Vogenvuld (Full Version)

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Ianthe -> Vogenvuld (4/15/2011 17:16:28)


«Scaling guest. Attacks with Fire and Earth. Deals extra damage to robots»

Location 1: Engineering > Gravlax > Missions > Nice Pirates
Location 2: The Bridge > Queen Pra'Mithia > WARPFORCE SAGA! > HAVEN'S GATE
Location 3: The Bridge > Queen Pra'Mithia > WARPFORCE SAGA! > SHADOWS OF PURGOS!
Location 4: The Bridge > Celestra > What’s going on down on Novus? > The Search for Rubia
Location 5: The Bridge > Celestra > What’s going on down on Novus? > Sibling Rivalry

Upkeep: 0.13125*(38.1 + 2.3375*Level + 0.01125*Level^2) SP, rounded normally

****Base: 0.315*(4 + 0.5*Level + 0.005*Level^2) damage
****Random: 0.315*(13 + 1.25*Level + 0.005*Level^2) damage
Stat: 1.18125*(100 + Level*4.4) %
BTH: Level/4, rounded down

ATTACK RATE: [100 + CHA/2] %
Rate at -66 CHA: 67%
Rate at 0 CHA: 100%

Hits: 2
Type: Melee
Element: Fire
Damage: 50% Base, Random, and Stats each
BTH: +0 plus Stats each
Trigger: If you are fighting a "robot" monster, then this attack deals *1.05 damage. Otherwise, this attack does *0.975 damage.
Rate: 33.3%

Hits: 1
Type: Melee
Element: Earth
Damage: 105% Base, Random, and Stats
BTH: -4 plus Stats
Rate: 33.3%

Hits: 1
Type: Ranged
Element: Earth
Damage: 113.3% Base, Random, and Stats
BTH: -10 plus Stats
Rate: 33.3%


Appendix: Numbers by Level

Note: This does not include the trigger on Attack #1.
Level	Dmg1	Stat1	BTH1	Dmg2	Stat2	BTH2	Dmg3	Stat3	BTH3	SP
0	1-3	59	0	1-5	124	-4	1-6	134	-10	5
5	1-4	72	1	2-9	151	-3	2-9	163	-9	7
10	2-6	85	2	3-12	179	-2	4-14	193	-8	8
15	2-7	98	3	4-15	206	-1	5-17	222	-7	10
20	3-9	111	5	6-19	233	1	6-20	252	-5	12
25	3-10	124	6	7-22	260	2	7-24	281	-4	14
30	4-13	137	7	8-27	288	3	8-28	311	-3	16
35	4-14	150	8	9-30	315	4	10-33	340	-2	18
40	5-16	163	10	11-34	342	6	12-37	369	0	20
45	6-19	176	11	12-38	369	7	13-42	399	1	22
50	6-20	189	12	13-42	397	8	14-45	428	2	24
55	7-22	202	13	15-47	424	9	17-52	458	3	26
60	8-25	215	15	18-53	451	11	19-57	487	5	29
65	9-27	228	16	19-58	478	12	20-62	517	6	31
70	10-30	241	17	21-63	506	13	23-68	546	7	34
75	11-32	254	18	23-67	533	14	25-73	576	8	36
80	12-35	267	20	25-73	560	16	27-79	605	10	39
85	13-38	280	21	28-80	588	17	30-86	635	11	42
90	14-40	293	22	30-85	615	18	32-92	664	12	45
95	15-43	306	23	32-90	642	19	35-98	693	13	47
100	16-45	319	25	34-96	669	21	37-104	723	15	50
105	17-49	332	26	36-102	697	22	39-110	752	16	53
110	19-52	345	27	40-109	724	23	43-118	782	17	57
115	20-55	358	28	42-116	751	24	45-125	811	18	60
120	22-59	371	30	45-123	778	26	49-133	841	20	63
125	23-62	384	31	47-129	806	27	51-139	870	21	66
130	24-65	397	32	51-137	833	28	55-148	900	22	70
135	26-69	410	33	54-144	860	29	58-156	929	23	73
140	27-72	423	35	57-152	888	31	62-164	959	25	77
145	28-75	436	36	60-159	915	32	64-171	988	26	81
150	30-79	449	37	63-167	942	33	68-180	1017	27	84

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