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RE: CH4OT1C!'s Suggestion Bank

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8/11/2021 8:36:45   

A great idea from No Longer IP banned that I simply had to turn into a full boss fight. I can't believe this pun hasn't yet been used in AQ...


Level: 150
Power: 3

Location: The void. A scaled-back version could also be added to RA
Monster lean: Offensive (*1.5 intake/output)
Element: Earth

Fire: 100%
Water: 100%
Wind: 100%
Ice: 100%
Earth: 100%
Energy: 100%
Light: 100%
Darkness: 100%

M/R/M = 57 each (that of a standard frogzard at level 150).

Stat Distribution:
STR: 0
DEX: 0
END: 0
INT: 275
CHA: 225
LUK: 250

- WiZard has the standard boss boost, as well as "Transmogrification Immunity" (The monster is immune to shapeshift status effects)
- WiZard is guaranteed to strike first (not sure the easiest way to do this. Perhaps just +1000 Initiative?).
- Any status effects applies to the WiZard that fall under the "Freedom" immunity, as well as any statuses that reduce stats, will be immediately transferred to the player at the start of the Monster's turn*

The WiZards casts a spell to transfer all limitations to its mobility onto you!

- In its first turn, the boss will spend 40 HP to summon two “Lilliputian Zard Sorcerer Armies”*. The fight is treated as if the WiZard and these armies were a pack monster. You can choose to attack either one of the armies or the WiZard itself. Each army has 20HP. However, much like the Diamond Dog boss, you can only damage an army by 1 HP per hit (or 2 HP with crits). This means, barring critical hits, each sorcerer army requires 20 hits to be killed. If you try to attack the WiZard whilst a sorcerer army still lives, it will take the hit instead**. If a sorcerer army dies, any overflow damage is directed to another existing army, and then the WiZard.

* The WiZard splits and shapes part of its own life force to create two tiny Zard armies!
**A tiny zard shields the WiZard from harm!

- If no sorcerer armies are present, the WiZard will spend its turn and some MP to i). Create a barrier* and ii). Gain a elemental shield (*0.25 damage to all elements). If it lacks the sufficient MP, the WiZard will instead spend its turn just creating a barrier. On its next turn, it will then spend 40 HP (if it has sufficient reserves) to create two new Sorcerer armies. It can do this a maximum of three times total.

*The WiZard casts a defensive spell, creating a barrier to shield it from harm!

- If sorcerer armies are present and the Monster has sufficient MP, it will spend it to cast an earth spell (looks a bit like nature’s reclamation). The spell applies a stackable, permanent 110% elemental vulnerability to earth damage. On its first use, this spell will also permanently disable misc items from being used*.

*The WiZard's spell nullifies the effects of your misc items!

- If it lacks sufficient MP, the boss will use a standard earth attack that regenerates MP based on the damage done
- Each army attacks with 3 hits of earth element damage, modified by *[Current HP]/20 (i.e. each one of your hits will reduce the army’s damage by 5-10%).

- The scaled back version in RA could remove the zard armies, barrier and elemental shield. Instead, it could just have the damage spell and standard attack that regenerates MP

Apperance: This and this
Description: Huge, strong and dumb as a rock? Maybe the latter does not apply to this one as it seems to be practicing magic... Either that or it has a curious fashion sense.
This monster was first discovered by "No longer IP banned".

< Message edited by CH4OT1C! -- 8/11/2021 11:20:14 >
AQ  Post #: 176
8/12/2021 13:31:13   

This suggestion, inspired by my theory that Bacon is the one true element, has been dedicated to AQ’s head writer @Cray

Primordial Magic: Element Bacon
MC Neutral spell. Damage is based on the average of all of your foe’s standard elemental resistances combined into a non-elemental hit. The mastercraft is spent on additional damage

Example Tier:
Level: 150 Mastercraft
PowerLvl: 153
MpLevel: 152

Price: 24,205,166
Sellback: 12,102,583
Location: LTS
hits: 1
Element: Neutral
Cost: 653 MP

  • This spell deals prismatic (Bacon) damage - the attack is 8 hits of damage, one for each of the standard elements, condensed into a single non-elemental hit. Represented by the white ? icon as in Prismatic burn damage
  • Damage depends on all of your foe's elemental resistances, so the spell gains the standard *132/109 bonus
  • MC Effect: If the mean of your foe's standard elemental resistances is below 74%, the attack will instead deal harm damage. MC is spent on reducing the downtrigger

    Appearance: I’m somewhat open to ideas with this spell, though large quantities of bacon definitely need to be involved.
    Description: The Loremasters of old once said that the implication of their being such a thing as too much bacon was mathematically and philosophically unsound. This spell was developed by CH4OT1C! to prove it.

    < Message edited by CH4OT1C! -- 7/10/2023 7:10:35 >
  • AQ  Post #: 177
    8/12/2021 13:45:56   
    And Pun-isher


    There is no such thing as:

    a) Excessive quantities of bacon.
    b) A bacon element.

    The implication that there is such a thing as too much bacon is mathematically and philosophically unsound. To attempt to pass it as an element is similarly only going to result in me intercepting and eating it.
    Post #: 178
    8/12/2021 14:16:50   

    You're absolutely right, we can never have too much bacon. I've edited the post to correct this travesty.
    Bacon is still an element though
    AQ  Post #: 179
    8/12/2021 17:08:07   

    Isn't Bacon the Void element? At least, that's what it appears to be in Greater Spellcraft. I think that's the only reference of Bacon in AQ. The Void is a completely different element from Bacon in DF, so if that's what you're going for, this could work even if it's complete heresy to go against the word of Cray.
    Post #: 180
    8/12/2021 17:19:51   

    @RobynJoanne: This is a long-running joke among myself and multiple other AQ players. All I've done is turn it into an amusing suggestion that could potentially work in terms of a mechanic. To answer your question directly - no, Bacon isn't void (as in the spellcraft spell) and it's also not the Bacon as we see it in DF. @Cray is obviously in charge of the lore here.
    Won't stop me from trying to commit heresy though...

    < Message edited by CH4OT1C! -- 8/12/2021 17:20:21 >
    AQ  Post #: 181
    8/12/2021 17:27:26   

    Ahh. I really should get up-to-date with all the references players make, or I'll continue to embarrass myself like this. Well, I'll add to the conversation by stating that since there is no such thing as too much bacon, the spell should have a chance to do a global heal. We all can partake in the pleasures of bacon, humans and monsters alike.
    Post #: 182
    8/16/2021 13:53:02   

    @progseeks requested that I create a bacon boss to go with my bacon spell, so...

    Bacon Dragon

    Level: 150
    Power: 3

    Location: The void.
    Monster lean: Offensive (*1.5 intake/output)
    Element: Neutral (White ?)

