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RE: Has Epic Duel Reached its Peak?

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8/4/2013 0:26:39   

no 65% from removing the debuff not the dmg sorry for the confusion

there is no need to nerf it even tho i am typcally a shielder i find ways around it not complain from some thing that is not OP

< Message edited by CN2025 -- 8/4/2013 0:28:33 >
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 76
8/4/2013 0:28:51   

The robot and the aux debuff the same about. The damage is 85% from the aux, and the debuff is 65%

here is the wiki link for the aux

< Message edited by Mother1 -- 8/4/2013 0:29:34 >
Epic  Post #: 77
8/4/2013 0:31:34   
Dual Thrusters

The aux also has the potential to do massive damage than the bot when used on shields. You also have a choice between energy types. Great for any offensive builds to shatter any defense. The bot has a low initial damage, and to top it off, does not have the potential to do strong damage with even a focus build.

I'm not saying that the aux is OP. Just that Azreal's Annihilator superior. Azreal's Borg inferior.
MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 78
8/4/2013 0:36:42   

@ dual

The bot can be used more than once, which is the only thing it has over the aux. The aux can be used once while the bot can be used infinite times. That is only advantage to using the bot over the aux.
Epic  Post #: 79
8/4/2013 0:49:47   

i have seen a guy with the aux and the bot he used it in a combo and killed all my shields xD
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 80
8/4/2013 1:13:09   

Providing the Azreal Gear to all players a year after its promotional debut will not solve anything, if any it'll make nearly every gun/aux other than itself obsolete. When you have a gun that forces people to attack ( which is very very effective in 2v2 ) and a aux that allows debuffers to go Rambo only adds to the frustration of player seeking to experiment with builds or, ultimately making buffs a waste of skill space. This goes for everything, if you make a gear(s) that is clearly superior to everything else that is in its type it renders everything useless and makes one wonder why the developers even bother wasting their time coming up with so many different gears. I personally love looking at the different auxes.

< Message edited by ValkyrieKnight -- 8/4/2013 1:14:03 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 81
8/4/2013 1:27:04   
Dual Thrusters


Remember, we only have 3 aux cores with Azreal's being the strongest. If it makes the others obsolete, then it is just because we don't have a wider selection.
MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 82
8/4/2013 1:28:14   

@ valkyrieknight

And I will say this again. If they had provided this core for both and ever other promo for credits regardless of whether it has a power advantage or not I can grantee you that no one would have brought the promo and would have just brought the items for credits.

I know this because before omega came they had the same items for both credits and variums (Armors weapons Etc) on limited rares, and if you paid attention the credit versions sold out fast while the varium ones weren't touched until they had no choice.

Put this item in game unlimited for credits or varium or promo, and you will get 0% buying the promo, 5% at best buying it with Varium, and the rest buying it with credits. The staff has to make money or the game will die which is something many free to play seem to forget.

If they had done this with azreal gear and every other promo (phase promos will never be put in game ever) there would be no sells and the game would die due to lack of funding.

< Message edited by Mother1 -- 8/4/2013 1:33:23 >
Epic  Post #: 83
8/4/2013 1:56:24   

it should be a little stronger then normal gear not extremly OP like the gun

id like to see it get nerfed 10-15% even though im getting it next year
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 84
8/4/2013 2:55:33   
white out727

In my opinion the game is in a decent state. By that i mean it isnt one build ruling or one class or one item, that is a good thing. And ppl who say the azreal gun and aux are op'd just havent figured out how to counter them (or complaining cause they dont have them) with my normal build i can force the other hand to use these weapons to by time to save there lives inseaded of forcing me to miss a turn for them to win. And clone build lol lame to me they are a weak build to face they are 100% perdictable and the user often doesn't know how to adapt the build to a difficult situation. And while many of you may disagree with what i have said let me just restate that this is my opinion and my experience only yours will undoubtibly be different. One more thing id like to say is that the azreal gear has became so repetitive that if i use them i will actually lose 10-15% more of my fights. This is probably because i hardly use them. But anyways thats all i got to say.

