Lv 1000
New suggestion: 2 misc items, each with 2 variants (so 4 miscs) (Arcane) VoidCaster Spirit quote:
Fire Misc Item Grants Fire resistance (similar to what Irt of Osiris does), and STR/CHA/LUK (INT/CHA/LUK for Arcane) MC: Compresses a toggle. While active, all player weapon attacks, specials and spells to deal (200/1.3*0.85*1.4*0.45*0.8) = -35% melee (-46.7% for magic) and have a 50*[Hits/Attempts]% chance to attempt to inflict Thermal Shock for 1 turn. This has a +5 save bonus, player [WeaponStat]/LUK vs. mob END/LUK. (Arcane) DarkCaster Spiritquote:
Ice Misc Item Grants Ice resistance (similar to what Irt of Osiris does), and STR/CHA/LUK (INT/CHA/LUK for Arcane) MC: Compresses a toggle. While active, all player weapon attacks, specials and spells to deal (200/1.3*0.85*1.4*0.45*0.8) = -35% melee (-46.7% for magic) and have a 50*[Hits/Attempts]% chance to attempt to inflict Freeze for 1 turn. This has a +5 save bonus, player [WeaponStat]/LUK vs. mob END/LUK.
< Message edited by Lv 1000 -- 1/8/2022 12:48:48 >