=Library= The "Books" Project (Full Version)

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Eukara Vox -> =Library= The "Books" Project (12/9/2009 16:53:17)

Welcome to an adventure!

An adventure? Here in L&L? What could I possibly be getting at?

I have done some thinking recently, wondering what kinds of fun things we can get going in this forum and this idea haunted me for some time. I wanted it to be something big, something interesting and something inviting to everyone, not just those who reside in this forum permanently, as if fixed here by some ethereal superglue.

What I am getting at is a project called "Books". Sure, that doesn't sound exciting now, but that is because there are going to be several of these in the collection. They will be thematic, paralleling either a season or an event in the AE universe. Each book will be a massive collaboration by all of you, the faithful AE Forum members. A collaboration of storytelling on a massive scale, either through poetry or prose.

So, what exactly are we asking for?

~ Each story submitted to us must be between 1 and 7 pages long. Font should be Times Roman, font size 12 with single line spacing. This way, we are guaranteeing everyone equal treatment. I know that these parameters aren't Forum parameters. But, writers will most likely write their submissions in a Word-type program and will be able to use them.

~Each story is an independent work of literature. It is not to continue the storyline of anything else published in the "Book".

~Poetry and Prose are welcome to complete this. We welcome both as a means to tell a story. But, keep in mind that if you write poetry, the narrative poem must be between 1 and 7 pages too, just as the prose.

~There are a couple of things to consider and do before submitting your writing.
..........One, you must make sure that you have edited your story as completely as possible. Check your spelling, punctuation, paragraph separation, grammar, and plot. Please refer to the various writing guides in this forum for more details.
..........All stories that are for the Book Project are only to be posted in the book. Please do not pre-post them in The Archives and make commentary threads about them. We want the first time someone reads those stories to be when they are announced as accepted in the Book Project thread.
..........Stories or poetry must be sent to myself, or one of my staff, to be put into the book. Please make sure that you link us to a gdoc, tinyurl, patebin, etc. when submitting.

Book of Winter
Book of Wishes and Luck
Book of War
Book of Tides
Book of Sci-Fi
Book of Darkness
Book of Companionship
Book of Mystery
Book of the Rift
Book of Piracy

Eukara Vox -> RE: =Library= The "Books" Project (5/20/2010 23:15:33)

