![](image/wide_ak4.jpg) ArchKnight DragonFable
Sk'aar Location: AdventureFriends 2: Edelia Day One, AdventureFriends 2: Edelia Day Two, AdventureFriends 2: Edelia Day Three, AdventureFriends 2: Edelia Day ??? Quests given None Shops owned None Dialogue AdventureFriends 2: Edelia Day One ???: ...<Character>... ???: ...<Character> AdventureFriends 2: Edelia Day Two ???: ...I me... AdventureFriends 2: Edelia Day Three ???: Why... do you... resist... <Character>? ???: I Why... do you...struggle so? ???: here.... ???: ...and you... shall free me from this purgatory! AdventureFriends 2: Edelia Day ??? Wolf ???: ...almost there... ???: Unexpected entities encountered. Reformatting threat response. Reconfiguring path. ???: You are not where you are supposed to be. ???: I am Sk'aar. Sk'aar: What I want is quite simple. I need to consume aspects of this world in order to wrest control from its current master. Sk'aar: Even in the face of overwhelming odds, you feebly struggle. Sk'aar: You wandered into my domain, where I decree reality. A foolish, futile, endeavor. Sk'aar: Still, I am not one to turn down a sacrifice freely offered. Raven ???: I am Sk'aar. Sk'aar: I must wrest control of this world. And to do so, I consume certain aspects of it. People contain the most... substance. Complexity. They are the most efficient to consume. Sk'aar: Hahaha. Ahaha. Do you really want to know? Sk'aar: I seek to take control from the only one here who truly matters. From <Character>. Sk'aar: This is all your dream, <Character>! These people, your friends, this school... nothing but memories and images, twisted and mixed with your soul. Sk'aar: Deny it all you want, but it is the truth. And once I consume them all, I will consume you. And we shall free me from my prison! Sk'aar: That's where you're wrong. You see, <Character> might be having a dream... but I... I can turn it into a nightmare! Sk'aar: This will not hold me forever. I will break free. And you cannot escape! If you choose the 'Vaal' option: Sk'aar: Don't you see? You're all doomed regardless! It's all a dream of one. That one. <Character>! Stop her/him. Stop! If you choose the 'Tek' option: Sk'aar: It's all <Character>'s dream! You're worthless! You're not even doing anything! None of this matters! Hawk ???: ...At last, <Character>. At last, I have you. ???: Ah. Introductions are in order. I am... ???: Sk'aar. Free at last. Sk'aar: And you, <Character>. I know you. I know all about you. I know what even you don't know about you. Sk'aar: I know this world, this dream of yours, and I know your world. Memories and mana eternally flowing. Information just out of reach of visibility. Sk'aar: Now I have you. You have me. And we will unleash that which slumbers- Sk'aar: What is this? Sk'aar: Stop this! Stop this at once! How dare y- Sk'aar: Such insolence! I have not worked this hard only to be defeated by the likes of such malformed memories! Sk'aar: I am still free! I can still reach y- Sk'aar: Enough! I tried to do this nicely. I tried to simply... subsume your mind's creation, <Character>. But if it will take a nightmare to break you, then a nightmare, you shall have! Sk'aar: They cannot help you, <Character>. You are all alone. With me. Two Eyes Appearance Four Eyes Appearance Six Eyes Appearance Eight Eyes Appearance Thanks to Dove for image.
< Message edited by DemonicDarkwraith -- 2/27/2022 1:03:03 >