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RE: =Elemental Championship= Sign ups now open.

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6/15/2010 20:52:19   
Legendary Artist!

Updated June 16th 2010

Approved Character List

Total Entrants: 27

Characters - RPer

Water: 1
Elias "Hellsbane" Hawthorne - Sheriff Duncan

Wind: 4
Ed - The Dragon Knight
Anfur Tarkin-Appalachi - Silver Lion
Volude - Eltaka
Eiro Tempestros - Viking_Journ

Fire: 4
Prince Florindo Aruntani - Geddesmck
Ember - Krey
Simonaque - Alexandria Serthes
Liam Garder - ont

Earth: 4
Tyon Adrei - Micosil
Reinharn the Revenger - Apocalypse
Feng - lycanknight570
Radnav - Ultrapowerpie

Dark: 3
Hass Rivera - Tormented Dragon
Jarvis the Worker - Guardian of Nekops
Kamoturo - Frenetic Raptor

Energy: 3
Cassivo - superjars
Marcos "The Handyman" von Nelsyren - Ryu Viranesh
Jonathan Longhair - demonhunter

Ice: 2
Snibbor Niksab - DWeird
Slugger - Mittoo

Light: 2
Russel - kenzoku
Illian Fairweather - Nex Del Vida

< Message edited by Clyde -- 6/16/2010 15:42:25 >
Post #: 101
6/15/2010 20:54:32   

Hm, that directs me to water or darkness. Icky T-T But still, I want a tier with less people. I'll try for water some time. Wait, why does ICE have it's own category. Isn't it a second tier of water? Like, water and nature or something? Cuz Water and Fire = steam. Can I have a steam elemented character? >_>

Edit- I guess a more valid question is, can we have second or third tier elements. Like steam, mud (Earth/water), fog/smoke (Fire/Wind) or stuff like that? D=

< Message edited by Timhortanz -- 6/15/2010 20:56:40 >
MQ  Post #: 102
6/15/2010 20:56:41   
Postmaster General

Going by the elements in the original AQ, Ice was its own element. Steam, however, was not.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 103
6/15/2010 20:57:43   

If I played as a water character, I would do it just to steal Ronin's evaporate the person's sweat move ;P
Post #: 104
6/15/2010 21:00:02   

D- So we HAVE to go by AQ's elements? Why not DF? Than I could have a bacon element! =D Or metal.
MQ  Post #: 105
6/15/2010 21:06:06   
Postmaster General

I am not saying that. Merely stating that the general trend followed that set. There is no mention of the available elements, so yes you could be Bacon element. Or, if you went by other elements seen throughout media, you could be Steel, Dragon, or Bug from Pokemon, or even Potassium, Iron, Neon, or Uranium from the Table of Elements. Theoretically of course, Kell, I believe a clarification is in order.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 106
6/15/2010 21:07:56   

I'm going to be- OMFG OMG I got the best idea ever.

What is the most powerful and important and strategical element of them all?

The element...




Or maybe helium. I have a character in mind for that element ;D

< Message edited by Timhortanz -- 6/15/2010 21:08:20 >
MQ  Post #: 107
6/15/2010 21:08:18   

Tim: You have to be a pure elemented character. Cross-element is rather specifically disallowed.

With a little thought, this should be OBVIOUS. The Elemental Championship is held in honor of the Eight Elemental Lords. You can't fight for two of them. Neither can you fight for the Water Elemental Lord and use Fire powers. Nor can you use Bacon element.

Second tier elements, as you've called them, can fall under the overarching element: steam, for example, is under the domain of water, but not fire. Plant related stuff is Earth. And so on, and so forth.

< Message edited by TormentedDragon -- 6/15/2010 21:12:09 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 108
6/15/2010 21:09:20   

Odang. Than, could you please specify on Sheriff's post, and the one below (Mine) Just making sure. Would you count Surprise as an element ;D Or the Table of Elements?
MQ  Post #: 109
6/15/2010 21:10:13   

Actually, it is just the 8 core elements.

The 8 core elements have Elemental Lords. These are the IC judges. If an element has no Lord, you cannot enter under that element.

HOWEVER, you can enter under an sub-element, but be judged for the main element.... I'm not sure I explained that well, so I'll give an example. Last year Guardian of Nekops entered under water, but IC he had entered under the element of salt.

