Back to School (Full Version)

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DemonicDarkwraith -> Back to School (9/14/2024 20:33:17)

Back to School

Location: Book of Lore -> Back to School,
Location: Falconreach Guardian Tower (Book 3) -> 2 Left -> 2 Up -> Right Up -> Zorbak -> Back to School
Requirements: None
Release Date: September 13th, 2024

Objective: It's too early for all this.
Objective completed: Let's just forget that ever happened, okay?

Experience rewarded: Scaled
Gold rewarded: Scaled

(6) Necroslime
(14) Spare Parts
(1) Spare Parts - Boss

Magus Neron
Rose Guard(s)
Skull Assistant

Skull Assistant Bubble


*You are asleep on your bed in Falconreach Inn during the morning; however, someone knocks on the door.*

<Character>: Mmmrhm... Five more minutes...

*The knocking on the door continues; eventually, the source of the knocking reveals to be Zorbak.*

Zorbak: <Character>! Get up!
<Character>: ...Zorbak? ...What time is it?
Zorbak: I don't know, but we have an emergency! And you're the only one who can deal with it.
<Character>: ...
<Character>: ...Fine...

*You wake up from your bed and open the door; outside your bedroom on the top floor of Falconreach Inn, you meet with Zorbak and Artix.*

<Character>: Okay, Zorbak, what's the big deal? Did Twilly fall down a well again or—
<Character>: Artix?!
Artix: Hi there, <Character>!

*You look at Artix and then Zorbak; you become surprised that both of them are working together.*

<Character>: And you're not fighting with each other?
<Character>: Okay. This must be serious, indeed.
Zorbak: Meh. I know how important sleep is. I told you it was an emergency.
Artix: There are undead about!
<Character>: About what?

*You refrain from talking before focusing back on Zorbak's situation.*

<Character>: Sorry, I'm still waking up.
Zorbak: So, do you remember Necro U? Out in Doomwood?
<Character>: Oh yeah, that's where Artix and I tried to get in using... uh, your ID card.
Zorbak: Yeah, that's the one. So it turns out The Rose raided the place some time ago while you were an ice cube.
Zorbak: You'd think they'd have the decency to clean the place out when they left, but no!
Artix: I woke up bright and early this morning and my paladin senses were tingling!

*Scene shifts to Artix's Paladin Order stronghold in Doomwood; set earlier before the meeting, Artix is asleep in his bed until the sun shimmers outside; Artix wakes up momentarily.*

Artix: Oh boy, time to start the day!
Artix: But wait, what am I sensing...?

Artix: Could it be...?

*Artix smiles as he senses....*

Artix: Undead!

*Scene shifts back to your meeting with Zorbak and Artix in Falconreach Inn on present day.*

Artix: There is definitely something undead roaming those accursed halls! But The Rose would not let me in!
Zorbak: They caught him trying to break in through a window.
Zorbak: The Rose probably mucked it all up and accidentally set them loose or something.
Zorbak: And that's why we came to you for help.
Zorbak: You're like, friends with them or something, right?
<Character>: Um. I wouldn't quite say that.
<Character>: But I could try to talk to them.
Zorbak: Good enough for me. Onward!
<Character>: But how do you fit into this, Zorbak? I didn't think you'd care that much about the school you almost graduated from.
Zorbak: Meh. Harsh, but fair.
Zorbak: No, when I saw this bonehead trying to smash his way in, I was suddenly reminded of something I forgot in there.
Zorbak: Very important. Very time sensitive.
<Character>: I don't suppose you'll share with us what it is?
Zorbak: ...
Zorbak: Oh would you look at the time, it's time to slay undead already!
Artix: Just let me at them! Come on, <Character>, it will be fun!
<Character>: Better than the undead breaking free and terrorizing Doomwood, I suppose...
Zorbak: Yeah, it'll be your good deed for the week or something.

  • Artix joins you as Guest A.

    Artix: Battle on!

    *Artix, Zorbak, and you arrive at Necro U in The Necropolis; they meet with a pair of Rose Guards and Magus Neron, who are guarding the entrance of Necro U.*

    <Character>: Erm. Hello!
    Rose Guard (1): No entry allowed, move along.
    Magus Neron: Now, now, there's no need for that. This is <Character>. And... a pair of <his/her/their> friends, it would seem.
    Magus Neron: It is good to see you. I came here after reports of an incident earlier this morning.
    Rose Guard (2): That— That's him! That's the one who broke the window! Took almost the whole squad to drag him away!
    <Character>: Hold on, no, this is Artix! You know, the famous paladin who slays undead! Not windows!
    <Character>: That must have been someone else this morning! Right, Artix?
    Artix: Um. Yes! It must have been some other paladin with a shining axe!
    Rose Guard (1): ...
    Magus Neron: ...
    Magus Neron: I take it by your presence here that you wish to enter properly, then?
    <Character>: Yes. I have it on good authority that there may still be some threats within the university.
    <Character>: My friends and I would like to assist you by taking care of this problem. If you wouldn't mind.
    Magus Neron: Hm.
    Magus Neron: ...Very well. We're stretched thin as it is.
    <Character>: Thank you!
    Rose Guard (1): But, sir...
    Magus Neron: I trust <Character> and <his/her/their> friends won't do anything... foolish.
    Magus Neron: Let them in. I'll take care of the paperwork.
    Rose Guard (1): Yes, sir!

    *You and Artix fight various experimental undead throughout Necro U, while Zorbak trails behind; you must find a lever before continuing; eventually, you, Zorbak, and Artix find an old decrepit room emanating a green light throughout the room.*

    <Character>: This is what we came here for? It's just an old room...
    Zorbak: One moment... Ahem... ahem.
    Zorbak: Hey, Skull Assistant.

    *Scene shifts to the Skull Assistant, who is a skull with green outline.*

    Zorbak: Turn off the lights.
    Skull Assistant: You got it!

    *The Skull Assistant turns off the lights throughout the room before deactivating itself.*

    Zorbak: There we go. All done.
    <Character>: ...That's it? You just needed to turn off your lights?
    <Character>: That was your big emergency?!
    Zorbak: Yeah. Been footing the bill all this time, and it's been stacking up, let me tell you.
    Zorbak: Meheheh. Now I'll have more funds for...
    Zorbak: ...Things.
    <Character>: And you're okay with this, Artix?!
    Artix: Well, we got to slay a bunch of undead, so it all worked out in the end, right?
    <Character>: ...Yeah. Yeah, you're right!
    <Character>: We saved Doomwood from a horde of experimental undead!
    Zorbak: See? You can feel good about it.
    Zorbak: Right, well, I'm going to shuffle off before that paladin starts looking at me funny.

    *Zorbak leaves the room.*

    Artix: Well done, <Character>! It was fun to fight by your side again! Until next time!

    *Artix leaves the room; you are now the only one remaining in the room.*

    <Character>: ...It's not too late to go back to sleep, is it?

    *Scene cuts to black.*

  • Complete Quest

    Other information
  • A box of potions, capping at 2 HP/MP potions, can be found during the quest.
  • Pop-up headlines during the quest:

  • You flip the lever and you hear a distant noise.
  • Artix: "The source of the undead is past this, I am sure!"
  • Zorbak: "Not here. Must have taken a wrong turn somewhere..."
  • A student must have left this box of potions behind... Lucky you!
  • Zorbak: "What we're looking for is just up ahead..."

  • Thanks to Dratomos for additional location information.

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