RE: Classes/Abilities (Full Version)

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Slayer Zach -> RE: Classes/Abilities (4/23/2015 15:53:33)

Some notes for Fae:

  • Loading this armor changes your name to Fae.
  • You cannot equip any item while using this armor.

    Done so far. ~Peachii

    Skull Crusher Blaster - Skullblaster!:

    Effect: 10 hits of 50% weapon damage with crit boost, small chance for "Enemy weapons systems weakened by delayed explosion" (pop-up every turn), 4th turn: -40% boost for 3 turns; also chance for 15% bonus damage

    9 hits

    I'm unsure if there's a -Boost effect since I can't seem to trigger it after much testing.
    The bonus damage shows up as a pop-up, but doesn't actually seem to raise your damage at all, or Boost.

    The damage seems to be very strange with the trinket as well. Weapon Damage is correct, but it seems more like 30% weapon damage. It would also seem that stats raise the damage slightly, after the game calculates the numbers:
    For example, I've used a 15-15 damage weapon and logically, it should hit about 4.5 damage (rounded up to 5), per hit. Since I have STR and it's a Melee weapon, with 150 STR, the damage gets raised to 20 per hit.

    A note:
    Every 2nd hit will always miss (i.e. first hit connects, second misses, third connects, fourth misses, etc.)
    (So logically, as the skill description says, 150% damage is mostly accurate. 5 out of 9 hits connects... unless some of your 5 hits miss.)

    Other information:
    If the crit boost is activated: "Extra Explosive! Crit Boost!"
    If the bonus damage effect is activated: "Hot Rocket! 15% Bonus Damage"

    Edit: There's also a very rare glitch where you deal "NaN" type (melee/pierce/magic) 0 damage.

    Final edit: Had Fleshweaver up here, but got the details finalized thanks to Ash and it's officially posted now.

  • Ash -> RE: Classes/Abilities (5/2/2015 14:49:08)

    Just for notation sake. Update for Zardbie and Unbread. (Zach should be spot on except for not having the +Bonus from the quick look I did at the Unbread entry. This is just to note those missing things and the Zardbie change.)


    115% damage

    1. BrainDead
    115% damage.
    Attempts to stun for 3 turns.

    2. Undead Reflexes
    Increases Dodge by 220 for 3 turns.

    3. Bone Throw
    100% damage
    45% Min - 65% Max WD, evil element, DoT for 4 turns.

    4. Slash
    170% damage
    50% chance to crit.

    5. Regeneration
    12% HP and MP heal.

    6. Bite
    100% damage
    Increases player Boost by 30 for 3 turns.
    Nerfs enemy Boost by -40 for 3 turns.

    7. Feast
    195% damage
    +50 Bonus

    8. Dem' Bones
    125% damage to all foes.

    9. Munch
    115% damage
    +200 Bonus

    10. Scratch
    150% damage

    11. Decay
    130% damage.

    1st use - 3 turn, 25% WD, Disease, DoT effect.
    2nd use - 3 turn, 35% WD, Disease, DoT effect.
    3rd use - 3 turn, 55% WD, Disease, DoT effect.
    4th use - 3 turn, 75% WD, Disease, DoT effect.
    5th or higher use - 3 turn, 90% WD, Disease, DoT effect.

    12. Outbreak
    300% damage

    Stephen Nix -> RE: Classes/Abilities (5/3/2015 15:35:11)

    Zardbie Appearance Images...

    I'm sorry they are gone, again I have images from my past that are gone now and can't retrieve them, I'll do what I can whenever it arises to redo them...





