=Lucian= Cross-Clan Communications (Full Version)

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Baron -> =Lucian= Cross-Clan Communications (4/4/2010 21:46:10)

Cross-Clan Communications: If you are from an opposing clan and you'd like to speak with diplomats from the home clan, please use this thread. WARNING: Be nice and respectful. Do not curse, flame, or antagonize one another.

Comprehensive Forum Rules and Clan Rules apply to each thread. Please see the Clan Rules and Information Thread for important information.


Riffus Maximus -> RE: =Lucian= Cross-Clan Communications (4/12/2010 14:10:16)

Hey friends of the Light. How are y'all?

If you went on Paxia not long ago, you'll notice that Nocturu itself is attacked by Kabak (Zorbak and his brother (Kabroz) fused together). They plan on taking Nocturu for themselves, and I think no Nocturan wishes to see that mutant moglin as leader of the Darkness clan. I would like to see our alliance at work again to help conserve Nocturu as it is now.

SIGMUND -> RE: =Lucian= Cross-Clan Communications (4/12/2010 18:10:20)


Be assured that the Lucian Clan is fighting to win the war against Kabak.

You also have all the paladins of other Clans who love to kill undead.....
My personal Kingdom Armies have 1500+ kills so far and by the end of the week they should be up to 3000-5000. [:D]

Maureu -> RE: =Lucian= Cross-Clan Communications (5/28/2010 17:05:45)

Ah, fondest greetings, Sigmund. How is Lucian faring?
You seem decent, at least. Like the weakest forum on a site that at least twenty people visit daily. Not bad, I say. Not bad at all for these times.

SIGMUND -> RE: =Lucian= Cross-Clan Communications (5/29/2010 10:09:40)

Maureu we continue to be one of the most active clans...... whilst appearing calm and serene and almost inactive here on the Paxia Forum. [:D]

johnnyquest.aqrocks -> RE: =Lucian= Cross-Clan Communications (5/29/2010 13:42:43)

Hey friends of the light, do you all defend heavily? YOur counter scores is the best![:D]

masterwolfie -> RE: =Lucian= Cross-Clan Communications (5/29/2010 14:47:29)

We are determined to prove ourselves and that's a fact.

Riffus Maximus -> RE: =Lucian= Cross-Clan Communications (5/29/2010 16:34:00)

SAy, did the LPFs changed all of a sudden or does it have changed location?

masterwolfie -> RE: =Lucian= Cross-Clan Communications (5/29/2010 16:44:33)

A lot of changes has happen, its now much more fairer and democratic.
It's located here.

Riffus Maximus -> RE: =Lucian= Cross-Clan Communications (5/29/2010 17:13:55)

How come so much changes had to be done? I thought everything was fine back at the time I was there.

EDIT: Norticed my account doesn't exist anymore. I guess those changes needed account of non-Lucians to be deleted.

By the way, SIGMUND gave me a link to a forum named Avatars of Lucian. Is that another of your PFs?

SIGMUND -> RE: =Lucian= Cross-Clan Communications (5/29/2010 17:52:23)

Much of the Lucian Defense is now done by the Avatars of Lucian.
This is an additional place for Lucian players to hang out in a relaxing Lucian environment.
The Clan Politics and Roleplaying is all still on the LPF. [:D]

Maureu -> RE: =Lucian= Cross-Clan Communications (5/29/2010 20:51:45)

Jeez, it almost makes be want to be for unity with how you fellows are doing. Almost.

masterwolfie -> RE: =Lucian= Cross-Clan Communications (5/30/2010 4:51:12)

Max@ I don't know what SIGMUND is playing at but the forum I linked has been the official private forums for years.
That forum SIGMUND linked to you was never mentioned or heard of in the Lucian community on the official private forums.

Lucian defence are officially discussed on the forum I provided.

If you want to chat with the current Lucian government then please use the link I have gave in my last post.

SIGMUND -> RE: =Lucian= Cross-Clan Communications (5/30/2010 8:31:31)

I am playing AQ wolfie.

The forum I mentioned is additional to the LPF and is in not in competion with the LPF.
If anyone wishes to speak with the current government of the LPF then please visit them on the LPF.

masterwolfie -> RE: =Lucian= Cross-Clan Communications (5/30/2010 8:36:54)

I'm also playing AQ SIGMUND.

Next time can you please mention that in the LPF? As clearly if you consider recent events it does look like an attempt SIGMUND.

Riffus Maximus -> RE: =Lucian= Cross-Clan Communications (5/30/2010 10:24:10)

*Leaves discreetly by the shadows*

theosenia -> RE: =Lucian= Cross-Clan Communications (5/30/2010 10:47:42)

@Dread-Shadow-Max: No! You're not "leaving" now that I came to greed you??
Hello there my fellow,"Lucian"! Hope everything's been fine for you,in the game n RL,too! [:D]
...N to answer your question,YES! some of us still looove to play AQ n have loads of FUN from it!!!

EDIT: @Maureu:..."Almost"??? Well,that's "a good start",then! :-)

@johnnyquest.aqrocks: Hello,there! Nice to see YOU here. Best of luck to you all,too! [:)]

Riffus Maximus -> RE: =Lucian= Cross-Clan Communications (5/30/2010 11:10:48)

Yesh... no escape for me.

Everything's fine so far. I still play AQ sometimes, but I focus more on bringing Paxia in AQWorlds.

I'll leave for vacation for a month. If something happens, talk to Maureu, as she became the new Revenant.

theosenia -> RE: =Lucian= Cross-Clan Communications (5/30/2010 11:17:14)

Thanks,Dread! [:)]

Glad to hear everything's fine in RL,too! Have some WONDERFUL vacation n loads of FUN there!!!

Spanish Inquisition -> RE: =Lucian= Cross-Clan Communications (5/30/2010 14:28:04)

Interesting to hear of another forum...tell Kandy hi for me.

Nice to see my Nocturu friends out and about as well.

Maureu -> RE: =Lucian= Cross-Clan Communications (5/30/2010 16:54:24)

Well, we're down to about one and a half now. But nice to see you, Si. How have you yourself been?

Spanish Inquisition -> RE: =Lucian= Cross-Clan Communications (5/30/2010 17:10:52)

Pretty busy. So busy it seems people have forgotten about me. I thought I was legendary, but alas, I find I was merely a speck in the elemental pool of AQ.

Maureu -> RE: =Lucian= Cross-Clan Communications (5/30/2010 17:21:41)

Aw. How sad.
--I remembered you, though. And the kittyloaf. I perfected a zombie version.

SIGMUND -> RE: =Lucian= Cross-Clan Communications (5/30/2010 17:47:31)

@ SI
I'll let Kandy know that you said Hi

O we remember you SI, but I think Drummy hasn't recovered yet..... Now DigDog?[;)]

drummy -> RE: =Lucian= Cross-Clan Communications (5/30/2010 17:51:20)

Recovered from what? Drummy is perfectly fine, better than ever.

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