    Fire: 80%
    Water: 80%
    Wind: 80%
    Ice: 80%
    Earth: 80%
    Energy: 80%
    Light: 80%
    Darkness: 80%

    M/R/M = 66 each (A standard dragon at level 150)

    Stat Distribution:
    STR: 0
    DEX: 0
    END: 250
    INT: 275 (because bacon is magical!)
    CHA: 0
    LUK: 225

    - This monster’s attacks deal damage modified by the mean of your elemental resistances [ ([Fire Resist] + [Water Resist]… + [Dark Resist])/8 ], condensed into a non-elemental (white ?) hit. This receives the appropriate damage penalties
    - The boss has the standard boss boost and soft damage cap status effects (~200 damage, 0.25 clawback)
    - This boss starts out without an immunity to any status condition. However, if the dragon fails to attack on any two consecutive opportunities, it will remove all negative status effects and gain “Status Immunity” at the start of its next turn. This status immunity lasts for the rest of the battle and celerity also counts towards this effect. Please also note that the dragon will also remove any additional tags applied to the boss during the battle (e.g. chaorruption, undead, demon etc.).
    - If the boss has enough MP, it will spend it on a quickcast effect to apply a new form of Backlash to itself for 1 turn*. This applies a neutral (white ?) burn that increases depending on the number of hits that made contact. The player can resist using a following save:

    MonsterLvl vs PlayerLvl
    Major: MonsterINT vs PlayerEND
    Minor: MonsterLUK vs PlayerLUK

    *The description for this effect, called “Bacon Grease”, reads: “Target is covered in boiling bacon grease, burning any individual that makes contact”

    - If the Dragon has enough SP, it will spend it to cover the battlefield with large quantities of bacon and bacon grease. This heals the boss’ MP (any overflow is redirected to HP), but also applies two status effects to the player:
    i). Frenzy*: This effect functions similarly to berserk. However, instead of it reducing your accuracy, it instead applies a form of elemental vulnerability. The status lasts for 4 turns
    ii). Physical Stress*: This functions as a renamed form of Fragile** and is permanent.

    *The irresistible bacon drives you into a frenzy!
    *Consuming large quantities of bacon has taken a toll on your body

    - During your turn, you can click the boss to simultaneously deal some damage and heal the player (Note that this is a quickcast effect). This does not trigger the backlash ability and bypasses the dragon’s damage cap. You can do this up to twice for free. However, if you attempt it for a third time, the boss will bite back and instantly kill the player*

    *The Bacon Dragon decides to see if YOU also taste like bacon!

    Apperance: A Dragon made of bacon!
    Description: First discovered by progseeks and slain by CH4OT1C!, Bacon Dragons are incredibly rare (and valuable) creatures due to their exquisite taste. Constant pressure from hunting has made them extremely hostile to all other forms of life, especially young adventurers that are looking to make a quick buck. This one seems to have made its way into the void, and looks about as angry as it does delicious!

    < Message edited by CH4OT1C! -- 8/16/2021 13:55:47 >
    AQ  Post #: 183
    8/29/2021 7:58:58   

    This one is for you @AnimAnimalKing and @Cupquake!

    Bacon Sword/Spear/Staff
    MC Neutral Sword/Spear/Staff (Three separate weapons). Damage is modified by the mean of your foe’s elemental resistances. Has two modes: Damage mode, which where MC fuels a trigger effect for individuals with prismatic burns, and Status mode, where MC and compensation are used to apply a prismatic burn.

    Example Tier
    Level: 150
    Powerlvl: 153

    Price: 24,205,166
    Sellback: 12,102,583

    Location: LTS. Possibly a reward for beating the bacon dragon void boss?
    Damage: 0 bth lean for Sword/Staff. Spear is +3bth lean (*85/88 damage)
    Type: Melee/Ranged/Magic (depending on item)
    Element: Neutral

    - No-proc, so *1.08 damage.
    - The weapon deals damage according to the mean of your foe’s elemental resistances, calculated as ([Fire Resist] + [Water Resist]… + [Dark Resist])/8. This is represented using the neutral element icon (White ?). For compensation, see below
    - The weapon has two modes: Damage and Status. In Damage mode, the weapon deals *132/109 damage (due to the mean element effect). The MC is used to gain a damage bonus (+7.5%) to foes inflicted with prismatic burns.
    - In status mode, the weapon uses its compensation, MC and 10% weapon damage to fuel a Prismatic Burn (2 round duration). Potency is multiplied by 0.75 for the magic weapon. Your foe can save at a +0 bonus*:

    Level: PwrLvl vs MonsterLvl
    Major: PlayerSTR/DEX/INT vs MonsterEND
    Minor: PlayerLUK vs MonsterLUK

    The potency of the burn is modified by the amount of damage the player deals (deeper wounds should inflict more severe bacon burns!). As such, the potency is multiplied by [Damage]/[Expected Melee Attack]. For modifiers above 1, an exponent of ^0.6 is applied to prevent potencies becoming ridiculous.

    *The hot bacon grease leaves your foe burned!
    Your foe manages to avoid being burned by the hot bacon grease!

    Appearance: A sword, spear and staff made out of bacon…
    Description: Weapons made of bacon don’t have a high level of structural integrity. However, they do come with a lot of hot grease, which is exceptionally good at burning your foes!

    < Message edited by CH4OT1C! -- 8/29/2021 7:59:33 >
    AQ  Post #: 184
    9/25/2021 16:44:03   

    Arashi, Great Dragon of the Skies

    Level: 150
    Power: 5

    Location: The void/Gauntlet
    Monster lean: MRM lean. Monster Intakes *2 damage but has higher MRM to compensate
    Element: Wind

    Fire: 110%
    Water: 50%
    Wind: 0%
    Ice: 50%
    Earth: 200%
    Energy: 0%
    Light: 90%
    Darkness: 110%
    Void: 100%

    M/R/M: Melee/Ranged focused

    Stat Distribution:
    STR: 275
    DEX: 275
    END: 0
    INT: 0
    CHA: 0
    LUK: 225

  • This monster has Freedom and Form shift immunity
  • This monster possesses a permanent Defence Boost status (+40 MRM), directly paid for out of monster PowerLvl. This is renamed to “Wall of Wind”
  • This monster is tagged as “Flying”. This tag now grants resistance (*0.5) to all attacks aligned to Earth, but also increases those aligned to Wind (*1.5)
  • If you aren’t inflicted with “Overloaded”, this monster will use an Energy element attack that deals reduced damage to attempt to inflict you with “Overloaded” (4 Turns). You can resist this at a -20 Save*:

    MonsterLvl vs PlayerLvl
    Major: MonsterSTR vs PlayerEND
    Minor: MonsterLUK vs PlayerLUK

    The “Overloaded” status prevents the player from gaining any positive statuses (So no celerity, elemental empowerment, MRM boost, Status Stat boosts, Backlash etc. This doesn’t apply to armour leans). It also halves player SP regeneration.

    *The surging energy overloads you, preventing you from gaining positive statuses!
    You endure the intense energy surge!

  • If it has enough SP, it will spend it on a skill that deals Wind damage and temporarily tag you as “Flying”. Note that this also makes you immune to Earth element Attacks and Weak to Wind.
  • Its regular attack deals either Energy or Wind damage (depending on which element you are weaker to). This respects the “Flying” tag. If you are tagged as “Flying”, it will consume that status to deal additional damage

    Apperance: A winged version of this
    Description: Spirits sing of a Great Dragon that rules over the heavens. Dare you stand against it in battle?