Table of Contents

1. Prologue.................................................................................Eukara Vox
Everything has a beginning.
2. A Reaper Snowball Fight............................................................Ultrapowerpie
Ahhh, the joys of fighting. Don't you just feel the wonder in the air... Just don't let the Grim Reaper find you.
3. The Little Town by the Bridge ....................................................horusmaster9
A giving heart. What so many wish to have, but only a few ever have the strength to harbor. Sometimes, it is harder to fulfill a wish, even under the right circumstances.
4. The Face of an Angel................................................................shreder110
Miracles happen, don't they? How else do we explain our survival?
5. Frostval: Of Moglins and Men......................................................Kiyodai
Now this is interesting. What is this Frostval thing? It sounds awfully strange, weird armors and weapons... moglins? What are those? And is this guy liking this or not? And why would anyone need a hero during the winter holidays? I think I need to do more research...
6. A Very Merry…And Unusual Christmas............................................Goldstein
What if you had to come to terms with a concept that was outside everything that was "normal"? Could you deal with it?
7. Frozen Cavern of Life.................................................................Frenetic Raptor
When sitting, debating life's needs and desires, what do we find ourselves doing? Do we sit and relish what has been or do we sit, bitter, wishing for something else?
8. One December Morning ..............................................................Shuzke
Try an AE spin on a very old poem.
9. Icy Hearts...............................................................................Xirminator
"Jack Frost nipping at your nose..." Step into the shoes of one very irate and unforgiving man's life for an evening and see where it may take you. You may be surprised.
10. Lone Wolves .........................................................................Alexander Situro Shiveran
Do we invite the bad to happen to us... is it truly our responsibility when things go horribly wrong. And, by the way, which are you? The survivor, or the brute?
11. A DragonFable'd Frostval ........................................................Master Samak
The most epic mystery of the season! Three friends, enjoying their Frostval evening stumble upon an event that sets their senses on high. Can they figure out what is going on before it is too late?
12. A Winterly Amusement............................................................Dewdrop Fairy
To what extent does the powerful go to get what they want? Does the end justify the means, or is it all just one spoiled brat's playground?
13. Cursed Anonymity..................................................................demolitiondragon
Oh dear. I think I shall make sure that my sister, Tajna, never meets this person. The world would be destroyed soon enough by the weight of their very attitudes. Dare you enter in? Just don't pity the person whose tragedy is given to us. You may not escape with your life.
14. A Dragonlord’s Christmas ........................................................Torn
Friends are friends no matter what walk of life they are from. And, Christmas has a way of making their bond something deeper... even if they are on the naughty list.
15. A Winter Melody ...................................................................Cow Face
The willingness to look beyond what is most evident is something so few people possess nowadays. It's a shame that sometimes, the only ones to see what should be, are the little ones that no one will believe or allow to see.
16. A Tale of Prince Charming.......................................................nolraitru
When is focusing on the what ifs, why nots and I wishes too much to bear? And what if you were given the chance to understand it all? Would you be able to?
17. 'Tis the season to be jolly ......................................................reaper0001
Despite differences, despite clashing opinions, is it possible... in the slightest, that dissension can be overcome and life take on a better meaning?
18. A Winter's Tail .....................................................................Dragonnightwolf
Winter days, winter nights... we see winter all around us, no matter where we live. Some of us have snow, others nothing but the warm sun and maybe a little rain. We know what winter means to us, but interestingly enough, do we ever stop to wonder what it is to everything else on our worlds?
19. Moses' Hannukah .................................................................Alexmacf
Holiday wishes, surprises and secrets... such things are supposed to make those times joyous...part of the allure of the special days that spill out of time. Behind every wish, every surprise lies a truth. Do we wish to know those truths? Or would we like to think that when the lights come down, the candles are stored away, everything will be just wonderful?
20. Siberian March.....................................................................Argeus the Paladin
Sometimes History is interesting. This seems to be a story about people from a place I do not know. But they seem determined men. I am left wondering if they were successful... if they found Nihonnia. I need more research. I shall be consulting my books. Either way, determination and pride are powerful forces, no matter the circumstances.
21. Seeing is Believing.................................................................Feoras ToxArch
Bonds, loves, interests and activities... all things that give us a connection to others. Throughout our lives, our connections define us, give us meaning and direction. How long does it take, for you and I, to live up to those connections that are offered up to us by those we hold close?
22. The Kowl.............................................................................ont
Success, value and self worth come in various forms. What will it feel like when you accomplish your goals? What will it make you?
23. Winter's Storm......................................................................green_girl02
I have no other way to summarise this story but to quote it. "I found that to become wise, one had to be foolish at some point in your life. Those who are not wise are those who choose to not learn from the foolish moments."
24. Snow Angels.........................................................................Eukara Vox
What truly defines a gift? Is it the number on the price tag? Or is it how much effort it took to create it? And how can a child go through pain and yet still survive to love another day?

Discussion Thread

Eukara Vox -> RE: =Library= The "Books" Project (5/20/2010 23:18:15)

