Arrival of the Vind (Full Version)

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Jay -> Arrival of the Vind (5/30/2019 5:16:30)

Arrival of the Vind

Location: Song of the Ateala -> Arrival of the Vind
Requirements: Completion of The Empress, 50% War Meter
Release Date: May 29th, 2019

Objective: That's... big.
Objective completed: The Vind are here to help! And your mission is to take down that massive... thing! No problem.

Experience rewarded: 0
Gold rewarded: 0


Kara SuLema



*A giant warbeast stands just outside of the Magesterium's rift. It powers up, shooting a large beam of blue energy directly at Atrea's protective barrier. Showing no signs of stopping, three dragonriders fly in to distract the warbest, succeeding in their efforts, however there has already been visible damage done to Atrea's protective barrier. Inside Atrea, the Vind have arrived and are meeting with the Atealans for the first time.*

Kara SuLema: It appears we arrived just in time. Please accept my apologies for the delay. The Rose is on high alert after the Duat incident.
<Character>: Not alert enough to help themselves, though.
Kara SuLema: So we've heard. What's the situation here? Who is in charge?
Alz'ein: I am Alz'ein. Leader of the Ateala armies. I understand you lead the Vind?
Kara SuLema: That is correct. It is a pleasure to meet you, Lady Alz'ein.
Kara SuLema: I am Kara SuLema. We— that is our resistance— have come to aid you however we may.
Kara SuLema: In these tumultuous times, we can all use all the allies we can find.
Isiri: A wise reasoning.
Alz'ein: You've already proven your worth by distracting that giant... thing away from our barrier.
Nirios: Much appreciated.
Kara SuLema: It was our pleasure. We hope to join the battle directly once we get situated.
Alz'ein: Great. Now that the niceties are out of the way, we can get to work.
Alz'ein: Kara, you and your forces will be directly under my command. I trust that will not be a problem?

*Kara appears startled by this bold and sudden display of authority.*

Kara SuLema: You ask for much faith when we have only just met, but we will do our best to comply.

*There is now slight tension between the two allied forces.*

Yashta: My master, <Character>, is associated with these Vind, correct?
<Character>: Er, yes, I've worked with Kara and the rest of the Vind extensively.
Yashta: And Alz'ein, was it not your idea to send word for help?
Alz'ein: It was. What of it?
Yashta: You invited allies into our home, to help protect our people and The Empress.
Yashta: You do not own them.
Alz'ein: I—
Yashta: They came to us freely. As friends of <Character>. Who you trust.
Alz'ein: I do.

*Alz'ein understands she may have been too presumptuous with her previous demands.*

Alz'ein: Please, forgive me, guests. I ask too much, too soon.
Kara SuLema: There is nothing to forgive. The fate of your people rests on the line.
Kara SuLema: We came here to be at your disposal.
Kara SuLema: I only ask that should we require your assistance in the future, against the Rose, the Magesterium, or otherwise...
Kara SuLema: ... that we may count on your help as well.

*A brief silence follows Kara's request, allowing the Atealans to process and respond.*

Alz'ein: So be it., Isiri: That seems quite fair to me., Etaos: I think this would be agreeable.

Alz'ein: Although—
Nirios: It is not our place to agree to promise aid.
Nirios: The Empress must be consulted in any future endeavors. However, we will do our best to plead your case.
Isiri: The Empress sees your assistance here. I'm sure she will approve.
Kara SuLema: Then we are in agreement. Lead us, Lady Alz'ein.
Alz'ein: Our current objective is to defend the barrier surrounding Atrea from attack, until The Empress can close the rift.
Alz'ein: Kara, send any mages you have to be under the command of Isiri. For ranged defense.
Kara SuLema: It shall be done.
Alz'ein: Etaos, you will direct the riders for the defense of the barrier.
Etaos: At once, Alz'ein.
Alz'ein: The rest of your ground forces will be under my direction.
Kara SuLema: Understood.
Alz'ein: Yashta, you...
Yashta: ...
Alz'ein: Keep up the good work.
Yashta: I shall.
Alz'ein: <Character>, we're going to have to find a way to drive that massive creature back.
Alz'ein: Your priority now is to fight your way to it and figure out some way to deal with it.
Alz'ein: I understand tackling impossible odds is something you're good at.
Alz'ein: Don't worry, you'll have backup too. When you get close, we'll be ready.
<Character>: I'll do my best!

*Scene fades to black.*

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