Helpful and Constructive!
It seems unlikely that a professional programmer like the Captain would get so upset by a few silly people calling him a Liar? In fact he would probably be more likely to post a response and then keep us updated on his progress? Well, considering that when someone made a thread on GBI pointing out that Rhublade (his staff weapon, which was later released for normal purchase) was quite underpowered, he poped up in the middle of the discussion and -sounding quite offended- unilateraly announced that the weapon was immediately going rare... I'm afraid that Captain tends to act on impulse and temper a bit too often. And I understand that he doesn't want to give any new deadlines not even estimated ones. But that doesn't mean that he can't disclose some info on how are things going, or if the project is advancing or has been sidetracked in favour of other things deemed more urgent, while keeping it vague enough that he can't be quoted on any specific timetable. In fact, that is a lesson that the KoO learnt a while ago. As M. Dietrich said above, in the end this is bussiness, and customers have the right to demand some information. Of course, Rhubarb also has the right to ignore those demands, but that isn't going to make him look good...