 ArchKnight DragonFable
Ancient Abyss: Epilogue Location: Ancient Abyss -> To War! -> Epilogue Requirements: Completion of The Dreamers' Abyss Release Date: January 28th, 2023 Objective: With the Abyssal temple secured, there's just one last thing to do. Objective completed: What makes a hero? Experience rewarded: 0 Gold rewarded: 0 Monsters None NPCs Aquella Key Lock Myalos Notha Uaanta Rewards Remthalas' Mask Access to Shattered Dream. Dialogue *In the Abyssal temple, before you and your companions give Remthalas a proper burial, Aquella examines his corpse as Lock and Key create a rotating magical wisp from one of their fingers respectively.* Uaanta: Well? Aquella: Please, do not rush me. I must be certain. Notha: If there's anything I can learn about what happened to him... <Character>: You know, you could just visit Aquella again if you want to learn more about Kathool. <Character>: I'm sure the Water Elves have studied their foe, after all. Notha: It's not the same as a hands-on experience. And those Adepts we fought on the way down didn't really leave anything behind. Uaanta: Speaking of hands-on— I thought you were busy stopping us all from being crushed! Notha: I was! But Lock and Key can do that too. Uaanta: So you were just being lazy! Notha: It's still hard work! I've earned a break. Myalos: Please, let us not fight amongst ourselves. Notha: We're not fighting, Myalos. Relax. Uaanta: Not yet we're not. <Character>: Er, Aquella, how's the examination going? Aquella: Just about finished! Aquella: I must say, this is the first time I've seen an Abyssal Elf in person that has not been... twisted. Aquella: I've seen ancient paintings, carvings... what little we've recovered. *Aquella briefly examines Remthalas' lifeless face and his diminished lure, just in case to find anything she missed.* Aquella: Hm. Curious. Notha: Did you find something? Aquella: Ah. No, nothing relevant. Aquella: I can safely say, though, that his remains do not have any residual corruption from The Ancient One. [Aquella: Besides his biology, which is quite similar to that of Water Elves, I doubt there's anything for you to uncover, Notha. Notha: How unfortunate. Are you certain? Perhaps, if I had some of my instruments I could— Aquella: I'm sure. Uaanta: Then let's give him a proper... whatever it is Water Elves do. Notha: ...Yeah. Okay. Aquella: You know, some legends say that certain members of the Abyssal Tribe would carve up their remains... Aquella: ...And scatter them to the sea, for the myriad of scavengers and tiny creatures to feed on. Aquella: Returning to the depths from the very height of existence. Uaanta: Um. Notha: Go on, get chopping. Aquella: Not quite what you had in mind? Uaanta: Far be it for me to oppose tradition... Aquella: There are other rites too, of course. Many less grisly. Mostly. Aquella: ...How would you describe Remthalas in life? Aquella: You explained his story to me earlier, but what kind of person was he? <Character>: Well, he certainly wasn't a hero. Myalos: I concur. Uaanta: Despite all he did, I think he was trying his best to save his people... Uaanta: ...Notha, you knew him best. Notha: I suppose I did. *Notha pauses before describing Remthalas' expressions and his dreams to Aquella.* Notha: He... was obsessive. He wasn't great at expressing himself. Notha: He was a dreamer. But he also never gave up on those dreams. Even if he got a bit too carried away. Notha: I think he always knew... at some level, that he never entirely escaped Kathool's clutches. Tried to find some way to break free. Notha: Even if it meant pursuing the unobtainable. He was... Notha: He was a defier of fate. *Notha stops describing Remthalas, allowing Aquella to understand his dream prior to Kathool's corruption.* Aquella: I think I understand. His dream for his people must have been his driving force. That dream, then, became twisted by Kathool's influence. Uaanta: ...I want to believe that. That his dream was for his people and his family. Let that be his legacy. Aquella: ...Then I shall release him into the water whence he came. Aquella: There, he may watch over this temple, the start of the reclamation of the Abyssal depths. <Character>: That sounds good to me. Uaanta: Beautiful. Notha: ...Sure. Myalos: A fitting end. Aquella: Then I shall begin. It will be quick. *Notha looks solemnly as she holds his Maleurous mask; afterwards, Remthalas is buried with his Maleurous mask in his arms before Aquella disintegrates his corpse into bubbles, leaving only his mask behind.* Aquella: May you watch over our endeavors, Remthalas. Uaanta: Well done, Aquella. <Character>: Thank you. It feels good to close that chapter. Aquella: I'm glad I could help! Now, shall we return to the Locker? I can prepare some seaweed sandwiches if you'd like! Notha: ... Myalos: Is there something wrong, Notha? <Character>: Uhh... Notha? Notha: ... *Notha's face turns orange red as she was holding her breath; she exhales in a sense of relief.* Notha: I— I didn't want to breathe him in! That would have been really... weird. Notha: I'm surprised it didn't cross your mind! *Uaanta is not amused.* Uaanta: ...Did you really have to say that?! Notha: It's a valid concern! Aquella: Do not worry. I sent his water along a current to the outer boundaries of the temple. There was never any risk of... um... Aquella: Disrespect. <Character>: Thank you, Aquella. Now, I think it really is about time for us to get going. Lock: Pressure barrier integrity is dropping. Key: Ascension is suggested. Notha: Right you are! Uaanta: A seaweed sandwich sounds delightful after all this. <Character>: Let's go, then! *You and presumably your companions—with the exception of Myalos—run off to leave the Abyssal temple to return to the Locker; scene shifts to focus on Myalos, who is contemplating Aquella's words of fighting Kathool.* Myalos: ... Myalos: "If not me and my kind, then who else...?" *Scene fades to black.* Complete Quest Shattered Dream - opens Shattered Dream shop.
< Message edited by DemonicDarkwraith -- 12/26/2023 22:24:38 >