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Ruby's Shocking Plan

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11/16/2024 10:32:34   

ArchKnight DragonFable

Ruby's Shocking Plan

Location: Book of Lore -> Ruby's Shocking Plan!,
Location: Thankstaking Storybook (-> Older Events) -> Chapter 18 -> Ruby's Shocking Plan
Requirements: None
Release Date: November 15th, 2024

Objective: Dr. Voltabolt needs help this Thankstaking... and Ruby the AdventureChef has a plan! It just needs a little help from you, of course.
Objective completed: All according to plan!

Experience rewarded: Scaled
Gold rewarded: Scaled

(3) Bear
(2) Gorillaphant
(4) Seed Spitter
(6) Sneevil
(1) LaserBear - Boss

Dr. Voltabolt
Odd Shrub
Short Shrub

LaserBear's LaserBackpack


*While the Thankstaking preparations on Falconreach are underway, you and your dragon meet with Ruby and Dr. Voltabolt.*

<Character>: Happy Thankstaking, Ruby!
Ruby: Happy Thankstaking! You've met this funny guy before, right?
<Character>: Dr. Voltabolt! Wow, it feels like it's been years since I've seen you.
Dr. Voltabolt: Vell, as zhey say, ze best security is unseen! I have done my duty and kept any... mishaps contained within ze city of Falconreach.
Dr. Voltabolt: It vould not do to draw unvanted attention from Ze Rose, after all!
<Character>: I, uh, okay, thanks! But not that I'm complaining, what's made you decide to become um, seen?
Dr. Voltabolt: It is a... complicated matter.
Ruby: He misses his sister!
<Character>: His sister? You mean Joules? The one who's always trying to wreck Thankstaking?
Dr. Voltabolt: Zhe very same. She was not always like... how she is now.
Dr. Voltabolt: She did not always hang out with zhe vrong crowd.
<Character>: After what happened last time we saw her, I don't think she's going to be too happy to reconcile...
Dr. Voltabolt: Vhich is vhy I came to Ruby. She and her brozher are very close.
Dr. Voltabolt: I zhought she might have insight into how ve may convince Joules to put aside her felonious vays.
Ruby: That's right! I'm not just a master of cookery and adventure, I'm also the best sist-

*Rudy appears to join your conversation with Ruby and Dr. Voltabolt.*

Rudy: Alright, alright, I'm here, where's the—

*Ruby turns around to face Rudy.*

Rudy: Ohhhh no.
Rudy: Oh no no no. I don't care what it is you're planning, Ruby, I'm not having anything to do with it, not again!

*Rudy runs away from Ruby, but trips on his way out; scene turns to black as the light focuses Rudy; Ruby appears above Rudy.*

Ruby: How nice of you to join us, my dear, sweet brother!
<Character>: Er. You did tell Rudy what you were planning, didn't you?
Ruby: Of course not! If I told him I was involved, he wouldn't have stepped foot in Falconreach!
Ruby: The letter said it was an emergency that only a moglin could assist with! It was on the official Rose parchment and everything!
<Character>: I—
Dr. Voltabolt: Like I said, <Character>, she knows her brozher so vell!
<Character>: I don't know if—
Ruby: I may have omitted some details and stolen a sheaf of Rose documents (terribly boring, was good kindling though), but...
Ruby: Well, it wasn't entirely a lie! We do need your help, Rudy! And being my only brother, you're the only moglin who'll do!
Rudy: ...
Rudy: Am I going to be used as bait for a ravenous monster again?
Ruby: Of course not! That's <Character>'s job, now.
<Character>: Hey!
Rudy: And I'm not going to be asked to taste test something that's going to turn my fur orange for a week...
Rudy: ... then sprout mushrooms from my ears, and make my tail get all static-y?
Ruby: That was only twice! But no, I promise, We just need your help reuniting this funny coat guy and his sister!
Rudy: Well, it was actually three times. But...
Rudy: Okay, fine. I'll help. What do you need, Ruby and weird pointy beard guy?
Dr. Voltabolt: Incredible! Such familial bonding over shared experiences!
<Character>: It sounded more like trauma to me.
Dr. Voltabolt: Leave zhe sibling-ness to zhe experts, <Character>!
Ruby: Indeed, odd monocle man! Now, we just have to come up with the perfect plan...
Rudy: Is it too late to back out now?
<Character>: I think so, little buddy, I think so.

*Scene fades to black, before fading back in; you are now in the forest.*

<Character>: Right. So I just have to clear my way through the forest to the spot where we're going to meet with Joules...
<Character>: This is definitely way more complicated than it needs to be, but the plan is the plan!

*You move forward through the forest; you fight various monsters through the forest; after fighting various monsters, as part of the plan, Rudy collapses on the meeting spot while your dragon, you, Dr. Voltabolt, and Ruby hide in the shrubs nearby.*

Rudy: Oh...!
Rudy: Oh! Woe is me! I am a lost moglin all alone and full of magic!
Rudy: I may even be injured and unable to flee! Ohh!
Rudy: Did I mention how full of magic I am? So full of magic that The Rose didn't even let me officially join up...

*Joules approaches the "lost" Rudy.*

Joules: What is that racket?! I'm trying to plot an evil plan to get my revenge on—
Rudy: Woe! A foul villainess has come to abscond with me! Me and all my moglin magic!
Joules: Well, can you keep it down? I may have use for you next year. This year's plots don't have moglin magic in the budget.
Rudy: Oh...! Alas! What cruel fate awaits me? If only I weren't so magical! And potentially wounded!
Odd Shrub: (Has this actually worked before?!)
Short Shrub: (Shh! Trust the method!)

*Joules begins to notice Rudy's companions hiding in the shrubs.*

Joules: ...
Rudy: Uh... Woe is me, I'm even hearing voices now?
Short Shrub: NOW! GO GO GO!

*You come out of your shrub and run toward Joules; scene cuts to black.*

  • Complete Quest

    Other information
  • Pop-up headlines during the quest:

  • Those sneevils don't look inclined to let you pass by in peace...
  • There sure are a lot of bears in these woods.
  • What happened here? Is that gorillaphant... scared?
  • ...

  • < Message edited by DemonicDarkwraith -- 11/30/2024 12:34:14 >
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