RE: Monsters (Full Version)

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Slayer Zach -> RE: Monsters (5/10/2015 14:24:54)


Attack Type 2 - SprayBot shoots you for 3 hits of 100% Melee damage

2 hits

Trash Kompaktor v1.0:
Has an additional attack:

Attack Type 2 - The Kompaktor punches you for one hit of 100% Melee damage.

Buffed-Up Biff the Time Tyrant

Offenses: Crit: 3, Bonus: 2, Boost: 0%

Crit: 1


Gold gained: 83
Experience gained: 2211

Gold gained: 90
Experience gained: 2412

It should also be worth noting that the entry is using the DA version of the battle. I'll edit in some information in a moment, to seperate the All Players and DA versions:


Damage: 300-550

Damage: 200-400 (All Players) / 300-550 (DA)


HP: Scaled
MP: Scaled

HP: 10,000 (All Players) / 22,250 (DA)
MP: 10,000

Done, thanks. ~Peachii

Sagrym -> RE: Monsters (5/18/2015 4:25:27)

Got a new image for Necro's First Minion.

And new attacks descriptions:
Attack Type 1 - Necro's First Minion punches you for one hit of melee damage
Attack Type 2 - Necro's First Minion kicks you for one hit of melee damage

Done, thanks. ~Peachii

Mr G W -> RE: Monsters (6/22/2015 12:04:53)

Missing Akira's attack effects

Attack 3 applies -40% to STR, DEX or INT (random) for 9 turns

Attack 4 randomly applies one of the effects on himself: (Shouldn't it apply to the player instead? Bugged?)
- lowered STR, DEX or INT (random) by 40% for 5 turns
- lowered bonus by 50 for 5 turns
- dot named "WarCry!" dealing 100% damage over 5 turns
- blank debuff that does nothing

Attack 5 has +100 critical on each hit.

Attack 6 applies a metal dot named "Cripple" dealing 100% damage over 3 turns.

Attack 7 has a chance to apply a 1 turn stun.

Attack 8 applies a 4 turn -50 bonus blind for 4 turns.

All attacks excluding Attack 1 consume 10 MP and will not be used if he doesn't have enough MP.

Stephen Nix -> RE: Monsters (6/27/2015 2:39:18)

Newer Image for Gremoglimster... (Green colour is faded)


Used as Alt. Thanks. [Niki]

Stephen Nix -> RE: Monsters (6/28/2015 19:32:29)

Bee-Bot needs newer attack images...

Attack Type 1 - Bee comes forth and stings you for one hit of Melee Metal damage
Attack Type 2 - Bee flies up and stings you for one hit of Melee Metal damage

Done, thanks. [Niki]

crabpeople -> RE: Monsters (7/2/2015 8:12:50)


Attack Type 2: Add: Ignores immobility resistance.

Note: Got stunned with 120+ immo resist.

Sagrym -> RE: Monsters (7/9/2015 5:44:33)

Sneevil Arca, Sneevil Boxer and Sneevil Box-Lord all have a wrong location.
The correct location is Sneevil Box Fort.

Done, thanks. ~Peachii

Stephen Nix -> RE: Monsters (7/10/2015 21:50:17)

Charko should have the Immobility removed as quoted by Verly:

"Hey guys, based on your feedback I've removed the stun resists fro the monsters to make it less RNG and give you more options."

Damage is also Scaled

New image...


Done, thanks. ~SZ

Shadows Morgenstern -> RE: Monsters (7/12/2015 17:18:54)

On the TODO list, Blue's attack 2 is needing an image and was given a "(Not sure if actually used)" note beside it. I just spent around 15 mins testing to see if it actually does use this skill, it is most likely bugged. From the beginning of the battle I kept an eye on it's status, and after Green and Red were beaten I allowed Blue to fully heal itself, and then damage it down the whole way again. Did not use the "Shielded" skill once. Way want to put this down as bugged and note it doesn't use this skill. May just be remarkably low chance to use it though.

Sagrym -> RE: Monsters (7/13/2015 12:40:22)

King Splurt's alternative image could be removed, it's deleted.

Corrections for Young Tuskmonger:


Level: Scaled

Level: Scaled Your Level +1


Attack type 2 - Runs up to you and gallop kicks you for one hit of melee damage

two hits

The correction for the 2nd attack applies also to Tuskmonger.