    Bone Throw




    Dem' Bones





    Done, thanks. ~Karika

    Lordk0z -> RE: Classes/Abilities (5/6/2015 1:38:45)

    New Guardian appearance. I'll be editting this with new images as take them.
    Guardian Dragon
    Guardian Rage
    Appearance(Odd Hits)
    Appearance(Even Hits)
    Appearance(Final Hit-Current)
    Appearance (Final Hit-Alternate)

    NOTE: The "Even Hit" is actually a screencap of Spiral Carve, but since they're the same animation, I didn't bother to recap it (Getting those ones with the most pretty white effects wasn't easy)
    Health Drain
    Guardian Heroes
    Mana Drain
    Ray of Light
    Guardian Shield

    Limkragg's Breath

    Mega Shock
    Spiral Carve
    Appearance(First and Third hit)
    Appearance(Second Hit)
    Keen Edge

    Nightbane's Fury
    Awethur's Power
    Appearance(Charging Up)

    NOTE: Yes I did trigger PWD On my first try of getting the image :D

    EDIT: It appears they've went and changed the Armor's Rage and Heroes moves. I'll go grab some shots of the new ones.

    Your images won't be used until the Guardian Armor is permanently changed to have the new skillset in a week from now. Keep them here and don't delete any, thanks. ~Jorath

    Done by Slayer Zach. [Niki]

    Mystical Warrior -> RE: Classes/Abilities (5/7/2015 4:36:29)

    Well here's a link to the Male Version of Guardian Class to be used when the armor goes live in the future

    Done by Slayer Zach. Please don't use colored text in this board unless it is part of an entry. [Niki]

    Zeldax -> RE: Classes/Abilities (5/7/2015 11:20:21)

    Female Version of the updated Guardian Class Art.


    Done by Slayer Zach. Please don't use colored text in this board unless it is part of an entry. [Niki]

    Lordk0z -> RE: Classes/Abilities (5/9/2015 13:48:43)

    Hmmm. Maybe we should try to have the two the same color? Just OCD speaking honestly :P
    In any case, Here's my proposal for the Female Version which conveniently has the same colorscheme as MW's already.

    Done by Slayer Zach. [Niki]

    Slayer Zach -> RE: Classes/Abilities (5/10/2015 14:23:36)

    Re-write for Bubbles:

    [image][/image] Bubbles
    Pretty Bubbles!
    (DA Required)

    Level/Quest/Items required: Not-So-Tiny Bubbles

    Effects: Lowers enemy's Bonus by 50 for 5 turns.

    Mana Cost: 0
    Cooldown: 5
    Element: N/A
    Attack Type: N/A


    Thanks to ILmaster13 for appearance image.

    Done, thanks. ~Peachii

    Slayer Zach -> RE: Classes/Abilities (5/14/2015 15:49:09)

    Updated skill icons for Evolved PumpkinLord Armor:

    Health Candy

    Mana Candy

    Endless Night

    Done, thanks. [Niki]

    Hopeful Guy -> RE: Classes/Abilities (5/17/2015 7:33:22)

    Kid's second skill varies by base class. It's Super Smack for Warrior, Mana Burst for Mages and Sharp Toss for Rogues:

    Sharp Toss
    Lets see how you like daggers!

    Level/Quest/Skill/Items required: None

    Effect: 1 hit of 180% damage

    Mana Cost: 0
    Cooldown: 1
    Element: As weapon
    Attack Type: As weapon

    Don't have appearance or skill button.

    Mana Burst
    BZZZT I'm shocking you!

    Level/Quest/Skill/Items required: None

    Effect: 1 hit of 180% damage

    Mana Cost: 0
    Cooldown: 1
    Element: As weapon
    Attack Type: As weapon

    Don't have appearance or skill button.

    Slayer Zach has added these. ~Jorath

    Slayer Zach -> RE: Classes/Abilities (5/17/2015 16:42:07)

    Updated images for Paladin Armor, and skill icons too, if you'd like:

    Prismatic Strike

    Light of Dawn

    Holy Storm

    Swords of Eternity

    Angelic Blessing
    Appearance 1
    Appearance 2

    Crusading Strike

    Barrier of Sanctuary


    Greater Heal

    Holy Wrath

    Phoenix Song

    Cor Lucem

    Mana Boost

    Aura of Light

    Seal of Salvation

    Male Image
    Female Image

    Done. ~Jorath

    Slayer Zach -> RE: Classes/Abilities (5/23/2015 18:57:30)

    Correction+re-write for BOOM-Voice Brew - Boom Voice Brew.
    I've also included a new skill icon image, and the previous appearance image doesn't really show the hit from the attack, so I also included a new one too.