Table of Contents

1. Prologue.................................................................................Eukara Vox
Wishes... Luck... What good are such fickle, misleading concepts? Yet, the influx of such stories make me want to know more...
2. The Luckiest Fighter.................................................................Horusmaster9
Can perseverance actually be the cause of good luck, to having your deepest, most sincere wish come true? Does it make it worth your while to spend all your life in pursuit of that one goal?
3. A Mother's Wishes ...................................................................Fleur Du Mal
Is all luck good luck? Is reality worth sacrificing over a few wishes... and can you live with what you think is doled out to you?
4. Wishes We Do Make.................................................................dragonnightwolf
How many wishes have you made on a falling star, a fallen eyelash, a four leaf clover or a good luck charm? Have any of them come true... Do you really and truly want them to come true?
5. Be Careful What You Wish For....................................................oddmanthefirst
If you knew the cost of a wish, would you be inclined to make it?
6. What Do We Gain From Wishing? ................................................shreder110
So... wishes can be good things? After what seemed to be an education in wishes and the trouble they bring, I am now learning that a wish can be a good thing... Perhaps this wish concept needs more delving into. Because after this, I do not know what to think.
7. The Night of the Fallen Star ......................................................Torn
We pay a terrible price for the things we wish. And I see that wishes can be contorted, spun and twisted, only causing further pain, frustration and heartache. If wishes can do such things... why do people insist on making them?
8. A visitor knocking at my door......................................................Eukara Vox and shreder110
I do love when my assistants in this venture check up on me!
9. Married to Luck........................................................................demolitiondragon
I find this poem interesting, and so was its arrival in my library. I think it was lucky to just to make it here, so beat up and forlorn it seemed.
10. Under A Lucky Star? ...............................................................Alexmacf
Oh dear... I think after reading this story, I will remove all references to lucky stars from my memory.
11. Hope ...................................................................................reaper0001
Hope... another version of wish, though with a much more substantial gain. Some wishes are granted, just not in the way you originally hope.
12. The Motivation in My Life .........................................................Imperial
Ahhhh, wishes that take you from the innocent crush to the depth of love. Too bad there isn't a librarian out there sending me this one! Unfortunately, the Universal Trans-Dimensional Library doesn't seem to attract the opposite gender. Oh well.....
13. Luck of the Draw.....................................................................Feoras ToxArch
Aha! A story that discounts Luck and Wishes... though, I hadn't realised that the transference of leadership in Cysero's Defenders had been so... rocky. Looking at the situation, though, what on earth did they think I could do about the Sneevilchaun?
14. "Wishing Well" ........................................................................The Extinguisher
Two perspectives, two choices, two needs, two ways of thinking... all because of a dime.
15. To Court a Princess ................................................................Eukara Vox
Fairytales... so full of Luck and Wishes. This one seems to have both. But I will let you decide for yourself. And yes... that is a dragonfly. You didn't think I could write a fairytale without a dragonfly did you?
16. A Time Traveling Miracle ..........................................................Gianna Glow
If one could use their power and magic to make their own wishes and dreams come true, would it be a good idea to exercise them? Or would Time and Space not forgive them?

Discussion Thread

Eukara Vox -> RE: =Library= The "Books" Project (5/20/2010 23:25:21)