Done, thanks. [Niki]

The ErosionSeeker -> RE: Monsters (7/15/2015 11:10:41)

Drakonnan dialogue:

[White Fire]
The Ice Katana will not save you...
For the flame I wield can never die. It has consumed me, and it has made me immortal.
Too little, too late, "hero", now it is time to burn you to cinders!

[Orb Shield]
It seems you will not be killed so easily...
Nevermind, though. My powers are beyond your comprehension!

[Fire Cycle]
Do you even KNOW what it is you trifle with?
Nothing... Nothing matters anymore.

Now you will feel my full power...
NOW you will understand my anger...

He no longer talks beyond that point.
If you heal him for some reason, his attack cycle returns to the fixed points, but does not talk again.
Additionally, if you hit him too hard on the first turn, he might skip to one of the later messages.

It seems to be more part of the quest than the monster entry. [Niki]

Oh okay nevermind :s

Stephen Nix -> RE: Monsters (7/19/2015 1:43:58)

Frydae needs his image to not be in a link and ???: 500 to be removed or scratched off.

Also if I'm not positive he has one attack where he obliterates you with one massive hit, haven't seen it myself.

I was adjusting things. He does have ???: 500 still. Also, yes he has 1 hit kill attacks. At 20 turns his damage is vastly upped to one hit kill you. ~Ash

Sagrym -> RE: Monsters (7/29/2015 8:58:12)

Deadwood needs Major Mayhem as a location.

Aggressive Appletree needs new attack images:

Attack Type 1 / 1.2
Attack Type 2

Done, thanks. [Niki]

Sagrym -> RE: Monsters (10/31/2015 15:01:11)

Dola is missing its 2nd attack image as it has one of Borowik's attack images by mistake. I've got a new image, in case you don't find it.

I still have the second attack image and replaced it.


There were actually just 4 versions of this monster, not 7 as I thought... so if you wouldn't mind the last 3 posts could be deleted.

Done. ~Jorath
*Bump* [Niki]

Sagrym -> RE: Monsters (11/12/2015 7:47:44)

New images for Hel-X-e:

[link=]Attack Type 1[/link]
[link=]Attack Type 2[/link]

Done, thanks. ~Karika

The ErosionSeeker -> RE: Monsters (11/23/2015 0:03:01)

Greed (human form) has some missing information...

Wheel Slice (attack 2) has a chance to inflict you with "Strength Weakened" reducing Boost by 20% for 3 (4) turns. This attack also has a chance to heal him if any hit connects.
Paranoia stun can stun for 1-2 turns, not just 1 turn
When Paranoia isn't stunning you, it inflicts "Greed's will overcomes your body", which reduces your BPD by 50 each for 2 (3) turns
Play Time is Over also hits you with "Greed consumes and damages you!", a 4 (5) turn None-element DOT that seems to be his regular damage range. Also, it only hits like, 5 times. Not 10.

Any attack that he connects against the player seems to let him heal for either 2-4% of his max HP, or a third of the damage or something.

Azan -> RE: Monsters (11/24/2015 22:49:31)

Correction for Cultist (Elf):

Attack Type 2 - Floats up and casts a pillar of dark magic on you. Dealing four hits of 100% Magic Disease damage.

Should be you, dealing

Done, thanks. [Niki]

Azan -> RE: Monsters (11/28/2015 22:42:59)

Skills rewrite (formulation corrections) for RAWRGOBBLE (normal version):

Attack Type 1 - Throws a can at you, dealing one hit of 100% Melee Nature damage. Stuns you for 2 turns.
Attack Type 2 - Bites you, dealing one hit of 100% Melee Nature damage.
Attack Type 3 - Raises his head and makes his eye glow with magic, dealing one hit of 100% Melee Nature damage.

Skills rewrite (formulation corrections) for RAWRGOBBLE (titan version):

Attack Type 1 - Throws a can at you, dealing one hit of 100% Melee Nature damage. Stuns you for 2 turns.
Attack Type 2 - Bites you, dealing one hit of 100% Melee Nature damage. Has a chance to stun you for 3 turns.
Attack Type 3 - Raises his head and makes his eye glow with magic, dealing one hit of 100% Melee Nature damage.

Skills rewrite (formulation corrections) for Tog-Bot:

Attack Type 1 - Walks over to you, opens its mouth and hits you with a drill, dealing one hit of 100% Melee Metal damage.
Attack Type 2 - Walks over to you, jumps and bites you, dealing one hit of 100% Melee Metal damage.

