 ArchKnight DragonFable
The General's Arrival Location: Rift War! -> War Camp! -> The General's Arrival Requirements: Completion of Heroes From Beyond Release Date: December 29th, 2023 Objective: The general of the invasion has arrived... Objective completed: An Ateala leads the invading monsters? What's going on? You'll have to catch up to her to find out! Experience rewarded: Scaled Gold rewarded: Scaled Monsters (4) Ashen Squire NPCs Alz'ein Ashen Squire Etaos Isiri Nirios Veyla Rewards None Access to Imps. Dialogue *Isiri and Etaos use their magic to blast the fire creatures in order to rescue the Atealan refugees; scene pans left to show Isiri, you, your dragon, Etaos, Nirios, and Alz'ein as your dragon breathes fire repeatedly.* Alz'ein: We've managed to save more of our people... But I hate that we can't be everywhere! Isiri: Maybe not, but with <Character> and <Dragon>'s help, we're rescuing all we can. <Character>: I bet the Guardians of Falconreach have their hands full, too. Etaos: We will have to thank them later. They've done much by providing shelter and protection for the displaced Ateala. Nirios: ...Alz'ein, I can tell something else is on your mind. Do you wish to share? Alz'ein: These rifts that the infernal creatures are emerging from... Alz'ein: There are more rifts than we initially made for the escape. <Character>: So they're not just following you, they're also coming through rifts of their own? Alz'ein: That seems to be the case. Although how exactly— *Suddenly, an Atealan rift appears near you, your dragon, and your Atealan allies.* Isiri: Alz'ein! What is this? Alz'ein: The rift... it's Atealan in origin, but the fire... No... Alz'ein: Stand back! I don't know what's coming through, but it's not going to be friendly! *An orange Atealan rift opens, revealing a female Ateala covered in flames and four warriors covered in magma.* Alz'ein: No... It can't be. Veyla?! What happened to you? Ashen Squire: *Hisssss*. Your orders, General? Veyla: ...Urgh... Aaaagh... Nirios: Her mind burns... There can be no doubt. Nirios: Wargoth is in control. On your guard everyone. Alz'ein: Fight it, Veyla! Don't let him puppet you! Veyla: ...D—Destroy... Veyla: DESTROY! Ashen Squire: As you command, General. *Veyla runs away.* Alz'ein: Veyla! <Character>: We'll catch up to her, Alz'ein. Just have to get through these blockheads first. Alz'ein: Yeah. Let's make this quick. Alz'ein & Isiri joins you as Guest A. Etaos & Nirios joins you as Guest B. *You and your Atealan allies fight all four Ashen Squires; after defeating them, you and your dragon regroup with the Atealans.* Alz'ein: Veyla got away. But not for long. We're going to find her, and bring her back to her senses, got it, <Character>? Isiri: Alz'ein... I know how you must feel, but our people must come first. Alz'ein: Maybe for you, Unael. Alz'ein: But Veyla's a Riftwalker, like me. If she's leading these forces, being puppeted... Alz'ein: All the Riftwalkers we left behind... to hold open the rifts... Alz'ein: We need to stop her. We need to find out what's going on! <Character>: If she's the general of the current force, stopping her should buy us time before the next attack, right? Nirios: That is sound logic. Alz'ein: <Character> gets it! Etaos: The local Guardians are helping, too. We don't have to do everything ourselves. *Isiri smiles as your words cause her to join in your plan of buying more time for the Atealans.* Isiri: ...Very well. You have persuaded me. <Character>: So let's chase after her. And save everyone we can along the way! *Scene fades to black.* Complete Quest Other information Pop-up headline during the quest: quote:
Defeat <1-4> more. This quest replaced The General's Minions on December 29th, 2023.
< Message edited by DemonicDarkwraith -- 10/26/2024 13:53:27 >