Table of Contents

1. Prologue.................................................................................Eukara Vox
War is declared.
2. The Symphony of War..............................................................Urufuhiken
When the song of sword and melody of cries die after the battle is over, have the victors truly won... or will the present ever know the truth of their actions that day?
3. Black Life, White Death............................................................Crimzon5
The comparison of war and chess, beautifully woven, gives a haunting picture of war.
4. Shadow In Their Eyes..............................................................Cow Face
What goes through the mind of a man who is sentenced to fight, whether by voluntary conditions or not?
5. Poems of Geoto Clan................................................................balubamboto
Geoto Clan... Now, I know I have heard about that some where. I think I must look into a few of my Universal geography books. But... this collection is interesting. It speaks of pride, togetherness, standing as one before the foe. Then switches to a more naturalistic fight, one against mankind. And then ends with a glimpse at how sudden a war or battle can be.
6. The Revolt.............................................................................Red Blizzard
Now this is interesting. A story from an odd time in the universe and time, when the ways of three lives tangle in a mess of alternate timelines. Anyway... I digress. Seems that alliances and sides are taken in a war, and eventually you must decide who is your friend, enemy and person of convenience.
7. Resolution..............................................................................Alexander Shiveran
Through the eyes of a man who gave his life, what his thoughts, feelings and last words would be. May his Queen know his valour.
8. Destructive Thoughts...............................................................The Doctor
War... can have so many results. And if people do not heed what could be, what will be will destroy everything.
9. Schism..................................................................................Red Blizzard
After a battle, the victims are not always the combatants. Perhaps the most devastating losses are those innocents whose world has been destroyed.
10. A Dance of Death..................................................................astro999
In conflict, a delicate balance must always be preserved between caution and valor. It takes a skilled tactician to know how to manipulate that balance- and to do so before hesitation sweeps your cause away.
11. The War of Love...................................................................nolraitru
Which struggles are the hardest to endure? Are they those in which your life is threatened? Or those in which you lose your loved ones?
12. Xenocide.............................................................................Red Blizzard
While one may be able to see one's enemies, can one ever see who they are? War can be blinding: it can close our eyes to the humanity of our adversaries.
13. Total War............................................................................Sheriff Duncan
It can be difficult to find the words with which to describe a battle. It is more difficult still to deal with the emotional shock of watching that battle unfold before your eyes.
14. Wrongly Entombed................................................................Horusmaster9
How can one survive, if even after one pulls through the horrors of a war, one is still trapped in it, mentally?
15. Empty Fields........................................................................Clyde
Whilst on the battlefield, one may ponder on the reasons why and what for. Are we alone in the mutual effort? Or do we grow close to those dying around us?
16. What Gain?..........................................................................Shreder
A different point of view: inside the ranks or an army, yet an outsider, pondering on the pay-off of all the strain and effort.
17. And it Continues...................................................................Eukara Vox & Gianna Glow
Redcaps abound, library in ruins... what's a Librarian to do?
18. Redemption through War........................................................Torn
Where there is death, mortals, and gods, sometimes a simple search for answers is thrown askew.
19. A Wizard's Tale.....................................................................balubamboto
Excerpts from a journal. What this man leaves out scares far more than what was reported.
20. A Pirate’s Ordeal....................................................................horusmaster9
When the time comes... will you have someone by your side to spare you from the coming war?
21. Shattered............................................................................Xirminator
Can we protect our loved ones from tragedy? Does vengeance ever bring fulfillment? Can the hand of fate ever be held back?
22. Turning the Tides of War........................................................superjars
Fighting one's friends is a perilous battle. But when one is betrayed, is there any other choice?
23. The News............................................................................Fleur Du Mal
When families are torn apart, children sometimes mature earlier than they would otherwise need. But, there is always a void left behind...
24. The Unidentified Sword.........................................................Sw33t0rdi3
How does one take done a bad guy? Sometimes, you need the help of the unusual.
25. War....................................................................................FC
The last entry by a king who can't seem to get away from war.
26. Rise of the Magi..................................................................Baronpraxis350
You train... you have hopes... so what happens when it is in vain?
27. Revolutionary Struggles........................................................The Extinguisher
Why is it that things start good and end bad?
28. Call to Arms.........................................................................Reaper0001
Can one hide from the war? Can one declare that the war does not apply to this or that village when those who are in power move their armies over the lands?
29. Plague of War.......................................................................Ilø¤IMPERIAL¤ølI
There are many things foul that follow in the wake of war...
30. CodeCode Talker..................................................................alexmacf
It can be hard to think past the masses when in war. And while the goals of those who serve their country may be the same, their backgrounds, stories, and who they are, are always unique and need to be told.
31. Guns, Poison and Fun..................................................................Goldstein
When a war goes on so long it becomes monotonous, the little aspects of everyday life are what makes all the difference.
32. The Laws and Customs of War..................................................................xplayer
Wars put lives in balance, even those of friends. When a man's childhood friend is in danger, what will he do?
33. Visions of Tragedy..................................................................superjars
Going back after the battle has ended, a man searches for answers. Will he find what he's looking for?
34. Transforming the Battlefront.................................................Frenetic Raptor
It takes courage to fight the impossible, but it takes even more to trust.
35. Untitled..................................................................Timhortanz
A poetic take on the real and sad horrors of war.
36. Why War is Necessary for Heroes in Adventures.........................Ultrapowerpie
A comedic look at why wars are needed for heroes to exist without growing bored.
37. A Loyal Treachery..................................................................demolitiondragon
Once a traitor, always a traitor? Or is there hope yet?
38. Tales of the Scales..................................................................Dragonnightwolf
A musical narrative weaving a tale of dragons, armies, a thief turned hero, and death.
39. The Lion and the Unicorn..................................................................Eukara Vox
The emblems of two countries agree to fight out the ending of the battle to stop a war, a few come to realize what is wrong with the war to begin with.
40. The Bond of Brothers..................................................................Feoras Toxarch
A battle can rage on as long as there is a memory for it to rest in. Even decades later, son instead of father, battles must be fought and won.
41. It is done.....................................................................Eukara Vox and Gianna Glow
The final showdown between the irate Gianna and Gorse.

