RE: Classes/Abilities (Full Version)

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Azan -> RE: Classes/Abilities (7/17/2015 20:45:14)

I noticed something in Vaal armor, about the skill OMNIPOTENCE. The description says:


Against normal enemies - deals 3 hits of 66.66...% damage, for 200% total to targeted enemy and 1 hit of 150% damage to every other enemy.
Against enemies that deal "???" damage - deals 5 hits of 200% damage, for 600% total to targeted enemy and 1 hit of 450% damage to every other enemy.

I think it should say 3 hits of 200% damage, not 5.

Apparently I corrected the entry ages ago and forgot to note it here. Huh... Well, thanks Azan! ~SZ
Disregard this edit, you bumped it later and I noted it already. :| ~SZ

Shadows Morgenstern -> RE: Classes/Abilities (7/18/2015 14:43:44)

Doom Knight Armor's Vengeance skill appearance image has broken. Here is a replacement.

A lot of the other attack appearance images are of somewhat lower quality when compared to more recent class entries, would cleaner quality attack images be needed or are they okay? I can take care of them if they are needed.

Done, thanks. Appearance image is best shown with the damage number and element icon. [Niki]

Ash -> RE: Classes/Abilities (8/4/2015 18:09:42)

A note for people who don't know how the Health and Mana stats work. You start at -100 Health and Mana so -Health increases HP heal effects and -Mana increases MP heal effects since they "damage" you for more.

New DC class based on the one used in the titan fight.


Ancient Exoskeleton

Attack - 125% Damage

1. Shield Emitter
+250 Block/Parry for 2 turns.
CoolDownAmount = 7
Mana = 25

2. Power Drain (5 hits)
100% damage. Heals 5% health per hit.
CoolDownAmount = 10
Mana = 30

3. Energy Drain (5 hits)
100% damage. Heals 5% mana per hit.
CoolDownAmount = 10
Mana = 0

4. Enhancement Systems
110% damage, buffs Boost by 40 and Bonus by 60 for 5 turns.
CoolDownAmount = 7
Mana = 25

5. Reinforce Armor
Increase All resist by 35, Health by -35, and Mana by -35 for 3 turns.
CoolDownAmount = 7
Mana = 24

6. Damage Limiter Protocol
130% damage and lowers foes Boost by -40 for 5 turns.
CoolDownAmount = 10
Mana = 28

7. Target Nullification Protocol
125% damage and lowers foes Bonus by -100 for 1 turn and -55 for 3 additional turns.
CoolDownAmount = 9
Mana = 23

8. Lazer Cutter (13 hits)
145% damage
CoolDownAmount = 1
Mana = 15

9. Static Discharge
125% damage and stuns for 3 turns.
CoolDownAmount = 13
Mana = 25

10. Wave Form Generator
135% damage
CoolDownAmount = 2
Mana = 20

11. Overload Matrix
170% damage
100% chance to crit
CoolDownAmount = 15
Mana = 27

12. Lingering Corruption
130% damage and inflicts a 4 turn, 40% WDPT, ??? element, DoT effect.
CoolDownAmount = 5
Mana = 26

13. Directed Laser
140% damage with +200 BtH.
CoolDownAmount = 3
Mana = 19

14. Quantum Cannon
400% damage
Initial CoolDownAmount = 2
CoolDownAmount = 18
Mana = 65

crabpeople -> RE: Classes/Abilities (8/6/2015 4:53:57)

Ancient Exosuit
I don't have the armor yet... but I saw a couple of tiny errors so far:

-Lingering Corruption: CD and Mana values are wrong. CD is 5 turns and mana cost is 26 (according to the post just above this one).
-Energy Drain/Power Drain: (This is a suggestion rather than a correction) I think it's worth explaining the skill the same way as AoT Absorb essence skill:

Effect: Drain your target's essence as you deal 5 hits of 20% damage for 100% total damage, and heal 3% Health and Mana per hit if each hit connects.
You can add later the "for a total of 25% Health/Mana".

Below: Oh well. I guess Ash has to fix it. It makes no sense having a dot skill with 15 turns of cd. If it was an OP dot skill still... But that's not the case.

Solanaceae -> RE: Classes/Abilities (8/6/2015 6:19:19)

Just tested the Ancient Exosuit again, and the Lingering Corruption's Mana Cost and CD are, in fact, 27 and 15 respectively.