    [image][/image] Boom Voice Brew
    140% Dmg, small chance of stun
    (DA Required)

    Level/Quest/Items required: BOOM-Voice Brew (Trinket)

    Effect: 1 hit of 100% damage, 1% chance of 2-turn stun if the attack connects

    Mana Cost: 0
    Cooldown: 29
    Element: As weapon
    Attack Type: As weapon


  • Character states "This" "Is" "My" "BOOMVOICE!"
  • Damage seems to be 100%, despite the description stating it's 140%.

    Edit: Also a rewrite for Summon Roktoru skill. Plus a newer skill icon.

    [image][/image] Summon Roktoru
    I call on Roktoru
    (DA Required)

    Level/Quest/Items required: Summon Gem - Roktoru (Trinket)

    Effect: 3 hits of 80% Stone damage each, with high chance to Crit

    Mana Cost: 15
    Cooldown: 29
    Element: Stone
    Attack Type: As weapon

    Appearance 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
    Thanks to Saojun for appearance images and original entry.

    Done, thanks. ~Peachii

  • crabpeople -> RE: Classes/Abilities (6/12/2015 10:59:23)

    Some of the ascendant cooldowns are wrong:
    -Tolm's Wrath: 4 turns not 5.
    -Kick: cooldown and mana cost need a swap.
    -Break concentration: same as above (0 is the cd 10 the mana cost)
    -Aksal's Light: 5 turns cd 4 turns duration instead of 6cd 5 dur.
    -The hammer: mana cost and cd need a swap.
    -Book chapter 2: 2 turns of cd instead of 3.
    -Thorny Shield: 9 turns cd instead of 10.
    -The staff: 4 turns cd-4 turns duration instead of 5-5.
    -The wand: 4 turns cd not 5.
    -The scythe: 4 turns cd not 5.
    -The dagger: 4 turns cd 4 duration not 5-5.
    -Book chapter 1: 4 turns cd 4 duration not 5-5.
    -Ascension: 14 turns cd not 15.

    -Lock: It has 14 turns cd not 9.
    -Aegis: 8 turns cd not 4.

    Done, thanks! ~SZ

    crabpeople -> RE: Classes/Abilities (6/13/2015 17:30:20)

    Edit 1: Soulweaver is done, thanks! ~SZ
    (Also, double-posting should be fine as long as your previous post has already been finished by an AK. No worries.)

    Edit 2: All versions of DragonLord have been updated, thanks. Also, please make a new post next time in case an AK misses it. Double-posting is fine like I said above. Shadow Hunter has my attention and I shall work on it in the near future. ~SZ

    Edit 3: All done, including Shadow Hunter! Thanks. ~SZ

    More issues. This time SW. (I don't know if double posting is allowed here. If not, feel free to merge the posts).
    -Sealing: 9 turn cd not 10. (duration is 10 turns).
    -Enslave: 14 turn cd not 15.
    -Concentration: 3 turn cd and 2 turn duration not 4 cd 3 dur.
    -Valour Impact: 4 turn cd not 5.
    -Retribution: 9 turn cd not 10.
    -Repetance: 9 turn cd not 10.
    -Purge: 4 turn cd not 5.
    -Slice: 4 turn cd not 5.
    -Burst: 4 turn cd not 5. Chance to do "souless" effect stunning your foe for 2 turns (already mentioned in the guide). The dot lasts for 4 turns.
    -Vacuum: 9 turn cd not 10. "Will to fight reduced" -25 p. boost lasts for 4 turns.
    -Banishment: 3 turn cd not 5.
    -SoulSynch: 45 mana cost not 35.

    -Valour Impact: 4 turn cd not 5.

    EDIT 1:
    I would like to insist about the shadow hunter values being incorrect. You can find them at this thread, page 20 post 485.
    Also I would add:
    -Night Shield: the shield doesn't work like the rest of the shields. What it does is working like a 2 turn shield but with a 1 turn delay. That means that you're not protected the turn where you use the skill but It protects you for the next 2 turns.
    If you have a guest and check this skill after you use it, you'll notice that it gives you a 220 p/d/b for 3 turns but you're defenses don't increase at the first turn.

