Joe10112 -> RE: =ED= Balance Discussions (9/4/2011 17:46:48)
I think I know why Cyber Hunter is considered underpowered and Tac Merc is considered OverPowered. Tac Merc has Artillery that improves with SUP (crucial, as the aux will be very much OP now), while Multi-Shot improves with DEX, which doesnt increase any damage dealt using Primary/Side/Aux. But my main point is this: Tac Merc has Reroute and Frenzy. A way to gain back Health and Energy very easily. Cyber has only Static Charge. Shadow Arts is good, but has a huge SUP requirment at level 10, and only increases Block/Stun chance resist, doesnt give back HP or EP at all. I say that we remove Shadow Arts from Cyber and replace it with either Blood Lust (now Cyber has a way to gain back HP as well as EP), or even Reroute, (Cyber Hunters deal with Energy, so more energy regain should be consistent with the Class Description). And to top it all off, Hybrid Armor is just OP. 'Nuff Said. Best skill ever. Even if I decrease my opponent's dex to 0, a Merc will still have at least 13 defense. Either make it non-passive, or have it be nerfed by almost 50% even.