    < Message edited by CH4OT1C! -- 11/20/2023 18:55:11 >
  • AQ  Post #: 185
    10/2/2021 14:27:05   

    This is the second of three Great Dragons that I've been designing as a challenge gauntlet that players would have to face without healing. Players would first face this boss, then the Arashi boss that I posted last week. The final boss will be posted next week...

    Kiretsu, Great Dragon of the Land

    Level: 150
    Power: 5

    Location: The void/Gauntlet
    Monster lean: Anti-MRM lean. Monster has reduced MRM, but intakes *0.5 damage to compensate
    Element: Earth

    Fire: 50%
    Water: 90%
    Wind: 200%
    Ice: 110%
    Earth: 0%
    Energy: 50%
    Light: 110%
    Darkness: 0%
    Void: 100%

    M/R/M: Melee/Ranged focused

    Stat Distribution:
    STR: 275
    DEX: 0
    END: 275
    INT: 0
    CHA: 0
    LUK: 225


    - This monster has a permanent Soft damage cap (Cap: ~100 damage, Clawback: ~0.25). It also has permanent Regeneration, paid for directly out of monster level. This is renamed to “Blessing of the Land”. The boss also has form shift immunity.
    - This monster can pay HP to shake off any fear or paralysis effect afflicting it
    - This monster is tagged as “Rooted”. This tag now grants resistance (*0.5) to all attacks aligned to Wind, but increases those aligned to Earth (*1.5).
    - If it has enough SP, it will spend it on a skill that deals earth damage and permanently inflicts you with a new form of Fragile, renamed to “Land’s Wrath” (-10 per use, 9999 turns). This reduces the maximum capacity of your HP, MP and SP bars simultaneously and cannot be resisted. The attack also roots you to the ground for 3 turns (Tags you as “Rooted”), which can be resisted at a -20 Save*:

    MonsterLvl vs PlayerLvl
    Major: MonsterSTR vs PlayerDEX
    Minor: MonsterLUK vs PlayerLUK

    *You are rooted to the ground by your foe’s attack!
    You deftly avoid being rooted to the ground by the attack!

    - If your miscs aren’t disabled, this monster will use a Dark Element Attack that will disable your miscs (4 turns. Note that this also removes the ability to access potions). You can resist this at a -20 bonus (same save as above*):

    *The attack prevents you from accessing your misc items!
    You deftly avoid the worst of the attack!

    - Its regular attack deals Earth or Darkness damage (depending on which element you are weaker to). This respects the “Rooted” tag. If you are tagged as “Rooted”, it will consume that status to deal additional damage.

    Apperance: Something similar to this
    Description: Voices from the depths whisper of a Great Dragon that holds dominion over the ground beneath your very feet. Dare you face it in battle?

    < Message edited by CH4OT1C! -- 1/29/2022 19:18:02 >
    AQ  Post #: 186
    10/9/2021 8:37:22   

    This is the third and final Great Dragon designed as part of a challenge gauntlet that players would face without healing. This is the last boss that the player would face. Rewards coming soon...

    Tencho, Great Dragon of the Sun

    Level: 150
    Power: 5

    Location: The void/Gauntlet
    Monster lean: 5. It deals *5 damage and intakes the same amount
    Element: Light

    Fire: 0%
    Water: 110%
    Wind: 90%
    Ice: 110%
    Earth: 90%
    Energy: 50%
    Light: 0%
    Darkness: 200%
    Void: 100%

    M/R/M: Even Spread

    Stat Distribution:
    STR: 0
    DEX: 0
    END: 225
    INT: 275
    CHA: 0
    LUK: 275

    - This monster is tagged as “Purified”, which grants resistance (*0.5) to all attacks aligned to Darkness, but increases those aligned to Light (*1.5). The boss also has form shift immunity.
    - This monster also has a permanent status which grant immunity to all negative status conditions, as well as Status Resistance +200 (so no backlash shenanigans). This is paid for directly out of monster power and is renamed to “Unblemished Spirit”.
    - If this monster has enough HP, it will spend it to:

    i). Increase the damage of its attacks
    ii). Automatically shatter any “shield” status applied to the player ( Mana Shield, Chi Shield, Element Shield. This does not include defence/MRM boosting effects). If any of these statuses are removed, you take further additional damage.

    - All attacks increase in damage and accuracy relative to the damage it received this turn.
    - If you equip a misc at any point during a turn, its damage with increase by 50% for that round. If you have a misc active at the end of your turn, regardless of whether it was equipped, it counts as a misc being used. This includes quickcast miscs and the boost can stack additively.
    - If it has enough SP, it will spend it on a skill to deal light damage and heal its MP (~50/50 split. If it has >70% MP remaining, you receive full damage instead). This attack will apply the “Purified” tag (discussed above) to you, resisted at a -20 Save*:

    MonsterLvl vs PlayerLvl
    Major: MonsterINT vs PlayerEND
    Minor: MonsterLUK vs PlayerLUK

    *Radiant light purges you of darkness!
    You manage to endure the massive blast of light!

    - If it has enough MP, it will spend it to unleash a charged light attack which seeks between Light, Fire and Neutral damage.
    - Its regular attack deals Light or Fire damage (depending on which element you are weaker to. This respects the “Purified” tag). If you are tagged as “Purified”, it will consume that status to deal additional damage.
    - If hit to 0 health by any attack other than its own HP cost effect, it will unleash an unavoidable Neutral element attack. This receives the damage modifiers discussed above.

    Apperance: Something like this
    Description: Legends speak of a Great Dragon with enough power to forge newborn stars with its attacks. Dare you try to tame this beast?

    < Message edited by CH4OT1C! -- 1/29/2022 19:17:45 >
    AQ  Post #: 187
    11/6/2021 10:16:36   

    Maw of the Great Land Dragon
    MC Earth Sword. MC is used to compress 2 skills, one to grant regeneration and the other to damage your foe and root them to the ground, amplifying the damage of Earth attacks.

    Example Tier
    Level: 150
    Powerlvl: 153

    Price: 72,615,500
    Sellback: 36,307,750

    Location: Great Dragon Gauntlet
    Damage: -3bth lean (*85/82 damage). Base damage lean (30-34 @Lvl150)
    Type: Melee
    Element: Earth

    - No-proc, so *1.08 damage
    - MC on this item is used to fuel the compression of 2 Skills:

    1). Fertile Blessing
    Cost: 392sp Quickcast
    This simple skill applies a passive Regeneration to the player (5 rounds, 1.53 power), renamed to “Blessings of the Land”. Assuming a power 1 regeneration is expected to heal 10% melee, 100% melee worth of SP (combined with a *0.85 autohit and *0.9 “Always useful” penalty” would be expected to provide:


    100 / 5 * 0.9 * 0.85 / 10 = 1.53 Power Regeneration

    Half of this is provided free, the rest depends upon the player’s STR stat (+0.765 * STR / Expected). This caps at 1.1*the full boost (+0.8415). This can stack, but the skill can only be used once per turn (including celerity).