    EDIT 2
    I leave you here the updated DragonLord skills: Source

    Skill: Dragon Soul
    Effect: Requires to be under 20% of your max hp. 245% damage.
    Cooldown: 1
    Mana cost: 15

    Skill: Dragon Eye
    Effect: 150% damage, +100%crit, 300% total damage and +100BtH.
    Cooldown: 15
    Mana cost: 35

    Skill: Water Dragon Spirit
    Effect: 30% Max mana regen.
    Cooldown: 10
    Mana cost: 0

    Skill: Shield Bash
    Effect: 120% wep damage and stuns for 3 turns.
    Cooldown: 13
    Mana cost: 25

    Skill: Wind Dragon Spirit
    Effect: gives 15% hp when you use it, and then 10% and 10% (35% total).
    Cooldown: 12
    Mana cost: 35

    Skill: Earth Dragon Spirit
    Effect: -80% damage for 2 turns, -50% damage for 2 additional turns
    Cooldown: 12
    Mana cost: 30

    Skill: Darkness Dragon Spirit
    Effect: 140m/p/m for 3 turns
    Cooldown: 8
    Mana cost: 30

    Attack: 1 hit of 120% wep damage.

    Skill: Dragon Bite
    Effect: 2 hits of 70% wep damage for a total of 140%
    Cooldown: 2
    Mana cost: 0

    Skill: Rush
    Effect: 3 hits of 60% wep damage for a total of 180%. Available after using Bite (dunno if it requires the bite attacks to connect or not).
    Cooldown: 0
    Mana cost: 0

    Skill: Energy Dragon Spirit
    Effect: 155% Energy locked multi attack.
    Cooldown: 2
    Mana cost: 20

    Skill: Light Dragon Spirit
    Effect: 3 turn -55 hit, 130% light damage.
    Cooldown: 7
    Mana cost: 26

    Skill: Frost Dragon Spirit
    Effect: 3 turn -55 boost and -50 immobility, 125% ice damage.
    Cooldown: 8
    Mana cost: 30

    Skill: Fire Dragon Spirit
    Effect: 130% fire wep damage and 5 turn 32% fire DoT.
    Cooldown: 6
    Mana cost: 25

    Skill: Dragon Heart
    Effect: Does 4 hits of 100% damage for a total of 400% wep damage. Requires Light or Frost or Fire Spirit to unlock.
    Cooldown: 15
    Mana cost: 30

    Mr G W -> RE: Classes/Abilities (6/19/2015 21:29:24)

    The skill "charge" has a 4 turn cooldown, instead of 0 as it states

    Done, thanks. ~Peachii

    crabpeople -> RE: Classes/Abilities (6/26/2015 20:02:59)

    It's Necromancer time! [:D]
    Seed->mana cost is 20 not 10.
    Dark Dreams->Attack type is magic not as weapon.
    Fear Ward->Shield duration is 2 or 3 turns instead of 2.
    Shroud of the Undead->Duration is 3 turns instead of 2.

    Note: I might find more issues as I progress through my guide.

    Updated, thanks. ~Karika

    crabpeople -> RE: Classes/Abilities (6/27/2015 7:25:42)

    More stuff about necromancer:
    Base resistances: Light + 5, Darkness +5 instead of none

    This might belong to the weapon section but: Necrostaff (default weapon): Bonuses: Bonus +1 instead of none
    Not a problem. All corrected, thank you.