EDIT: A bad example it seems. TD's post is better.

< Message edited by Geddesmck -- 6/15/2010 21:20:45 >
AQ DF  Post #: 110
6/15/2010 21:18:39   
Ronin Of Dreams
Still Watching...

His character was a salt mage, yes, but it was not considered a sub-element. He chose to play via spinning salt rather convincingly to fall within Water's purview rather than, say, Earth by emphasizing its relationship with the ocean, etc. He entered under Water.

Expansion, since I wanted the main point in before yet more ridiculousness: Your concept can effectively be whatever, as long as it can be convincingly spun as firmly within the ranks of one of the Eight. Do not make any such mistake that there are such things as 'sub-elements'. Its a bad and confusing means of reference, especially since it cannot be universally applied to fit AS a sub-element. For example, the "element of surprise". It neither exists in anywhere near the same classification of 'element', per se, nor does it truly fall into any of the Eight as a "sub-element". Yet it makes a valid core concept for a character, as we can see in stealth oriented submissions in the past.

< Message edited by Ronin Of Dreams -- 6/15/2010 21:25:09 >
AQ  Post #: 111
6/15/2010 21:46:37   

@Clyde: Don't forget me, Liam Garder under fire.

Seems to be pretty low turnout, though probably not as low as last year's, IIRC. I hope not as many people drop out in the dropoffs, that'd be depressing.

Just wondering, if we don't get enough contenders, will Sky or Fountain not get used?

< Message edited by ont -- 6/15/2010 21:48:17 >
Post #: 112
6/15/2010 22:43:54   
Alexandria Serthes

Huh... Currently fire and wind have the most accepted characters in them... Well, I always like a healthy dose of competition!
DF AQW  Post #: 113
6/15/2010 23:39:18   
Frenetic Raptor

I kind of figured that Lillith was a bit much. Nothing I can do to make her character acceptable without taking away everything about her. In response to the previous rejection, I've come back with another attempt. Older character of mine, but definitely aligned to only one element. If Kamoturo happens to make it in, looks like I'm in the same elemental group as TD. That would be a very interesting challenge.

First Post

Name: Kamoturo
Age: 27
Height: 5' 11"
Element: Darkness
Gender: Male
Race: Animalian
Transformation: Permanent
General Appearance: Humanoid bunny wearing a sleeveless tattered cloak. Additional accessories include a purple breast plate worn over the cloak and a pair of matching purple bracers for each arm.
Significant Features/Abnormalities: Has three noticeable abnormalities: black tattered wings, two elongated horns on head, and thick talon like nails on fingers and toes.

Explanation & History of an Animalian:

Introductory explanation: Animalians are a race of anthropomorphic beings who were once normal humans, but have recently been revived with the ability to permanently or temporarily transform into these animal like beings. When brought back to life, they are magically revived with little or no evidence of change in age or appearance from the time they had tragically died. Once they fully transform into their anthropomorphic form, each individual assumes a majority of an animal's mental and physical attributes. These additional enhancements can either be good or bad, depending on each individual. Based on compatibility issues, no animal transformation can be controlled completely. While under this state, the mind of that individual is no longer one, but two, combined collectively within one being

Struggles in dealing with two conflicting minds: There have been many legends and stories of individuals with this ability having been driven mad as a result of having no control over their own actions, leading to unfortunate demises, some more gruesome than others. For those few who are capable of controlling two separate minds, those are the lucky ones. Though they may appear normal, there are instances where the human mind lapses, developing a power struggle, mostly leading to temporary loss of control of bodily functions. These lasting effects can range from a mere moment to as much as an entire lifetime if severe enough. For those rare people who have heard rumors of this unique gift have the common perception of this cruel reality as being a devastating burden. Many would rather denounce this type of revival fearing the chance of such a life altering ability occurring to them, seeking no desire to live a life with a foreign mind that they could not control.