    2). Land’s Wrath
    Cost: 392sp
    A 2-hit Earth skill that pays –[x]% melee to attempt to tag the foe as “Rooted” (2 rounds). The monster can resist at a -20 save*:

    PlayerLvl vs MonsterLvl
    Major: PlayerSTR vs MonsterSTR
    Minor: PlayerLUK vs MonsterLUK

    As previously described, the “Rooted” tag grants immunity to all attacks aligned to Wind, but also increases those aligned to Earth.

    * Vines root your foe to the ground!
    Your foe has enough strength to break the vines rooting it to the ground!

    Appearance: Something similar to the middle weapon here. It would be good to incorporate a dragon onto the weapon
    Description: Deeming you worthy, the Great Dragon of the Land has bestowed upon you this Maw. Capable of consistent Earth damage, this weapon also contains enchantments to not only bind your foe to the ground, but also grant you its blessings!

    Spear of the Great Sky Dragon
    MC Ranged Wind Spear. MC is used to compress 2 skills, one to boost your M/R/M and the other to damage your foe and launch them into the sky.

    Example Tier
    Level: 150
    Powerlvl: 153

    Price: 72,615,500
    Sellback: 36,307,750

    Location: Great Dragon Gauntlet
    Damage: +3bth lean (*85/88 damage). Random damage lean (2-62 @Lvl150)
    Type: Ranged
    Element: Wind

    - No-proc, so *1.08 damage
    - MC on this item is used to fuel the compression of 2 Skills:

    1). Wall of Wind
    Cost: 392sp Quickcast
    A simple skill that provides the player with the Defence boost status (+27 M/R/M, 2 rounds). This is renamed to “Wall of Wind”. 392sp is worth 100% melee. Assuming +3 M/R/M is worth 5% melee and including a *0.9 “always useful penalty, this equates to


    3 * ( 100 / 5 ) * 0.9 / 2 = +27 M/R/M

    Half of this is provided free, the rest depends upon the player’s DEX stat (+13.5 * DEX / Expected). This caps at 1.1*the full boost (+14.85). This can stack, but can only be used once per turn (including celerity).

    2). Hurricane
    Cost: 392sp
    A 3-hit wind skill that pays –[x]% melee to attempt to tag the foe as “Flying” (2 rounds). The monster can resist at a -20 save*:

    PlayerLvl vs MonsterLvl
    Major: PlayerDEX vs MonsterDEX
    Minor: PlayerLUK vs MonsterLUK

    As previously described, the “Flying” tag grants immunity to all attacks aligned to Earth, but also increases those aligned to Wind.

    * The vortex launches your foe into the sky!
    Your foe manages to deftly avoid being thrown by the vortex!

    Appearance: Something similar to this. It would be good to incorporate a dragon onto the weapon
    Description: Deeming you worthy, the Great Dragon of the Sky has bestowed upon you this Spear. Capable of incredible Wind damage, this Weapon contains an enchantment to form a wall of wind around you. It can also create a vortex powerful enough to launch your foe into the sky!

    Staff of the Great Sun Dragon
    MC Light Magic Staff. MC is used to compress 2 skills, one to grant the player Status resistance, and the other to damage your foe and Purify their spirit.

    Example Tier
    Level: 150
    Powerlvl: 153

    Price: 72,615,500
    Sellback: 36,307,750

    Location: Great Dragon Gauntlet
    Damage: 0 bth lean. Neutral damage lean (12-36 @Lvl150)
    Type: Magic
    Element: Light

    - No—proc so *1.08 damage
    - MC on this item is used to fuel the compression of 2 Skills:

    1). Sanctuary
    Cost: 97mp Quickcast. This can be toggled on or off.
    A simple skill which grants the player Status resistance (+20, 1 round), renamed to “Unblemished Spirit”. Applied at the start of your turn, and is retained regardless of whether you switch weapons. Toggling the effect off will not return your MP for that turn. This is based on the balancing for Status Ward of Energy. Half of this is provided free, the rest depends upon the player’s INT stat (+10 * INT / Expected). This caps at 1.1*the full boost (+11). This cannot stack.

    2). Purge
    Cost: 653mp
    A 4-hit light spell that pays –[x]% melee to attempt to tag the foe as “Purified” (2 rounds). The monster can resist at a -20 save*:

    PlayerLvl vs MonsterLvl
    Major: PlayerINT vs MonsterINT
    Minor: PlayerLUK vs MonsterLUK

    As previously described, the “Purified” tag grants immunity to all attacks aligned to Darkness, but also increases those aligned to Light.

    *Your foe’s spirit is purified!
    Your foe’s arcane insight allows them to disrupt the purification process!

    Appearance: Something similar to this. It would be good to incorporate a dragon onto the weapon
    Description: Deeming you worthy, the Great Dragon of the Sun has bestowed upon you this staff. Not only capable of powerful light attacks, this staff has been enchanted to Purify your soul, protecting it from dangerous status conditions. It can also Purge the soul of your foes, leaving them purified and weak to light damage!

    < Message edited by CH4OT1C! -- 11/6/2021 10:23:32 >
    AQ  Post #: 188
    12/30/2021 12:27:45   

    NB: I've also performed a minor update to Hydromancer mana manipulator. Now, on with the new suggestions!

    High Priest/Priestess of the Land
    MC Spellcaster Lean Earth Armour. MC is used to compress two skills, both of which trade damage to restore player MP

    Example tier
    Level: 150 MC
    PowerLvL: 153

    Price: 96,820,664
    Sellback: 48,410,332
    Location: Harvest Shop? LTS?

    Combat Modifiers
    Melee: 45
    Magic: 55

    Elemental Modifiers: Primary defence is Earth. Secondary to light (42%). Weakness to Dark and Wind

    - This armour is Spellcaster lean. You deal *1 regular weapon damage and take *1.25 incoming damage from your foe’s attacks. To compensate, spells and spell-type skills deal *1.375 damage
    - Standard attack is 2 hits with a +5bth lean (*85/90 damage)
    - The MC is used to compress 2 skills:

    1). Nature’s Bounty
    Reap Nature’s Bounty to both damage your foe and restore your MP!
    Cost: Nothing
    Hits: 3
    Element: Earth
    This skill deals *0.5 damage and heals your MP based on the damage dealt. This receives the typical *1.5 HP:MP conversion compensation.

    2). Nature’s Harvest
    Harvest Nature’s Bounty, dealing a large amount of damage to your foe and restoring your MP!
    Cost: 490 SP
    Hits: 3
    Element: Earth
    This attack deals *0.5 damage and heals your MP based on the damage dealt. This receives the typical *1.5 HP:MP conversion compensation.

    Please note that both skills receive elecomp due to dealing earth damage. They are also affected by Spellcaster Lean.