< Message edited by white out727 -- 8/4/2013 2:59:36 >


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AQ AQW Epic  Post #: 85
8/4/2013 3:50:52   
Thylek Shran

ED had its peak in Gamma and Delta. There are 3 things that ruined ED during Omega imo:

1. OPed promo items that replaced the formerly OPed varium items: Especially Azraelīs Gun
2. Broken promise about more fairness in Omega (has alot to do with 1.)
3. The duel system has become to tricky and complex

There was also minor conflicts like the robbery of valuable enhancements with a joke refund
but they dont count that much in the present situation. The solution would be to work on those
three big problems.

< Message edited by Thylek Shran -- 8/4/2013 3:56:12 >


v.35.3 (2016-01-23) ~ beam.to/shran
DF Epic  Post #: 86
8/4/2013 4:04:46   

meh I feel the games more like a heart monitor at the moment steady with various up's and downs but can't say that it might flatline at some point buttt no big deal.
Epic  Post #: 87
8/4/2013 12:35:51   
ED Divine Darkness

all they need is wayyyyy more cores. like, atleast 5 more aux actives and gun actives. primary is fine. so are passives. and add 5 more armour actives. so that there is wayyyyyy more variety.
AQ AQW Epic  Post #: 88
8/4/2013 14:49:23   
Lord Machaar

The team had 2 options:
1- sacrifice with the Varuim players for more balanced environement to play in.
2- sacrificce with the F2P players to satisfy their P2W players.
the thing is, the team didn't figure out a way to make the two options available and everyone remains satisfied, and the aftermath is already here.
MQ Epic  Post #: 89
8/4/2013 16:31:00   

I really can't imagine they will give away slightly OP promo items for credits just one year later... still think it will cost Varium. Truthfully, Promo items should always be available in-game for Varium (if they're slightly OP, or in some cases really high credit prices - see exile/legion weps).
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 90
8/4/2013 16:39:10   
Shajun Ki

I agree with divine darkness, there are far too few cores in game. More cores means more variety and builds.
Post #: 91
8/4/2013 16:42:01   
ED Divine Darkness

ty shajun.
AQ AQW Epic  Post #: 92
8/5/2013 0:24:43   

well they losing F2P people because they dont hav nothing new for F2P since the new cores P2 W got 4 or 5 promos of course they wont complain ha...
Post #: 93
8/5/2013 0:42:18   
  Exploding Penguin

I still don't understand why they couldn't just release a new class (or classes), because 1 active core = pretty much a new skill for all 6 classes, even if it can only be used once it's still very similar. They're making the game much harder to balance by making cores applicable to all classes rather than just making a new class with a skill tree that would only need balance for that singular class itself. Changing a single core would require consideration of all 6 classes, making it much harder.

But yea, ED Divine is right; I feel there'd be a lot more interest if there were a lot more active cores in particular.
Epic  Post #: 94
8/5/2013 11:31:34   


I still don't understand why they couldn't just release a new class (or classes),

Maybe because the current classes are not balanced enough?
Epic  Post #: 95
8/5/2013 11:49:53   

@ exploding penguin

NW already said there wouldn't be any new classes until they balance out the others they brought into the game and personally they should have never introduced the evolved classes until they had separate moves for them from the original's, and they balanced out the first three.
Epic  Post #: 96
8/5/2013 13:01:50   

Epicduel is the perfect example for for other devs as a game with lot of potential which ran straight into the ground. Hell I don't even enjoy this stupid game anymore.


Epic  Post #: 97
8/5/2013 17:39:43   


And you have to look up on succesful games to try improving yours.

Meanwhile in ED nothing happens but a 1v1slaughter.
DF Epic  Post #: 98
8/5/2013 18:03:02   
Dual Thrusters


Good thing i usually 2v2.
MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 99
8/5/2013 18:05:11   

@ Duel

That's the reason why many of us would consider 2v2 over 1v1, broken abused builds.
AQW Epic  Post #: 100
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