


Oh, I'll be back for more questions, and then, it'll be 10x more questions! Bwahaha!

Crimson Raven -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ultrapowerpie (5/25/2007 8:32:46)

Hey U PP
Gotta love that.

Anywho, no questions just a congrats and a good luck :)

dfownage222 -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ultrapowerpie (5/25/2007 9:17:57)

Hi PIE! Im back again!

Will you ban me the second you reach a admin who CAN?

Whats your favorite song?

What type of music do you like?

Do you play other games then AQ?

Do you mind if i call you ultraPie?

Do you hate me?

If thats a yes then why?

Do you like me?

If thats a yes then why?

bye bye for now,ALL HAIL ULTRAPIE!! (lol)

dollerboy2000 -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ultrapowerpie (5/25/2007 9:45:09)


How do you like being an AK?

What do you eat?

Do you know me?

*Slicer* -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ultrapowerpie (5/25/2007 11:25:58)

Hello pie!

Is pie the best thing in the world? If yes, then explain why.

What is the best FF GBA remake?

If you could change one thing about AQ, what would it be?

How many FF games do you own?

Who would win? A mob of moogles or a mob of moogles throwing pies?

Thats all.

Ricobabie -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ultrapowerpie (5/25/2007 11:48:51)

WOOT !? It's PIE ! *pokes pie*


How are u today ?

OMG it's boiling today T_T

So...u got any pets ?

Are u excited about summer holiday ?

What's your favourite Final Fantasy Game ?

Water melons or Mangos ?

IF you were stranded on an island and can only bring 5 things, what would u bring ?

I fink that's it for now LOL


boomies -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ultrapowerpie (5/25/2007 12:03:06)

Hey ultra.

From now on, I call you UPP. pee pee

Hope you arent offended.

hows my story?

Cheesy, huh?

Ran out of things to say.


Thirio -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ultrapowerpie (5/25/2007 12:34:18)

Hello Pie, What part of texas (No specific town, just a general area) do you live in? I might happen to live close to you.

lguan -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ultrapowerpie (5/25/2007 13:41:06)

Hey Ultrapowerpie!

Grats on becoming an AK! And you got a helpful title ... like what, a few weeks ago?

Congrats on making the top ten in the Writing Contest too ;). Now with the questions ...

Thoughts on monkeys?

Chimpanzees or baboons?

So SCAKK made you an AK? I always thought Reens did that.

Do you hang around places other than the GGD?

Bananas or apples?

Favorite beverage (water included)?

Favorite typed out smilie?

Favorite l33t or chatspeak phrase or word?

Favorite forum smilie?

Zorbak or Kabroz?

Twilly or Twig?

Galanoth or Artix (the NPC's)?

Hey, have you noticed this sudden rise of the number of AK's? This month and last month mostly. They all deserved it ... 'specially you :D.

Google or Yahoo?

Chuck Norris or Arnold Schwarzenegger?

That's all I got right now. [schwarzenegger]I'll be back [/schwarzenegger]

Phoenixor -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ultrapowerpie (5/25/2007 14:07:57)

Hey Pie.

How do you feel about all these random people asking you questions?

Doom or pie?

What's it like being so close to AQ godliness?

Given the choice of only one uber set, which one would you choose?

Guard Dogs or Dragoncats?

fireheart the dragon -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ultrapowerpie (5/25/2007 14:23:14)

hi pie...

.. hmm pie..pie is good..

pie edible, why you not edible

but moogle is edible....moogle pie..hmmm

*lunges at you* you taste kinda good

well my first and last question *shifty eyes*
have you seen the new dragons of DF if so,GIMME GIMME GIMME!!!

timboy238 -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ultrapowerpie (5/25/2007 14:57:17)

Congratulations Pie!

I'm gonna skip most of the formalities and get right down to other stuff...;)

In reading some other posts i heard that you were religious...

I'm religious too...

In fact i constantly argue with science professors who try to assert that Evolution is a fact...

Did you know that the human brain has enough memory to hold 3 million years worth of information??

If evolution were true, the brain never would have been made to last that long... It would be made to hold no more than 100 years worth of information...

I have the Answers in Genesis website as my homepage... If you haven't seen Answers in Genesis you should...

Life is harder over the bible belt than under it for people who believe in the Bible...

I find it hard to believe that people actually call themselves Christians when they don't accept the first sentence of Genesis at its face value...

Going back onto less argumentative and controversial topics...;)

Will you use emoticons more often than the other AKs and MODs??[;)]

That's all i can think of for now...

Congrats again!

I plan on making a cherry pie later this weekend... mmmmm...

MajorSamus -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ultrapowerpie (5/25/2007 16:06:51)

Heyas UtraPowerPie!

