Alright, so it wouldn't be fair for the people who brought it, but it's okay to leave out other paying customers, who live in a different time zone & have other things to do in life. Got it. Cinderella, I don't want to flame you or anyone, but when it's my money in this game & I'm getting treated like crap, then flame on.. It should of always been a LTS, not LQS. These items are not skins & when paying players have to fight over a varium amour, which we all should be able to get, it's just wrong. Andy, read my posts, I never exactly say I was the only one, I even stated I'm doing this for myself & other varium players. So, cause I didn't see you 'Rampage on the forums', means? I'm not you & you ain't me, we are two different people. 'Good things happen to those that are patient.' I doubt it .=/