 ArchKnight DragonFable
Kratos Location: Broken Circuit (Part 2), The Descent, The Great One, Reasons to Fight, Into the Abyss, Fate's Flow (Part 1), Twin Tides Quests given None Shops owned None Dialogue Broken Circuit (Part 2) ???: Let them in. The Descent ???: The Slayer brings guests, uninvited. ???: Our old... friend? ???: And yet... you are. ???: To you and your bonded human, we shall allow entry. ???: Welcome to the Gauntlet. The Great One Kratos: We are Kratos. Kratos: You are... smaller than expected. Kratos: The... Destroyer. Kratos: Your power is unmistakable. Kratos: How long has it been...? Kratos: Do you trust this human you are bonded to? Kratos: Even if they didn't have that trinket of an amulet, would you stand by her/his side? | Even without those trinkets that the DragonLords require, you stand by her/his side... Kratos: When this world was first formed, two dragons were created to be its guardians. Kratos: One to destroy and refresh. Kratos: And so the world existed. Until one day, the destroyer and the creator... vanished. Kratos: They were beings of order. They were meticulous. Kratos: They blamed each other. Fought. Reconciled. Fought again. Kratos: If the original dragons were lost, then they would create new dragons to maintain the balance. Kratos: Flawed and incomplete creations, compared to the majesty of the original two. Kratos: That is, up until the eight guardians discovered a pair of eggs. Kratos: And so the cycle continued. Kratos: Lost to myth and legend. Kratos: We did not know what became of them. Kratos: We do not remember, little one. Kratos: Time continues its flow, and we continue to exist. Kratos: You fear the fate of the frozen city. Kratos: You do not know the fate of Lore. Kratos: Such is the balance of Lore. There will always be saviors to face its destroyers. Kratos: Did you not listen to our tale earlier? Kratos: Humans were not a factor in the world's creation or purpose. Kratos: We will care for those we can, of course, but why struggle against inevitability? Kratos: Such is the balance of Lore. There will always be destroyers to face its saviors. Kratos: You challenge your destiny, little one. Kratos: Perhaps... we have found... too much comfort in repose. Kratos: What of you, human? Kratos: And what would you do if we refused to spur the DragonLords to action? Kratos: Such conviction. Kratos: But we have never met one so endorsed by the Destroyer. Kratos: We will inform the Slayer. Kratos: Ah. Kratos: You know how it is. Kratos: They landed on our back, woke us up, and started asking for advice. Kratos: But that began to feel... dishonest. Kratos: We drew him to us. Kratos: And the DragonLords have stopped pestering us. Kratos: Anyway... Kratos: Do visit us again in another couple hundred years or so, small one. Reasons to Fight Kratos: You will all obey. Into the Abyss Kratos: Surely <Dragon> and that hero will take care of it? Kratos: ...Right? Fate's Flow (Part 1) Kratos: The time has come to for us to act. Kratos: The little one and the hero deserve a chance. Kratos: We will stop this plague. Twin Tides Kratos: You little ones want to help, do you? Kratos: Find a way to cut it off. Kratos: It is connected from below the ocean. By its legs. Kratos: Cut it off, destabilize it. Kratos: Your path, your power... Kratos: That flow shall be forever severed! Kratos: Some rest... is in order. Kratos: How... will the world be different when we wake? Kratos: ... Kratos: ...The human isn't too bad either. Other information Also known as The Great One. Full Appearance
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