Ash -> RE: Classes/Abilities (8/6/2015 10:03:07)

It should be 26 and 5 like I noted, fixing it now. Cache clear and the fix is up. It was using the MP/CD from the Crit skill by accident.

Solanaceae -> RE: Classes/Abilities (8/8/2015 11:05:43)

Corrections for the Gnomish Personal Steamtank Armor:

(Damage percentiles are a bit annoying to pin down, apologies if some of those are a bit off)


1 hit of 100% Weapon damage, applies -50 to Bonus for 5 turns, (including the turn when it is used)
10 Mana
2 turn CD

No damage, applies a 3-turn HoT that heals you for 10% of your health per turn, for a total of 30% health restored
30 Mana
9 turn CD

Frighteningly Big Gun
1 hit of 80% Weapon damage, guaranteed critical for a total of 160% Weapon damage
10 Mana
19 turn CD

1 hit of 100% Fire damage to all enemies
10 Mana
4 turn CD

1 hit of 100% Weapon damage, stuns enemy for 3 turns
20 Mana
14 turn CD

Cannonball Charge
2 hits of 75% Weapon damage
10 Mana
2 turn CD, requires last hit to connect

Applies +80 Block for 2 turns (including the turn when it is used)
20 Mana
4 turn CD

1 hit of 100% damage
0 Mana
0 turn CD

Scatter Shot
1 hit of Weapon 100% damage; if enemy is Blinded, instead does 200% Weapon damage with increased chance to crit (increased crit is hard to test, and RNG might have just been messing with me, so I guess leave it as 50?)
0 Mana
0 turn CD

1 hit of 60% damage, applies Bio DoT (7-10 None Damage per turn, 5 turns) to enemy, applies Bio Mana HoT (5% Mana restored per turn, 5 turns for a total of 25% Mana restored) to self
0 Mana
6 turn CD

Boiling Point
1 hit of 70% Weapon damage, applies Boil DoT (8 damage per turn of Bio DoT remaining, 1 turn) if Bio DoT is present, and removes the Bio DoT
30 Mana
9 turn CD

Lazars Go Pew!Pew!
1 hit of 60% damage, applies -10 to Bonus to enemy for 5 turns (no Boost reduction despite skill description)
10 Mana
4 turn CD

1 hit of 75% Weapon damage, applies Burn DoT (10-14 Fire Damage per turn, 5 turns) to enemy
5 Mana
0 turn CD

Applies BOOM effect (+100 Crit for 3 turns including turn when skill is used, so in practice 2 turns)
20 Mana
4 turn CD

Self Destruct
Removes 50% of user's current health, and does one hit of 125% Weapon damage to every enemy, with a 10% bonus per DoT, and a guaranteed critical
5 Mana
0 turn CD

The ErosionSeeker -> RE: Classes/Abilities (8/11/2015 22:41:44)

Kathool Adept Armor skill Brain Drain change

- Kathool Adept's Drain now deals (player Max MP * .05), or 5% Max MP, damage to enemy mana and heals for the same amount instead of a flat 21.�

Done, thanks. ~Peachii

PusatShrade -> RE: Classes/Abilities (8/13/2015 0:20:49)

The SnugglePanda armor is 49.99$ instead of 39.99$ (without shipping)

Done, thanks. ~Peachii

Azan -> RE: Classes/Abilities (8/13/2015 12:10:14)

I don't know if it's alright, but reposting here what I posted here in July because it never got edited and corrected...

I noticed something in Vaal armor, about the skill OMNIPOTENCE. The description says:


Against normal enemies - deals 3 hits of 66.66...% damage, for 200% total to targeted enemy and 1 hit of 150% damage to every other enemy.
Against enemies that deal "???" damage - deals 5 hits of 200% damage, for 600% total to targeted enemy and 1 hit of 450% damage to every other enemy.

I think it should say 3 hits of 200% damage, not 5.

Done, thanks. ~SZ

crabpeople -> RE: Classes/Abilities (8/20/2015 10:06:49)

DragonRogue's Default weapon is now 12-18 instead of 26-31.

Done, thanks. Irrelevant comment removed. [Niki]

PusatShrade -> RE: Classes/Abilities (8/20/2015 23:14:27)

For some reason, TimeKiller's blind skill does a lot more damage than it should. I believe the total damage it was originally coded to output was implemented in both of the hits, rather than a split.

