Ianthe -> Cagliari Lux (2/2/2008 20:09:52)
Cagliari Lux, a.k.a. Acolyte, a.k.a. Brother Lux Location The Devourer Saga - Strange Friends The Dracopyre Legacy - Resistance is Feudal The Hall of Memories - The Arden Door Wedding Skulls The Hall of Memories - Division by Zero Possessed! The Journey Home! Bio: Cagliari (left) is an undead friend of Amilara. He was an acolyte (right) in Luminova (now Darkovia) in the past, helping out Seth Cay Dhows around the church, not knowing the dark plans that Dhows had. Once Cagliari realized Dhows' ulterior motives, Dhows killed him through repeated striking, and he was raised as an undead shortly after that. Even in undeath, Cagliari faithfully serves as a Communicant of the Light Lord. Function: Helps Amilara escape from Cartwright. Also provides you with information on Seth Cay Dhows. [image]http://media.artix.com/encyc/AQ/Deus_Ex_Machina_Eh/AQ/Encyclopaedia/Cagliari.jpg[/image][image]http://media.artix.com/encyc/AQ/whackybeanz/Pedia%20-%20NPCs/BrotherLux.jpg[/image] Write-up from Frayzer. Correction from ArchMagus Orodalf. Link corrections and bio update thanks to Heartdragon.