    G Man -> RE: Classes/Abilities (6/30/2015 15:42:45)

    (Hopefully I did this correct, I apologize if I did not...)
    Avatar of Time:
    1) Allons-y's description should be changed to 4 hits of 40% for 160% total, the description implies 4 hits of 160% (Not a huge issue, I guess...)
    2) (Crabpeople pointed this out to me[Give credit where credit is due]) Temporal Reset actually allows effects to be present for 1 turn, they disappear from the status page, but they are present if one looks.(Dunno if this should be included, just something noteworthy..)
    3) (Crabpeople pointed this out to me[Give credit where credit is due])Orb of Time hits 8 times, not 10. Numbers are still correct.
    4) Neverwas Cross CAN actually miss (I've had it miss 5 hits [out of 10 times using the skill] earlier today, while testing for my guide), so the "It cannot miss" part should be removed. When I checked the doom cola machine after using it, it seemed to also apply "Removing all defenses" which does -500 M/P/M
    This is caused by Flash rolling a natural 1. The coding gives the attack +1500 Bonus and nerfs enemy M/P/M by -500 for one turn to make all other instances hit. There is no way to override the natural 1 miss. It's not fixable at this point and as such any "will not miss" skill will miss. That doesn't mean change the description. ~Ash
    5) (Forgot this one) (Crabpeople pointed this out to me[Give credit where credit is due]) Reflections of Nothing actually lasts for 3 turns not 4.

    I might find more things as I continue to work on my guide, but this is what I got today.......

    crabpeople -> RE: Classes/Abilities (7/1/2015 7:18:20)

    GPS: Even tho a revamp is pending, I'll post corrections about this armor because it will be available for the people who already own it.
    -Blind: Cooldown is 2 not 3. Does a 100% melee damage hit. Blind durations is 4 or 5 turns (random).
    -Nanobots: Cooldown is 9 not 10. Heals 10% of your max hp for 3 turns for a total 30% hp healing. The first hot applies the turn after you use this skill.
    -Frighteningly Big Gun: Cooldown is 19 not 20. Does a 100% weapon damage guaranteed critical hit for a total of 200%.
    -Flamethrower: Cooldown is 4 not 5. Does a 100% pierce damage fire hit to all targets.
    -Stun: Cooldown 14 not 15.
    -Cannonball Run: Cooldown is 2 not 3. Does 2 hits of 80% for a total of 160%
    -Shield: Coodlown is 4 not 5.
    -Scatter Shot: Deals 1 hit of 100% weapon damage. If target is blinded (with Blind skill not a blind effect!): Deals 1 hit of 200% weapon damage with 50% chance to crit.
    -Biohazard: Cooldown is 6 not 7. DoT duration is 5 not 6 and deals 10% melee damage. Applies a mana hot to yourself that replenishes 5% max mana per turn for 5 turns (total mana recovered 25%). Deals 1 hit of 75% weapon damage. DoT element disease? (not sure)
    -Boiling Point: Cooldown is 9 not 10. Does 1 hit of 75% wepaon damage. With Biohazard dot: Removes Biohazard dot and mana healing hot and applies a 40% fire melee damage dot to the enemy that lasts for 1 turn.
    -Lazars Go Pew!Pew!: Cooldown is 4 not 5. Deals 1 hit of 75% melee damage. Applies -10 bonus for 4 turns (looks like the -powerboost does not work).
    -Burn: DoT duration is 5 turns not 6 and deals 10% melee fire damage. Deals 1 hit of 80% melee damage.
    -OVERDRIVEEEEEE: cooldowns is 4 not 5. Duration is 2 not 3.

    Note: Weapon specials (inluding attack button ones) do trigger with this armor.
    Side Note (not a helpful one unfortunately): The class acts weird regarding stat bonusses. Scatter + blind does less than 200% with lots of damage stat and LUK.
    Ending note: There's probably more corrections about this armor but I won't hunt for them. I got enough [&:]

    -Greater heal does not remove dots. Doesn't remove blinds either... Safe to assume that the purge does not work? Report these things to the tracker from now on. It's fixed, cache clear, but I just did DN's on it so please follow that. ~Ash.
    -Angelic Blessing: Cooldown is 9 not 8.
    -Swords of Eternity: Cooldown is 3 not 2.
    -Prismatic Strike: Effect lasts for 3 turns not 4.
    -Aura of Light: Boost is applied before the 110%/120% hit (same with the dark resist). Add: Duration of both effects after using the skill is 4.

    Ash: Sorry about that. I submitted the bug report and I stated it's fixed. Also SW and MSW purges work fine. I'm telling because I think they didn't work before.