I remember you from the Eternal 1337 clan!

Heh.. "Grand Master Scythe lord of Pie" right?

Lolszards. :P


Favie drink?

Favie... Fourmite?

Favie AK? (Mines WoW [;)])

Favie RL person?

Favie game?

Favie gaming console?

Ever seen RvB?

Best. Internet. Show. Evar.

I thought AK's cant be in clans?

When does you MtAK end?

-- Beacuse I have more questions to ask!

Like the ones I gave to: SCAKK, Westward_ho!, Radagast, Absolite, Eternal Chaos , Rim , Evo, Alac , GoC , and Eagle88.

I hope you read up on the qeustions I gave them..

Anywhoo, I'll be ack! (GoC reference) :P

Oh, and one more Reference :

The ponit behind this post is to keep go123, himybuddy, and other banned formites in jail, stall you time, and fail your IQ tests. Only use as told. This maybe be considered alcohol but don't mind that / I feel like suing someone now. Remember kids; SPAM comes in ham, and all packages. If you like: Any gum possible, qs, As, and Triple f minuses, you must be a spastic. Geez, I think I had One to many. Big red button. Bye

King of the geats -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ultrapowerpie (5/25/2007 16:48:52)


Can i punt you?

Do you go far like twilly?

Can i cut you open for the sake of science?

Reemer -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ultrapowerpie (5/25/2007 17:27:42)

Do you like FF9?

What's your favorite Final fantasy, if any?

Lah dee dah...?

Ash The Phantom -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ultrapowerpie (5/25/2007 18:31:30)


Other than other Final Fantasy games, what's your favorite game?

Do you play any instruments?

Do you like the Moogles from Final Fantasy or Kingdom Hearts better?

Do Moogles eat pie? If so, what flavor?

I saw a flock of Moosen!

Ok, nice chatting with you! Bye!

lguan -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ultrapowerpie (5/25/2007 18:48:08)

Hey, I’m back! Did ya’ miss me?


Enjoyin’ the powah? Or does it feel the same except you have lock and edit abilities and instead of getting annoyed at spam you can actually do something O_o?

Why the burnt orange color? Pies are orange … well, they can be burnt …

Cheese or bacon?

Monkeys or pie?

Do you own any pets? If so, could you kindly describe them for me?

Do you feel above others since you’re now an AK?

What’s with all the ‘kupo’ stuff?

Most random thing you can say?

Since you like pie so much, your title should be the Arch-MooglePie Manic of the GGD.

What word first comes to mind when I say …





Muffin man


Paper clip


Again, congrats. And have a nice day ^_^.

Khelios -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ultrapowerpie (5/25/2007 18:56:07)

Hello, there!

How's it going?

What's it like as an AK?

What's with the pie? And how did it get ultra powered?

What is an ultra-powered pie, anyways?

What flavor is the pie?

Congrats >.> (probably the millionth time you've heard this)

Worst thing about being an AK?

Best thing?

Things that you don't really care about?

What do I best exemplify?

Political Standing?

Favorite Vegetable?

Least favorite fruit?

Is it boring answering questions like this?


Describe yourself in less than five words.

Describe me in less than five words.

Describe AQ in less than five words.

Describe...what these describe questions make you less than five words (heh, there was a catch to this :P)

What would be your ideal job?

What do you not like seeing?

Should I ask more questions?

When can I?


Tapeworm Shoelace -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ultrapowerpie (5/25/2007 19:23:49)

Oh yeah, I totally saw this coming :P

So, howya like all the new abilities an' stuff?

Are you into music. If so, what kind?

Wadda 'bout reading? Do ya read a lot?

How do ya leik my sig?

More annoying questions will come. But for now, bye!

~Teh Moglopyre

Gata156 -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ultrapowerpie (5/25/2007 19:46:34)


PanDryer -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ultrapowerpie (5/25/2007 20:14:43)

Hiyas, eiP!

1. Specifically, what kind of Ultra Power do you have?

2. If you could do anything in AQ, what would it be?

3. Do you like apples?

4. If no, then... HOW COULD YOU!!?!?!?!

5. If yes, good for you. =)

6. Where did this question come from? o.O

7. What's Pi+Pie?

8. I'm way Ultra in a secret way. =) Don't ask why.

9. If you did, forget you. =P

That's all for now. =P

Sharku_18 -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ultrapowerpie (5/25/2007 20:19:35)

1. gone off looking for eternity
2. what do you prefer : lemon meringue pie or 3.14159265?
3. is looking for #1
4. do you like to bake?

goku -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: ultrapowerpie (5/25/2007 20:58:50)

Yay! a moogle! i love moogles! congrats! kupo!

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