 ArchKnight DragonFable
Ancient Abyss Access Point: Book of Lore -> To War! / Ancient Abyss, Access Point: Falconreach (Book 3) -> Up -> Left -> Uaanta -> Defiers of Fate Requirements: Completion of Recreation! Release Date: January 14th, 2023 Quests Available Recreation! Ancient Abyss Wave Myalos Cannon NPCs None Shops Abyssal Heart (Shop) Abyssal Heart Upgrades DA Def Belts DA Def Necklaces DA Def Rings Def. Belts Def. Necklaces Def. Rares Def. Rings Ancient Abyss Loot Dialogue To War! - loads war meter. Leave - returns to player's home town. quote:
Ancient Abyss Delve into the forgotten depths of the Abyssal Elves... The Abyssal Elves have been long lost to Kathool, The Ancient One. While you can't save them all, Aquella believes that with the help of some heroes, she can reclaim one of their sacred sites. But the twisted remnants of the elves won't make it easy. Recreation - begins Recreation! quest. Invite Uaanta (DA Required) - invites Uaanta Fayt as Guest A. Abyssal Heart - opens Abyssal Heart (Shop) Upgrade - opens Abyssal Heart Upgrades shop. Chain Waves - the player can type a number from 2 to 25 and if checked, repeat Ancient Abyss Wave at that designated number of times before returning to the war camp. To Battle! - begins Ancient Abyss Wave quest. Defender's Medal - correlates with the number of Defender's Medal that the player currently have.Leave - returns to player's home town. Unlocked at 50%: Abyssal Loot - opens Ancient Abyss Loot shop. Unlocked at 75%: Myalos Cannon - begins Myalos Cannon quest. Other information Automatically fully replenishes your HP, MP, and potions whenever you load the war meter.
< Message edited by DemonicDarkwraith -- 12/12/2023 11:18:50 >