Acquiring such an opportunity: Not everyone who has encountered the touch of death can acquire this so called burden of an opportunity. Only the gods can determine this. Most occurrences of such drastic revivals have seemed to only effect those who, while they were human, had a pure soul, a strong will, and a severely traumatic, life changing tragedy during their lifetime. Only under these three circumstances are these selected few chosen from. Even so, not everyone who has all three are chosen, a vast majority are still denied this opportunity of a twisted revival. Whether or not this is a game of chance, where the gods gamble with fates, or if there is some logic behind this still isn't known.

Gathered evidence of Existence: Throughout the passing ages this relatively unknown ancient race has existed amongst the vast land, keeping to themselves. Only during the great wars have these beings been spotted in crowds, only to disappear afterwords. The few collected histories that still remain have revealed that any animal can be fused with these beings, though only one form per being. The secretive nature of these revived beings prevents more accurate collections of data, regarding their true purpose or numbers.

Abnormalities; The light, dark, or mixed paths: Something that has been newly discovered is the formation of abnormal physical attributes not associated with the common Animalian. A few have been rumored to grow unnatural wings, horns, or other physical mutations. Those who have developed an interest in the study of an Animalian have come to a common belief that these changes occur when these revived beings follow a distinct path, either one of light or darkness. Whichever path that individual has chosen to follow, strongly determines these changes.

  • The path towards darkness: Usually, horns, tails, and demon like wings appear on those who have the darkest of hearts.
  • The path towards of light: For those of who are the lightest of heart, appear with angel wings or other angelic features.
  • A mixed path of uncertainty: It is possible to have a combination of these features, but there have only been a sparse few ever recorded with both. These particular few have followed both paths at one time, possibly through an uncertain fate, misguided by their own actions.


Kalirilo is a miniature bunny that fits easily onto the palm of Kamoturo's palm. He is sometimes carried in a small cage that hangs from Kamoturo's belt, though he doesn't like to keep him locked up this way, preferring to let him remain on his shoulder when traveling. Only when he is with malicious people or settling a conflict will he keep him safe within the secured cage.


Shadow Cutter: A common katana in appearance with ancient markings etched into the blade's surface. The shadow cutter, when channeled with dark energy, can create dark vapors that trail behind the motions of the blade, emanating from the back edge of the blade. This darkened vapor trail can be used as a minimal distraction against an enemy while fighting, making the katana unseen from such an illusion.

This katana is securely attached to the side of his belt, held safely within a thick, black leather casing. If needed, he can easily detach the weapon from his belt, allowing Kamoturo to reattach the blade to either side he desires.

Chakrams: Has three chakrams attached to his belt on the opposite side of his katana. Mainly used for ranged attacks within throwing distance. For Kamoturo, this would fall in a range of no more than 50 meters.


Duplication: With the assistance of Kamoturo's other half, as he calls his miniature bunny companion, Kalirilo, he can manipulate the bunny's physical appearance to look exactly like him. This requires his full concentration, with no distractions. After the duplicating transformation is completed, he can control the bunny with his own mind, sensing everything that his duplicate experiences. This is very dangerous to the both of them, for they both can easily die. If his companion is killed under his control, he will lose all control of his own human mind. Basically, his own mind will die along with the passing of his bunny companion. If Kamoturo is killed and not the bunny, he will cease to be and the bunny will return to normal, leaving Kalirilo alone without his loving owner.

Cloaking Shadow: Under this potentially highly draining magical ability, Kamoturo can partially cloak himself amongst the shadows for short periods of time with little or no movement. On occasions he will use this as a quick technique for eluding impending strikes. Although he can flee some attacks with the same ability, this is very taxing with every moment of constant movement. If the shadowed form is used for quickening evasion, the ability can only be used sparingly without proper rest. Prolonged exposure under this ability can cause severe exhaustion, possibly even death if used excessively.

Tendrils of Darkness: This dark magic can create almost invisible magical tendrils, originating from his body. If one concentrates hard enough, one might be able to make out the outlines of each one. The free moving, powerful tendrils can lash out at an opponent from an extended range, inflicting minor wounds. The quicker the succession of the lashes, the less accuracy every strike will have. It is possible to restrain enemies, though only with a little bit of luck.

Shadow Blast: Another dark magic, more commonly used by Kamoturo. This isn't a complicated spell, therefore, allowing Kamoturo to strike multiple times in succession, depending on the size of the dark mass. The quicker the strike, the smaller the blast. More concentration and time will allow for larger blasts with increasing power. For every blast there is a cost, no matter what the size.

