KhalJJ -> RE: Item MECHANIC Clone Requests (9/19/2024 11:41:25)
Item: Edge of the End Item Location: Last Ride saga finale - no official info subs Mechanical summary: the on-weapon-click for burn-eater damage skill, for other statuses or effects, but elemental clones also good. Would be cool to experiment with overcharged/efficient versions though I presume efficient would be most popular. Royal Void Charge falls into this bucket too, unfortunately also is fire! Item: Vampire subrace form - *not* the entire thing, just one mechanic. Item Location: Safiria's castle Mechanical summary: the mechanic of interest is the heal% of bleed damage. Would be cool to see this, or similar, for other statuses. Heroic titan misc approaches this but is a binary yes/no for burn, so there's no scaling with stronger burns. Item: Mermazon Champion Item Location: Community Donation contest, Mechanical summary: QC consume x to do y - in this case it consumes poison, inflict drowning. But any status-eat QC to inflict something else is interesting. I think Legion Monsterlord gaze also does this, but spreads out the ele-empower too much (4 turns, +25% damage) Item: Typhon Shard Item Location: Pride event Mechanical summary: Toggle to inflict x status/effect upon weapon attack OR spellcast. This is really excellent, allowing armors to have this versatility is clearly pretty popular, but maybe that is just because of panic in this case being good? Unsure. Infinite darkcaster does this but it is rather weak, in it's spell augmentation, and of course only affects spells. I imagine spell augmentation is one for the future, with Mage having gotten a toggle skill for this, so don't want to step on archmage's toes, but that is going to be a while so... Item: Lovestruck scope Item Location: , snugglefest shop Mechanical summary: Omni-Defensive trigger if enemy has x status. Lovestruck is talked about a lot as being overtuned, but what I'm interested here is solely the trigger providing defence - this effect enables a lot of flexibility in any status build, so I think this effect should exist for other statuses. Other effects of any misc with this are a bonus. Also I suppose it doesn't necessarily need to be a misc but that makes most sense. Item: Unravelling Nightmare Item Location: Mechanical summary: 2 turn charge up spell. Cool. Other elements could be cool too. Item: 74th Law Item Location: Mechanical summary: status bomb spell. Bleed+burn. Excellent, would be cool as straight elemental clones or other similar spells (Mandate included, quite cool but less useful effects imo). Related, simlar Surtr's spell being overcharged and premium kind of makes it less appealing, but I can see some scenarios where the overcharge is really good, depending on how the stauses are split (ie not too widely). Item: Ravenous Sharkicane and/or Rising Nightmare Item Location: , Mechanical summary: Cool spell. Unsure on split between wanting a damaging spell with heal eater attached, or pure heal spell that is also an eater (Rising Knightmare). Either way, would be good to get more coverage of these (sharkicane is mage only, knightmare is STR/DEX only) Item: jalek’s panic reaver Item Location: Mechanical summary: QC fear eat for hypercrit + accuracy. Not suggesting specifcally hypercrit here - Really cool mechanic, elemental clones would be good, and similar effects for other statuses is what I'm suggesting given the hypercrit hiatus. Item: Terror totem Item Location: Terror set quest: Mechanical summary: QC fear eat for heal. I think this is useful on other elements, and for other statuses, and possibly for other resources Addition based on recent Nightmare Queen package: Item: Undead Reindeer Stampede Item Location: Frostval Guardian giftbox 2022 : Mechanical summary: A decent, usable fear spell (50% damage goes into inflicting fear). Nightmare Queen has highlighted the complete lack and dire need of any available, useable fear spells. Surely also we should have fear spells that compete, or even outcompete, necromancer's compressed spells? Probably interest in even higher damage paid versions. +1 to telcontar's suggestions of caden's wrath and monocle misc. Lorekeeper edit: Snipped ineligible suggestions. I realize it was just to bring up a mechanic of interest, but we do have a separate thread for underserved mechanics. My bad on the lack of clarity on token donation items being ineligible.