@Roaros: [Deleted section] plus i figured they would add more skills and items, but how it's displayed and used can differ, i would like a skill tree or menu(skills unlocked/upgraded based on level, maybe even the amount of skill use). also the type of skills matter as well, like AOE and single target skills(1 hit/debuff, 2 to 3+ hits). and sure damage is damage, why complicate things, but magic is ranged, so why not add some variety, melee is a physical style, magic is a ranged style, but bolts/arrows/throwing weapons are a physical ranged style, it does not have to be about damage types, it can be about style, variety and choice, the less there is, the weaker things seem, more is more, ofc too much useless filler is....well useless filler, and that would not be the point to ranged style, like you said, damage is damage, and so it comes down to style and choice. (plus i know there are no ranged weapons ingame, that is part of the reason why i bring it up.
< Message edited by GODMARIN -- 5/2/2017 17:08:42 >