Hover: His wings are no longer suited for lengthy flights, having sacrificed his full ability to fly by recently switching to the path of darkness. Though unsuited for common flight, his wings are still strong enough to allow him to hover above the ground. What once were strong, beautiful white wings are now forever crippled. The tattered wings no longer white, but of a pure black.

A Random Moment With Kamoturo:

Do you see them?
Yes, don't be so obvious.
What are you going to do?
The same thing I do every night.

There was a disturbing pause between two beings as a single shadowed figure halted along the dimly lit cobbled pathway.

So, that's it, nothing more? Are you absolutely sure?
Of course I am, why must you ask these things to me every night?
Just remember what happened the last time.

Kamoturo immediately shrugged off any further telepathic remarks from his miniature bunny companion, Kalirilo. There was nothing further to discuss. There wasn't anything he was ever going to say that he hadn't heard of once before. These familiar thoughts, nothing but a waste of time. Satisfied with silence, Kamoturo stepped forward and proceeded onwards to the asylum, flickering light revealing a gleam of purple and fur. What was this being and what was he here for?

Kalirilo couldn't care less; his feelings were hurt, just like always. Things would never change and there was certainly no way to persuade Kamoturo otherwise. He could only cross his arms, staff in hand, knowing it was futile to prolong any further attempts. Just stay quiet Kalirilo. Don't touch me Kalirilo. Go to sleep Kalirilo. It was enough to drive himself mad, all of these bothersome orders. If he didn't know any better, he would have mistaken himself for a dog. Having no choice in his current circumstances, he could only tag along for the ride, in a cage. A nice pleasant night traveling in the pouring rain. It is going to seriously take some time to dry off.

He took a reluctant glimpse upwards at Kamoturo, wondering if he happened to have eavesdropped on his own personal thoughts. As far as he could tell there was nothing of concern. Who could possibly know, for Kamoturo had a keen ability to hide emotions. He would just need to wait for some unexpected moment to spring up before Kamoturo would pounce on Kalirilo and put him on the spot with an issue not to his liking.

Kamoturo could see all through his emotionless eyes of white, soullessly searching the skies. The lightning could be seen streaking along, displaying its intimidating glory; its godly wrath piercing the land below, devastation left in its wake. He could also hear the thunder rumbling above, rolling from one thunder cloud to the next through his long floppy bunny ears.

Not in any way, shape or form are they to be considered cute. As for feeling the rain, the fur speaks for itself. I might as well be swimming in the pond just to my side. Taking just a second longer, he caught sight of the eerie luminescent glow from the bay tower. Every night the same glow, everlasting with not a sign of dissipation. There will be a way, there is no doubt.

Hey Kamoturo, what's wrong, you never let your guard down this soon. Kalirilo would not receive an answer for a response meant that he was right. But in retrospect, not responding meant that it was also true. Either way, he was not himself.

Kamoturo halted and turned his focus into the rippling pond water. Only a distorted reflection could be seen; the monster he had chosen to become. With realization in hand, sympathy was unnecessary and undesired. He had all but given up on such feelings. There was nothing he didn't get and there wasn't anything stopping him from getting anything he wished. Right now, the only thing I need is to get out of this rain. He bowed his head, his lengthy demonic horns facing perpendicular to the ground beneath him. He slowly advanced his position almost strategically. These newly acquired visitors of ours may be a problem though.

What do you say Kalirilo, should we do this one more time? He urged his miniature companion to agree. He shifted his eyes towards Kalirilo and saw that anxious nod. Now what were you saying about last time. If anything happens you are partly responsible for the blame.

Kalirilo could only shrug. Guilty as charged. Not something he enjoyed, especially the torture from Akora. By the gods, the horrible humility he would have to endure. At least he wouldn't be the only one who would face the same traumatizing fate. Bear with me for a moment, just going for the dramatics.

Here we go. With his head still bowed and horns seemingly battle ready he strategically stalked his prey. Let's hope I don't get hurt by doing this. Next came the illusion, the part where one looks larger than what they appear. Tension built within his tattered wings and his furry arms tingled with anticipation, talons painfully aching for flesh. Last but not least was the final magical touch, compliments of Kalirilo's magnificent special effects. Every step deadly silent. Ten... nine... eight... seven... six...