Verly got the hits/damage part of the damage function backwards when he was coding it. It's fixed and rolled. Requires a cache clear. ~Ash

Azan -> RE: Classes/Abilities (9/5/2015 15:32:44)

Corrections for Ancient Exosuit:

Energy Drain
Regens 25% Mana

Level/Quest/Skill/Items required: None

Effect: Fires a blue beam of energy at the enemy, attacking it five times for 100% total damage, also recovering 25% of your total Mana

This description doesn't say everything. Each hit that connects regens 5% of your total Mana for a total of 25% if the 5 hits connect.


Power Drain
Regens 25% Health

Level/Quest/Skill/Items required:

Effect: Fires an orange beam of energy at the enemy, attacking it five times for 100% total damage, also recovering 25% of your total Health

This description doesn't say everything. Each hit that connects regens 5% of your total Health for a total of 25% if the 5 hits connect.

Also, there lacks the word "None" after "Level/Quest/Skill/Items required:".



Level/Quest/Skill/Items required:

There lacks the word "None" after "Level/Quest/Skill/Items required:".

All corrected, thanks! ~SZ

Chazero -> RE: Classes/Abilities (9/9/2015 8:10:49)

Pictures for Avatar of Time's abilities that don't have one:

Reflections of Nothing
Absorb Essence
Time Storm
Jolting Blast
Time Lock
Fragments of Eternity
Temporal Reset
Staff of Meanwhile
Continuum Tesseract
Orb of Time

Done, thanks! [Niki]

Chazero -> RE: Classes/Abilities (10/6/2015 7:25:41)

The male image for Ascended ChickenCow wouldn't load for me so I assumed it was broken so I got a new one.

Done. The CubeUpload site is currently offline, so that may be the reason the image in question wasn't loading.

Sagrym -> RE: Classes/Abilities (1/29/2016 22:25:59)

New skill images for Kid Nythera:




Shin Kick:



Done, thanks. ~Karika
Bumped. ~Peachii

Nitewolf -> RE: Classes/Abilities (2/9/2016 11:38:29)

Information for a new entry of Danyel Armour - Images required


Location: Marzanna
Price: N/A
Level/Quest/Items to unlock: None
Sellback: N/A

Level: Scaled
Rarity: N/A
Category: Armor
Equip Spot: Body

Default Weapon: Soul Claws

Defenses: Melee: 15, Pierce: 15, Magic: 15, Parry: 10, Dodge: 10, Block: 10
Offenses: Crit: 5, Bonus: 0, Boost: 0%

Resistances: None

Gain avoidance for 6 turns

Level/Quest/Skill/Items required: None

Effect: Performs 2 hits of 200% damage for a total of 400% damage and adds +175 Parry/Dodge/Block to the player for 6 turns

Mana Cost: 0
Cooldown: 9
Element: As weapon
Attack Type: As weapon

[image placeholder]


Level/Quest/Skill/Items required: None

Effect: Performs 2 hits of 300% damage for a total of 600% damage

Mana Cost: 0
Cooldown: 0
Element: As weapon
Attack Type: As weapon

[Image placeholder]

Stun for 3 turns

Level/Quest/Skill/Items required: None

Effect: Performs 4 hits of 100% damage for a total of 400% damage and stuns the enemy for 2 turns

Mana Cost: 0
Cooldown: 4
Element: As weapon
Attack Type: As weapon

[image placeholder]


Level/Quest/Skill/Items required: None

Effect: Performs 4 hits of 200% damage for a total of 800% damage

Mana Cost: 0
Cooldown: 1
Charge Time: 1
Element: As weapon
Attack Type: As weapon

[image placeholder]

[Appearance placeholder]

  • While this class is equipped, your name is Danyel
  • Items cannot be equipped while using this class

Done, thanks. The thread can be found here. ~Jorath

Nitewolf -> RE: Classes/Abilities (2/9/2016 16:30:12)

Images for Danyel on post above

[link=][b]Appearance 1[/b][/link]
[link=][b]Appearance 2[/b][/link]




[link=][b]Alternate Appearance 1[/b][/link]
[link=][b]Alternate Appearance 2[/b][/link]
[link=][b]Alternate Appearance 3 (Potion)[/b][/link]

Added, thanks. ~Jorath

Nitewolf -> RE: Classes/Abilities (2/18/2016 18:37:36)

Submission for new entry of Bone Exoskeleton

NOTE: Links to this entry will be required from the Castle Nostromo quest and the Ancient Exosuit

Bone Exoskeleton

Location: Castle Nostromo
Price: N/A
Level/Quest/Items to unlock: None
Sellback: N/A

Level: Scaled
Rarity: N/A
Category: Armor
Equip Spot: Body

Default Weapon: Mobile Controls

Defenses: Melee: 20, Pierce: 20, Magic: 20, Parry: 15, Dodge: 15, Block: 15
Offenses: Crit: 5, Bonus: 0, Boost: 0%

Resistances: None

Reinforce Armor
Reinforce armor to limit DoT!