    Appearance: A flowing white robe, complete with a druid staff. A laurel crown rests on the player’s head (this can be removed by clicking on it, so as not to obstruct the player’s face). The robe should look something similar to this. Separate male and female forms.
    Description: Don the robes of a high priest/priestess of the Earth Realm! These robes not only enhance the potency of your spells, but also contain enchantments that allow you to deal Earth damage and restore your MP!

    @SapphireCatalyst has invited other players to try and better balance the items he suggested to celebrate the recent release of the latest entry in the Matrix series, whilst also keeping their original spirit. This is my attempt at one of them:

    Eon’s Power
    MC Neutral overcharged spell/skill. Deals no damage, but the player receives both the “Defence Boost” and “Retribution” status effects for 3 rounds.

    Example Tier:
    Level: 150 Mastercraft
    PowerLvl: 153
    MpLevel: 152

    Price: 24,205,166
    Sellback: 12,102,583
    Location: One hasn’t been provided by @SapphireCatalyst
    hits: 0 [See Effect]
    Element: Neutral
    Cost: 871 MP / 521 SP

    - The player gains Defence Boost (+15 M/R/M, 3 rounds). This costs 5 * ( 15 / 3 ) * 3 * 1.1 = 82.5% melee
    - The remaining 241.66 – 82.5 = 159.16% melee is spent on applying the “Retribution” status effect to the player. This damages the monster whenever they miss the player. This is calculated as:

    (159.16 + 11.38) * 0.9 / 3 / 1.4 / (0.15 + 0.15) / 0.7 = 174 * [Hits Connected] / [Hits Attempted] % of an expected Monster attack

    Here, 0.9 reflects an “always useful” penalty, 3 reflects the status duration, 1.4 reflects that monster attacks represent 140% melee, and (0.15 + 0.15) represents the chance for your opponent to miss, adjusted to account for the increased M/R/M provided by the spell/skill. The 11.38 represents the additional damage gained by applying a *1.05 damage MC to an overcharged skill/spell. Your foe can resist at a -20 bonus (the 0.7 above).

    MonsterLvl vs PlayerLvl
    Major: MonsterEND vs Player[STR/DEX/INT] (depending upon the skill/spell)
    Minor: MonsterLUK vs PlayerLUK

    Neither of the above effects can be stacked.

    Appearance: One hasn’t been provided by @SapphireCatalyst
    Description: One hasn’t been provided by @SapphireCatalyst. However, here’s my version:

    Glitch the matrix with a mysterious power passed down through the eons! This power will dramatically increase your reflexes, making you more difficult to hit. It will also make it much easier to punish your foe for any mistakes they make!

    This is a new version of “Neo’s power” (I’ve changed the skill’s name so that it fits into parody territory). The control effect has been removed because of its high cost and poor synergy with dodgelash. This means I could focus the skill fully on that purpose. The duration has been upped to three rounds to make the effect more useful over long periods of time. I also had to reduce the damage dealt to the enemy if it missed, as we would expect the enemy to miss twice as much whenever this spell is cast (due to the + 15 M/R/M). The skill is useful against all enemies, so receives a *0.9 penalty. (a *1.1 cost increase for the M/R/M boost, and a potency decrease for Retribution).

    This skill/spell retains both the M/R/M boost and Dodgelash aspects of the original suggestion and fits the overall theme. Due to the removal of the control effect, it is also far more realistic (and more synergistic) than the original.

    < Message edited by CH4OT1C! -- 12/30/2021 13:51:18 >
    AQ  Post #: 189
    1/8/2022 14:37:18   

    Flame Warper
    MC Spellcaster Lean Fire Armour. Standard attacks deal -10% damage. MC is used to compress 3 skills.

    Example tier
    Level: 150 MC
    PowerLvL: 153

    Price: 121,025,834
    Sellback: 60,512,917
    Location: LTS

    Combat Modifiers
    Melee: 55
    Magic: 55

    Elemental Modifiers: Primary Defense to fire. Weakness to Ice and Water.

    - This armour is Spellcaster lean. You deal *1 regular weapon damage and take *1.25 incoming damage from your foe’s attacks. To compensate, spells and spell-type skills deal *1.375 damage
    - Standard attacks deal -10% damage. This penalty and the Armour MC is used to compress 3 skills:

    1). Flame Blast
    Use your strength to efficiently direct your energy, unleashing it as a blast of fire!

    Cost: [x] SP
    Hits: 2
    Element: Fire
    This is a spell-type skill that deals ranged damage and scales based on your STR. Elecomp is used to reduce the SP cost.

    2). Fire Jet
    Produce a burst of fire to launch yourself like a jet! Move quickly enough, and you may be able to attack once again!

    Cost: 392 SP
    Hits: 2
    Element: Fire
    This is a spell-type skill that deals Melee damage and scales based on your STR. Elecomp is used to increase damage. The attack deals -50% melee and the player will attempt to apply celerity to themselves (just the player) following the attack. The foe can resist at a +0 bonus*:

    PlayerLvl vs MonsterLvl
    Major: PlayerSTR vs MonsterDEX
    Minor: PlayerLUK vs MonsterLUK

    *You strike fast enough to be able to attack again!
    Your foe is dextrous enough to prevent you from attacking once more!

    3). Wall of Embers
    Produce a ring of fire to damage your foe. The remaining embers are hot enough to reduce the potency of ice and water attacks, as well as damage your foe on contact!

    Cost: 392 SP
    Hits: 3
    Element: Fire
    This is a spell-type skill that deals Ranged damage and scales based on your STR. Elecomp is used to increase damage. Following the attack, you are automatically applied with Elemental Shield to both Ice and water attacks, as well as Caltrops For 1 turn.

    Please note that the attacks above are all affected by spellcaster lean

    Appearance: Something a little like This
    Description: Wearing this garb, you’re able to harness your spirit to produce fire that becomes more intense as your Strength increases! Release bursts of flame, launch yourself like a jet, or even create rings of burning embers!

    < Message edited by CH4OT1C! -- 3/21/2024 21:49:22 >
    AQ  Post #: 190
    1/15/2022 17:38:46   

    A big thank you to @RobynJoanne for the inspiration to post some healing gear And for reminding me of Tenacious Dracolich Claws!

    Warrior’s Revival
    MC healing SPell that scales based upon Player STR. Becomes less effective with successive use.

    Example Tier:
    Level: 150 Mastercraft
    PowerLvl: 153

    Price: 24,205,166
    Sellback: 12,102,583
    Location: LTS.
    hits: 1
    Cost: 392 SP

  • Autohit heal element SPell. Standard *0.9 and *0.85 always useful and autohit penalties
  • Uses STR for stat bonuses
  • MC Effect: Standard *1.05 damage
  • Functions similar to Tenacious Dracolich Claws. The first cast will deal +25% damage, the second +5% and all subsequent attempts -15% damage.

    Appearance: A standard Guardian fades into view, on their knees, before standing up ready to fight again
    Description: This technique allows the user to greatly accelerate muscle recovery by expending their own spiritual energy! However, it also puts an intense strain on the body, making it less effective with multiple uses.