Skills rewrite (formulation corrections) for Beetle-Bot:

Attack Type 1 - Comes forth and bites you for one hit of 100% Melee Metal damage.
Attack Type 2 - Digs into the floor, forms a metallic ball and throws it at you for one hit of 100% Melee Metal damage.

Skills rewrite (formulation corrections) for Cranbatty:

Attack Type 1 - Flies up to you and rams you, dealing one hit of 100% Melee Ice damage.
Attack Type 2 - Flies up to you and shoots cranberry juice from its head at you, dealing one hit of 100% Melee Ice damage.

Chocolate Moose has another attack effect (might come up with an image if I find the time to):

Attack Type 2 - Runs up to you and headbutts you, dealing one hit of 100% Melee Ice damage.

Skills rewrite (formulation corrections) for Turkeylime Pie:

Attack Type 1 - Flies up to you and rams you, dealing one hit of 100% Melee Ice damage.
Attack Type 2 - Flies up to you and spits out 4 limes that strike you for one hit of 100% Melee Ice damage.

Done, thanks. ~Karika

Sagrym -> RE: Monsters (11/29/2015 6:47:23)

Beetle-Bot needs new attack images:

Attack Type 1
Attack Type 2 / 2.2

Done, thanks. [Niki]

The ErosionSeeker -> RE: Monsters (12/10/2015 17:00:15)

Cuddly Merged Akriloth needs some changes:

Attack 1 Firebreath inflicts 4 turns of Toasted, reducing Fire resistance by 100
Attack 2 Rune Fire hits twice, not once.

Additionally, there are actually 2 Rune Fire attacks: one that is a lighter hit that Blinds for -80 for 4 turns. The second one is a heavier version of the same attack, except it inflicts "Fried", setting your Heal to 50 for 2 turns (halving the effectiveness of heals).

Attack 4, Flame Pillar is different from the normal and "regular" ultra versions. Instead of the message "This doesn't look good", the message is "Meow!", the attack actually hits once (reflecting the attack used to inflict the status effect), it inflicts Eclipse on the player reducing their damage by 75% for 2 turns, additionally, it applies Scales to itself for 2 turns, increasing its Block/Parry/Dodge by 180, AND reflects status effects back to the player. If you attempted to apply a stun (which it resists), then it hits you for the expected amount it normally does.

Attempting to use EPL Pumpkin Bomb caused it to clear itself and give me the DOT.

Done for the first two attacks, thanks. Check your PM for the fourth And this is done. ~Jorath

Baron Dante -> RE: Monsters (2/28/2016 3:36:27)

Sapulchure (Merged)
The first attack can, in fact, drain your mana even if he has no mana left.

I reworded the note on the first attack a little, thanks. ~Jorath
Bump ~Peachii

Nitewolf -> RE: Monsters (4/17/2016 3:44:12)

Replacement for the broken image of shoulder blades


Added, thanks. ~Peachii

Nitewolf -> RE: Monsters (5/3/2016 19:52:37)

Here's a chunk of replacement images for those mentioned as broken on the TODO list:

Minx Fairy - Main image

Deft Minx Fairy - Main image

Jungle Fury - Main image

Kelpicus - Attack 1, Attack 1.1

Dirt Roller - Main image

Frost Drake - Attack 2

Angry spirit - Main image

Ghost-tog - Attack 1

Necroslime - Attack 2

Shadow Jodan - Attack 1 (Couldn't get him to use attack 2.2)

Whale spit - Attack 2

Chaosweaver - Main image

Undertog - Attack 2

Basilisk - Main image, Attack 2

Frost Mushroom - Attack 2

Frost goblin - Attack 2.2

Eyeball - Attack 1

Done, thanks! ~Peachii

Azan -> RE: Monsters (5/19/2016 22:58:44)

Correction for Fierce Town Defender:


Attack Type 1 - Walks up to you and hammers you with his axe for 2 hits of melee damage
Attack Type 2 - Walks up to you and hammers you with his axe for 4 hits of melee damage

"axe" should be changed to "weapon" because he doesn't always have an axe (main image even shows him with a sword).

Also, a poke to this post I made a few months ago that didn't get edited.

Done, thanks. ~Karika

Baron Dante -> RE: Monsters (5/23/2016 11:19:33)
Seems like Attack type 2 also heals the Stranger.

I couldn't pinpoint an exact number or percentage, so I added a note stating "a small amount of health". Thanks! ~SZ

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