Level/Quest/Skill/Items required: None

Effect: Removes all DoTs active on the player. Pop-up text: “Armor reinforced! DoT effects removed!”

Mana Cost: 1000
Cooldown: 7
Element: N/A
Attack Type: N/A


Enhancement Systems
Increase your combat effectiveness

Level/Quest/Skill/Items required: None

Effect: Applies ‘Combat Subsystems Activated! Damage Increased!’; adds +100 to Bonus and +80% to Boost for 4 turns (including the turn it is used)

Mana Cost: 1200
Cooldown: 7
Element: N/A
Attack Type: N/A


Energy Drain
Regens 30% Mana

Level/Quest/Skill/Items required: None

Effect: Performs 5 hits of 25% damage for a total of 125% damage, each hit regenerates 6% Mana for a total of 30% regenerated Mana

Mana Cost: 0
Cooldown: 7
Element: As weapon
Attack Type: As weapon


Power Drain
Regens 30% Health

Level/Quest/Skill/Items required: None

Effect: Performs 5 hits of 25% damage for a total of 125% damage, each hit regenerates 6% Health for a total of 30% regenerated health

Mana Cost: 1400
Cooldown: 7
Element: As weapon
Attack Type: As weapon


Shield Emitter
+250 to Defenses for 2 turns

Level/Quest/Skill/Items required: None

Effect: Applies ‘Defence +250’; increases Parry/Block by +250 for 2 turns (including the turn it is used)

Mana Cost: 1200
Cooldown: 4
Element: N/A
Attack Type: N/A



Level/Quest/Skill/Items required: None

Effect: Performs 1 hit of 100% damage

Mana Cost: 0
Cooldown: 0
Element: As weapon
Attack Type: As weapon


Lazer Cutter
Slice into your foe!

Level/Quest/Skill/Items required: None

Effect: Performs 13 hits of 15.384615% damage for a total of 200% damage

Mana Cost: 800
Cooldown: 1
Element: As weapon
Attack Type: As weapon


Static Discharge
Shock your foe to limit movement!

Level/Quest/Skill/Items required: None

Effect: Performs 5 hits of 20% damage for a total of 100% damage and stuns enemy for 2 turns

Mana Cost: 1500
Cooldown: 5
Element: As weapon
Attack Type: As weapon


Overload Matrix
Unleash built up power for Crit!

Level/Quest/Skill/Items required: None

Effect: Performs 1 hit of 140% damage with 100% Crit for a total of 280% Damage

Mana Cost: 2000
Cooldown: 5
Element: As weapon
Attack Type: As weapon


Quantum Cannon
Unleash Destructive Power!

Level/Quest/Skill/Items required: None

Effect: Performs 2 hits of 200% damage with 100% chance of Crit for a total of 800% damage

Mana Cost: 1000
Cooldown: 10
Charge Time: 5
Element: As weapon
Attack Type: As weapon



Also see: Ancient Exosuit

  • With this class equipped, your name is Symone
  • Items cannot be equipped when using this class

The entry can be found here, thanks. ~Jorath

Nitewolf -> RE: Classes/Abilities (3/6/2016 18:53:43)

Images for Doom Knight

Void barrier

Weakening blow

Malefic Binding

Lingering doom

Doom spikes

Life carve

Shape Darkness


Dark favor

Appearance(Pop-up message-Undead)
Appearance(Pop-up message-Reptilian or Dragon)
Appearance(Pop-up message-Human, Moglin, Elf, Dwarf, Goblinkind, Giantkind, or Gnome)
Appearance(Pop-up message-Elemental, Fairy, Infernal, Ateala, or Celestial)
Appearance(Pop-up message-Beast, Avian, Bug, Plant, or Fungus)
Appearance(Pop-up message-Clockwork, Golem, or Food)