    G Man -> RE: Classes/Abilities (7/2/2015 15:43:54)

    Avatar of Time
    (I apologize that these are not the best, as I am on my chromebook (computer is broken), and I cannot use tracking pads all that well, so there might be some cropping issues..)
    Here are some screenshots of the skills that I noticed had none on the 'pedia page.

    Reflections of Nothing
    Absorb Essence
    Time Storm
    Jolting Blast
    Time Lock
    Fragments of Eternity
    Temporal Reset
    Staff of Meanwhile
    Continuum Tesseract | Upon initially clicking the skill | Upon cube using the last of its energy
    Orb of Time

    crabpeople -> RE: Classes/Abilities (7/5/2015 7:46:38)

    Mage and Ninja done so far. ~SZ

    Looks like you're overloaded. Sadly I bring more work: This time Pyromancer
    -Magma Bubble: Cooldown is 6 not 7.
    -Multi: cooldown is 1 not 2.
    -Lava Fountain: cd is 11 not 12. Add: For a total of 120% weapon damage
    -Fire Chains : cd is 7 not 8. Add: for a total of 100% weapon damage
    -Paper Cannon: cd is 4 not 5. Add: for a total of 120% weapon damage.
    -Malcifer: cd is 9 not 10. Duration of both effects is 4 not 5. Add: 4 hits of 37,5% for a total of 150% weapon damage. (Note: While Ash stated that all damage values should be correct. I think that malcifier does more damage than stated). <--- I never gave them Pyromancer numbers so this one isn't on me. It's only when I'm giving damage ranges. ~Ash
    -The Phoenix: cd is 14 not 15.
    -Flamethrower: cd is 4 not 5. Add: for a total of 120% weapon damage.
    -Blaze Blue: cd is 4 not 5. Add: for a total of 120% weapon damage.
    -Enkindle:cd is 9 not 10. Duration is 4 not 5.
    -Flametongue: cd is 4 not 5. Add: for a total of 120% weapon damage.
    -Rebirth: cd is 34 not 35. Charge time is 9 not 10.
    -Triflame: cd is 5 not 6. Add: for a total of 150% weapon damage.
    -Warmth: cd is 15 not 16.

    Edit1: I'm back for more! This time mage class:
    -Blind: Blind duration is 4 not 5.
    -Sleep: Boost duration is 4 turns not 5.
    -Final Blast + Cloak Scrap: Cooldown is 14 not 15.

    Edit2: I'm on fire! Corrections no jutsu! ninja
    -Viper venom: Cooldown is 5 turns not 4.
    -Vanish: bonus lasts for 3 turns not 4. <--- Technically, you are boosted the same turn you use the skill. But you don't deal damage anyway. ~SZ

    Stephen Nix -> RE: Classes/Abilities (7/8/2015 17:13:28)

    Couldn't send out in pm version to Slayer... But here it is...

    Time blast - Time blast - Bow Blast - Time Grinder Finisher

    Bow Blast

    Effect: Stabs the enemy 2-3 times, then slashes through the enemy another 3 times, for 200-240% total damage

    Effect: Stabs the enemy 2-3 times, then slashes through the enemy, fires a bow shot and finishes with a slash, for 200-240% total damage

    Slashes 1
    Slashes 2

    Time Grinder Finisher


    Time blast - Time blast - Bow Blast - Time blast (Focus Combo)

    So again I have the images and effect as above...

    Bow Blast

    Effect: Stabs the enemy 2-3 times, then slashes through the enemy another 3 times, for 200-240% total damage

    Effect: Stabs the enemy 2-3 times, then slashes through the enemy, fires a bow shot and finishes with a slash, for 200-240% total damage

    Slashes 1
    Slashes 2

    Time blast


    Time blast - Time blast - Bow Blast - Bow Blast (Cripple Combo)

    So again I have the images and effect as above...