Discussion Thread

Eukara Vox -> RE: =Library= The "Books" Project (7/1/2010 1:31:24)

The Book of Tides
Table of Contents

1. Prologue...................................................................................Eukara Vox and Alexander Shiveran
A friend drops by as Eukara Vox begins to ready for a new influx of stories that seem to be centered around the sea. But, does having a friend stop by make things harder?
2. Forgot the Sunscreen.................................................................Jadugarr
My, my... The things people do. I have to say, this was an eye-opener. If this is the first story, and it is about this kind of work... what will the rest of the stories be like? And... was that a change in the end? And on what world was this story from. Personal note... avoid...
3. A Life of the Sea........................................................................Shreder
A small glimpse into the life of a man who loved wine dark sea. Will Eukara Vox one day feel this way about the library?
4. Aquatic thoughts........................................................................balubamboto
Ah, the sea... place of wonder, beauty and livelihood. It is hard to imagine having to depend on it for everything.
5. Water Dancer............................................................................Red Blizzard
Life gives rise to death, death gives life... such a harsh lesson to learn. What world is this, where man has already come far enough to destroy what they don't know they have?
6. Weeping of the Sea....................................................................Tajna Vox
Going home... for most it is a wonderful thing. For Eukara Vox's sister, it is another entirely.
7. Nopris Isle................................................................................Torn
Giving into to the sea may be the only exchange for a friend's life.
8. Where in the universe................................................................Hallie Slidepath and Eukara Vox
A wish granted leads to a chance encounter. A raging storm unites two unlikely people and who knows where it may lead from there.
9. The Pool of Dreams...................................................................Alexander Shiveran
A man's quest to reach the object of his desire. Who will he meet along the way and what obstacles will he have to overcome?
10. Requiem at sea.......................................................................balubamboto
The devotion of a young woman to her first love, the sea. But what happens when she loses that love?
11. The Sea's Whisper..................................................................Eukara Vox
Same story, different eyes. Eukara's thoughts on that fateful night.
12. Wax and Wane, Rise and Fall ..................................................superjars
Battles are often unseen, yet affect the whole world.
13. White Washed........................................................................Sheriff Duncan
Adventures can be found in places great and small. Can you see where this one is found?
14. A Letter To Ms. Vox..................................................................Goldstein
Letters are interesting and give first hand accounts to what goes on. This was a saddening account, but luckily, with some research, I learned what happened next.
15. Feline Fancy...........................................................................Alexander Shiveran
Alex must really love Slash. There is just something about your familiar that makes you fill with joy. And then everything you write, ends up being about that creature.
16. Send Me a Song....................................................................Master Samak
Love... will drive us to do anything and everything in order to be with our beloved.
17. My Only Solace......................................................................Sirlinias Maarlan
The sharing of a mind, a life, and a memory. Is it enough to make the next stand a conquest?
18. Promises Given, Promises Broken.............................................Tiriel
Love... how the sea takes it away from us...
19. A Reaper Treasure Hunt!........................................................Ultrapowerpie
Dungeon Master... Narrator... godmodding?! What in the worlds?
20. A Singular Red Line................................................................Fleur Du Mal and Kristallo
Deals, promises and temptations...
21. A Summer Day.......................................................................jiggibidy
Just another summer day....
22. A Bottle of Memories...............................................................Versilaryan
From one hand to another.
23. Groundwater Planet: A Curious Place.........................................Xplayer1
Truth is sometimes stranger than fiction...
24. Mary Anne..............................................................................Dragonnightwolf
Never touch the jewel... NEVER, for heaven's sake, touch the jewel.
25. Fish Out of Water....................................................................Clyde
Return that which is given with a happy heart.
26. Untitled...................................................................................Alexmacf
What better way to end, than the end. The layers to this one are astounding.
27. The Sigh of all Sighs.................................................................The L&L Archnights, especially Master Samak
So... where is our Master Librarian and how did she manage this?