He spread his wings wide open and his feet began floating above the ground, horns positioned forward. Five... four... three... two... His arms stretched open, talons extended outward. One... ZERO... Bright light shined across his figure, marking his grand arrival...


< Message edited by Frenetic Raptor -- 6/22/2010 15:04:21 >
Post #: 114
6/15/2010 23:56:33   

Woh, you've some darned good writing there, FR. What was that from?

Also, just thought to mention it, but you really don't need to provide an entire history of your race in your bio. I mean, it's interesting and all, but providing an elaborate history is a bit overkill, don't you think? Especially with something so broad as race? I think just a small description would be fine. That's just what I think, you can do whatever floats your boat. :)

*yawns* G'night all, cya tomorrow.

< Message edited by ont -- 6/15/2010 23:59:40 >
Post #: 115
6/15/2010 23:59:18   
Ronin Of Dreams
Still Watching...


Seems to be pretty low turnout, though probably not as low as last year's, IIRC. I hope not as many people drop out in the dropoffs, that'd be depressing.

Actually, we had plenty in the applications phase, and the pace this year looks to match last year's if it sustains itself. Last year just had far more idle drops and no shows. As for arenas, it is wholly within the judge's decision to choose any of them to take a break if there aren't enough applicants...though I doubt that'll be necessary.
AQ  Post #: 116
6/16/2010 0:40:42   

Oh, 'till the 23rd? Well, then I have plenty of time to put something together. Gotta think of a unique weapon though, with this many people participating, I can't just have a cinquedea and a shortbow. I mean, I will probably have a cinquedea, but some other original weapon. Or slightly less original one. Like a razor whip or something... <.< >.>

Anyways, bio hopefully up by the deadline.
DF AQW  Post #: 117
6/16/2010 2:03:33   
The Dragon Knight

@Tim - To give an addition example to Ronin and TD's explanation of how character concepts can be manipulated to fall within a certain elemental category, consider that there are some concepts that could potentially fall under multiple elements. A character that specializes in storms, for example, could fall beneath Wind, Water, or even Energy when you consider the possibility of lightning. The only sticking point is that, while that character may be able to summon up a terrible storm, depending on which element they serve they will only be able to make use of that primary element for the purpose of attacking or defending. A water user could try to drown their opponent in the torrential downpour, or turn the drops into watery spears. An energy warrior would likely try to manipulate the lightning. A wind user might whip up a hurricane and uses the debris caught within it to damage the opponents or, in an extreme case, use the THUNDER for a non-damaging lightning strike (such as sheet lightning) to create a shockwave.

As you can see, the concept is the same: Stormlord. To limit the power of the character you wouldn't be able to use all of those abilities in the EC, just the ones that apply to your element. So if you can think of a way to make Bacon work as a primary elemental ability, go for it. Or make a darkness character that uses the Element of Surprise to attack his foes from the shadows. Who knows? Use your imagination.
AQ  Post #: 118
6/16/2010 8:50:09   

Mail Moogle of AdventureQuest

Clyde, you forgot my character, it's been approved now that I made the modifications. Silleh Silleh Clyde.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 119
6/16/2010 16:43:11   

Thanks guys. And yeah, I'm sticking with the element of surprise... and darkness <3
MQ  Post #: 120
6/16/2010 17:30:17   

At this rate, SH is going to be water champion by default.
Post #: 121
6/16/2010 18:24:36   

Hmm then I might as well do a Water Character ;D
Post #: 122
6/16/2010 18:49:25   

Would it be easier if I changed my element? Seeing as there are alot of Earth characters.

I'll elaborate on the abilities after I know whether or not to change element! :)
AQ  Post #: 123
6/16/2010 19:05:41   
The Dragon Knight

There's no need to change an element. There are people who are waiting to see which element has the least number of entrants before creating a bio so that they can even out the playing field. Just enter what you want, the other elements will take care of themselves.
AQ  Post #: 124
6/16/2010 19:11:44   

No need lycan. I'm sure Clyde will agree with me when I say we're doing exactly what TDK alluded to ;D
Post #: 125
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