    Bow Blast

    Effect: Stabs the enemy 2-3 times, then slashes through the enemy another 3 times, for 200-240% total damage

    Effect: Stabs the enemy 2-3 times, then slashes through the enemy, fires a bow shot and finishes with a slash, for 200-240% total damage

    Slashes 1
    Slashes 2

    Bow Blast

    Shoots 1
    Slashes 1
    Shoots 2
    Slashes 2

    Time blast - Time blast - Bow Blast - Dimensional Stab (Dimensional Rift Combo)

    So again I have the images and effect as above...

    Bow Blast

    Effect: Stabs the enemy 2-3 times, then slashes through the enemy another 3 times, for 200-240% total damage

    Effect: Stabs the enemy 2-3 times, then slashes through the enemy, fires a bow shot and finishes with a slash, for 200-240% total damage

    Slashes 1
    Slashes 2

    Dimensional Stab


    Time blast - Time blast - Dimensional Stab - Time blast (Dimensional Strength Combo)

    Dimensional Stab


    Time blast

    Effect: Raises your Boost by 50% for 3 turns, including this turn. Stabs the enemy 2-3 times, then slashes through the enemy another 3 times, for a total of 250-300% damage (boosted to 375-450% damage)

    Effect should be...

    Effect: Raises your Boost by 50% for 3 turns, including this turn. Stabs the enemy 2-3 times, then slashes through the enemy, fires a bow blast, then slashes through the enemy, for a total of 250-300% damage (boosted to 375-450% damage)

    Slashes 1
    Slashes 2

    Time blast - Time blast - Dimensional Stab - Bow Blast (Aging Combo)

    Time blast


    Dimensional Stab


    Bow Blast


    Time blast - Time blast - Dimensional Stab - Dimensional Stab (Dimensional Rift Combo)

    Time blast


    Dimensional Stab


    Dimensional Stab


    Okay I think that's Time blast images finished! Please do a double check that we got them all.

    One side note, it's good to take into consideration when our character slashes through the enemy, he doesn't do it three times. He bow blasts on the 2nd hit, this may need to be noted or you can wipe away, it's your choice!
    Noted. I'll modify that later.

    ChronoZ is just about done now.
    Everything else has been added. I'll do the finishing touches soon enough when I find the time. Thanks! ~SZ

    Shadows Morgenstern -> RE: Classes/Abilities (7/8/2015 19:48:45)

    New images for several temp classes. For the sake of consistency throughout their entries all are facing right, with default weapon fully shown and are the out of combat stances(where applicable) which seem to be the standard usually for classes. Also tried to take the images when the background is a single colour if possible to make the class art stand out as much as possible. Will list in alphabetical order as shown in the A-Z Class Armors page.

    Here is the image for Boy Wonder.

    Here and here are the images for Edd Disguise and the Elite Patrol variant respectively.

    Here is the image for Elemental Nythera.

    Here is the image for Envy.

    Here is the image for Kara.

    Here is the image for Kid Artix.

    Here is the image for Kid Nythera.

    Here is the image for Knight Lite

    Here is the image for Nythera.

    Here is the image for Vaal.

    Whew! That took a bit! Every other temp armour image seems fine quality wise, even the seasonal ones which is useful. Please, let me know if there is anything wrong with any of these! Will have have shiny images for several of the main classes soon.

    Done thanks. Make sure image file size is 75KB or less. [Niki]

    Stephen Nix -> RE: Classes/Abilities (7/11/2015 18:12:41)

    Appearance Images for ChronoZ...

    Kick. With Time.

    Reverse Time

    Blink Forward



    Rewind Combo

    Fix for Time blast - Time blast

    Whenever you see Time blast - Time blast, replace what we have with this...


    Done, thanks. ~SZ

    SonicTbear -> RE: Classes/Abilities (7/14/2015 14:43:04)

    Heh, time for ninjaing... <.<

    According to Ash from his list of bugs he's fixed:

    - Kathool Adept's Drain now deals (player Max MP * .05), or 5% Max MP, damage to enemy mana and heals for the same amount instead of a flat 21.
    So for the Kathool Adept Armor, you could replace Drain's Effect description with something like this:

    Deals damage to enemy's mana based off of 5% of your max MP and heals your MP for the same amount.

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