Discussion thread

Eukara Vox -> RE: =Library= The "Books" Project (8/19/2010 2:15:39)

Book of Sci-Fi
Table of Contents

1. Returning Home...............................................................................Eukara Vox, Hallie Slidepath, and Superjars
Where is Eukara Vox? While her assistants plot and wonder, she is trying to get home. But just where is she going...
2. Last Rites............................................................................................Alex Shiveran
The battle to survive comes at many costs. Throw in there an alien race bent on your servitude and destruction, sometimes our options are very limited.
3. Reflections of the City.................................................................Cow Face
A mysterious object. Days of wonder and then...
4. Deus Ex Machina.............................................................................Red Blizzard
Extended life brings us so much hope...
5. Before Noon ......................................................................................Verlyrus
This will make you blink twice... maybe thrice...
6. Two Poems ........................................................................................balubamboto
Ah, two sides to every story. Which is the better?
7. Legs........................................................................................................Red Blizzard
War is war, no matter where you are, who you are, or how well you are modified by science.
8. Purpose and Design .....................................................................Eukara Vox
...Wait, what? That can't be... can it?
9. Graduating Class of 3025 .........................................................alexmacf
Every story has two perspectives, two needs, two wishes.
10. And through the woods we go... .............................................superjars, Master Samak, FleurDuMal, Eukara Vox
Where the heck are they?
11. Why Technology is Clearly Superior to Magic.................ultrapowerpie
Any scientific experiment of any value should be repeatable and unbiased. Like this is. Right? Unbiased and repeatable, unbiased and...
12. Close Encounters.........................................................................superjars
Are your eyes where they belong?
13. The Right Way ................................................................................BadHulk
What if... our "what ifs" came true?
14. Olằsa ...................................................................................................Torn
Things are not always as they appear. Evil secrets can lie in the most innocent of places.
15. Death..................................................................................................Khimera
The trickery of Death pervades even other worlds yet explored.
16. The Gathering.................................................................................superjars, Gianna Glow, Cow Face, Shreder
Old friends reunite, but will they ever get home?
17. Space Dock......................................................................................Dragonnightwolf
Even the most commonplace of creatures may have unforeseen qualities...
18. Lost in the horizon.......................................................................10inchjedi
If you knew that your end was approaching, what would you say?
19. Life of a Temporary Variable...................................................Versilaryan
Is love an exclusively human creation? Or can it prove true in many species' parameters?
20. Runes and Ruins..........................................................................Drakyloid
Some civilizations never die: their ghosts still cry out today.
21. Exceeding Expectations.............................................................Wildroses
Sometimes, being yourself isn't easy.
22. The Quiet among Cats................................................................Dragonnightwolf
Huge cat plus aliens... equals final peace.
23. Attempt Number 87......................................................................superjars
Even the best technology still doesn't get the job done.
24. Epilogue: Her Own Personal Nightmare.............................Eukara Vox
What happens when Eukara Vox and her assistants encounter a ship... that has a mind of its own?

Discussion Thread

Eukara Vox -> RE: =Library= The "Books" Project (10/14/2010 11:46:21)

Book of Darkness

1. Prologue..........................................................................Master Samak
Nightmare... and the past...
2. A Heart of Darkness .........................................................Tiriel
The darkness inside people, oh how it can destroy even the best things.

3. Time of Darkness..............................................................Drakyloid
What is night?
4. Darkwing..........................................................................Reaper0001
The hunt... will take your soul.

5. The NecrOMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOMicron.......................ultrapowerpie
Which is scarier, a book that brings dead things to life, or one that eats you?
6. Doll House........................................................................Red Blizzard
The next trip to the department store may have you thinking twice...

7. Entry 58...........................................................................Cow Face
Being different means a darkness we can't escape.
8. I am one who thrives in darkness.......................................Shreder
Beautiful picture of darkness from the eyes of one who thrives in it.

9. Roomies..........................................................................monstermike9000
Which is better... red heads or raven haired girls?
10. Alone in the Dark ...........................................................Torn
Things that shouldn't be and lost again.

11. The Darkness Within.......................................................Alexmacf
How do you get away? How do you protect the ones you love?
12. Between the Shadows and the Soul .................................Alex Shiveran
Horrors come and go, but their affect and intent will live with us forever. What is sanity...

13. Sounds in the Dark..........................................................superjars
Nothing... but darkness. Who would you rather be with?
14. Intermission: Falls..........................................................superjars
The return home isn't exactly peaches and roses... and can redemption, after this, be possible?

15. The Lone One .................................................................Mordred
Just merely existing has its tug of war on the soul and mind.
16. Shadows of the Heart .....................................................Jerenda
What does one do after watching the end of everything begin?