    Dryad’s Staff of Restoration
    MC Earth magic staff. MC is used to compress a quickcast skill that boosts the power of healing attacks.

    Example Tier
    Level: 150
    Powerlvl: 153

    Price: 48,410,332
    Sellback: 24,205,166
    Location: LTS
    Damage: +3 bth lean. No Wild factor!
    Type: Magic
    Element: Earth

  • 0-proc, so standard *1.08 damage
  • MC Effect: Compresses a skill (click the staff head to activatate). Cost: 98 SP. This boosts the power of healing attacks by 25*0.9% for 1 turn. Standard normalisation applies.

    Appearance: This
    Description: As caretakers of the forest, Dryads are able to restore any damaged foliage with their power nature magic. With this staff, you can harness some of that power to boost the strength of your own healing attacks!

    Black Thunder
    MC Dark/Energy Seeking spell. Deals -25% damage to set a skill trap on your foe.

    Example Tier:
    Level: 150 Mastercraft
    PowerLvl: 153

    Price: 48,410,332
    Sellback: 24,205,166
    Location: LTS.
    hits: 3
    Element: Dark/Energy [See effect]
    Cost: 392 SP / 653 MP

  • MC Effect: Skill/Spell seeks between Darkness and Energy
  • The attack deals -25% damage. Your foe is inflicted with the "Skill Trap" effect for 1 turn. This can be resisted at a -20 bonus*:

    Level: 153 vs MonsterLvl
    Major: YourSTR/INT vs MonsterCHA
    Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK

    *Lingering energy overloads your foes spiritual reserves
    Your foe manages to dispel the lingering energy!

  • Skill Trap: If your opponent uses an attack that consumes SP with this effective, they will be damaged. The element of the damage is the same as the element when casting the spell. Standard *0.85 penalty due to autohit.

    Appearance: Three bolts of black lightning descend from a darkened sky to strike your foe
    Description: Rain down bolts of black lightning onto your foe to deal darkness or energy damage, whichever is stronger! Lingering energy from the strike can also overload your foe’s spiritual reserves, causing backfire if they try to use any skills!

    < Message edited by CH4OT1C! -- 7/10/2023 20:31:46 >
  • AQ  Post #: 191
    1/16/2022 7:53:10   

    Winds of Ruin
    MC Dark/Wind Seeking spell. Pays -25% damage to inflict “Decay” on the foe

    Example Tier:
    Level: 150 Mastercraft
    PowerLvl: 153

    Price: 48,410,332
    Sellback: 24,205,166
    Location: LTS.
    hits: 3
    Element: Dark/Energy [see effect]
    Cost: 392 SP / 653 MP

  • MC Effect: Skill/Spell seeks between Darkness and Wind
  • The attack deals -50% damage (100% Melee). The attack has a [HitsConnected]/[HitsAttempted]% chance to attempt to inflict the "Decay" status effect, a renamed version of the Grave Rot of Necropolis Fleshrender. This reduces STR and END by 41.5*[Dark/Wind Resistance] each for 2 turns. Element depends on the attack element. Your foe can resist at a +0 Bonus:

    Level: 153 vs MonsterLvl
    Major: YourSTR/INT vs MonsterCHA
    Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK

    *The ruinous winds cause your foe’s flesh to rot!
    Your foe manages to avoid the worst of the ruinous winds!

    Appearance: Dark winds blast your for against the backdrop of a ruined wasteland.
    Description: Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust. Call forth accursed winds to assault your foe with Darkness or Wind Damage, whichever is stronger. They also contain a ruinous curse to cause your foe to decay!

    < Message edited by CH4OT1C! -- 7/10/2023 20:35:55 >
  • AQ  Post #: 192
    1/22/2022 12:25:13   

    Arachnid Enchantress

    Level: 150
    Power: 5

    Location: The void
    Monster lean: Offensive (*1.5 intake/output)
    Element: Dark

    Fire: 150%
    Water: 90%
    Wind: 90%
    Ice: 90%
    Earth: 90%
    Energy: 90%
    Light: 90%
    Darkness: 0%

    Stat Distribution:
    STR: 0
    DEX: 225
    END: 0
    INT: 300
    CHA: 225
    LUK: 0

    - This monster will always strike first ( Initiative Bonus +1000). It also possesses freedom and form shift immunity. No damage cap.
    - This monster deals slightly reduced damage and spends some monster power to have permanent Celerity (spiders are fast!)
    - During the Enchantress’ first turn, she will lay a network of spider threads (a status applied to the monster) for 5 turns. This network automatically “alerts” the monster to any quickcast effects the player attempts to use. In response, the monster will use either MP or SP to either Paralyse (MP) or Panic (SP) the player. In the event of both being available, MP is preferred. With 0 turns remaining, the boss will generate another web. No save for these effects.
    - Using a fire attack will burn away this network of spider threads, disabling the quickcast mitigation. However, the monster will also become more cautious. The monster will use the next turn and spend MP on a Universal Eleshield to severely reduce any incoming damage for the next 5 turns. After these 5 turns, if the monster was attacked by fire, it will set up another shield. If not, it will lay another network of spider threads. If it lacks the MP to create an elemental shield, it will attack as normal, before attempting again the next turn.
    - If the player has an active elemental shield, Chi Shield or Mana shield, this monster will consume them. This not only destroys the shield, but heals the monster by an equivalent amount. If this overcaps HP, it will redirect to MP/SP instead. No save for this.
    - If the boss has >20% MP, she will use it to perform a darkness spell for increased damage. This spell deals reduced damage to apply a Neutral element Poison onto the player, renamed to “Rot” for 10 turns* (-20 save). This targets your HP, MP and SP, and heals the monster by the damage dealt. This effect can stack.

    MonsterLvl vs PlayerLvl
    Major: MonsterINT vs PlayerEND
    Minor: MonsterLUK vs PlayerLUK

    *The dark magic eats away at your body!
    You manage to endure the dark magic!

    - If she has >20% SP, she will spend a small amount to disable healing on the player side. Note that this does not include potions. This is a quickcast effect, so she can also use her other abilities. It does not stop status curing effects.
    - Her normal attack deals darkness damage and heals her MP (not based on the damage done, the power is split 50:50).
    - If the rot effect exceeds a certain potency and the boss has enough MP, it will be spent to use a neutral element attack which consumes the status to deal increased damage.
    - This monster cannot die unless both her HP and MP are exhausted. If the monster has 1 HP, the remaining damage will be drained from her MP instead (assuming the usual conversion ratio)

    Apperance: This
    Description: This spider-obsessed sorceress has spent years researching the Kresh and their abilities. She’s decided the best way to test out her abilities is to test them…. On you!

