Belle (Full Version)

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Occavatra -> Belle (4/22/2017 23:09:36)


Location: Enigmatic Epidemic, Artifact Heist, A New Student, Theano: A Thorn's Story, Fortress of Thorns, Unraveled, Loose Ends, Unvoided Ravenloss (Book 3) -> Down -> 2 Left / 2 Right -> Enter the cave

Quests given

Shops owned

Enigmatic Epidemic

???: Hi!

Belle: Don't worry I'm not with the Rose! Well, not all the way. My name is Belle, I'm a spy for the Vind.

Belle: Correct!
Belle: I mainly handle diplomatic missions, as well as supply the Rose with Soulwoven gear in order to keep me out of combat with my allies.
Belle: Plus, I'm trying to save as many lives as I can during this conflict and if my Soulwoven garments save some lives, I'm happy.

Belle: Sure do!

Belle: A strange, magical disease has spread to the residents of Clearwater, as well as sightings of Disease Elementals.

Belle: It's rather mysterious to me too. That's why we have to figure out how this is happening.

Belle: You go. I'm a Soulweaver, we are artisans, not fighters.

???: <Character>!
Belle: Whatever you just did, it worked! The people are getting better! And all of the monsters dissolved as well!

Belle: Unfortunately, there were still some casualties. The disease... It was just too powerful...

Belle: What do you mean?

Belle: How is that possible?

Belle: Did you catch the leader's name?

Belle: ...<Character>...

Belle: It isn't as simple as Jaania not knowing, <Character>. She isn't the only one in charge of the Rose, you know!
Belle: Akanthus is in charge, too. He has all the resources he needs to pull off something like this and get away with it.
Belle: I'm not siding with the Rose, and I know you don't like Jaania, but she isn't who you make her out to be.
Belle: She genuinely cares about the people of Lore. Is she crazy for trying to regulate magic for all of Lore? Yes, and we will stop her, there...
Belle: But she is also doing a lot of good!
Belle: We shouldn't be stopping someone from doing good in a world that desperately needs some good in it.

Belle: No. If Jaania finds out, Akanthus will find out as well, and the rest will get away.
Belle: We will never be able to stop them then.

Belle: A very powerful, magical artifact... oh no...

Belle: I think... I know where they might be headed...

Artifact Heist

Belle: I knew they would be going after one of the Shards! I just didn't know which Guardian Tower they would attack.
Belle: With Willowshire recovering from Caitiff's assault, this was the perfect target! I should have known!

Belle: You're right. I'll start evacuating as many civilians and Guardians as I can.

Belle: This isn't up for discussion, <Character>. People need our help! I will not be bound to inaction just because I cannot fight!
Belle: Vitael!

Belle: Would you shield me while I evacuate the area?

Belle: <Character>! Are you alright?!

Belle: I'm... not sure...

Belle: I don't even feel weak. How can this be?

Belle: But what about the Thorn's leader?

Belle: They have already killed so many people... And Theano still needs a large amount of lifeforce for that spell to work.
Belle: That means this will only get worse!

A New Student

Belle: It's an honor to finally meet you, Mr. Warlic!

Belle: You know of me?

Belle: Umm... Sure, I guess.

Belle: It will be fine, Vitael.

Belle: What?!

Belle: How is that possible?

Belle: H-how...?

Belle: Yes...

Belle: Correct.

Belle: Yeah.

Belle: You will?!

Belle: Yes, thank you, Mr. Warlic! I will not disappoint you!

Belle: Umm.....?

Belle: Can we hear it?

Theano: A Thorn's Story

Belle: What a monster!

Belle: What kind of person does such horrible things?!

Belle: You are right, Mr. Warlic. I am ready to train now.

Belle: Yes. I will put a stop to this monster of a man.
Belle: Even if its the last thing I do.

Fortress of Thorns

Belle: Are you sure this is the way to the fortress, <Character>?

Belle: Of course! This is what I've been training nonstop to do!
Belle: Besides...

Belle: We must stop Theano... No matter what.

Belle: Does it bother you?

Belle: Here goes nothing! Let's go!

Belle: And who are you calling "pet"?!

Belle: Where is your "master", anyway?

Belle: Then I guess we'll just have to go through you!

Belle: We won't ask again! Where is Theano?!

Belle: Where?!

Belle: Got it!

Belle: *Inhale*

Belle: NO!!!


Belle: Theano!

Belle: I am not Persephone.

Belle: I am Sable...

Belle: Your daughter...

Belle: Since we received that letter from Nythera.
Belle: Krasimir told me that my parents died in a fire but managed to save me.
Belle: He raised me until I was old enough to attend Edelia.
Belle: And after hearing about the mana experiments he performed on Perseph— my mother, I now know how I have my... abilities.

Belle: Enough!
Belle: I will put an end to you!

Belle: I will never join you!
Belle: And no matter the circumstance, after what you've done...
Belle: I would rather die than be your daughter.

Belle: No. You are not Death.
Belle: You are not even a man.