17. Letters to No One ...........................................................Clyde
Sometimes, darkness is a state of being... being where you don't belong.
18. Solitude .........................................................................Micosil
How can light keep away the darkness, for in the end...

19. Pomegranate Seeds ........................................................Wildroses
Ever wonder what Greek myth was like in an alternative universe? How about Persephone...
20. Dream Doll.......................................................................Eukara Vox
Warning: Morbid. Be careful what you desire to be.

21. Darkness is (not) Your Friend............................................Xplayer1
Could you stand being the one without blessing?
22. Me, Myself and I...............................................................balubamboto
When it all comes down on you, do you take that last step?

23. Nightmares......................................................................Dragonnightwolf
Darkness only gets to come out once, and for a brief time.
24. A Dark beginning..............................................................Demolitiondragon
Attacks, caves, mysterious fighting...

25. Werewolves.....................................................................Dragonnightwolf
Too many secrets in one small town.
26. Dark Signs........................................................................Superjars
The power of one particular emotion, and then the absence of it cuts deep.

27. Epilogue - Visiting Darkness...............................................Eukara Vox
Vengeance, pain and anger lead you to very dark places, to hurt those you once loved.

Discussion Thread

Eukara Vox -> RE: =Library= The "Books" Project (12/6/2010 20:45:20)

Book of Joy

1. Introduction - In the Absence of Joy...............................................................Eukara Vox
With their mistress depressed and heaps of books decomposing on the floor, the assistants do not feel particularly joyous...
2. Joy-full........................................................................................................Superjars
Choose Joy, Choose Life
3. No more shall I wander.................................................................................Cow Face
Oh but for that chance at joy, a man would pull himself across misery.
4. Lessons in Comfort.......................................................................................Xplayer1
Even in the midst of what seems futility, there is a heart that carries joy.
5. The Joy of Nomming....................................................................................ultrapowerpie
The attempt at describing and explaining nomming... and the apparent joy in said actions... *shakes head*
6. Misconceptions.............................................................................................Shreder
How much of the time is Joy only for ourselves?
7. Once upon a time on a beautiful day..............................................................Ilø¤IMPERIAL¤ølI
Can Joy really be just about living?
8. The Crashing of Frostval...............................................................................Eukara Vox
Enter Talvan... and snow, and lights and her unbound energy...
9. I Need to Know............................................................................................The Doctor
The Joy in just knowing is all one needs sometimes.
10. Letters to Mother........................................................................................Xplayer1
Our hearts will always take us where our joy is most complete. Whether we share that joy is up to us.
11. Intermission: Reprimand and Recovery.........................................................Eukara Vox and Alex Shiveran
Sometimes, to see joy, one must be reminded of our own fallibility, humanity and affection.
12. An Occurrence of Joy..................................................................................Storm
A birth of a most welcome nature.
13. The Right Path............................................................................................Superjars
The Journey to Joy takes many forms. Some, harder and more emotionally ridden than others.
14. A Tail to Tell...............................................................................................Dragonnightwolf
One person's joy can be one very strange tail...
15. Joyous End & The Falling of an Angel............................................................The Doctor
A collision of ideals, of Joy or finding reality.
16. Nemesis.....................................................................................................Wildroses
Ah, what can fill a necromancer with joy? Read and find out.
17. Reunion......................................................................................................Torn
Are all reunions joyful?
18. Master of Puppets & First-class Declaration....................................................The Doctor
Memories and second chances, perhaps a hint of joy, and going for what you think is the best.
19. Light...........................................................................................................reaper0001
There is light at the end of the tunnel. And with it, a glimpse of joy.
20. Happy Happy Joy Joy....................................................................................Balu
Doing for others is quite possibly the best kind of Joy.
21. Ghost of Joy................................................................................................Fleur Du Mal
Sometimes, when Joy seems lost, one reminder is all it takes to remember the Joy
22. Joyful.........................................................................................................The Doctor
Evaluating a life and knowing now and then is something great.
23. And the Angels Shall Sing............................................................................Eukara Vox
Joy of Serving leads to a Mother's Joy
24. Snapshots..................................................................................................Clyde and Eukara Vox
Memories are a source of Joy
25. Epilogue: Joy in Companionship....................................................................Eukara Vox
Companionship is worth everything