    < Message edited by CH4OT1C! -- 1/29/2022 18:20:35 >
    AQ  Post #: 193
    1/28/2022 16:17:51   

    Ewiger Bronzemonarch, the Sovereign Drake of Bronze

    Level: 150
    Power: 4

    Location: The Void
    Monster lean: Offensive (*1.5 intake/output)
    Element: Light

    Fire: 75%
    Water: 75%
    Wind: 30%
    Ice: 75%
    Earth: 75%
    Energy: 30%
    Light: 10%
    Darkness: 150%

    Stat Distribution:
    STR: 275
    DEX: 0
    END: 200
    INT: 275
    CHA: 0
    LUK: 0

  • Has Freedom and Form Shift Immunity
  • If you reduce this monster’s HP to 0, it will perform a 1-hit Wind-element attack before death. This attack automatically hits and bypasses any elemental shields or barriers the player may have. It is also not affected by any damage reduction effects/statuses e.g. Panic/Choke. Resurrection effects will not activate if your health is reduced to 0 by this attack*.


  • This monster starts with a Berserk lean status (-5 bth lean). This lean is further reduced by 5 at 75, 50 and 25% HP respectively (for a total of -20 bth at <25% bth). If this monster misses a hit, the next will automatically land (similar to Cometfall)
  • If it has enough MP and you aren’t inflicted by spirit rend, this monster will spend it to unleash a 6 hit light spell that deals very low amounts of damage. This light spell will also attempt to inflict the player with Spirit Rend for an extended duration. You can resist at a -20 bonus*:

    MonsterLvl vs PlayerLvl
    Major: MonsterINT vs PlayerEND
    Minor: MonsterLUK vs PlayerLUK

    *You are overcome by direct damage to your soul!
    You endure the attack directed at your soul!

  • If you are affected by Spirit Rend and the Monster has enough SP, it will spend it to use a Light skill which consumes the status to permanently boost the monster’s damage.
  • The monster’s regular attack is light element, with its attack power halved to heal the monster MP (not based on damage dealt)

    Appearance: A far greater, grander version of the Sehr Stilvol Dragon
    Description: AQ-BRONZEGDBOSS

    < Message edited by CH4OT1C! -- 8/29/2024 20:10:57 >
  • AQ  Post #: 194
    1/29/2022 18:40:24   

    Imperial ThunderSnow Dragonfly

    Level: 150
    Power: 5

    Location: Void
    Monster lean: Offensive (*2 intake/output)
    Element: Energy/Ice

    Fire: 130%
    Water: 130%
    Wind: 50%
    Ice: 10%
    Earth: 50%
    Energy: 10%
    Light: 60%
    Darkness: 60%
    High MRM

    Stat Distribution:
    STR: 225
    DEX: 300
    END: 0
    INT: 0
    CHA: 0
    LUK: 225

    - This monster will always strike first ( Initiative Bonus +1000). It also possesses freedom and form shift immunity. No damage cap.
    - This monster also has a random chance to gain the “Emperor’s Privilege” status (renamed Celerity)
    - Any autohit attack will automatically miss against this boss*

    *Arctic Mirage!

    - Upon entering the battle, a Snowstorm starts. This Snowstorm reduces player Mainstat and reduces bth by -10. This is paid for directly out of monster power.
    - If the monster has sufficient SP, it will spend it to unleash a skill that deals both ice and energy damage. This attack takes a damage reduction and attempts to inflict the player with Numb* (reduced Mainstat, 3 turns) and “Overloaded”** (3 turns, see this boss for details). The player can resist this with 2 saves:

    MonsterLvl vs PlayerLvl
    Major: MonsterDEX vs PlayerEND
    Minor: MonsterLUK vs PlayerLUK

    *The freezing attack numbs your body!
    You resist the numbing cold!
    **The surging energy overloads your systems!
    You endure the power surge!

    - 50% of the time on its regular attack, it will charge at the player to deal energy damage. This has the chance to Paralyse the player (same save as above)*:

    *The electrified attack leaves you unable to move!
    You endure the surging energy!

    - The other 50% of the time, the monster will attack with crystals to deal ice damage. This has the chance to Freeze the player (same save as above)*:

    *The chilling attack leaves you frozen in place!
    You endure the freezing attack!

    Appearance: This. Its wings are made of ice crystals. Its back has chunks of ice growing out of it.
    Description: The Imperial Thundersnow Dragonfly is an extremely rare species that lives in the Mountains of the Frozen North. Each has the ability to create thunderous blizzards to protect themselves. Few Adventurers have managed to survive an encounter with one. Will you be among those lucky few?

    < Message edited by CH4OT1C! -- 2/27/2022 7:18:25 >
    AQ  Post #: 195
    2/5/2022 14:06:21   

    Desperate Loan
    MC healing spell that can only be used once per battle. Heals the player and provides an elemental shield for 1 turn. However, the player’s heal resistance becomes 0% and they lose 24% of the total recovered HP over the next 5 turns.

    Example Tier:
    Level: 150 Mastercraft
    PowerLvl: 153

    Price: 24,205,166
    Sellback: 12,102,583
    Location: LTS.
    hits: 3
    Element: Healing
    Cost: Free

    - Stat bonuses for this spell come from VStat.
    - This spell can only be used once per battle and only if the player has <25% remaining health. In addition, after the spell is cast, the player will receive an element shield *0 to heal element attacks for the rest of the battle.
    - The player is healed the same amount as a standard spell (with the appropriate *0.9 always useful and *0.85 autohit penalties), and also receives an elemental shield (to all elements) for 1 turn. The casting restrictions are used to boost the potency of the elemental shield
    - For the next 5 turns, the player takes 24% of the total amount healed as damage each round. This means the player will eventually receive 120% of the total amount healed as damage.

    Appearance: A contract is signed, followed by the standard Recover wounds animation.
    Description: In times of need, you can always rely on a friend to lend you a hand! Unfortunately, it seems that this “friend” will want that hand back eventually, and possibly yours for good measure!

    Scrupulous Investment
    MC harm spell that damages the player, but heals them over time. Also applies elemental vulnerability to the player.

    Example Tier:
    Level: 150 Mastercraft
    PowerLvl: 153

    Price: 24,205,166
    Sellback: 12,102,583
    Location: LTS.
    hits: 1
    Element: Harm
    Cost: Free

    - Stat bonuses for this spell come from VStat.
    - When cast, the player is hit with one hit of harm damage (with the appropriate *0.9 always useful and *0.85 autohit penalties) worth 200% melee. Before being cast, the player is affected by "elemental vulnerability: all" for 1 turn (130% vulnerability). No cost for this.
    - Over the next 5 turns, the player heals 24% of the total amount dealt by the spell each round. This means the player will eventually recover 120% of the total amount, + 75% melee (for a total of 315% melee over 5 turns)
    - When cast, the monster receives Freedom for one turn.

    Appearance: A contract is signed, before a discoloured version of the recover wounds animation is activated.
    Description: Wise investments can pay dividends far in excess of their cost. This spell allows the user to invest their own life force, healing them in excess of the damage dealt over time!

    < Message edited by CH4OT1C! -- 2/5/2022 18:00:04 >
    AQ  Post #: 196
    2/19/2022 14:33:51   

    Another Player Gauntlet boss suggestion! This one was inspired the the healing items produced by @RobynJoanne!