Drain will

Drain Essence

Blood rite

Necrotic strike

Dark ritual

Inner darkness

All added, thanks. ~Karika

-'Attack' appearance seems to have been missed -Nitewolf

Fixed, thanks. ~Karika

Solanaceae -> RE: Classes/Abilities (3/14/2016 1:04:47)

Corrections for Paladin Armor:


Light of Dawn
Empowered light attack then blinds foe

Level/Quest/Skill/Items required: 1 Undead Slayer Badge to unlock

Against regular enemies: 3 hits of 60% damage for 180% damage, reduces target's Bonus by 25 for 4 turns
Against undead enemies: 3 hits of 75% damage for 225% damage, reduces target's Bonus by 50 for 4 turns

Should say 5 turns (because the enemy is blinded on the turn you use the skill as well).


Aura of Light
Increased Damage and Darkness Resist

Level/Quest/Skill/Items required: 1 Undead Slayer Badge to unlock

Against regular enemies: 1 hit of 110% damage, increases your Boost by 25% and Darkness resistance by 40
Against undead enemies: 1 hit of 120% damage, increases your Boost by 25% and Darkness resistance by 40

Should say that it lasts for 5 turns as well.

Done, thanks. ~Karika

Nitewolf -> RE: Classes/Abilities (3/30/2016 13:59:40)

Corrections for DragonRogue Armor


1 hit on enemy for 100% Pierce damage

Should read:

1 hit on enemy for 175% Pierce damage


2 hits of 100% weapon damage

Should read:

2 hits of 50% weapon damage for a total of 100% damage

Throw seems to deal 150% damage like Surprise Attack. Aside from that, the corrections have been made. I also went out of the way to correct a few more things not mentioned. Thanks! ~SZ

Edit: Base Rogue's Throw also seems to deal 150%, so I went and updated that too. ~SZ

Sakurai the Cursed -> RE: Classes/Abilities (5/3/2016 19:16:45)

The order and levels for unlocking DragonLord's skills seems to have been ninja-updated at some point; perhaps with the revamp, but I suppose it's not really important. The levels and order are now:

Attack, Darkness Dragon Spirit and Earth Dragon Spirit are available as soon as you unlock the class, level req. 8;

Wind Dragon Spirit at 10;

Shield Bash at 11;

Water Dragon Spirit at 12;

DragonEye at 13;

DragonSoul at 14;

Dragon Bite at 15;

Rush at 16;

Energy Dragon Spirit at 17;

Light Dragon Spirirt at 18;

Frost Dragon Spirit at 19;

Fire Dragon Spirit at 20;

Dragon Heart at 21.

Or, to put it visually: 14 13 12 11 10 8 8 Attack 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

Updated, thanks. ~Karika

Sakurai the Cursed -> RE: Classes/Abilities (5/3/2016 20:04:00)

Ahh, I suppose I should've been more in-depth; the "completion of Mad Skillz the (X) time" parts of the requirements are wrong now;

Darkness Dragon Spirit and Earth Dragon Spirit are unlocked by default when you get the class, just like Attack, so they should read "None" in Level/Quest/Items required.

Wind Dragon Spirit is unlocked upon completion of Mad Skillz the 1st time;

Shield Bash is the 2nd;

Water Dragon Spirit is the 3rd;

DragonEye is the 4th;

DragonSoul is the 5th;

Dragon Bite is the 6th;

Rush is the 7th;

Energy Dragon Spirit is the 8th;

Light Dragon Spirit is the 9th;

Frost Dragon Spirit is the 10th;

Fire Dragon Spirit is the 11th;

Dragon Heart is the 12th.

And finally, in the requirements for the class itself, it doesn't have the level 8 requirement listed.

Done, thanks. ~Karika

Solanaceae -> RE: Classes/Abilities (5/13/2016 20:58:54)

For Archivist's new skill:

Kathool's Madness
Cooldown Empowerment

Level/Quest/Skill/Items required: None

Effect: 3 hits of 100% damage for 300% total damage. Applies "Kathool's Madness" (see below) to yourself for 6 turns.

Mana Cost: 30
Cooldown: 11 turns (Cooldowns carry over between battles)
Element: Weapon's element
Attack Type: Weapon's type

The basic attack (and only that) is modified as such:

Kathool's Madness - All cooldowns are reduced by 2 turns instead of 1.

Updated, thank you! ~SZ

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