Discussion Thread

Eukara Vox -> RE: =Library= The "Books" Project (2/13/2011 1:07:10)

Book of Companionship
Table of Contents

1. Prologue: That Day.............................................................................................................Eukara Vox
Anyone know what Eukara Vox doesn't look forward to?
2. Presence................................................................................................................................superjars
Rough times have no chance when friends are around.
3. .lynx.......................................................................................................................................The_Doctor
Comfort lies in the promises we make to one another.
4. Forbidden Love...................................................................................................................Smalls
Is there anything we won't do for the love of another?
5. Initiation...............................................................................................................................Alexander Shiveran
Our bonds with others often pull us into doing things we don't want to.
6. Amour Interdit.....................................................................................................................Torn
Love and time can cover all forms of mistakes.
7. Grave Gifts...........................................................................................................................Wildroses
A simple reminder of how best to celebrate the passing of those we love.
8. An Intermission..................................................................................................................superjars
Find out a little more about one of Eukara's beloved staff.
9. Betrayal.................................................................................................................................reaper0001
At times there are bonds that run deeper than friendship...
10. the truth about friends.....................................................................................................superjars
funny how experiences from real life make the most powerful of stories...
11. Choices..............................................................................................................................Alexander Shiveran
Making the hard choice often comes with the best reward.
12. Finding Companionship..................................................................................................Shreder
Sometimes it finds you.
13. Emilia..................................................................................................................................alexmacf
Love will drive us to do almost everything.
14. Lessons in Magic.............................................................................................................Gianna Glow
Siblings can be among the best of companions.
15. Fall of Concrete Gardens.................................................................................................Cow Face
When all human companionship is gone, we still find companionship somewhere.
16. The Sky Collapsed............................................................................................................Supertails
The perfection of companionship, told in poetic form.
17. Real.....................................................................................................................................Eukara Vox
Reality sometimes has a way of pulling people into relationships they never thought possible.
18. Epilogue: And understanding and Absence of Understanding ..............................Eukara Vox
Sometimes, understanding another is more frustrating than it is worth. And then, just when you are about to cross a thresh hold of understanding. Boom, something happens.

Discussion Thread

Eukara Vox -> RE: =Library= The "Books" Project (4/1/2011 0:55:53)

Book of Mystery
Table of Contents

1. The Introduction of Red Herrings..........................................................................................superjars
What did we land in? An episode of Scooby Doo?
2. To Fear a Dare.......................................................................................................................Mritha
Who knows what lurks in supposedly haunted houses...
3. Incandescence...................................................................................................................superjars
The greatest of mysteries is what comes next.
4. Awakening of a New Life....................................................................................................San Robin
Waking up in a strange place with no idea what's happened? How mysterious!
5. A Mystery of Pie...........................................................................................................Ultrapowerpie
Who stole my tarts *cough* pie!
6. The True Name of a Nemesis................................................................................................wildroses
Love affairs and secret identities abound!
7. The Dogs of Darkness Prologue: Client X......................................................................Dragonnightwolf
Can you figure it out before you reach the end?
8. Conclusions?......................................................................................................................superjars
What if the ending just leaves you with more questions?
Discussion Thread

1. The Introduction of Red Herrings..........................................................................................superjars

Eukara Vox -> RE: =Library= The "Books" Project (6/30/2011 10:24:22)

Book of The Rift
Table of Contents

1. New Life...........................................................................................................Eukara Vox and Mritha Fallen
The last few months have been hard. Pain, trauma, fear, attacks, mysteries and then the loss of one of their own. Can anything help heal this group?
2. Prologue.........................................................................................................Eukara Vox, Superjars and Mritha Fallen
In the beginning... was what never should have been, what never should be. And the means to get it never spoken of...
3. What Pain May Come...............................................................................Legacy of Slepna
The Plains of Ragnovyrr are not immune to the effects of the Rift. Neither are they immune to everyday problems of those fighting.
4. The Fell Copse.............................................................................................Cephalotus

5. Godspeed My Friends..............................................................................Order of the Blood Moon

Useful Links:
Work thread
Book of the Rift Commentary

Eukara Vox -> RE: =Library= The "Books" Project (9/5/2011 21:50:16)

Book of Piracy

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