Belle: You are just evil.
Belle: An evil that kills without a second thought.

Belle: An evil that even kills those most loyal to him.
Belle: An evil only capable of hurt.

Belle: And I will make sure you hurt no one else...
Belle: Ever again!

Belle: You want me to stop?
Belle: Just like you "stopped" when people begged for your mercy?

Belle: All those people you hurt!

Belle: I could unravel you entirely.
Belle: You would be nothing.
Belle: Not even your miserable excuse for a soul would remain!

Belle: But I won't.
Belle: Because I'm nothing like you.

Loose Ends

Belle: I can't, <Character>.

Belle: I can't Manaweave anymore.

Belle: <Character>, stop! I'm not a weapon!
Belle: That's what Theano wanted me to be!
Belle: But I'm not that! I'm a human being!
Belle: When I was Manaweaving, I felt like an Avatar... maybe even beyond them.
Belle: I felt like I could take life. I could create life. I could do anything...
Belle: Even then, it nearly killed me! And almost destroyed Vitael!
Belle: I was so angry. I was afraid of myself.
Belle: I'm not an Avatar. I'm just me...
Belle: No one should have that power.
Belle: Theano gave it to me. And I want nothing to do with him.
Belle: So, with Warlic's help, I Manawove myself a "filter".

Belle: It's hard to explain how I did it! I kind of just poked around until it felt... right.

Belle: So now I'm just... normal!

Belle: Thank you for all your help, Warlic.

Belle: And thank you, <Character>, truly. Without you, I would have never stopped Theano.

Belle: I'm leaving the Vind.
Belle: I'll let the Rose finish off the rest of the Thorn. I can't stand to see anymore bloodshed.
Belle: I need to get new SpiritLooms, and then I'm going to Ravenloss.
Belle: I want to study among the Soulweavers there to become a Master Soulweaver, and try to put all this behind me.

Belle: Same for me.
Belle: Thank you, <Character>. I hope we'll meet again someday!

Unvoided Ravenloss (Book 3)
(after Loose Ends)

Belle: <Character>! It's good to see you again! Vitael and I have been busy.

  • What's up?
    Belle: I've been saving up my gold from some Soulwoven clothes I've been selling.
    Belle: The people are all really nice here! I'm looking to find which of these empty buildings I want to make my home.
    Belle: As for this cave here... I have some plans!

  • Vitael
    Belle: I guess I never truly introduced you to her.
    Belle: Vitael is an Elemental Spirit of Temperance.
    Belle: She was attuned to the element of Light, but after my Manaweaving "incident", her element changed to something... new.
    Belle: She still needs some adjusting, as most Elemental Spirits don't go through transformations like this...

    Unvoided Ravenloss (Book 3)
    (after Loose Ends and Khvorost)

    Belle: <Character>! It's good to see you again! Vitael and I have been busy! We ran into Khvorost, he said he's a "friend" of yours?

    Belle: Anyway...

  • What's up?
    Belle: After selling some Soulwoven clothes, I was able to get enough money to buy a place here!
    Belle: This cave as well! It wasn't used, so Khvorost and I were discussing some plans, and...
    Belle: ...we are hoping to turn it into a Weaving school, like Edelia! I think we should call it New Edelia, but he disagrees...

    Belle: You are so... dense! How about the Ravenloss School of—

    Belle: Fine! How about "Persefona"? After my mother.

  • Vitael
    Belle: I guess I never truly introduced you to her.
    Belle: Vitael is an Elemental Spirit of Temperance.
    Belle: She was attuned to the element of Light, but after my Manaweaving "incident", her element changed to something... new.
    Belle: She still needs some adjusting, as most Elemental Spirits don't go through transformations like this...

  • Khvorost
    Belle: How did we meet? Well, once he arrived here in Ravenloss, he began telling literally everyone how good of friends you two were.
    Belle: The people around here respect you, so it earned him a few free meals, but I was tired of him using your name to get free stuff, so I set him straight.
    Belle: Also, he keeps staring at me, and I hope I'm making it clear enough that he's not my... umm... type.

  • School?
    Belle: Edelia is the only official institution on Lore that teaches Soulweaving. Their laws and codex is a bit... stiff.
    Belle: I want to introduce a bit of a more "laid back" weaving to the people of Smocha Gwova!
    Belle: I'm hoping that, over time, I'll have just as many students as Edelia does, maybe even more!
    Belle: I want to get away from the stigma that defending yourself or others with your SpiritLooms automatically makes you "evil".
    Belle: You and your late friend Tomix are proof of that.

  • Tomix
    Belle: I've heard a lot of stories about him from the people around here. He sounded like a good person... I wish I could have met him...

  • Krasimir
    Belle: Krasimir will always be my real father. He doesn't really like the idea of me opening a new Weaving school, but he's proud of me for trying!
    Belle: I can't wait to be able to go home and visit him!

    Appearance in Unraveled
    Appearance in Loose Ends
    Preview Image from Design Notes

    Thanks to Jay for appearances in Unraveled and Loose Ends images.

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