    RobynJoanne, Queen of Healing

    Level: 150
    Power: 4

    Location: Player Gauntlet
    Monster lean: Defensive (*0.5 intake/output)
    Element: Water

    Fire: 70%
    Water: 10%
    Wind: 120%
    Ice: 70%
    Earth: 10%
    Energy: 120%
    Light: 70%
    Darkness: 70%
    Healing: -150%

    Stat Distribution:
    STR: 0
    DEX: 0
    END: -50
    INT: 350
    CHA: 225
    LUK: 225

  • The Queen possesses Form Shift Immunity and, as a monarch, has a chance to gain Celerity each turn*

    *RobynJoanne invokes the Queen’s privilege!

  • Upon entering battle, the Player's Heal Resistance is set to 100%*

    *Welcome to the Queen's court!

  • The Queen does not possess Freedom and can be immobilised. If the Queen is immobilised during her turn, the player receives a permanent -10 Fragile and the Queen gains +10 END*

    *To mitigate the consequences of this unexpected situation, the Queen imposes a new tax!

  • The Queen has 2 moglin subjects (HP split evenly 3 ways). One subject heals SP, the other MP. These moglins protect the Queen if the player tries to target her
  • If the boss has enough MP, she will spend it on a 3 hit heal-element spell that heals her based on the damage dealt. If her HP overcaps, it will form a Barrier instead
  • If the Queen has enough SP, she will spend it on a Heal element skill that restores her HP and MP. Any overcap is added to the barrier
  • The Queen's regular attack is also heal element and targets the player. Heals her HP and MP based on the damage dealt and can add to the barrier as above.
  • If the Queen has a sufficiently high barrier, she will consume it to instantly kill the player*

    *The Queen is not amused and orders your execution!

    Appearance: @RobynJoanne, wearing the Healing Queen’s gown and sceptre (see their thread for these items, as they would constitute the rewards for this boss fight)
    Description: The tyrannical monarch of a faraway land, RobynJoanne maintains their authority (and their health) by draining the life force of their subjects. It also seems they think you’re trying to usurp their throne. Good luck, you’re going to need it…

    < Message edited by CH4OT1C! -- 7/23/2023 18:52:26 >
  • AQ  Post #: 197
    2/26/2022 18:03:30   

    I’ve been working with @dizzle for my latest player boss!


    Level: 150
    Power: 4

    Location: Player Gauntlet
    Monster lean: Defensive (*0.5 intake/output)
    Element: Earth

    Fire: 30%
    Water: 30%
    Wind: 30%
    Ice: 30%
    Earth: 30%
    Energy: 30%
    Light: 30%
    Darkness: 30%

    Low MRM, higher HP to compensate

    Stat Distribution:
    STR: 0
    DEX: 250
    END: 0
    INT: 0
    CHA: 250
    LUK: 250

    - Possesses Form Shift Immunity (no soft damage cap or freedom)
    - Dizzle has 2 “pet” monsters, both Cometoid/Meteoid Jellies. These pets function like the player version, but are modified by Dizzle's heal resistance. One is set to Ice and Heals HP, the other Energy and heals SP. If Dizzle were to take damage whilst either pet is alive, the pet will take the hit instead*

    *The jelly shields Dizzle from the attack!

    - Upon entering battle, both parties gain Hypercritical +90% for 9999 turns (so both crits 100% of the time).
    - Dizzle’s regular attack deals 2 hits of Earth damage. This attack will automatically destroy any Eleshield, Chi Shield, Barrier or Mana Shield the player has*

    *The attack shatters your defensive shield!

    - If dizzle is stunned (i.e. afflicted with any condition affected by freedom), they have a 50% chance to break the status at the start of their turn. During each turn they fail to break free, their heal resistance is reduced by 20% (i.e. 1 turn of stun = -120% heal resistance). This is assessed once per turn (so a 3 turn status can potentially trip the effect 3 times).
    - if dizzle has enough SP, they will spend it on a quickcast skill to gain Celerity*

    *Dizzle fires multiple shots in quick succession!

    Appearance: Dizzle, wearing the Zardshi rider armour, wielding the standard neko bow with 2 cometoid jelly pets
    Description: Don’t let the Jellies fool you, this will be no sweet encounter.

    < Message edited by CH4OT1C! -- 2/26/2022 18:07:31 >
    AQ  Post #: 198
    3/1/2022 17:06:13   

    Credits to various members of the Gogg's Tavern for this idea! Perhaps it could come in guest form as well.

    MC neutral pet. Applies an Elemental Shield to the player.

    Example Tier:
    Level: 150 Mastercraft
    PowerLvl: 153

    Price: 12,102,583
    Sellback: 6,051,291
    Location: LTS
    Element: Neutral
    Damage: [See Effect]

  • Does not do any damage with its attack animation. Instead, the pet attempts to grant the player an Element Shield: All for 1 turn. This shield reduces damage by (20 + 20*[CHA]/[Expected])/1.4*0.6 = 17.1% damage*. MC is used to further fuel the potency of this effect (not included within the above numbers). This effect is modified by the standard Poelala outleveling formula.

    *Hi! My name is Randel!
    I’m providing a [x]% shield to all incoming attacks!

  • If the pet doesn’t act, you pay HP to compensate

    Appearance: A small orange moglin hiding behind an oversized silver shield
    Description: Little Randel doesn’t like to attack foes himself. Instead, he’ll help you by making you more resistant to incoming attacks!

    < Message edited by CH4OT1C! -- 7/10/2023 20:43:27 >
  • AQ  Post #: 199
    4/3/2022 12:08:11   

    Golden Inari
    MC Light pet. Has two modes. In the first, the pet always crits and the player’s LS damage is doubled at the expense of LS rate. The second directly increases the player’s chance to LS.

    Example Tier:
    Level: 150 Mastercraft
    PowerLvl: 153

    Price: 12,102,583
    Sellback: 6,051,291
    Location: LTS
    Element: Light
    Damage: Melee

  • This pet has two modes: “Damage” mode and “Boost” mode.
  • In “Damage” mode, the pet will always lucky strike. This is treated as a flavour effect; the pet deals reduced damage and receives compensation (part of the pet’s damage now relies on LUK instead of CHA and it cannot perform a true LS). In this mode, the player’s chance of a Lucky strike are multiplied by *0.5, but their LS damage doubles. The MC in this mode is spent on a simple *1.05 damage
  • In “Boost” mode, the pet provides a + (20 + 20*[CHA]/[ExpectedCHA])*0.6*1.05% chance to Lucky Strike for 1 turn (treated as the “Hypercritical” status effect), modified by the standard outleveling formula. This is applied at the start of the turn, and you pay HP to compensate if the pet doesn’t act. This receives an omni-elemental penalty and further fuelled by the pet MC (already worked into the above numbers).

    Appearance: A small golden fox (e.g. this this this with 3 tails)
    Description: This newborn Inari spirit has chosen to support you in battle! You can choose whether it boosts your Lucky Strike Damage (whilst attacking itself) or greatly boosting your chances of landing one!

    < Message edited by CH4OT1C! -- 7/10/2023 20:43:55 >
  • AQ  Post #: 200
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